Tidy main formatter selection in ArgParsing.hs

This commit is contained in:
Tom McLaughlin 2023-09-20 17:59:44 -07:00
parent eb3faba6af
commit 78529bd59f

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@ -235,29 +235,29 @@ addOptionsFromArgs baseOptions (CommandLineOptions {..}) = do
let failureReportFormatter = SomeFormatter $ defaultFailureReportFormatter { failureReportLogLevel = optLogLevel }
let silentFormatter = SomeFormatter defaultSilentFormatter
maybeMainFormatter <- case (optRepeatCount, optFormatter) of
(x, _) | x /= 1 -> return $ Just printFormatter
(_, Auto) ->
-- Formerly this tried to use the TUI formatter by default after checking isTuiFormatterSupported.
-- Unfortunately, this function returns true under "cabal test", which also redirects stdout. So
-- you end up with no output and a hanging process (until you hit 'q'; stdin is still attached).
-- Seems like the best default is just the print formatter.
return $ Just printFormatter
let mainFormatter = case (optRepeatCount, optFormatter) of
(x, _) | x /= 1 -> printFormatter
(_, Auto) ->
-- Formerly this tried to use the TUI formatter by default after checking isTuiFormatterSupported.
-- Unfortunately, this function returns true under "cabal test", which also redirects stdout. So
-- you end up with no output and a hanging process (until you hit 'q'; stdin is still attached).
-- Seems like the best default is just the print formatter.
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
(_, TUI) -> do
let mainTerminalUiFormatter = headMay [x | SomeFormatter (cast -> Just x@(TerminalUIFormatter {})) <- optionsFormatters baseOptions]
return $ Just $ SomeFormatter $ (fromMaybe defaultTerminalUIFormatter mainTerminalUiFormatter) { terminalUILogLevel = optLogLevel }
(_, TUI) ->
let mainTerminalUiFormatter = headMay [x | SomeFormatter (cast -> Just x@(TerminalUIFormatter {})) <- optionsFormatters baseOptions]
in SomeFormatter $ (fromMaybe defaultTerminalUIFormatter mainTerminalUiFormatter) { terminalUILogLevel = optLogLevel }
(_, Print) -> return $ Just printFormatter
(_, PrintFailures) -> return $ Just failureReportFormatter
(_, Silent) -> return $ Just silentFormatter
(_, Print) -> printFormatter
(_, PrintFailures) -> failureReportFormatter
(_, Silent) -> silentFormatter
-- Strip out any "main" formatters since the options control that
let baseFormatters = optionsFormatters baseOptions
& tryAddMarkdownSummaryFormatter optMarkdownSummaryPath
& filter (not . isMainFormatter)
let finalFormatters = baseFormatters <> catMaybes [maybeMainFormatter]
let finalFormatters = baseFormatters <> [mainFormatter]
& fmap (setVisibilityThreshold optVisibilityThreshold)
let options = baseOptions {