Teo Camarasu 9580b6ffb3
Disallow NULL characters in Hedgehog generated text values (#339)
These are not permitted by postgresql and they lead to a runtime error.
2024-08-07 13:54:55 +00:00

1094 lines
35 KiB

{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language DerivingVia #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
module Main
( main
-- base
import Control.Applicative ( empty, liftA2, liftA3 )
import Control.Exception ( bracket, throwIO )
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Bifunctor ( bimap )
import Data.Fixed (Fixed (MkFixed))
import Data.Foldable ( for_ )
import Data.Fixed (Centi)
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Int ( Int32, Int64 )
import Data.List ( nub, sort )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.String ( fromString )
import Data.Word (Word32, Word8)
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Prelude hiding (truncate)
-- bytestring
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
-- case-insensitive
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( mk )
-- containers
import Data.Containers.ListUtils ( nubOrdOn )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-- hasql
import Hasql.Connection ( Connection, acquire, release )
import Hasql.Session ( sql, run )
-- hasql-transaction
import Hasql.Transaction ( Transaction, condemn, statement )
import qualified Hasql.Transaction.Sessions as Hasql
-- hedgehog
import Hedgehog ( property, (===), forAll, cover, diff, evalM, PropertyT, TestT, test, Gen )
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
-- mmorph
import Control.Monad.Morph ( hoist )
-- network-ip
import Network.IP.Addr (NetAddr, IP, IP4(..), IP6(..), IP46(..), net4Addr, net6Addr, fromNetAddr46, Net4Addr, Net6Addr)
import Data.DoubleWord (Word128(..))
-- rel8
import Rel8 ( Result )
import qualified Rel8
-- scientific
import Data.Scientific ( Scientific )
-- tasty
import Test.Tasty
-- tasty-hedgehog
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog ( testProperty )
-- text
import Data.Text ( Text, pack, unpack )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy
import Data.Text.Encoding ( decodeUtf8 )
-- time
import Data.Time
-- transformers
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift )
-- tmp-postgres
import qualified Database.Postgres.Temp as TmpPostgres
-- uuid
import qualified Data.UUID
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests =
withResource startTestDatabase stopTestDatabase \getTestDatabase ->
testGroup "rel8"
[ testSelectTestTable getTestDatabase
, testWithStatement getTestDatabase
, testWhere_ getTestDatabase
, testFilter getTestDatabase
, testLimit getTestDatabase
, testUnion getTestDatabase
, testDistinct getTestDatabase
, testExists getTestDatabase
, testOptional getTestDatabase
, testAnd getTestDatabase
, testOr getTestDatabase
, testNot getTestDatabase
, testBool getTestDatabase
, testAp getTestDatabase
, testDBType getTestDatabase
, testDBEq getTestDatabase
, testTableEquality getTestDatabase
, testFromRational getTestDatabase
, testFromString getTestDatabase
, testCatMaybeTable getTestDatabase
, testCatMaybe getTestDatabase
, testMaybeTable getTestDatabase
, testAggregateMaybeTable getTestDatabase
, testNestedTables getTestDatabase
, testMaybeTableApplicative getTestDatabase
, testLogicalFixities getTestDatabase
, testUpdate getTestDatabase
, testDelete getTestDatabase
, testUpsert getTestDatabase
, testSelectNestedPairs getTestDatabase
, testSelectArray getTestDatabase
, testNestedMaybeTable getTestDatabase
, testEvaluate getTestDatabase
startTestDatabase = do
db <- TmpPostgres.start >>= either throwIO return
bracket (either (error . show) return =<< acquire (TmpPostgres.toConnectionString db)) release \conn -> void do
flip run conn do
sql "CREATE TABLE test_table ( column1 text not null, column2 bool not null )"
sql "CREATE TABLE unique_table ( \"key\" text not null unique, \"value\" text not null )"
sql "CREATE SEQUENCE test_seq"
sql "CREATE TYPE composite AS (\"bool\" bool, \"char\" char, \"array\" int4[])"
return db
stopTestDatabase = TmpPostgres.stop
connect :: TmpPostgres.DB -> IO Connection
connect = acquire . TmpPostgres.toConnectionString >=> either (maybe empty (fail . unpack . decodeUtf8)) pure
:: TestName
-> ((TestT Transaction () -> PropertyT IO ()) -> PropertyT IO ())
-> IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
databasePropertyTest testName f getTestDatabase =
withResource (connect =<< getTestDatabase) release $ \c ->
testProperty testName $ property do
connection <- lift c
f $ test . hoist \m -> do
e <- run (Hasql.transaction Hasql.Serializable Hasql.Write (m <* condemn)) connection
either throwIO pure e
data TestTable f = TestTable
{ testTableColumn1 :: Rel8.Column f Text
, testTableColumn2 :: Rel8.Column f Bool
deriving stock Generic
deriving anyclass Rel8.Rel8able
deriving stock instance Eq (TestTable Result)
deriving stock instance Ord (TestTable Result)
deriving stock instance Show (TestTable Result)
testTableSchema :: Rel8.TableSchema (TestTable Rel8.Name)
testTableSchema =
{ name = "test_table"
, columns = TestTable
{ testTableColumn1 = "column1"
, testTableColumn2 = "column2"
testSelectTestTable :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testSelectTestTable = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT TestTable" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run_ $ Rel8.insert Rel8.Insert
{ into = testTableSchema
, rows = Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
, onConflict = Rel8.DoNothing
, returning = Rel8.NoReturning
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.each testTableSchema
sort selected === sort rows
cover 1 "Empty" $ null rows
cover 1 "Singleton" $ null $ drop 1 rows
cover 1 ">1 row" $ not $ null $ drop 1 rows
testWhere_ :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testWhere_ = databasePropertyTest "WHERE (Rel8.where_)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) genTestTable
magicBool <- forAll Gen.bool
let expected = filter (\t -> testTableColumn2 t == magicBool) rows
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
t <- Rel8.values $ Rel8.lit <$> rows
Rel8.where_ $ testTableColumn2 t Rel8.==. Rel8.lit magicBool
return t
sort selected === sort expected
cover 1 "No results" $ null expected
cover 1 "Some results" $ not $ null expected
cover 1 "All results" $ expected == rows
testFilter :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testFilter = databasePropertyTest "filter" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) genTestTable
transaction do
let expected = filter testTableColumn2 rows
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.filter testTableColumn2 =<< Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows)
sort selected === sort expected
cover 1 "No results" $ null expected
cover 1 "Some results" $ not $ null expected
cover 1 "All results" $ expected == rows
testLimit :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testLimit = databasePropertyTest "LIMIT (Rel8.limit)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) genTestTable
n <- forAll $ Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 10)
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.limit n $ Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows)
diff (length selected) (<=) (fromIntegral n)
for_ selected \row ->
diff row elem rows
cover 1 "n == 0" $ n == 0
cover 1 "n < length rows" $ fromIntegral n < length rows
cover 1 "n == length rows" $ fromIntegral n == length rows
cover 1 "n >= length rows" $ fromIntegral n >= length rows
testUnion :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testUnion = databasePropertyTest "UNION (Rel8.union)" \transaction -> evalM do
left <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable
right <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> nub left) `Rel8.union` Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> nub right)
sort selected === sort (nub (left ++ right))
testDistinct :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testDistinct = databasePropertyTest "DISTINCT (Rel8.distinct)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.distinct do
Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows)
sort selected === nub (sort rows)
cover 1 "Empty" $ null rows
cover 1 "Duplicates" $ not (null rows) && rows /= nub rows
cover 1 "No duplicates" $ not (null rows) && rows == nub rows
testExists :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testExists = databasePropertyTest "EXISTS (Rel8.exists)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable
transaction do
exists <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
Rel8.exists $ Rel8.values $ Rel8.lit <$> rows
case rows of
[] -> exists === False
_ -> exists === True
testOptional :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testOptional = databasePropertyTest "Rel8.optional" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.optional $ Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows)
case rows of
[] -> selected === [Nothing]
_ -> sort selected === fmap Just (sort rows)
testAnd :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testAnd = databasePropertyTest "AND (&&.)" \transaction -> do
(x, y) <- forAll $ liftA2 (,) Gen.bool Gen.bool
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ Rel8.lit x Rel8.&&. Rel8.lit y
result === (x && y)
testOr :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testOr = databasePropertyTest "OR (||.)" \transaction -> do
(x, y) <- forAll $ liftA2 (,) Gen.bool Gen.bool
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ $ pure $
Rel8.lit x Rel8.||. Rel8.lit y
result === (x || y)
testLogicalFixities :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testLogicalFixities = databasePropertyTest "Logical operator fixities" \transaction -> do
(u, v, w, x) <- forAll $ (,,,) <$> Gen.bool <*> Gen.bool <*> Gen.bool <*> Gen.bool
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ Rel8.lit u Rel8.||. Rel8.lit v Rel8.&&. Rel8.lit w Rel8.==. Rel8.lit x
result === (u || v && w == x)
testNot :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testNot = databasePropertyTest "NOT (not_)" \transaction -> do
x <- forAll Gen.bool
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ Rel8.not_ $ Rel8.lit x
result === not x
testBool :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testBool = databasePropertyTest "ifThenElse_" \transaction -> do
(x, y, z) <- forAll $ liftA3 (,,) Gen.bool Gen.bool Gen.bool
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ Rel8.bool (Rel8.lit z) (Rel8.lit y) (Rel8.lit x)
result === if x then y else z
testAp :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testAp = databasePropertyTest "Cartesian product (<*>)" \transaction -> do
(rows1, rows2) <- forAll $
liftA2 (,)
(Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) genTestTable)
(Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) genTestTable)
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
liftA2 (,) (Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows1)) (Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows2))
sort result === sort (liftA2 (,) rows1 rows2)
data Composite = Composite
{ bool :: !Bool
, char :: !Char
, array :: ![Int32]
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Rel8.DBType) via Rel8.Composite Composite
instance Rel8.DBComposite Composite where
compositeTypeName = "composite"
compositeFields = Rel8.namesFromLabels
-- | Postgres doesn't support the NULL character (not to be confused with a NULL value) inside strings.
removeNull :: Text -> Text
removeNull = T.filter (/='\0')
testDBType :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testDBType getTestDatabase = testGroup "DBType instances"
[ dbTypeTest "Bool" Gen.bool
, dbTypeTest "ByteString" $ Gen.bytes (Range.linear 0 128)
, dbTypeTest "CalendarDiffTime" genCalendarDiffTime
, dbTypeTest "CI Lazy Text" $ mk . Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict . removeNull <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbTypeTest "CI Text" $ mk .removeNull <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbTypeTest "Composite" genComposite
, dbTypeTest "Day" genDay
, dbTypeTest "Double" $ (/ 10) . fromIntegral @Int @Double <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear (-100) 100)
, dbTypeTest "Fixed" $ toEnum @Centi <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear (-10000) 10000)
, dbTypeTest "Float" $ (/ 10) . fromIntegral @Int @Float <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear (-100) 100)
, dbTypeTest "Int32" $ Gen.integral @_ @Int32 Range.linearBounded
, dbTypeTest "Int64" $ Gen.integral @_ @Int64 Range.linearBounded
, dbTypeTest "Lazy ByteString" $ Data.ByteString.Lazy.fromStrict <$> Gen.bytes (Range.linear 0 128)
, dbTypeTest "Lazy Text" $ Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict . removeNull <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbTypeTest "LocalTime" genLocalTime
, dbTypeTest "Scientific" $ (/ 10) . fromIntegral @Int @Scientific <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear (-100) 100)
, dbTypeTest "Text" $ removeNull <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbTypeTest "TimeOfDay" genTimeOfDay
, dbTypeTest "UTCTime" $ UTCTime <$> genDay <*> genDiffTime
, dbTypeTest "UUID" $ Data.UUID.fromWords <$> genWord32 <*> genWord32 <*> genWord32 <*> genWord32
, dbTypeTest "INet" genNetAddrIP
dbTypeTest :: (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.DBType a, Rel8.ToExprs (Rel8.Expr a) a) => TestName -> Gen a -> TestTree
dbTypeTest name generator = testGroup name
[ databasePropertyTest name (t generator) getTestDatabase
, databasePropertyTest ("Maybe " <> name) (t (Gen.maybe generator)) getTestDatabase
t :: forall a b. (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.Sql Rel8.DBType a, Rel8.ToExprs (Rel8.Expr a) a)
=> Gen a
-> (TestT Transaction () -> PropertyT IO b)
-> PropertyT IO b
t generator transaction = do
x <- forAll generator
y <- forAll generator
xss <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) generator)
xsss <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) generator))
transaction do
res <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure (Rel8.litExpr x)
diff res (==) x
res' <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ $ Rel8.many $ Rel8.many do
Rel8.values [Rel8.litExpr x, Rel8.litExpr y]
diff res' (==) [[x, y]]
res3 <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ $ Rel8.many $ Rel8.many $ Rel8.many do
Rel8.values [Rel8.litExpr x, Rel8.litExpr y]
diff res3 (==) [[[x, y]]]
res'' <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
xs <- Rel8.catListTable (Rel8.listTable [Rel8.listTable [Rel8.litExpr x, Rel8.litExpr y]])
Rel8.catListTable xs
diff res'' (==) [x, y]
res''' <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
xss' <- Rel8.catListTable (Rel8.listTable [Rel8.listTable [Rel8.listTable [Rel8.litExpr x, Rel8.litExpr y]]])
xs <- Rel8.catListTable xss'
Rel8.catListTable xs
diff res''' (==) [x, y]
res'''' <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ $
Rel8.aggregate Rel8.listCatExpr $
Rel8.values $ map Rel8.litExpr xss
diff res'''' (==) (concat xss)
res''''' <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ $
Rel8.aggregate Rel8.listCatExpr $
Rel8.values $ map Rel8.litExpr xsss
diff res''''' (==) (concat xsss)
genComposite :: Gen Composite
genComposite = do
bool <- Gen.bool
char <- Gen.unicode
array <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (Gen.int32 (Range.linear (-10000) 10000))
pure Composite {..}
genDay :: Gen Day
genDay = do
year <- Gen.integral (Range.linear 1970 3000)
month <- Gen.integral (Range.linear 1 12)
day <- Gen.integral (Range.linear 1 31)
Gen.just $ pure $ fromGregorianValid year month day
genCalendarDiffTime :: Gen CalendarDiffTime
genCalendarDiffTime = do
-- hardcoded to 0 because Hasql's 'interval' decoder needs to return a
-- CalendarDiffTime for this to be properly round-trippable
months <- pure 0 -- Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 120)
diffTime <- secondsToNominalDiffTime . MkFixed . (* 1000000) <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 2147483647999999)
pure $ CalendarDiffTime months diffTime
genDiffTime :: Gen DiffTime
genDiffTime = secondsToDiffTime <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 86401)
genTimeOfDay :: Gen TimeOfDay
genTimeOfDay = do
hour <- Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 23)
minute <- Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 59)
sec <- fromIntegral @Int <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 59)
Gen.just $ pure $ makeTimeOfDayValid hour minute sec
genLocalTime = LocalTime <$> genDay <*> genTimeOfDay
genWord32 :: Gen Word32
genWord32 = Gen.integral Range.linearBounded
genWord128 :: Gen Word128
genWord128 = Gen.integral Range.linearBounded
genNetAddrIP :: Gen (NetAddr IP)
genNetAddrIP =
genIP4Mask :: Gen Word8
genIP4Mask = Gen.integral (Range.linearFrom 0 0 32)
genIPv4 :: Gen (IP46 Net4Addr Net6Addr)
genIPv4 = IPv4 <$> (liftA2 net4Addr (IP4 <$> genWord32) genIP4Mask)
genIP6Mask :: Gen Word8
genIP6Mask = Gen.integral (Range.linearFrom 0 0 128)
genIPv6 :: Gen (IP46 Net4Addr Net6Addr)
genIPv6 = IPv6 <$> (liftA2 net6Addr (IP6 <$> genWord128) genIP6Mask)
in fromNetAddr46 <$> Gen.choice [ genIPv4, genIPv6 ]
testDBEq :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testDBEq getTestDatabase = testGroup "DBEq instances"
[ dbEqTest "Bool" Gen.bool
, dbEqTest "Int32" $ Gen.integral @_ @Int32 Range.linearBounded
, dbEqTest "Int64" $ Gen.integral @_ @Int64 Range.linearBounded
, dbEqTest "Text" $ Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
dbEqTest :: (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.DBEq a) => TestName -> Gen a -> TestTree
dbEqTest name generator = testGroup name
[ databasePropertyTest name (t generator) getTestDatabase
, databasePropertyTest ("Maybe " <> name) (t (Gen.maybe generator)) getTestDatabase
t :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.Sql Rel8.DBEq a)
=> Gen a
-> (TestT Transaction () -> PropertyT IO ())
-> PropertyT IO ()
t generator transaction = do
(x, y) <- forAll (liftA2 (,) generator generator)
transaction do
res <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ Rel8.litExpr x Rel8.==. Rel8.litExpr y
res === (x == y)
testTableEquality :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testTableEquality = databasePropertyTest "TestTable equality" \transaction -> do
(x, y) <- forAll $ liftA2 (,) genTestTable genTestTable
transaction do
eq <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ Rel8.lit x Rel8.==: Rel8.lit y
eq === (x == y)
testFromRational :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testFromRational = databasePropertyTest "fromRational" \transaction -> do
numerator <- forAll $ Gen.int64 Range.linearBounded
denominator <- forAll $ Gen.int64 $ Range.linear 1 maxBound
rational = toInteger numerator % toInteger denominator
double = fromRational @Double rational
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ fromRational rational
diff result (~=) double
wholeDigits x = fromIntegral $ length $ show $ round x
-- A Double gives us between 15-17 decimal digits of precision.
-- It's tempting to say that two numbers are equal if they differ by less than 1e15.
-- But this doesn't hold.
-- The precision is split between the whole numer part and the decimal part of the number.
-- For instance, a number between 10 and 99 only has around 13 digits of precision in its decimal part.
-- Postgres and Haskell show differing amounts of digits in these cases,
a ~= b = abs (a - b) < 10**(-15 + wholeDigits a)
infix 4 ~=
testFromString :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testFromString = databasePropertyTest "fromString" \transaction -> do
str <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
transaction do
result <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
pure $ fromString str
result === pack str
testCatMaybeTable :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testCatMaybeTable = databasePropertyTest "catMaybeTable" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
testTable <- Rel8.values $ Rel8.lit <$> rows
Rel8.catMaybeTable $ Rel8.bool Rel8.nothingTable (pure testTable) (testTableColumn2 testTable)
sort selected === sort (filter testTableColumn2 rows)
testCatMaybe :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testCatMaybe = databasePropertyTest "catMaybe" \transaction -> evalM do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $ Gen.maybe Gen.bool
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.catNull =<< Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
sort selected === sort (catMaybes rows)
testMaybeTable :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testMaybeTable = databasePropertyTest "maybeTable" \transaction -> evalM do
(rows, def) <- forAll $ liftA2 (,) (Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) genTestTable) genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.maybeTable (Rel8.lit def) id <$> Rel8.optional (Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows))
case rows of
[] -> selected === [def]
_ -> sort selected === sort rows
testAggregateMaybeTable :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testAggregateMaybeTable = databasePropertyTest "aggregateMaybeTable" \transaction -> evalM do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) (Gen.maybe (Gen.int64 (Range.linear 0 10)))
aggregate = go 0 False False
go !n nothing _ (Just a : as) = go (n + a) nothing True as
go n _ just (Nothing : as) = go n True just as
go _ False False [] = []
go _ True False [] = [Nothing]
go n False True [] = [Just n]
go n True True [] = [Nothing, Just n]
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.aggregate1 (Rel8.aggregateMaybeTable Rel8.sum) $ Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows)
sort selected === aggregate rows
data TwoTestTables f =
{ testTable1 :: TestTable f
, testTable2 :: TestTable f
deriving stock Generic
deriving anyclass Rel8.Rel8able
deriving stock instance Eq (TwoTestTables Result)
deriving stock instance Ord (TwoTestTables Result)
deriving stock instance Show (TwoTestTables Result)
testNestedTables :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testNestedTables = databasePropertyTest "Nested TestTables" \transaction -> evalM do
rows <- forAll do
Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $
liftA2 TwoTestTables genTestTable genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows)
sort selected === sort rows
testMaybeTableApplicative :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testMaybeTableApplicative = databasePropertyTest "MaybeTable (<*>)" \transaction -> evalM do
rows1 <- genRows
rows2 <- genRows
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
as <- Rel8.optional (Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows1))
bs <- Rel8.optional (Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> rows2))
pure $ liftA2 (,) as bs
case (rows1, rows2) of
([], []) -> selected === [Nothing]
([], bs) -> selected === (Nothing <$ bs)
(as, []) -> selected === (Nothing <$ as)
(as, bs) -> sort selected === sort (Just <$> liftA2 (,) as bs)
genRows :: PropertyT IO [TestTable Result]
genRows = forAll do
Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $ liftA2 TestTable (Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode) (pure True)
genTestTable :: Gen (TestTable Result)
genTestTable = do
testTableColumn1 <- Gen.text (Range.linear 0 5) Gen.alphaNum
testTableColumn2 <- Gen.bool
return TestTable{..}
testUpdate :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testUpdate = databasePropertyTest "Can UPDATE TestTable" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 5) $ liftA2 (,) genTestTable genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run_ $ Rel8.insert Rel8.Insert
{ into = testTableSchema
, rows = Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit $ Map.keys rows
, onConflict = Rel8.DoNothing
, returning = Rel8.NoReturning
statement () $ Rel8.run_ $ Rel8.update Rel8.Update
{ target = testTableSchema
, from = pure ()
, set = \_ r ->
let updates = map (bimap Rel8.lit Rel8.lit) $ Map.toList rows
( \e (x, y) ->
( testTableColumn1 r Rel8.==. testTableColumn1 x Rel8.&&.
testTableColumn2 r Rel8.==. testTableColumn2 x
, updateWhere = \_ _ -> Rel8.lit True
, returning = Rel8.NoReturning
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.each testTableSchema
sort selected === sort (Map.elems rows)
cover 1 "Empty" $ null rows
cover 1 "Singleton" $ null $ drop 1 $ Map.keys rows
cover 1 ">1 row" $ not $ null $ drop 1 $ Map.keys rows
testDelete :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testDelete = databasePropertyTest "Can DELETE TestTable" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 5) genTestTable
transaction do
(deleted, selected) <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run_ $ Rel8.insert Rel8.Insert
{ into = testTableSchema
, rows = Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
, onConflict = Rel8.DoNothing
, returning = Rel8.NoReturning
deleted <- statement () $ $ Rel8.delete Rel8.Delete
{ from = testTableSchema
, using = pure ()
, deleteWhere = const testTableColumn2
, returning = Rel8.Returning id
selected <- statement () $ $ do
Rel8.each testTableSchema
pure (deleted, selected)
sort (deleted <> selected) === sort rows
testWithStatement :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testWithStatement genTestDatabase =
testGroup "WITH"
[ selectUnionInsert genTestDatabase
, rowsAffectedNoReturning genTestDatabase
, rowsAffectedReturing genTestDatabase
, pureQuery genTestDatabase
selectUnionInsert =
databasePropertyTest "Can UNION results of SELECT with results of INSERT" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) genTestTable
transaction do
rows' <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
values <- $ Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
inserted <- Rel8.insert $ Rel8.Insert
{ into = testTableSchema
, rows = values
, onConflict = Rel8.DoNothing
, returning = Rel8.Returning id
pure $ values <> inserted
sort rows' === sort (rows <> rows)
rowsAffectedNoReturning =
databasePropertyTest "Can read rows affected from INSERT without RETURNING" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) genTestTable
transaction do
affected <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.runN $ do
Rel8.insert $ Rel8.Insert
{ into = testTableSchema
, rows = Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
, onConflict = Rel8.DoNothing
, returning = Rel8.NoReturning
length rows === fromIntegral affected
rowsAffectedReturing =
databasePropertyTest "Can read rows affected from INSERT with RETURNING" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) genTestTable
transaction do
affected <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.runN $ void $ do
Rel8.insert $ Rel8.Insert
{ into = testTableSchema
, rows = Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
, onConflict = Rel8.DoNothing
, returning = Rel8.Returning id
length rows === fromIntegral affected
pureQuery =
databasePropertyTest "Can read pure Query" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 50) genTestTable
transaction do
rows' <- lift do
statement () $ $ pure do
Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
sort rows === sort rows'
data UniqueTable f = UniqueTable
{ uniqueTableKey :: Rel8.Column f Text
, uniqueTableValue :: Rel8.Column f Text
deriving stock Generic
deriving anyclass Rel8.Rel8able
deriving stock instance Eq (UniqueTable Result)
deriving stock instance Ord (UniqueTable Result)
deriving stock instance Show (UniqueTable Result)
uniqueTableSchema :: Rel8.TableSchema (UniqueTable Rel8.Name)
uniqueTableSchema =
{ name = "unique_table"
, columns = UniqueTable
{ uniqueTableKey = "key"
, uniqueTableValue = "value"
genUniqueTable :: Gen (UniqueTable Result)
genUniqueTable = do
uniqueTableKey <- Gen.text (Range.linear 0 5) Gen.alphaNum
uniqueTableValue <- Gen.text (Range.linear 0 5) Gen.alphaNum
pure UniqueTable {..}
testUpsert :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testUpsert = databasePropertyTest "Can UPSERT UniqueTable" \transaction -> do
as <- unique $ forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 20) genUniqueTable
bs <- unique $ forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 20) genUniqueTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run_ $ Rel8.insert Rel8.Insert
{ into = uniqueTableSchema
, rows = Rel8.values $ Rel8.lit <$> as
, onConflict = Rel8.DoNothing
, returning = Rel8.NoReturning
statement () $ Rel8.run_ $ Rel8.insert Rel8.Insert
{ into = uniqueTableSchema
, rows = Rel8.values $ Rel8.lit <$> bs
, onConflict = Rel8.DoUpdate Rel8.Upsert
{ index = uniqueTableKey
, predicate = Nothing
, set = \UniqueTable {uniqueTableValue} old -> old {uniqueTableValue}
, updateWhere = \_ _ -> Rel8.true
, returning = Rel8.NoReturning
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.each uniqueTableSchema
fromUniqueTables selected === fromUniqueTables bs <> fromUniqueTables as
unique = fmap (nubOrdOn uniqueTableKey)
fromUniqueTables = Map.fromList . map \(UniqueTable key value) -> (key, value)
newtype HKNestedPair f = HKNestedPair { pairOne :: (TestTable f, TestTable f) }
deriving stock Generic
deriving anyclass Rel8.Rel8able
deriving stock instance Eq (HKNestedPair Result)
deriving stock instance Ord (HKNestedPair Result)
deriving stock instance Show (HKNestedPair Result)
testSelectNestedPairs :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testSelectNestedPairs = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT nested pairs" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $ HKNestedPair <$> liftA2 (,) genTestTable genTestTable
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
sort selected === sort rows
testSelectArray :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testSelectArray = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT Arrays (with aggregation)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) Gen.bool
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
Rel8.many $ Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
selected === rows
selected' <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
a <- Rel8.catListTable =<< do
Rel8.many $ Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
b <- Rel8.catListTable =<< do
Rel8.many $ Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
pure (a, b)
selected' === liftA2 (,) rows rows
data NestedMaybeTable f = NestedMaybeTable
{ nmt1 :: Rel8.Column f Bool
, nmt2 :: Rel8.HMaybe f (TestTable f)
deriving stock Generic
deriving anyclass Rel8.Rel8able
deriving stock instance Eq (NestedMaybeTable Result)
deriving stock instance Ord (NestedMaybeTable Result)
deriving stock instance Show (NestedMaybeTable Result)
testNestedMaybeTable :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testNestedMaybeTable = databasePropertyTest "Can nest MaybeTable within other tables" \transaction -> do
let example = NestedMaybeTable { nmt1 = True, nmt2 = Just (TestTable "Hi" True) }
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ Rel8.run1 $ do
x <- Rel8.values [Rel8.lit example]
pure $ Rel8.maybeTable (Rel8.lit False) (\_ -> Rel8.lit True) (nmt2 x)
selected === True
testEvaluate :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testEvaluate = databasePropertyTest "evaluate has the evaluation order we expect" \transaction -> do
transaction do
selected <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
x <- Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> ['a', 'b', 'c'])
y <- Rel8.evaluate (Rel8.nextval "test_seq")
pure (x, (y, y))
normalize selected ===
[ ('a', (0, 0))
, ('b', (1, 1))
, ('c', (2, 2))
selected' <- lift do
statement () $ $ do
x <- Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> ['a', 'b', 'c'])
y <- Rel8.values (Rel8.lit <$> ['d', 'e', 'f'])
z <- Rel8.evaluate (Rel8.nextval "test_seq")
pure ((x, y), (z, z))
normalize selected' ===
[ (('a', 'd'), (0, 0))
, (('a', 'e'), (1, 1))
, (('a', 'f'), (2, 2))
, (('b', 'd'), (3, 3))
, (('b', 'e'), (4, 4))
, (('b', 'f'), (5, 5))
, (('c', 'd'), (6, 6))
, (('c', 'e'), (7, 7))
, (('c', 'f'), (8, 8))
normalize :: [(x, (Int64, Int64))] -> [(x, (Int64, Int64))]
normalize [] = []
normalize xs@((_, (i, _)) : _) = map (fmap (\(a, b) -> (a - i, b - i))) xs