Add new matching engine (#127)

This commit is contained in:
Rijnard van Tonder 2019-11-03 00:57:02 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent adea33d153
commit 1aacf1c057
No known key found for this signature in database
49 changed files with 5405 additions and 166 deletions

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
| Some { delimiters; escape_character } -> delimiters ~f:(fun delimiter ->
let module M =
let delimiter = delimiter
let escape = escape_character
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
let raw_string_literal_parser (f : 'a literal_parser_callback) = Syntax.raw_string_literals ~f:(fun (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ->
let module M =
let left_delimiter = left_delimiter
let right_delimiter = right_delimiter
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct syntax ~f:(function
| Multiline (left, right) ->
let module M =
let left = left
let right = right
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
| Nested_multiline (left, right) ->
let module M =
let left = left
let right = right
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
| Until_newline start ->
let module M =
let start = start

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
(copy_files# alpha/*.ml{,i})
; (copy_files# omega/*.ml{,i})
(name matchers)
(public_name comby.matchers)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson bisect_ppx --conditional))
(libraries comby.parsers comby.match ppxlib core core.uuid mparser mparser.pcre yojson ppx_deriving_yojson))
(preprocess (pps ppx_here ppx_sexp_conv ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson bisect_ppx --conditional))
(libraries comby.parsers comby.match angstrom ppxlib core core.uuid mparser mparser.pcre yojson ppx_deriving_yojson))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
open Core
open Angstrom
open Types
open Omega
let configuration_ref = ref (Configuration.create ())
let matches_ref : Match.t list ref = ref []
let source_ref : string ref = ref ""
let current_environment_ref : Match.Environment.t ref = ref (Match.Environment.create ())
let (|>>) p f =
p >>= fun x -> return (f x)
let debug =
Sys.getenv "DEBUG_COMBY"
|> Option.is_some
type signal_hole =
| Signal_a_hole of Types.hole
| Dont_care
let record_match_context pos_before pos_after =
let open Match.Location in
if debug then Format.printf "match context start pos: %d@." pos_before;
if debug then Format.printf "match context end pos %d@." pos_after;
(* FIXME this may be slow. Try (a) collecting this
or (b) removing it by just doing a rewrite *)
let extract_matched_text source { offset = match_start; _ } { offset = match_end; _ } =
String.slice source match_start match_end
let match_context =
let match_start =
{ default with offset = pos_before }
let match_end =
{ default with offset = pos_after }
{ range = { match_start; match_end }
; environment = !current_environment_ref
; matched = extract_matched_text !source_ref match_start match_end
matches_ref := match_context :: !matches_ref
module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
include Info
(* This is the init we will pass in with a functor later *)
let acc = 0
(* This is the function we will pass in with a functor later *)
let f acc _production =
acc + 1
let r acc production : (signal_hole * 'a) t =
let open Match in
let open Range in
let acc = f acc production in
match production with
| String s ->
if debug then Format.printf "Matched String: %S@." s;
return (Dont_care, acc)
| Match { offset = pos_after; identifier; text = content } ->
(* using just pos after for now, because thats what we do in matcher. lol *)
if debug then Format.printf "Match: %S @@ %d for %s@." content pos_after identifier;
let before = Location.default in (* FIXME *)
let after = { Location.default with offset = pos_after } in
let range = { match_start = before; match_end = after } in
let environment = Environment.add ~range !current_environment_ref identifier content in
current_environment_ref := environment;
return (Dont_care, acc)
| _ -> return (Dont_care, acc)
let between left right p =
left *> p <* right
let zero =
fail ""
let comment_parser =
match Syntax.comments with
| [] -> zero
| syntax -> syntax ~f:(function
| Multiline (left, right) ->
let module M = Parsers.Comments.Omega.Multiline.Make(struct
let left = left
let right = right
| Until_newline start ->
let module M = Parsers.Comments.Omega.Until_newline.Make(struct
let start = start
| Nested_multiline (_, _) -> zero) (* FIXME unimplemented nested multiline comments *)
|> choice
let escapable_string_literal_parser =
(match Syntax.escapable_string_literals with
| None -> []
| Some { delimiters; escape_character } -> delimiters ~f:(fun delimiter ->
let module M =
let delimiter = delimiter
let escape = escape_character
M.base_string_literal >>= fun contents ->
(* FIXME figure out if we need to do the same callback thing here to communicate
forward that we entered a string *)
return contents
|> choice
let until_of_from from =
|> List.find_map ~f:(fun (from', until) -> if from = from' then Some until else None)
|> function
| Some until -> until
| None -> assert false
let alphanum =
satisfy (function
| 'a' .. 'z'
| 'A' .. 'Z'
| '0' .. '9' -> true
| _ -> false)
let is_whitespace = function
| ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> true
| _ -> false
let reserved_delimiters =
List.concat_map Syntax.user_defined_delimiters ~f:(fun (from, until) -> [from; until])
|> List.append [":["; "]"]
|> List.append [":[["; "]]"]
let reserved =
reserved_delimiters @ [" "; "\n"; "\t"; "\r"]
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun v2 v1 ->
String.length v1 - String.length v2)
(* XXX can shortcircuit *)
(* what if you hit a reserved
seqence "{" and then attempt
":[[" and then say "end of
input" and then move ahead any_char. not good.
going from longest to shortest works though *)
let any_char_except ~reserved =
List.fold reserved
~init:(return `OK)
~f:(fun acc reserved_sequence ->
option `End_of_input
(peek_string (String.length reserved_sequence)
>>= fun s ->
if s = reserved_sequence then
return `Reserved_sequence
>>= function
| `OK -> any_char
| `End_of_input -> any_char
| `Reserved_sequence -> fail "reserved sequence hit"
let generate_single_hole_parser () =
(alphanum <|> char '_') |>> String.of_char
let generate_greedy_hole_parser
() =
let between_nested_delims p from =
let until = until_of_from from in
between (string from) (string until) p
>>= fun result -> return (String.concat @@ [from] @ result @ [until])
let between_nested_delims p =
(match left_delimiter, right_delimiter with
| Some left_delimiter, Some right_delimiter -> [ (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ]
| _ -> Syntax.user_defined_delimiters)
|> ~f:fst
|> ~f:(between_nested_delims p)
|> choice
let reserved =
(match left_delimiter, right_delimiter with
| Some left_delimiter, Some right_delimiter -> [ (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ]
| _ -> Syntax.user_defined_delimiters)
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (from, until) -> [from; until])
fix (fun grammar ->
let delimsx = between_nested_delims (many grammar) in
let other = any_char_except ~reserved |>> String.of_char in
(* FIXME holes does not handle space here, but does in alpha *)
[ comment_parser
; escapable_string_literal_parser
; delimsx
; other
let cons x xs = x :: xs
let many_till p t =
fix (fun m -> (t *> return []) <|> (lift2 cons p m))
let many1_till p t =
lift2 cons p (many_till p t)
let sequence_chain (p_list : (signal_hole * 'a) t list) =
let i = ref 0 in
List.fold_right p_list ~init:(return (Dont_care, acc)) ~f:(fun p acc ->
let result =
if debug then Format.printf "iterate fold_right %d@." !i;
match parse_string p "_signal_hole" with
| Error _ ->
if debug then Format.printf "Composing p with terminating parser@.";
p *> acc
| Ok (f,user_state) ->
(*Format.printf "Ok.@.";*)
match f with
| Signal_a_hole (Alphanum (identifier, _)) ->
pos >>= fun pos_before ->
many1 (generate_single_hole_parser ())
>>= fun value ->
(* acc must come after in order to sat. try mimic alpha to better express this. *)
acc >>= fun _ ->
r user_state
{ offset = pos_before; identifier; text = (String.concat value) }
| Signal_a_hole (Everything (identifier, _dimension)) ->
if debug then Format.printf "do hole %s@." identifier;
let first_pos = Set_once.create () in
let pparser =
let until =
(* if this is the base case (the first time we go around the
loop backwards, when the first parser is a hole), then it
means there's a hole at the end without anything following
it in the template. So it should always match to
end_of_input (not empty string) *)
if !i = 0 then
(if debug then Format.printf "Yes this case@.";
(if debug then Format.printf "Yes this second case@.";
acc >>= fun _ -> return ())
(pos >>= fun pos -> Set_once.set_if_none first_pos [%here] pos;
generate_greedy_hole_parser ())
(pos >>= fun pos -> Set_once.set_if_none first_pos [%here] pos;
(* it may be that the many till for the first parser
succeeds on 'empty string', specifically in the :[1]:[2]
case for :[1]. We won't capture the pos of :[1] in the
first parser since it doesn't fire, so, so we have to
set the pos right before the until parser below, if that
happens. *)
) >>| String.concat
pparser >>= fun text ->
(*Format.printf "have results %d@." @@ List.length results;*)
let offset =
match Set_once.get first_pos with
| Some offset -> offset
| _ -> failwith "Did not expect unset offset"
{ offset
; identifier
; text
| _ -> assert false
i := !i + 1;
(** must have at least one, otherwise spins on
the empty string *)
let spaces1 =
satisfy is_whitespace >>= fun c ->
(* XXX use skip_while once everything works.
we don't need the string *)
take_while is_whitespace >>= fun s ->
return (Format.sprintf "%c%s" c s)
let spaces =
take_while is_whitespace >>= fun s ->
return s
(* XXX change ignore to unit once everything works.
right now it's the string that was parsed by spaces1 *)
let generate_spaces_parser _ignored =
(* XXX still some parts ignored in the choice case in Alpha *)
if debug then Format.printf "Template_spaces(%s)@." _ignored;
spaces1 *> many comment_parser <* spaces
>>= fun result -> r acc (String (String.concat result))
(** All code can have comments interpolated *)
let generate_string_token_parser str =
if debug then Format.printf "Template_string(%s)@." str;
many comment_parser
*> string str
*> many comment_parser
>>= fun result -> r acc (String (String.concat result))
let generate_single_hole_parser () =
(alphanum <|> char '_') |>> String.of_char
let skip_unit p =
p |>> ignore
let identifier_parser () =
many (alphanum <|> char '_')
|>> String.of_char_list
let single_hole_parser () =
string ":[[" *> identifier_parser () <* string "]]"
let greedy_hole_parser () =
string ":[" *> identifier_parser () <* string "]"
let many1_till p t =
let cons x xs = x::xs in
lift2 cons p (many_till p t)
let hole_parser sort dimension : (signal_hole * 'a) t t =
match sort with
| `Single ->
single_hole_parser () |>> fun id ->
skip_unit (string "_signal_hole") |>> fun () ->
(Signal_a_hole (Alphanum (id, dimension)), acc)
| `Greedy ->
greedy_hole_parser () |>> fun id ->
skip_unit (string "_signal_hole") |>> fun () ->
(Signal_a_hole (Everything (id, dimension)), acc)
let general_parser_generator : (signal_hole * 'a) t t =
fix (fun (generator : (signal_hole * 'a) t list t) ->
if debug then Format.printf "Descends@.";
let nested =
(* FIXME nested needs comments and string literals (or does it not
need one for string literals because we handle it in fix? Unsure,
couldn't come up with a CLI test. Check against test suite. *)
if debug then Format.printf "Nested@.";
|> ~f:(fun (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ->
(string left_delimiter
*> generator
<* string right_delimiter)
>>= fun (g: (signal_hole * 'a) t list) ->
if debug then Format.printf "G size: %d; delim %s@." (List.length g) left_delimiter;
(([string left_delimiter
>>= fun result -> r acc (String result)]
@ g
@ [ string right_delimiter
>>= fun result -> r acc (String result)])
|> return)
|> choice
let spaces : (signal_hole * 'a) t t= spaces1 |>> generate_spaces_parser in
let escapable_string_literal_parser : (signal_hole * 'a) t t =
>>| fun string_literal_contents ->
(* FIXME incomplete likely, may need info about delims. also, no hole
matching yet. *)
generate_string_token_parser string_literal_contents
let other =
(* XXX many1_till would be cool, but it also parses the thing that
causes it to fail, which i need restored. many_till is 'parse and
include the parse of the exception', whereas I want parse and
exclude the parse of the exception (hard to reintroduce ) *)
(many1_till (any_char >>= fun c -> Format.printf "parsed %c@." c;
return c) ( reserved ~f:string |> choice >>= fun x ->
Format.printf "Fail on %s@." x; return x) |>> fun s ->
Format.printf "Chars: %s@." @@ String.of_char_list s;
String.of_char_list s) *)
(many1 (any_char_except ~reserved) |>> String.of_char_list)
|>> fun x ->
if debug then Format.printf "Other: %s@." x;
generate_string_token_parser x
if debug then Format.printf "Many... @.";
(* can't be many1 because then {} isn't a valid template (delimiters have to
contain something then and can't be empty *)
(* don't want it to be many because empty string will satisfy and
"" is a valid template, or even "{", because it generates 'seq' on chain *)
many @@
[ hole_parser `Single Code
; hole_parser `Greedy Code
; escapable_string_literal_parser
; spaces
; nested
; other
>>= fun x ->
if debug then Format.printf "Produced %d parsers in main generator@." @@ List.length x;
return x
|>> fun p_list ->
|> sequence_chain
|> fun matcher ->
(* FIXME: skip_unit needs to be raw literals *)
(* XXX: what is the difference does many vs many1 make here? Semantically,
it should mean "0 or more matching contexts" vs "1 or more matching
contexts". We only care about the 1 case anyway, so... *)
many (skip_unit
(many_till (skip_unit comment_parser
<|> skip_unit escapable_string_literal_parser
<|> skip_unit any_char)
at_end_of_input >>= fun res ->
if debug then Format.printf "We are at the end? %b.@." res;
if res then
(if debug then Format.printf "We ended@.";
fail "x")
(* we found a match *)
pos >>= fun start_pos ->
matcher >>= fun _access_last_production_herpe ->
pos >>= fun end_pos ->
record_match_context start_pos end_pos;
current_environment_ref := Match.Environment.create ();
return Unit)
(end_of_input >>= fun () -> return Unit)*)
(*>>= fun _x -> end_of_input *)
>>= fun _x -> r acc Unit
let to_template template =
let state = Buffered.parse general_parser_generator in
let state = Buffered.feed state (`String template) in
Buffered.feed state `Eof
|> function
| Buffered.Done ({ len; _ }, p) ->
if len <> 0 then failwith @@
Format.sprintf "Input left over in template where not expected: %d" len;
Ok p
| _ -> Or_error.error_string "Template could not be parsed."
let run_the_parser_for_first p source : Match.t Or_error.t =
source_ref := source;
let state = Buffered.parse p in
let state = Buffered.feed state (`String source) in
let state = Buffered.feed state `Eof in
match state with
| Buffered.Done ({ len; off; _ }, _result) ->
if len <> 0 then
(if debug then
Format.eprintf "Input left over in parse where not expected: off(%d) len(%d)" off len;
Or_error.error_string "Does not match tempalte")
Ok (Match.create ()) (* Fake for now *)
| _ -> Or_error.error_string "No matches"
let first_broken ?configuration:_ ?shift:_ template source : Match.t Or_error.t =
match to_template template with
| Ok p ->
begin match run_the_parser_for_first p source with
| Ok _ -> (* matches passed, ok to access *)
match !matches_ref with
| [] -> Or_error.error_string "not really"
| hd::_ -> Ok hd
| Error e -> (* parse failed *)
Error e
| Error e ->
Format.printf "Template FAIL %s@." @@ Error.to_string_hum e;
Error e
let all ?configuration:_ ~template ~source : Match.t list =
matches_ref := [];
match first_broken template source with
| Ok _
| Error _ -> List.rev !matches_ref
let first ?configuration ?shift:_ template source : Match.t Or_error.t =
matches_ref := [];
match all ?configuration ~template ~source with
| [] -> Or_error.error_string "nothing"
| (hd::_) as m ->
if debug then List.iter m ~f:(fun { environment; _ } ->
Format.printf "START:@.%s@.END@." (Match.Environment.to_string environment));
Ok hd

View File

@ -55,11 +55,24 @@ type hole =
| Line of (id * dimension)
| Blank of (id * dimension)
module Omega = struct
type omega_match_production =
{ offset : int
; identifier : string
; text : string
type production =
| Unit
| String of string
| Hole of hole
| Match of omega_match_production
type production =
| Unit
| String of string
| Hole of hole
| Match of (int * string * string)
module Matcher = struct
module type S = sig

View File

@ -1,94 +1,155 @@
open Core
open MParser
let to_string from until between : string =
from ^ (String.of_char_list between) ^ until
module Omega = struct
open Angstrom
let anything_including_newlines ~until =
(not_followed_by (string until) ""
>>= fun () -> any_char_or_nl))
let (|>>) p f =
p >>= fun x -> return (f x)
let anything_excluding_newlines ~until =
(not_followed_by (string until) ""
>>= fun () -> any_char))
let between left _right p =
left *> p (*<* right*)
(** a parser for comments with delimiters [from] and [until] that do not nest *)
let non_nested_comment from until s =
(string from)
(string until)
(anything_including_newlines ~until)
|>> to_string from until
) s
let to_string from until between : string =
from ^ (String.of_char_list between) ^ until
let until_newline start s =
(string start >> anything_excluding_newlines ~until:"\n"
|>> fun l -> start^(String.of_char_list l)) s
let anything_including_newlines ~until =
(* until is not consumed in Alpha. Angstrom consumes it. It needs to not
consume because we're doing that for 'between'; but now between is
changed to not expect it. The point is: it does the right thing but
diverges from Alpha and is a little bit... weird *)
(many_till any_char (string until))
let any_newline comment_string s =
(string comment_string >> anything_excluding_newlines ~until:"\n" |>> fun l -> (comment_string^String.of_char_list l)) s
let anything_excluding_newlines () =
anything_including_newlines ~until:"\n"
let is_not p s =
if is_ok (p s) then
Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
match read_char s with
| Some c ->
Consumed_ok (c, advance_state s 1, No_error)
| None ->
Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
let non_nested_comment from until =
(string from)
(string until)
(anything_including_newlines ~until)
|>> to_string from until
(** A nested comment parser *)
let nested_comment from until s =
let reserved = skip ((string from) <|> (string until)) in
let rec grammar s =
((comment_delimiters >>= fun string -> return string)
(is_not reserved >>= fun c -> return (Char.to_string c)))
and comment_delimiters s =
module Multiline = struct
module type S = sig
val left : string
val right : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment = non_nested_comment M.left M.right
(* XXX consumes the newline *)
let until_newline start =
(string start *> anything_excluding_newlines ()
|>> fun l -> start^(String.of_char_list l))
module Until_newline = struct
module type S = sig
val start : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment = until_newline M.start
module Alpha = struct
open MParser
let to_string from until between : string =
from ^ (String.of_char_list between) ^ until
let anything_including_newlines ~until =
(not_followed_by (string until) ""
>>= fun () -> any_char_or_nl))
let anything_excluding_newlines ~until =
(not_followed_by (string until) ""
>>= fun () -> any_char))
(** a parser for comments with delimiters [from] and [until] that do not nest *)
let non_nested_comment from until s =
(string from)
(string until)
((many grammar) >>= fun result ->
return (String.concat result)))
(comment_delimiters |>> fun content ->
from ^ content ^ until) s
(anything_including_newlines ~until)
|>> to_string from until
) s
(** a parser for, e.g., /* ... */ style block comments. Non-nested. *)
module Multiline = struct
module type S = sig
val left : string
val right : string
let until_newline start s =
(string start >> anything_excluding_newlines ~until:"\n"
|>> fun l -> start^(String.of_char_list l)) s
let any_newline comment_string s =
(string comment_string >> anything_excluding_newlines ~until:"\n" |>> fun l -> (comment_string^String.of_char_list l)) s
let is_not p s =
if is_ok (p s) then
Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
match read_char s with
| Some c ->
Consumed_ok (c, advance_state s 1, No_error)
| None ->
Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
(** A nested comment parser *)
let nested_comment from until s =
let reserved = skip ((string from) <|> (string until)) in
let rec grammar s =
((comment_delimiters >>= fun string -> return string)
(is_not reserved >>= fun c -> return (Char.to_string c)))
and comment_delimiters s =
(string from)
(string until)
((many grammar) >>= fun result ->
return (String.concat result)))
(comment_delimiters |>> fun content ->
from ^ content ^ until) s
(** a parser for, e.g., /* ... */ style block comments. Non-nested. *)
module Multiline = struct
module type S = sig
val left : string
val right : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment s = non_nested_comment M.left M.right s
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment s = non_nested_comment M.left M.right s
module Until_newline = struct
module type S = sig
val start : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment s = until_newline M.start s
module Nested_multiline = struct
module type S = sig
val left : string
val right : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment s = nested_comment M.left M.right s
module Until_newline = struct
module type S = sig
val start : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment s = until_newline M.start s
module Nested_multiline = struct
module type S = sig
val left : string
val right : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let comment s = nested_comment M.left M.right s

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
(name parsers)
(public_name comby.parsers)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv bisect_ppx --conditional))
(libraries ppxlib core mparser mparser.pcre))
(libraries angstrom ppxlib core mparser mparser.pcre))

View File

@ -1,57 +1,94 @@
open Core
open MParser
(** Assumes the left and right delimiter are the same, and that these can be
escaped. Does not parse a string body containing newlines (as usual when
escaping with \n) *)
module Escapable = struct
module type S = sig
val delimiter : string
val escape : char
module Omega = struct
open Angstrom
module Make (M : S) = struct
(* delimiters can be escaped and parsing continues within the string body *)
let escaped_char_s s =
any_char s
let (|>>) p f =
p >>= fun x -> return (f x)
let char_token_s s =
((char M.escape >> escaped_char_s >>= fun c -> return (Format.sprintf {|%c%c|} M.escape c))
<|> (any_char |>> String.of_char)
module Escapable = struct
module type S = sig
val delimiter : string
val escape : char
let base_string_literal s =
((string M.delimiter >> (many_until char_token_s (string M.delimiter))
|>> String.concat)
>>= fun result ->
return (Format.sprintf {|%s%s%s|} M.delimiter result M.delimiter)
module Make (M : S) = struct
(* delimiters can be escaped and parsing continues within the string body *)
let escaped_char_s =
let char_token_s =
((char M.escape *> escaped_char_s >>= fun c -> return (Format.sprintf {|%c%c|} M.escape c))
<|> (any_char |>> String.of_char)
let base_string_literal =
((string M.delimiter *> (many_till char_token_s (string M.delimiter))
|>> String.concat)
>>= fun result ->
return (Format.sprintf {|%s%s|} M.delimiter result)
(* unlike Alpha, do not suffix the ending delimiter, it was captured by the delimiter parser in many_till *)
(** Quoted or raw strings. Allows different left and right delimiters, and
disallows any sort of escaping. Does not support raw strings with identifiers
yet, e.g., {blah|<string body>|blah} (OCaml) or delim`<string body>`delim
syntax (Go) *)
module Raw = struct
module type S = sig
val left_delimiter : string
val right_delimiter : string
module Alpha = struct
open MParser
(** Assumes the left and right delimiter are the same, and that these can be
escaped. Does not parse a string body containing newlines (as usual when
escaping with \n) *)
module Escapable = struct
module type S = sig
val delimiter : string
val escape : char
module Make (M : S) = struct
(* delimiters can be escaped and parsing continues within the string body *)
let escaped_char_s s =
any_char s
let char_token_s s =
((char M.escape >> escaped_char_s >>= fun c -> return (Format.sprintf {|%c%c|} M.escape c))
<|> (any_char |>> String.of_char)
let base_string_literal s =
((string M.delimiter >> (many_until char_token_s (string M.delimiter))
|>> String.concat)
>>= fun result ->
return (Format.sprintf {|%s%s%s|} M.delimiter result M.delimiter)
module Make (M : S) = struct
let char_token_s s =
(any_char_or_nl |>> String.of_char) s
(** Quoted or raw strings. Allows different left and right delimiters, and
disallows any sort of escaping. Does not support raw strings with identifiers
yet, e.g., {blah|<string body>|blah} (OCaml) or delim`<string body>`delim
syntax (Go) *)
module Raw = struct
module type S = sig
val left_delimiter : string
val right_delimiter : string
let base_string_literal s =
string M.left_delimiter >> (many_until char_token_s (string M.right_delimiter))
|>> String.concat <?> "raw string literal body")
>>= fun result ->
return (Format.sprintf {|%s%s%s|} M.left_delimiter result M.right_delimiter)
module Make (M : S) = struct
let char_token_s s =
(any_char_or_nl |>> String.of_char) s
let base_string_literal s =
string M.left_delimiter >> (many_until char_token_s (string M.right_delimiter))
|>> String.concat <?> "raw string literal body")
>>= fun result ->
return (Format.sprintf {|%s%s%s|} M.left_delimiter result M.right_delimiter)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,14 @@ open Core
open Match
open Replacement
let debug =
Sys.getenv "DEBUG_COMBY"
|> Option.is_some
let substitute_match_contexts (matches: Match.t list) source replacements =
if debug then
Format.printf "Matches: %d | Replacements: %d@." (List.length matches) (List.length replacements);
let rewrite_template, environment =
matches replacements
@ -13,14 +20,21 @@ let substitute_match_contexts (matches: Match.t list) source replacements =
{ replacement_content; _ } ->
(* create a hole in the rewrite template based on this match context *)
let hole_id, rewrite_template = Rewrite_template.of_match_context match_ ~source:rewrite_template in
if debug then Format.printf "Hole: %s in %s@." hole_id rewrite_template;
(* add this match context replacement to the environment *)
let accumulator_environment = Environment.add accumulator_environment hole_id replacement_content in
(* update match context replacements offset *)
rewrite_template, accumulator_environment)
if debug then Format.printf "Env:@.%s" (Environment.to_string environment);
if debug then Format.printf "Rewrite in:@.%s@." rewrite_template;
let rewritten_source = Rewrite_template.substitute rewrite_template environment |> fst in
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_for_holes rewrite_template (Environment.vars environment) in
if debug then
Format.printf "Replacements: %d | Offsets 1: %d@." (List.length replacements) (List.length offsets);
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_after_substitution offsets environment in
if debug then
Format.printf "Replacements: %d | Offsets 2: %d@." (List.length replacements) (List.length offsets);
let in_place_substitutions =
List.map2_exn replacements offsets ~f:(fun replacement (_uid, offset) ->
let match_start = { Location.default with offset } in

View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ open Core
open Match
let debug =
Sys.getenv "DEBUG_COMBY"
|> Option.is_some
let substitute template env =
let substitution_formats =
[ ":[ ", "]"
@ -31,6 +36,7 @@ let of_match_context
; _
~source =
if debug then Format.printf "Start idx: %d@.End idx: %d@." start_index end_index;
let before_part =
if start_index = 0 then

test/alpha/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
(name alpha_test_integration)
(preprocess (pps ppx_expect ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime))
(name runtest)
(deps (source_tree example) (source_tree example/src/.ignore-me)))

test/alpha/example Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

test/alpha/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
open Core
module Time = Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span
let binary_path = "../../../../comby"
let read_with_timeout read_from_channels =
let read_from_fds = ~f:Unix.descr_of_in_channel read_from_channels in
let read_from_channels =
~timeout:(`After (Time.of_int_sec 1))
|> (fun {; _ } -> read)
|> ~f:Unix.in_channel_of_descr
in read_from_channels ~f:In_channel.input_all
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
let read_output command =
let open Unix.Process_channels in
let { stdout; stderr; _ } =
Unix.open_process_full ~env:(Array.of_list ["COMBY_TEST=1"]) command
let stdout_result = In_channel.input_all stdout in
let stderr_result = In_channel.input_all stderr in
stdout_result ^ stderr_result
let read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source =
let open Unix.Process_channels in
let { stdin; stdout; stderr } =
Unix.open_process_full ~env:(Array.of_list ["COMBY_TEST=1"]) command
Out_channel.output_string stdin source;
Out_channel.flush stdin;
Out_channel.close stdin;
let stdout_result = In_channel.input_all stdout in
let stderr_result = In_channel.input_all stderr in
stdout_result ^ stderr_result
let read_expect_stderr command source =
let open Unix.Process_channels in
let { stdin; stdout; stderr } =
Unix.open_process_full ~env:(Array.of_list ["COMBY_TEST=1"]) command
Out_channel.output_string stdin source;
Out_channel.flush stdin;
Out_channel.close stdin;
let _ = In_channel.input_all stdout in
let stderr_result = In_channel.input_all stderr in
let%expect_test "json_lines_separates_by_line" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "o" in
let rewrite_template = "i" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c -json-lines" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|{"uri":null,"rewritten_source":"helli wirld","in_place_substitutions":[{"range":{"start":{"offset":7,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":8,"line":-1,"column":-1}},"replacement_content":"i","environment":[]},{"range":{"start":{"offset":4,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":5,"line":-1,"column":-1}},"replacement_content":"i","environment":[]}],"diff":"--- /dev/null\n+++ /dev/null\n@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n-hello world\n+helli wirld"}
let%expect_test "json_lines_json_pretty_do_not_output_when_diff_null" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "asdf" in
let rewrite_template = "asdf" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c -json-lines" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect{| |}]
let%expect_test "json_lines_do_not_output_when_diff_null" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "asdf" in
let rewrite_template = "asdf" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c -json-lines" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect{| |}]
let%expect_test "error_on_zip_and_stdin" =
let command_args = "-zip x -stdin" in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command "none" in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|No templates specified. See -h to specify on the command line, or use -templates <directory-containing-templates>.
Next error: -zip may not be used with -stdin.
let%expect_test "error_on_stdout_and_diff" =
let command_args = "'' '' -stdout -diff" in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command "none" in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|-stdout may not be used with -diff. Note: -stdout outputs the changed file contents and -diff outputs a unified diff. Choose one of these.
let%expect_test "error_on_invalid_templates_dir" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c -templates nonexistent" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|One or more directories specified with -templates is not a directory.
let%expect_test "warn_on_anonymous_and_templates_flag" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c -templates example/templates/identity" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|WARNING: Templates specified on the command line AND using -templates. Ignoring match
and rewrite templates on the command line and only using those in directories.
let%expect_test "stdin_command" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
!|hello world
let%expect_test "with_match_rule" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let rule = {|where :[1] == "world"|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -rule '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template rule
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
!|hello world
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let rule = {|where :[1] != "world"|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -rule '%s' -f .c -stdout"
match_template rewrite_template rule
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
hello world |}]
let%expect_test "with_rewrite_rule" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = ":[2] :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let rule = {|where rewrite :[1] { ":[_]" -> ":[2]" }|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -rule '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template rule
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
!|hello world
let%expect_test "with_rewrite_rule_stdin_default_no_extension" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = ":[2] :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let rule = {|where rewrite :[1] { ":[_]" -> ":[2]" }|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-sequential '%s' '%s' -rule '%s' -stdin" match_template rewrite_template rule
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
!|hello world
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning.
let%expect_test "generic_matcher" =
let source = {|\footnote{\small \url{}}|} in
let match_template = {|\footnote{\small :[1]}|} in
let rewrite_template = {|\footnote{\scriptsize :[1]}|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .generic" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
-|\footnote{\small \url{}}
+|\footnote{\scriptsize \url{}}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning.
let%expect_test "json_output_option" =
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -json-lines '%s' '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|{"uri":null,"rewritten_source":"c X a c Y a","in_place_substitutions":[{"range":{"start":{"offset":6,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":11,"line":-1,"column":-1}},"replacement_content":"c Y a","environment":[{"variable":"1","value":"Y","range":{"start":{"offset":2,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":3,"line":-1,"column":-1}}}]},{"range":{"start":{"offset":0,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":5,"line":-1,"column":-1}},"replacement_content":"c X a","environment":[{"variable":"1","value":"X","range":{"start":{"offset":2,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":3,"line":-1,"column":-1}}}]}],"diff":"--- /dev/null\n+++ /dev/null\n@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n-a X c a Y c\n+c X a c Y a"}
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -json-lines -match-only '%s' '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|{"uri":null,"matches":[{"range":{"start":{"offset":0,"line":1,"column":1},"end":{"offset":5,"line":1,"column":6}},"environment":[{"variable":"1","value":"X","range":{"start":{"offset":2,"line":1,"column":3},"end":{"offset":3,"line":1,"column":4}}}],"matched":"a X c"},{"range":{"start":{"offset":6,"line":1,"column":7},"end":{"offset":11,"line":1,"column":12}},"environment":[{"variable":"1","value":"Y","range":{"start":{"offset":8,"line":1,"column":9},"end":{"offset":9,"line":1,"column":10}}}],"matched":"a Y c"}]}|}]
let with_zip f =
let file = Filename.temp_file "comby_" ".zip" in
let zip = Zip.open_out file in
let entry_name = "" in
let entry_content = "hello world" in
Zip.add_entry entry_content zip entry_name;
Zip.close_out zip;
f file;
Unix.remove file
let%expect_test "list_languages" =
let command_args = "-list" in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_output command in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|Option Language
-matcher .s Assembly
-matcher .sh Bash
-matcher .c C
-matcher .cs C#
-matcher .css CSS
-matcher .dart Dart
-matcher .dyck Dyck
-matcher .clj Clojure
-matcher .elm Elm
-matcher .erl Erlang
-matcher .ex Elixir
-matcher .f Fortran
-matcher .fsx F#
-matcher .go Go
-matcher .html HTML
-matcher .hs Haskell
-matcher .java Java
-matcher .js Javascript/Typescript
-matcher .json JSON
-matcher .jl Julia
-matcher .kt Kotlin
-matcher .tex LaTeX
-matcher .lisp Lisp
-matcher .nim Nim
-matcher .ml OCaml
-matcher .paren Paren
-matcher .pas Pascal
-matcher .php PHP
-matcher .py Python
-matcher .re Reason
-matcher .rb Ruby
-matcher .rs Rust
-matcher .scala Scala
-matcher .sql SQL
-matcher .swift Swift
-matcher .txt Text
-matcher .xml XML
-matcher .generic Generic
let%expect_test "patdiff_and_zip" =
with_zip (fun file ->
let match_template = ":[2] :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "'%s' '%s' .ml -sequential -json-lines -zip %s"
match_template rewrite_template file
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_output command in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|{"uri":"","rewritten_source":"world","in_place_substitutions":[{"range":{"start":{"offset":0,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":5,"line":-1,"column":-1}},"replacement_content":"world","environment":[{"variable":"1","value":"world","range":{"start":{"offset":0,"line":-1,"column":-1},"end":{"offset":5,"line":-1,"column":-1}}}]}],"diff":"---\n+++\n@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n-hello world\n+world"}
let%expect_test "template_parsing_no_match_template" =
let source = "hello world" in
let template_dir = "example" ^/ "templates" ^/ "parse-no-match-template" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -f .c -templates %s" template_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|WARNING: Could not read required match file in example/templates/parse-no-match-template
let%expect_test "template_parsing_with_trailing_newline" =
let source = "hello world" in
let template_dir = "example" ^/ "templates" ^/ "parse-template-no-trailing-newline" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -f .c -templates %s -stdout" template_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
hello world |}]
let%expect_test "template_parsing_with_trailing_newline" =
let source = "hello world" in
let template_dir = "example" ^/ "templates" ^/ "parse-template-with-trailing-newline" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -f .c -templates %s -stdout" template_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
hello world |}]
let%expect_test "nested_templates" =
let source = "1 2 3" in
let template_dir = "example" ^/ "multiple-nested-templates" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -f .c -templates %s -stdout" template_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
+1 +2 +3WARNING: Could not read required match file in example/multiple-nested-templates/invalid-subdir |}]
let%expect_test "diff_is_default" =
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
-|a X c a Y c
+|c X a c Y a
let%expect_test "diff_option" =
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -diff '%s' '%s' -f .c"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|--- /dev/null
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-a X c a Y c
+c X a c Y a
let%expect_test "stdout_option" =
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -stdout '%s' '%s' -f .c"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|c X a c Y a|}]
let%expect_test "only_color_prints_colored_diff" =
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c -color"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
-|a X c a Y c
+|c X a c Y a
let%expect_test "diff_explicit_color" =
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential '%s' '%s' -f .c -diff -color"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
-|a X c a Y c
+|c X a c Y a
let%expect_test "is_real_directory" =
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" ^/ "main.c" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'main' 'pain' -sequential -d %s -exclude-dir 'ignore' -diff" src_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
Directory specified with -d or -directory is not a directory. |}]
let%expect_test "exclude_dir_option" =
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'main' 'pain' -sequential -d %s -exclude-dir 'ignore' -diff" src_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.generic
+++ example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.generic
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-func main() {
+func pain() {
// foo()
--- example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.go
+++ example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-func main() {
+func pain() {
// in a comment foo()
--- example/src/main.c
+++ example/src/main.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int main() {}
+int pain() {}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}];
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'main' 'pain' -sequential -d %s -exclude-dir 'nonexist' -diff" src_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.generic
+++ example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.generic
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-func main() {
+func pain() {
// foo()
--- example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.go
+++ example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-func main() {
+func pain() {
// in a comment foo()
--- example/src/ignore-me/main.c
+++ example/src/ignore-me/main.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int main() {}
+int pain() {}
--- example/src/main.c
+++ example/src/main.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int main() {}
+int pain() {}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}]
let%expect_test "dir_depth_option" =
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'depth_' 'correct_depth_' -sequential -directory %s -depth %d -diff" src_dir (-1) in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect{| -depth must be 0 or greater. |}];
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'depth_' 'correct_depth_' -sequential -directory %s -depth %d -diff" src_dir 0 in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/depth-0.c
+++ example/src/depth-0.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_0() {}
+int correct_depth_0() {}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}];
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'depth_' 'correct_depth_' -sequential -directory %s -depth %d -diff" src_dir 1 in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/depth-0.c
+++ example/src/depth-0.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_0() {}
+int correct_depth_0() {}
--- example/src/depth-1/depth-1.c
+++ example/src/depth-1/depth-1.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_1() {}
+int correct_depth_1() {}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}];
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'depth_' 'correct_depth_' -sequential -directory %s -depth %d -diff" src_dir 2 in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/depth-0.c
+++ example/src/depth-0.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_0() {}
+int correct_depth_0() {}
--- example/src/depth-1/depth-1.c
+++ example/src/depth-1/depth-1.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_1() {}
+int correct_depth_1() {}
--- example/src/depth-1/depth-2/depth-2.c
+++ example/src/depth-1/depth-2/depth-2.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_2() {}
+int correct_depth_2() {}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}];
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'depth_' 'correct_depth_' -sequential -directory %s -depth %d -diff" src_dir 1000 in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/depth-0.c
+++ example/src/depth-0.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_0() {}
+int correct_depth_0() {}
--- example/src/depth-1/depth-1.c
+++ example/src/depth-1/depth-1.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_1() {}
+int correct_depth_1() {}
--- example/src/depth-1/depth-2/depth-2.c
+++ example/src/depth-1/depth-2/depth-2.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int depth_2() {}
+int correct_depth_2() {}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}]
let%expect_test "matcher_override" =
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'(' '_unbalanced_match_' main.c -sequential -d %s -matcher .txt -diff" src_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/ignore-me/main.c
+++ example/src/ignore-me/main.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int main() {}
+int main_unbalanced_match_) {}
--- example/src/main.c
+++ example/src/main.c
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-int main() {}
+int main_unbalanced_match_) {} |}];
let source = "hello world" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'(' '_unbalanced_match_' main.c -sequential -d %s -diff" src_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect{| |}]
let%expect_test "infer_and_honor_extensions" =
let source = "doesn't matter" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" ^/ "honor-file-extensions" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'foo()' 'bar()' .go -sequential -d %s -diff" src_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.go
+++ example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
func main() {
// in a comment foo()
} |}];
let source = "doesn't matter" in
let src_dir = "example" ^/ "src" ^/ "honor-file-extensions" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'foo()' 'bar()' .generic -sequential -d %s -diff" src_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.generic
+++ example/src/honor-file-extensions/honor.pb.generic
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
func main() {
-// foo()
+// bar()
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}]
let%expect_test "diff_only" =
let source = "hello world" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'hello' 'world' -stdin -sequential -json-lines -json-only-diff" in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
{"uri":null,"diff":"--- /dev/null\n+++ /dev/null\n@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n-hello world\n+world world"}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}];
let source = "hello world" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'hello' 'world' -stdin -sequential -json-only-diff" in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
-json-only-diff can only be supplied with -json-lines. |}]
let%expect_test "zip_exclude_dir_with_extension" =
let source = "doesn't matter" in
let zip = "example" ^/ "zip-test" ^/ "" in
let exclude_dir = "sample-repo/vendor" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'main' 'pain' .go -zip %s -sequential -diff -exclude-dir %s" zip exclude_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- sample-repo/src/main.go
+++ sample-repo/src/main.go
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
// src
-func main() {}
+func pain() {} |}]
let%expect_test "zip_exclude_dir_no_extension" =
let source = "doesn't matter" in
let zip = "example" ^/ "zip-test" ^/ "" in
let exclude_dir = "sample-repo/vendor" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'main' 'pain' -zip %s -sequential -diff -exclude-dir %s" zip exclude_dir in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
--- sample-repo/src/main.go
+++ sample-repo/src/main.go
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
// src
-func main() {}
+func pain() {}
WARNING: the GENERIC matcher was used, because a language could not be inferred from the file extension(s). The GENERIC matcher may miss matches. See '-list' to set a matcher for a specific language and to remove this warning. |}]
let%expect_test "invalid_path_with_error_message" =
let source = "doesn't matter" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "'a' 'b' ./invalid/path" in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
No such file or directory: ./invalid/path. Comby interprets patterns containing '/' as file paths. If a pattern does not contain '/' (like '.ml'), it is considered a pattern where file endings must match the pattern. Please supply only valid file paths or patterns. |}]
let%expect_test "newline_separated_output"=
let source = "a b c" in
let match_template = ":[[1]]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[[1]]" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential -stdout '%s' '%s' -n -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|a
let%expect_test "warn_on_stdin_and_in_place_flags" =
let source = "a b c" in
let match_template = ":[[1]]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[[1]]" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -in-place '%s' '%s' -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|WARNING: -in-place has no effect when -stdin is used. Ignoring -in-place.
let%expect_test "print_single_line_matches" =
let source = {|
let () = x in
let () = y in
let match_template = "let ()" in
let rewrite_template = "dont care" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -match-only -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|let ()
let ()
let%expect_test "print_multi_line_matches" =
let source = {|
let () = x in
let () = y in
let match_template = "let ()" in
let rewrite_template = "dont care" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -match-only -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|let ()
let\n\n ()
let ()
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -match-only -count -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|3 matches
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -match-only -count -json-lines -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|{"uri":null,"matches":[{"range":{"start":{"offset":5,"line":1,"column":6},"end":{"offset":11,"line":1,"column":12}},"environment":[],"matched":"let ()"},{"range":{"start":{"offset":23,"line":1,"column":24},"end":{"offset":34,"line":3,"column":7}},"environment":[],"matched":"let\n\n ()"},{"range":{"start":{"offset":42,"line":1,"column":43},"end":{"offset":48,"line":1,"column":49}},"environment":[],"matched":"let ()"}]}WARNING: -count and -json-lines is specified. Ignoring -count.
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -count -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|3 matches
WARNING: -count only works with -match-only. Performing -match-only -count.
let%expect_test "unrecognized_matcher" =
let source = {|dont care|} in
let match_template = "dont care" in
let rewrite_template = "dont care" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -matcher invalid"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|The matcher "invalid" is not supported. See -list for supported matchers
let%expect_test "generic_matcher_ok" =
let source = {|dont care|} in
let match_template = "dont care" in
let rewrite_template = "blah" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -matcher .generic"
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|------ /dev/null
++++++ /dev/null
@|-1,1 +1,1 ============================================================
-|dont care
let%expect_test "warn_on_anonymous_and_templates_flag" =
let source = "(fun i -> j) (fun x -> x)" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -sequential 'ignore' 'ignore' -templates example/templates/implicit-equals -matcher .ml -stdout"
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let result = read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|(fun i -> j) identWARNING: Templates specified on the command line AND using -templates. Ignoring match
and rewrite templates on the command line and only using those in directories.
let%expect_test "dump_stats" =
let source = {|dont care|} in
let match_template = "care" in
let rewrite_template = "realy care" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -stats -matcher .txt" match_template rewrite_template in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
let stats_json = read_expect_stderr command source in
(match Statistics.of_yojson (Yojson.Safe.from_string stats_json) with
| Ok { number_of_files; lines_of_code; number_of_matches; _ } ->
Format.printf "number_of_files: %d, lines_of_code: %d, number_of_matches: %d"
number_of_files lines_of_code number_of_matches
| Error _ -> print_string "Unexpected error");
[%expect_exact {|number_of_files: 1, lines_of_code: 1, number_of_matches: 1|}]
let%expect_test "substitute_bad_parse" =
let source = "dont care" in
let match_template = "dont care" in
let rewrite_template = "dont care" in
let command_args = Format.sprintf "%s %s -substitute 'json'" match_template rewrite_template in
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|Error, could not parse JSON to environment: Line 1, bytes 0-4:
Invalid token 'json'
let%expect_test "substitute_ok" =
let source = "a match1 c d a match2 c d" in
let match_template = "ignored" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1] :[2]" in
let environment = {|[{"variable":"1","value":"hole_1"},{"variable":"2","value":"hole_2"}]|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "'%s' '%s' -stdin -match-only -matcher .txt -substitute '%s'" match_template rewrite_template environment
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_expect_stdin_and_stdout command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hole_1 hole_2

test/alpha/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
open Core
open Lwt.Infix
open Match
open Server_types
let binary_path = "../../../../comby-server"
let port = "9991"
let pid' = ref None
let launch port =
Unix.create_process ~prog:binary_path ~args:["-p"; port]
|> fun { pid; _ } -> pid' := Some pid
let post endpoint json =
let uri =
let uri endpoint =
Uri.of_string ("" ^ port ^ "/" ^ endpoint)
match endpoint with
| `Match -> uri "match"
| `Rewrite -> uri "rewrite"
| `Substitute -> uri "substitute"
let thread = ~body:(`String json) uri >>= fun (_, response) ->
match response with
| `Stream response -> Lwt_stream.get response >>= fun result -> Lwt.return result
| _ -> Lwt.return None
match thread with
| None -> "FAIL"
| Some result -> result
(* FIXME(RVT) use wait *)
let launch () =
launch port;
Unix.sleep 2
let kill () =
match !pid' with
| None -> ()
| Some pid ->
match Signal.send Signal.kill (`Pid pid) with
| `Ok -> ()
| `No_such_process -> ()
let () = launch ()
let%expect_test "post_request" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rule = Some {|where :[1] == "world"|} in
let language = "generic" in
In.{ source; match_template; rule; language; id = 0 }
|> In.match_request_to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> post `Match
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
"matches": [
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "world",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 }
"matched": "hello world"
"source": "hello world",
"id": 0
} |}];
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rule = Some {|where :[1] = "world"|} in
let language = "generic" in
In.{ source; match_template; rule; language; id = 0 }
|> In.match_request_to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> post `Match
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
Error in line 1, column 7:
where :[1] = "world"
Expecting "false", "match", "rewrite" or "true"
Backtracking occurred after:
Error in line 1, column 12:
where :[1] = "world"
Expecting "!=" or "==" |}];
let substitution_kind = "in_place" in
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rule = Some {|where :[1] == "world"|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1], hello" in
let language = "generic" in
In.{ source; match_template; rewrite_template; rule; language; substitution_kind; id = 0}
|> In.rewrite_request_to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> post `Rewrite
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
"rewritten_source": "world, hello",
"in_place_substitutions": [
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 12, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "world, hello",
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "world",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"id": 0
} |}];
let substitution_kind = "newline_separated" in
let source = "hello world {} hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[[1]]" in
let rule = Some {|where :[1] == "world"|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1], hello" in
let language = "generic" in
In.{ source; match_template; rewrite_template; rule; language; substitution_kind; id = 0}
|> In.rewrite_request_to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> post `Rewrite
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
"rewritten_source": "world, hello\nworld, hello",
"in_place_substitutions": [],
"id": 0
} |}];
(* test there must be at least one predicate in a rule *)
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rule = Some {|where |} in
let language = "generic" in
let request = In.{ source; match_template; rule; language; id = 0 } in
let json = In.match_request_to_yojson request |> Yojson.Safe.to_string in
let result = post `Match json in
print_string result;
[%expect {|
Error in line 1, column 7:
Expecting ":[", "false", "match", "rewrite", "true" or string literal |}]
let%expect_test "post_substitute" =
let rewrite_template = ":[1] hi :[2]" in
let environment = Environment.create () in
let environment = Environment.add environment "1" "oh" in
let environment = Environment.add environment "2" "there" in
In.{ rewrite_template; environment; id = 0 }
|> In.substitution_request_to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.to_string
|> post `Substitute
|> print_string;
[%expect {| { "result": "oh hi there", "id": 0 } |}]
let () = kill ()

test/common/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
(name common_test_integration)
(preprocess (pps ppx_expect ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime))
(name runtest)
(deps (source_tree example) (source_tree example/src/.ignore-me)))

View File

@ -1,35 +1,2 @@
(name test_integration)
(preprocess (pps ppx_expect ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime))
(name runtest)
(deps (source_tree example) (source_tree example/src/.ignore-me)))
(dirs common alpha)
; (dirs common omega)

test/omega/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
(name omega_test_integration)
(preprocess (pps ppx_expect ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime))
(name runtest)
(deps (source_tree example) (source_tree example/src/.ignore-me)))

test/omega/example Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
(*open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let all ?(configuration = configuration) template source =
C.all ~configuration ~template ~source
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "rewrite_comments_1" =
let template = "replace this :[1] end" in
let source = "/* don't replace this () end */ do replace this () end" in
let rewrite_template = "X" in
all template source
|> (fun matches ->
Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "/* don't replace this () end */ do X"]
let%expect_test "rewrite_comments_2" =
let template =
if (:[1]) { :[2] }
let source =
/* if (fake_condition_body_must_be_non_empty) { fake_body; } */
// if (fake_condition_body_must_be_non_empty) { fake_body; }
if (real_condition_body_must_be_empty) {
int i;
int j;
let rewrite_template =
if (:[1]) {}
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
/* if (fake_condition_body_must_be_non_empty) { fake_body; } */
if (real_condition_body_must_be_empty) {}
let%expect_test "capture_comments" =
let template = {|if (:[1]) { :[2] }|} in
let source = {|if (true) { /* some comment */ console.log(z); }|} in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 48, "line": 1, "column": 49 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "true",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 },
"end": { "offset": 8, "line": 1, "column": 9 }
"variable": "2",
"value": "console.log(z);",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 31, "line": 1, "column": 32 },
"end": { "offset": 46, "line": 1, "column": 47 }
"matched": "if (true) { /* some comment */ console.log(z); }"
let%expect_test "single_quote_in_comment" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
let%expect_test "single_quote_in_comment" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
a = 1;
/* Events with mask == AE_NONE are not set. So let's initiaize the
* vector with it. */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
a = 1;
/* Events with mask == AE_NONE are not set. So let's initiaize the
* vector with it. */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let%expect_test "single_quote_in_comment" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
a = 1;
/* ' */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
a = 1;
/* ' */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let%expect_test "give_back_the_comment_characters_for_newline_comments_too" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
// a comment
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
// a comment

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
open Core
(*open Core
module Time = Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span
@ -942,3 +942,4 @@ let%expect_test "substitute_ok" =
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hole_1 hole_2

test/omega/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" s in
let leading_indentation = Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let run ?(configuration = configuration) source match_template rewrite_template =
Generic.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok result ->
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
| Error _ ->
(* this is too annoying to fix everytime the grammar changes. *)
print_string ""
let run_all ?(configuration = configuration) source match_template rewrite_template =
Generic.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> function
| [] -> print_string "No matches."
| results ->
Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template results)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
let%expect_test "basic" =
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c d|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b c|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b c d|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] c d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (b c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[2] :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (b c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] :[1] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (c)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] c :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (d)|}];
let source = {|x:|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]:|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|x|}]
let%expect_test "basic_failures" =
let source = {|a x b bbq|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] b c|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] d :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] b :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}]
let%expect_test "delimiter_matching" =
let source = {|(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c|}];
let source = {|(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1] b :[2]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (c)|}];
let source = {|q(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|q(:[1] b :[2]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (c)|}];
let source = {|((a) b)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1] b)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a)|}];
let source = {|((a b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a b c)|}];
let source = {|((a b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a b c)|}];
let source = {|((a b c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1]) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c|}];
let source = {|((a b c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1] c) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|((a b () c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1] () c) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|((a ((x) d) b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a :[1] :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((x) d)|}];
let source = {|((a ((x) d) b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a (:[1]) :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(x) d b|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c.) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c.) d|}];
let source = {|(b. (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b. (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(b :[1] d.)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(c)|}];
let source = {|outer(inner(dst,src),src)|} in
let match_template = {|outer(:[1],src)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|inner(dst,src)|}];
let source = {|(b ((c)) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(b :[1] d.)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((c))|}];
let source = {|a b c|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b|}];
let source = {|x = foo;|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|foo|}];
let source = {|((a {{x} d} b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a {:[1] d} :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{x} b|}];
let source = {|((a {([{x}]) d} b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a {:[1] d} :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|([{x}]) b|}];
let source = {|(((((x)))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1])))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((x))|}];
let source = {|((((y(x)z))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1])))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(y(x)z)|}];
let source = {|((((y(x)z))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(y(x)z) |}];
let source = {|(((x)z))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|x z|}];
let source = {|((((x))z))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(x) z|}];
let source = {|lolwtfbbq|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|wtf|}];
let source = {|x = foo; x = bar;|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|foo x = bar;|}];
let source = {|[ no match prefix ] x = foo; [ no match suffix ]|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|[ no match prefix ] foo [ no match suffix ]|}];
let source = {|x = a; x = b; x = c|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a x = b; x = c|}];
let source = {|x = ( x = x; );|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|( x = x; )|}];
let source = {|( x = x = x; )|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|( x = x )|}];
let source = {|xxx a b d c 1 2 3 b d d blah|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c :[2] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|xxx b d 1 2 3 b d blah|}];
let source = {|howevenlolwtfbbqispossible|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|howevenwtfispossible|}];
let source = {|lolhowevenlolwtfbbqispossiblebbq|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|howevenlolwtfispossiblebbq|}];
let source = {|hello my name is bob the builder|} in
let match_template = {|:[alongidentifiername] :[2] :[3] :[xyz] :[5] :[6]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[alongidentifiername] :[2] :[3] :[xyz] :[5] :[6]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|hello my name is bob the builder|}];
let source = {||} in
let match_template = {|www.:[1]-:[2].jpg|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| 280x428|}];
let source = {||} in
let match_template = {|:[1]api.:[2]/repos/:[3]s/:[4]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2] :[3] :[4]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|https:// dmjacobsen/slurm/commit 716c1499695c68afcab848a1b49653574b4fc167|}];
let source =
assert(stream->md_len + md_len -
si.foo_data_begin <= MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
memcpy(*stream->foo_data + stream->md_len,
frame_used = md_len - si.foo_data_begin);
stream->md_len += frame_used;
|} |> format
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3]);|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1], :[2], :[3]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|assert(stream->md_len + md_len -
si.foo_data_begin <= MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
*stream->foo_data + stream->md_len, mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr), frame_used = md_len - si.foo_data_begin
stream->md_len += frame_used;|}]
let%expect_test "significant_whitespace" =
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ~significant_whitespace:true () in
let run = run ~configuration in
let source = {|two spaces|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|two spaces|}];
(* FIXME: this should fail. also test case where separators do or do not need
whitespace. e.g., strict about strcpy(src,dst) matching a template
strcpy(:[1],:[2]) versus strcpy(:[1], :[2]) *)
let source = {|two spaces|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|two spaces|}]
let%expect_test "contextual_matching" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}];
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}]
let%expect_test "contextual_matching_with_short_hole_syntax" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[[1]], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[[1]]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}]
let%expect_test "trivial_empty_case" =
let source = "" in
let match_template = "" in
Generic.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> function
| [] -> print_string "No matches."
| hd :: _ ->
print_string (Yojson.Safe.to_string (Match.to_yojson hd))
[%expect_exact {|{"range":{"start":{"offset":0,"line":1,"column":1},"end":{"offset":0,"line":1,"column":1}},"environment":[],"matched":""}|}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
(*open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let run_all ?(configuration = configuration) source match_template rewrite_template =
Generic.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> function
| [] -> print_string "No matches."
| results ->
Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template results)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
let%expect_test "non_space" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {| foo. derp|} in
let match_template = {|:[x.]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[x]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| {foo.} {} {derp}|}]
let%expect_test "only_space" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {| foo. derp|} in
let match_template = {|:[ x]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[x]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{ }foo.{ }{ }derp|}]
let%expect_test "up_to_newline" =
let run = run_all in
let source =
|} in
let match_template = {|:[x\n]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[x]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{
let%expect_test "match_empty_in_newline_hole" =
let run = run_all in
let source =
|} in
let match_template = {|stuff:[x\n]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{->:[x]<-}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{->
let%expect_test "leading_indentation" =
let run = run_all in
let source =
foo. bar bazz
|} in
let match_template = {|:[ leading_indentation]:[rest\n]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[leading_indentation]}:[rest]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
{ }foo. bar bazz
{ }
{ }derp
let%expect_test "non_space_partial_match" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {| foo. derp|} in
let match_template = {|foo.:[x.]ux|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[x]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| foo. {bar.qu} derp|}]
let%expect_test "non_space_does_not_match_reserved_delimiters" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {|fo.o(x)|} in
let match_template = {|:[f.]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[f]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{fo.o}({x})|}]
let%expect_test "alphanum_partial_match" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {| foo. derp|} in
let match_template = {|foo.b:[x]r.quux|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[x]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| foo. {a} derp|}]
let%expect_test "newline_matcher_should_not_be_sat_on_space" =
let run = run_all in
let source =
{|a b c d
e f g h|} in
let match_template = {|:[line\n] |} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[line]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{a b c d
}e f g h|}];
let run = run_all in
let source =
{|a b c d
e f g h|} in
let match_template = {|:[line\n]:[next]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[line]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{a b c d
let run = run_all in
let source =
{|a b c d
e f g h
|} in
let match_template = {|:[line1\n]:[next\n]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{:[line1]|:[next]}|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{a b c d
|e f g h
let%expect_test "implicit_equals" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {|a b a|} in
let match_template = {|:[[x]] :[[m]] :[[x]]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[m]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b|}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
(*open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let all ?(configuration = configuration) template source =
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "dont_get_stuck" =
let template = "" in
let source = "a" in
let matches = all ~configuration template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[]|}]
let%expect_test "dont_get_stuck" =
let template = "a" in
let source = "a" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
let%expect_test "dont_get_stuck" =
let template = "a" in
let source = "aaa" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 },
"end": { "offset": 3, "line": 1, "column": 4 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
let%expect_test "rewrite_awesome_1" =
let template = "replace this :[1] end" in
let source = "xreplace this () end" in
let rewrite_template = "X" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "xX"]
let%expect_test "rewrite_whole_template_matches" =
let template = {|rewrite :[1] <- this string|} in
let source = {|rewrite hello world <- this string|} in
let rewrite_template = "?" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "?"]
let%expect_test "single_token" =
let template = {|:[[1]] this|} in
let source = {|the problem is this|} in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 12, "line": 1, "column": 13 },
"end": { "offset": 19, "line": 1, "column": 20 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "is",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 12, "line": 1, "column": 13 },
"end": { "offset": 14, "line": 1, "column": 15 }
"matched": "is this"
let%expect_test "single_token_with_preceding_whitespace" =
let template = {| :[[1]] this|} in
let source = {|the problem is this|} in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 },
"end": { "offset": 19, "line": 1, "column": 20 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "is",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 12, "line": 1, "column": 13 },
"end": { "offset": 14, "line": 1, "column": 15 }
"matched": " is this"
let%expect_test "single_token_rewrite" =
let template = {| :[[1]] this|} in
let source = {|the problem is this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "the problemis"]
let%expect_test "single_token_match_inside_paren_no_succeeding_whitespace" =
let template = {|:[[1]](:[[2]])|} in
let source = {|foo(bar)|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1] : :[2]" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "foo : bar"]
let%expect_test "whitespace_hole_rewrite" =
let template = {|:[ w]this|} in
let rewrite_template = "space:[ w]here" in
let source = {| this|} in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "space here"]
let%expect_test "punctuation_hole_rewrite" =
let template = {|:[x.]|} in
let rewrite_template = "->:[x.]<-" in
let source = {|now.this. is,pod|racing|} in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "->now.this.<- ->is,pod|racing<-"]
let%expect_test "newline_hole_rewrite" =
let template = {|:[x\n]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|->:[x\n]<-|} in
let source = {|now.this.
|} in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "->now.this.
let%expect_test "shift_or_at_least_dont_get_stuck" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "a" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "a",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"matched": "a"
let%expect_test "shift_or_at_least_dont_get_stuck" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "aa" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "aa",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"matched": "aa"
let%expect_test "nested_rewrite1" =
let source =
x x y strcpy(strcpy(dst1, src1), src2); blah blah XXX
let template =
strcpy(:[1], :[2])
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact "[]"]
(* FIXME(RVT) nested rewrites *)
let%expect_test "nested_rewrite2" =
let template =
if :[var_check] != nil {
for :[defines] := range :[var_use] {:[inner_body]}
let source =
if fields.List != nil {
for _, field := range fields.List {
if field.Names != nil {
for _, fieldName := range field.Names {
stuff with fields and things
let rewrite_template = "for :[defines] := range :[var_use] {:[inner_body]}" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|for _, field := range fields.List {
if field.Names != nil {
for _, fieldName := range field.Names {
stuff with fields and things
let%expect_test "match_:[[1]]" =
let template =
let source =
col_names =
let rewrite_template = "next(:[1])" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|
col_names =next(reader)}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
(*open Core
open Language
open Matchers
open Match
let rule_parses rule =
match Rule.create rule with
| Ok _ -> "true"
| Error _ -> "false"
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "parse_rule" =
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[2], :[3] == "y" |} in
rule_parses rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[2], :[3] != "x" |} in
rule_parses rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] != :[3] |} in
rule_parses rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}]
let%expect_test "parse_basic" =
Rule.create {|where "a" == "a"|}
|> Or_error.ok_exn
|> fun rule -> print_s [%message (rule : Ast.expression list)];
[%expect_exact {|(rule ((Equal (String a) (String a))))
let%expect_test "parse_match_one_case" =
Rule.create {|where match "match_me" { | "case_one" -> true }|}
|> Or_error.ok_exn
|> fun rule -> print_s [%message (rule : Ast.expression list)];
[%expect_exact "(rule ((Match (String match_me) (((String case_one) (True))))))
let%expect_test "parse_match_multi_case" =
{| where
match "match_me" {
| "case_one" -> true
| "case_two" -> false
|> Or_error.ok_exn
|> fun rule -> print_s [%message (rule : Ast.expression list)];
[%expect_exact "(rule
((Match (String match_me)
(((String case_one) (True)) ((String case_two) (False))))))
let sat ?(env = Environment.create ()) rule =
let rule = Rule.create rule |> Or_error.ok_exn in
Format.sprintf "%b" (Rule.(sat @@ apply rule env))
let make_env bindings =
List.fold bindings
~init:(Environment.create ())
~f:(fun env (var, value) -> Environment.add env var value)
let%expect_test "rule_sat" =
let rule = {| where "x" != "y" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where "x" != "x" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}];
let rule = {| where "x" == "x" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where "x" == "y" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}];
let rule = {| where :[x] == "y" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}];
let rule = {| where :[x] == :[x] |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}]
let%expect_test "rule_sat_with_env" =
let env = make_env ["1", "x"; "2", "y"; "3", "x"] in
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[3], :[1] != :[2] |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[3], :[1] != "y" |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[3], :[1] == "x" |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[2], :[1] != :[2] |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}]
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = s |> String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" in
let leading_indentation =
Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let%expect_test "where_true" =
let template =
(:[1]) => {}
|> format
let source =
(b,c) => {}
|> format
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "b,c",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 }
"matched": "(b,c) => {}"
] |}]
let%expect_test "match_sat" =
let template =
(:[1]) => {}
|> format
let source =
(b,c) => {}
|> format
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}];
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "b,c",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 }
"matched": "(b,c) => {}"
] |}];
let source =
(a) => {}
(b,c) => {}
|> format
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
| ":[_]" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 9, "line": 1, "column": 10 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "a",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"matched": "(a) => {}"
] |}];
let rule =
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
| ":[_]" -> :[1] == "a"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 9, "line": 1, "column": 10 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "a",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"matched": "(a) => {}"
] |}];
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
| ":[_]" -> :[1] == "b"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "match_s_suffix" =
let template = ":[1]s" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "name",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 }
"matched": "names"
] |}]
let%expect_test "match_s_suffix" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "names",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"matched": "names"
] |}]
let%expect_test "configuration_choice_based_on_case" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "ame" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "names" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "names",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"matched": "names"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "namesXXXXX" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "names" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "match_using_environment_merge" =
let template = "{:[1]}" in
let source = "{{ a : a } { a : a }}" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] { | "{ :[x] : :[y] }" -> :[x] == :[y] }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 21, "line": 1, "column": 22 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "{ a : a } { a : a }",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 20, "line": 1, "column": 21 }
"matched": "{{ a : a } { a : a }}"
] |}];
let template = "{:[1]}" in
let source = "{{ a : a } { a : b }}" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] { | "{ :[x] : :[y] }" -> :[x] == :[y] }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "nested_matches" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "{ :[foo] : :[tail1] }" -> match :[tail1] {
| "{ :[bar] : :[tail2] }" -> match :[tail2] {
| "{ baz : :[qux] }" -> :[qux] == "qux", :[bar] == "bar"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 37, "line": 1, "column": 38 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 37, "line": 1, "column": 38 }
"matched": "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "{ :[foo] : :[tail1] }" -> match :[tail1] {
| "{ :[bar] : :[tail2] }" -> match :[tail2] {
| "{ baz : :[qux] }" -> :[qux] == "fail"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "match_on_template" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "oodles" in
let rule =
{| where match "p:[1]" {
| "poodles" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "oodles",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"matched": "oodles"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "poodle" in
let rule =
{| where match ":[1]s" {
| "poodles" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"environment": [
"variable": "1",
"value": "poodle",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"matched": "poodle"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "poodle" in
let rule =
{| where match ":[1]," {
| "poodle" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
(*open Core
open Matchers
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:(fun matched -> `String matched.Match.matched)
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "matched_contains_raw_literal_quotes" =
let source = {|"""blah"""|} in
let template = {|""":[[1]]"""|} in
let matches = Python.all ~configuration ~template ~source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[ "\"\"\"blah\"\"\"" ]|}]
let%expect_test "interpreted_string_does_not_match_raw_literal" =
let source = {|"""blah""" "blah"|} in
let template = {|":[[1]]"|} in
let matches = Python.all ~configuration ~template ~source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[ "\"blah\"" ]|}]
let%expect_test "interpreted_string_does_not_match_raw_literal_containing_quote" =
let source = {|"""blah""" """bl"ah""" "blah"|} in
let template = {|":[[1]]"|} in
let matches = Python.all ~configuration ~template ~source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[ "\"blah\"" ]|}]
let%expect_test "raw_string_matches_string_containing_quote" =
let source = {|"""bl"ah"""|} in
let template = {|""":[1]"""|} in
let matches = Python.all ~configuration ~template ~source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[ "\"\"\"bl\"ah\"\"\"" ]|}]
let%expect_test "invalid_raw_string_in_python_but_matches_because_ignores_after" =
let source = {|"""""""|} in
let template = {|""":[1]"""|} in
let matches = Python.all ~configuration ~template ~source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[ "\"\"\"\"\"\"" ]|}]
let%expect_test "raw_string_captures_escape_sequences" =
let source = {|"""\""""|} in
let template = {|""":[1]"""|} in
let matches = Python.all ~configuration ~template ~source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[ "\"\"\"\\\"\"\"" ]|}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
(*open Core
open Language
open Matchers
open Match
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" s in
let leading_indentation = Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule =
Generic.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Error _ -> print_string "bad"
| Ok result ->
match result with
| ({ environment; _ } as m) ->
let e = Rule.(result_env @@ apply rule environment) in
match e with
| None -> print_string "bad bad"
| Some e ->
{ m with environment = e }
|> List.return
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
let%expect_test "rewrite_rule" =
let source = {|int|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[1] { "int" -> "expect" }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "sequenced_rewrite_rule" =
let source = {|{ { a : { b : { c : d } } } }|} in
let match_template = {|{ :[a] : :[rest] }|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{ :[a] : :[rest] }|} in
let rule =
rewrite :[a] { "a" -> "qqq" },
rewrite :[rest] { "{ b : { :[other] } }" -> "{ :[other] }" }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|{ { qqq : { c : d } } }|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_rule_for_list" =
let source = {|[1, 2, 3, 4,]|} in
let match_template = {|[:[contents]]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|[:[contents]]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[contents] { ":[[x]]," -> ":[[x]];" }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|[1; 2; 3; 4;]|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_rule_for_list_strip_last" =
let source = {|[1, 2, 3, 4]|} in
let match_template = {|[:[contents]]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|[:[contents]]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[contents] { ":[x], " -> ":[x]; " }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|[1; 2; 3; 4]|}]
let%expect_test "haskell_example" =
let source = {|
[ "blah blah blah"
, "blah"
|} in
let match_template = {|(concat [:[contents]])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[contents])|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[contents] { "," -> "++" }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|
( "blah blah blah"
++ "blah"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
open Core
(*open Core
open Lwt.Infix
@ -202,3 +202,4 @@ let%expect_test "post_substitute" =
[%expect {| { "result": "oh hi there", "id": 0 } |}]
let () = kill ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
(*open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let run ?(configuration = configuration) (module M : Matchers.Matcher) source match_template rewrite_template =
M.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> function
| [] -> print_string "No matches."
| results ->
Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template results)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
let%expect_test "parse_rust_apostrophe_ok" =
let source = {|width="1280"|} in
let match_template = {|width=":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run (module Matchers.Generic) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|1280|}]
let%expect_test "parse_rust_apostrophe_ok" =
let source = {|pub struct GlobBuilder<'a> {}|} in
let match_template = {|{}|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{} // success|} in
run (module Matchers.Rust) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|pub struct GlobBuilder<'a> {} // success|}]
let%expect_test "parse_ocaml_apostrophe_ok" =
let source = {|type 'a t = Poly of 'a | Int of int |} in
let match_template = {|type :[v] t = :[_] Int of :[i]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[v], :[i]|} in
run (module Matchers.OCaml) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|'a, int |}]
let%expect_test "strict_nested_matching" =
let source = {|({})|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run (module Matchers.Dyck) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{}|}]
let%expect_test "strict_nested_matching" =
let source = {|(})|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run (module Matchers.Dyck) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|No matches.|}]
let%expect_test "ocaml_blocks" =
let source = {|
module M : sig
type t
end = struct
type t = int
module Nested_M = struct
type r = int
let match_template = {|struct :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|struct <deleted> end|} in
run (module Matchers.OCaml) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
module M : sig
type t
end = struct <deleted> end
let%expect_test "ocaml_complex_blocks_with_same_end" =
let source = {|
match x with
| _ ->
let module M = struct type t end
match y with
| _ -> ()
let match_template = {|begin :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.OCaml) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
<1>match x with
| _ ->
let module M = struct type t end
match y with
| _ -> ()
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks" =
let source = {|
class ActionController::Base
before_filter :generate_css_from_less
def generate_css_from_less
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
before_filter :generate_css_from_less
def generate_css_from_less
let%expect_test "erlang_blocks" =
let source = {|Big = fun(X) -> if X > 10 -> true; true -> false end end.|} in
let match_template = {|fun(:[1]) :[rest] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<rest>:[rest]</rest>|} in
run (module Matchers.Erlang) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|Big = <rest>-> if X > 10 -> true; true -> false end</rest>.|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks" =
let source = {|class x end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>x</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_1" =
let source = {|class class def body1 end def body2 end end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>class def body1 end def body2 end end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_2" =
let source = {|class class (def body1 end) (def body2 end) end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>class (def body1 end) (def body2 end) end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_3" =
let source = {| def (def b end)(def b end) end |} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| <1>(def b end)(def b end)</1> |}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_4" =
let source = {| def (def a end) f (def b end)end |} in
let match_template = {|def :[1]end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| <1>(def a end) f (def b end)</1> |}]
(* this is correct: there's no space in the source 'end', so it matches the inner def/end blocks *)
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {| def (def a end) f (def b end) end |} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| <1>(def a end) f (def b end)</1> |}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {| def(df b ed) (df b ed)end |} in
let match_template = {|def:[1]end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| <1>(df b ed) (df b ed)</1> |}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class class ((def (x) end) f (def body end)) end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>class ((def (x) end) f (def body end)) end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class class (def body1 end) (def body2 end) end end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|class class (<1>body1</1>) (<1>body2</1>) end end|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class class (def body1 end) (def body2 end) end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>class (def body1 end) (def body2 end) end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class class def (def body1 end) (def body2 end) end end end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|class class <1>(def body1 end) (def body2 end)</1> end end|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class class def () (def body2 end) end end end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|class class <1>() (def body2 end)</1> end end|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def (def end) (def end) end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(def end) (def end)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def (def end) a (def end) end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(def end) a (def end)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def (defa aend) (adef aend) end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(defa aend) (adef aend)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def (defa aend) a (adef aend) end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(defa aend) a (adef aend)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def (adef a endq) end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(adef a endq)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def adef a endq end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>adef a endq</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def def foo end end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>def foo end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def def end endq|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|No matches.|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def adef a endq end |} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>adef a endq</1> |}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def fadef a qendq end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>fadef a qendq</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def defa aend end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>defa aend</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|(adef a endq)|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|No matches.|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def adef a endq end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>adef a endq</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def (adef a endq) end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(adef a endq)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class (def ( body )end) end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(def ( body )end)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class def ( body )end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>def ( body )end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class def( body ) end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>def( body ) end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class def() end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>def() end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class def () end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>def () end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class def( body )end end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>def( body )end</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class ( def( body )end) end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>( def( body )end)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|class (def( body )end) end|} in
let match_template = {|class :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>(def( body )end)</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|(def a endq)|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|No matches.|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|def end|} in
let match_template = {|def :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|No matches.|}]
let%expect_test "ruby_blocks_5" =
let source = {|(def foo end)|} in
let match_template = {|(def :[1] end)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.Ruby) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>foo</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ocaml_struct_end" =
let source = {|= struct Something end|} in
let match_template = {|= struct :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.OCaml) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>Something</1>|}]
let%expect_test "ocaml_struct_end_2" =
let source = {|= struct include Something end|} in
let match_template = {|= struct :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|<1>:[1]</1>|} in
run (module Matchers.OCaml) source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|<1>include Something</1>|}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
(*open Core
open Language
open Matchers
open Match
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = s |> String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" in
let leading_indentation =
Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let %expect_test "statistics" =
let template =
def :[fn_name](:[fn_params])
|> format
let source =
def foo(bar):
def bar(bazz):
|> format
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } ->
Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> fun matches ->
let statistics =
{ number_of_files = 1
; lines_of_code = 5
; number_of_matches = List.length matches
; total_time = 0.0
|> Statistics.to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
"number_of_files": 1,
"lines_of_code": 5,
"number_of_matches": 2,
"total_time": 0.0
} |}];
let statistics' =
{ number_of_files = 1
; lines_of_code = 10
; number_of_matches = 1
; total_time = 1.5
|> Statistics.to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
"number_of_files": 2,
"lines_of_code": 15,
"number_of_matches": 3,
"total_time": 1.5
} |}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
(*open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let format s =
let s = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" s in
let leading_indentation = Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let all ?(configuration = configuration) template source =
C.all ~configuration ~template ~source
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "comments_in_string_literals_should_not_be_treated_as_comments_by_fuzzy" =
let source = {|"/*"(x)|} in
let template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all template source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|"/*"x|}]
let%expect_test "comments_in_string_literals_should_not_be_treated_as_comments_by_fuzzy_go_raw" =
let source = {|`//`(x)|} in
let template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|`//`x|}]
let%expect_test "tolerate_unbalanced_stuff_in_string_literals" =
let template = {|"("|} in
let source = {|"("|} in
let matches = all ~configuration template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 3, "line": 1, "column": 4 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "\"(\""
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"hello"|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|rewrite ("hello") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (":[1]") this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello|}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|rewrite (".") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (":[1]") this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|.|}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|rewrite ("") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (":[1]") this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {||}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|"(" match "a""a" this "(" |} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"(" "a""a" "(" |}]
(* this tests special functionality in non-literal hole parser
but which must still ignore unbalanced delims within strings *)
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|"(" match "(""(" this "(" |} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"(" "(""(" "(" |}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|rewrite ("") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (:[1]) this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|""|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"("|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|(|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"(""("|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|((|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"(""("|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|((|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"hello world"|} in
let match_template = {|":[x] :[y]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[x] :[y]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello world|}]
(* complex test: basically, we are checking that the inside of this literal is only matched by the val b part *)
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|val a = "class = ${String::class}" val b = "not $a"|} in
let match_template = {|":[x]$:[[y]]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(rewritten part: (:[x]) ([y]))|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|val a = "class = ${String::class}" val b = (rewritten part: (not ) ([y]))|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|get("type") rekt ("enabled", True)|} in
let match_template = {|(":[1]", :[[3]])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(rewritten part: (:[1]) (:[3]))|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|get("type") rekt (rewritten part: (enabled) (True))|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match "\"" this|} in
let rewrite_template = "" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {||}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"\""|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"\"\""|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"(\"" "(\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"\"(\"" "(\""|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"(\"" "(\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match ":[1]" ":[2]" this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|\"(\" (\"|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match 'sin(gle' 'quo(tes' this|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match 'sin(gle' 'quo(tes' this|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match '\''|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match '\''|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match 'asdf'|} in
let match_template = {|':[1]'|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match asdf|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match '\''|} in
let match_template = {|':[1]'|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match \'|}]
let%expect_test "go_raw_string_literals" =
let source =
x = x
y = `multi-line
raw str(ing literal`
z = `other multi-line
raw stri(ng literal`
let match_template = {|`:[1]`|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~source ~template:match_template
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|
x = x
y = multi-line
raw str(ing literal
z = other multi-line
raw stri(ng literal
let%expect_test "go_raw_string_literals" =
let source = {|blah `(` quux|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~source ~template:match_template
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|blah `(` quux|}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|`(` match `(``(` this `(` |} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|`(` `(``(` `(` |}]
let%expect_test "go_raw_string_literals" =
let source =
x = x
y = `multi-line
raw "str"(ing literal`
z = `other multi-line
raw '"'\"\\s\\\\\tr\ni(ng literal`
let match_template = {|`:[1]`|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~source ~template:match_template
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|
x = x
y = multi-line
raw "str"(ing literal
z = other multi-line
raw '"'\"\\s\\\\\tr\ni(ng literal
let%expect_test "regression_matching_kubernetes" =
let source = {|"\n" y = 5|} in
let template = {|y = :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|"\n" 5|}]
let%expect_test "match_escaped_any_char" =
let source = {|printf("hello world\n");|} in
let template = {|printf(":[1]");|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|hello world\n|}]
let%expect_test "match_escaped_escaped" =
let source = {|printf("hello world\n\\");|} in
let template = {|printf(":[1]");|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|hello world\n\\|}]
let%expect_test "match_escaped_escaped" =
let source = {|printf("hello world\n\");|} in
let template = {|printf(":[1]");|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "EXPECT SUCCESS");
[%expect_exact {|EXPECT SUCCESS|}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
(*open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~disable_substring_matching:true ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" s in
let leading_indentation = Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let run ?(configuration = configuration) source match_template rewrite_template =
Generic.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok result ->
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
| Error _ ->
(* this is too annoying to fix everytime the grammar changes. *)
print_string ""
let run_all ?(configuration = configuration) source match_template rewrite_template =
Generic.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> function
| [] -> print_string "No matches."
| results ->
Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template results)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
let%expect_test "basic" =
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c d|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b c|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b c d|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] c d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (b c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[2] :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (b c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] :[1] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (c)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] c :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (d)|}];
let source = {|x:|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]:|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|x|}]
let%expect_test "basic_failures" =
let source = {|a x b bbq|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] b c|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] d :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] b :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}]
let%expect_test "delimiter_matching" =
let source = {|(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c|}];
let source = {|(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1] b :[2]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (c)|}];
let source = {|q(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|q(:[1] b :[2]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (c)|}];
let source = {|((a) b)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1] b)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a)|}];
let source = {|((a b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a b c)|}];
let source = {|((a b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a b c)|}];
let source = {|((a b c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1]) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c|}];
let source = {|((a b c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1] c) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|((a b () c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1] () c) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|((a ((x) d) b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a :[1] :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((x) d)|}];
let source = {|((a ((x) d) b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a (:[1]) :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(x) d b|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c.) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c.) d|}];
let source = {|(b. (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b. (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(b :[1] d.)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(c)|}];
let source = {|outer(inner(dst,src),src)|} in
let match_template = {|outer(:[1],src)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|inner(dst,src)|}];
let source = {|(b ((c)) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(b :[1] d.)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((c))|}];
let source = {|a b c|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b|}];
let source = {|x = foo;|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|foo|}];
let source = {|((a {{x} d} b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a {:[1] d} :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{x} b|}];
let source = {|((a {([{x}]) d} b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a {:[1] d} :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|([{x}]) b|}];
let source = {|(((((x)))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1])))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((x))|}];
let source = {|((((y(x)z))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1])))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(y(x)z)|}];
let source = {|((((y(x)z))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(y(x)z) |}];
let source = {|(((x)z))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|x z|}];
let source = {|((((x))z))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(x) z|}];
let source = {|lolwtfbbq|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}];
let source = {|x = foo; x = bar;|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|foo x = bar;|}];
let source = {|[ no match prefix ] x = foo; [ no match suffix ]|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|[ no match prefix ] foo [ no match suffix ]|}];
let source = {|x = a; x = b; x = c|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a x = b; x = c|}];
let source = {|x = ( x = x; );|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|( x = x; )|}];
let source = {|( x = x = x; )|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|( x = x )|}];
let source = {|xxx a b d c 1 2 3 b d d blah|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c :[2] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|xxx b d 1 2 3 b d blah|}];
let source = {|howevenlolwtfbbqispossible|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}];
let source = {|lolhowevenlolwtfbbqispossiblebbq|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}];
let source = {|hello my name is bob the builder|} in
let match_template = {|:[alongidentifiername] :[2] :[3] :[xyz] :[5] :[6]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[alongidentifiername] :[2] :[3] :[xyz] :[5] :[6]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|hello my name is bob the builder|}];
let source = {||} in
let match_template = {|www.:[1]-:[2].jpg|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| 280x428|}];
let source = {||} in
let match_template = {|:[1]api.:[2]/repos/:[3]s/:[4]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2] :[3] :[4]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}];
let source =
assert(stream->md_len + md_len -
si.foo_data_begin <= MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
memcpy(*stream->foo_data + stream->md_len,
frame_used = md_len - si.foo_data_begin);
stream->md_len += frame_used;
|} |> format
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3]);|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1], :[2], :[3]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|assert(stream->md_len + md_len -
si.foo_data_begin <= MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
*stream->foo_data + stream->md_len, mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr), frame_used = md_len - si.foo_data_begin
stream->md_len += frame_used;|}]
let%expect_test "significant_whitespace" =
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ~significant_whitespace:true () in
let run = run ~configuration in
let source = {|two spaces|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|two spaces|}];
(* FIXME: this should fail. also test case where separators do or do not need
whitespace. e.g., strict about strcpy(src,dst) matching a template
strcpy(:[1],:[2]) versus strcpy(:[1], :[2]) *)
let source = {|two spaces|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|two spaces|}]
let%expect_test "contextual_matching" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}];
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}]
let%expect_test "contextual_matching_with_short_hole_syntax" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[[1]], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[[1]]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}]
let%expect_test "trivial_empty_case" =
let source = "" in
let match_template = "" in
Generic.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> function
| [] -> print_string "No matches."
| hd :: _ ->
print_string (Yojson.Safe.to_string (Match.to_yojson hd))
[%expect_exact {|{"range":{"start":{"offset":0,"line":1,"column":1},"end":{"offset":0,"line":1,"column":1}},"environment":[],"matched":""}|}]