add rg option for filtering

This commit is contained in:
Rijnard van Tonder 2020-09-18 00:55:06 -07:00
parent 353fddc402
commit b231998528
9 changed files with 213 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -226,6 +226,8 @@ type user_input_options =
; exclude_file_prefix : string list
; custom_matcher : string option
; override_matcher : string option
; regex_pattern : bool
; ripgrep_args : string option
type run_options =
@ -647,6 +649,26 @@ let select_matcher custom_matcher override_matcher file_filters omega =
of_extension engine file_filters
let regex_of_specifications specifications =
Format.sprintf "(%s)"
@@ String.concat ~sep:")|("
@@ specifications ~f:Specification.to_regex
let ripgrep_file_filters specifications args : string list =
let regex = regex_of_specifications specifications in
let args =
String.split_on_chars args ~on:[' '; '\t'; '\r'; '\n']
|> List.filter ~f:(String.(<>) "")
let result = ~pattern:regex ~args in
match result with
| Ok result ->
if debug then Format.printf "Ripgrep result: %s@." @@ String.concat ~sep:"\n" result;
| Error e ->
Format.eprintf "%s@." (Error.to_string_hum e);
exit 1
let create
({ input_options =
{ rule
@ -662,6 +684,8 @@ let create
; exclude_file_prefix
; custom_matcher
; override_matcher
; regex_pattern
; ripgrep_args
; run_options =
{ sequential
@ -713,7 +737,8 @@ let create
{ spec with match_template =
String.substr_replace_all match_template ~pattern:"..." ~with_:":[_]" })
let file_filters =
if regex_pattern then (Format.printf "%s@." (regex_of_specifications specifications); exit 0);
let file_filters_from_anonymous_args =
match anonymous_arguments with
| None -> file_filters
| Some { file_filters = None; _ } -> file_filters
@ -724,6 +749,11 @@ let create
| None ->
Some anonymous_file_filters
let file_filters =
match ripgrep_args with
| Some args -> Some (ripgrep_file_filters specifications args)
| None -> file_filters_from_anonymous_args
let input_source =
match stdin, zip_file with
| true, _ -> Stdin

View File

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ type user_input_options =
; exclude_file_prefix : string list
; custom_matcher : string option
; override_matcher : string option
; regex_pattern : bool
; ripgrep_args : string option
type run_options =

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
(name configuration)
(public_name comby.configuration)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson bisect_ppx --conditional))
(libraries camlzip comby.statistics comby.parsers comby.match comby.language ppxlib core core.uuid mparser mparser.pcre yojson ppx_deriving_yojson hack_parallel toml))
(libraries camlzip comby.statistics comby.parsers comby.match comby.language ppxlib core core.uuid mparser mparser.pcre yojson ppx_deriving_yojson hack_parallel toml lwt lwt.unix))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
open Core
open Lwt
let debug =
Sys.getenv "DEBUG_COMBY"
|> Option.is_some
let run ~pattern ~args =
let options = ["--files-with-matches"; "--multiline"] in
let pattern = Format.sprintf {|'%s'|} pattern in
let command = ("rg" :: options @ args @ [pattern]) |> String.concat ~sep:" " in
if debug then Format.printf "Executing: %s@." command;
let lwt_command = command in
let recv proc =
let ic = proc#stdout in
(fun () -> ic)
(fun () -> Lwt_io.close ic)
let f () =
Lwt_process.with_process_in lwt_command (fun proc ->
recv proc >>= fun result ->
proc#status >>= function
| WEXITED v when v <> 0 -> return @@ Or_error.errorf "Error executing rg, exit status %d." v
| _ -> return (Ok (String.split ~on:'\n' result |> List.filter ~f:(String.(<>) ""))))
try (f ()) with Sys.Break -> exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
open Core
(* [run pattern args] accepts a [pattern] and list of extra ripgrep-compatible
arguments [args], for example, ["-g"; "*.go"; "-g"; "*.ts"]. Returns a list
of files if the commands succeeds. *)
val run : pattern:string -> args:string list -> string list Or_error.t

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
open Core
open Angstrom
open Language
type t =
@ -6,5 +9,133 @@ type t =
; rewrite_template : string option
let (|>>) p f =
p >>= fun x -> return (f x)
let alphanum =
satisfy (function
| 'a' .. 'z'
| 'A' .. 'Z'
| '0' .. '9' -> true
| _ -> false)
let blank =
[ char ' '
; char '\t'
let identifier_parser () =
many (alphanum <|> char '_')
|>> String.of_char_list
let single_hole_parser () =
string ":[[" *> identifier_parser () <* string "]]" |>> fun _ -> None
let everything_hole_parser () =
string ":[" *> identifier_parser () <* string "]" |>> fun _ -> None
let expression_hole_parser () =
string ":[" *> identifier_parser () <* string ":e" <* string "]" |>> fun _ -> None
let non_space_hole_parser () =
string ":[" *> identifier_parser () <* string ".]" |>> fun _ -> None
let line_hole_parser () =
string ":[" *> identifier_parser () <* string "\\n]" |>> fun _ -> None
let blank_hole_parser () =
string ":["
*> many1 blank
*> identifier_parser ()
<* string "]"
|>> fun _ -> None
let any_char_except ~reserved =
List.fold reserved
~init:(return `OK)
~f:(fun acc reserved_sequence ->
option `End_of_input
(peek_string (String.length reserved_sequence)
>>= fun s ->
if String.equal s reserved_sequence then
return `Reserved_sequence
>>= function
| `OK -> any_char
| `End_of_input -> any_char
| `Reserved_sequence -> fail "reserved sequence hit"
let regex_body () =
fix (fun expr ->
[ ((char '[' *> (many1 expr) <* char ']')
|>> fun char_class -> Format.sprintf "[%s]" @@ String.concat char_class)
; (char '\\' *> any_char |>> fun c -> (Format.sprintf "\\%c" c))
; ((any_char_except ~reserved:["]"])) |>> Char.to_string
let regex_hole_parser () =
string ":["
*> identifier_parser ()
*> char '~'
*> (many1 @@ regex_body ()) >>= fun regex ->
string "]" >>= fun _ -> return (Some (String.concat regex))
type extracted =
| Regex of string
| Constant of string
let extract : extracted list Angstrom.t =
let hole =
[ single_hole_parser ()
; everything_hole_parser ()
; expression_hole_parser ()
; non_space_hole_parser ()
; line_hole_parser ()
; blank_hole_parser ()
; regex_hole_parser ()
many @@ choice
[ (hole >>= fun v -> return ( v ~f:(fun v -> Regex v)))
; ((many1 @@ any_char_except ~reserved:[":["])) >>= fun c ->
return (Some (Constant (String.of_char_list c)))
>>= fun result -> return (List.filter_opt result)
let escape s =
let rec aux chars =
match chars with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
match x with
| '\\' | '.' | '+' | '*' | '?' | '(' | ')' | '|' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' | '^' | '$' as c ->
'\\' :: c :: (aux xs)
| c -> c :: (aux xs)
aux (String.to_list s)
|> String.of_char_list
let to_regex { match_template; _ } =
let state = Buffered.parse extract in
let state = Buffered.feed state (`String match_template) in
let extracted =
match Buffered.feed state `Eof with
| Buffered.Done (_, result) -> result
| _ -> failwith "Could not parse template for ripgrep"
(* Escape regex metachars *)
let extracted = extracted ~f:(function | Constant s -> escape s | Regex s -> s) in
(* Replace contiguous spaces with the regex \s+ *)
let match_spaces = Str.regexp "[ \t\r\n]+" in
let extracted = extracted ~f:(fun part -> Str.global_replace match_spaces {|\s+|} part) in
(* ?s is modifier metasyntax where . matches all chars including newlines. See *)
Format.sprintf "(%s)" @@ String.concat extracted ~sep:")(?s:.)*?("
let create ?rewrite_template ?rule ~match_template () =
{ match_template; rule; rewrite_template }

View File

@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ let base_command_parameters : (unit -> 'result) Command.Param.t =
and omega = flag "omega" no_arg ~doc:"Use Omega matcher engine."
and fast_offset_conversion = flag "fast-offset-conversion" no_arg ~doc:"Enable fast offset conversion. This is experimental and will become the default once vetted."
and match_newline_toplevel = flag "match-newline-at-toplevel" no_arg ~aliases:[] ~doc:"Enable matching newlines at the top level for :[hole]."
and regex_pattern = flag "regex" no_arg ~doc:"print a regex that a file must satisfy in order for a pattern to be run"
and ripgrep_args = flag "ripgrep" (optional string) ~aliases:["rg"] ~doc:"flags Activate ripgrep for filtering files. Add flags like '-g *.go' to include or exclude file extensions."
and anonymous_arguments =
@ -193,6 +195,8 @@ let base_command_parameters : (unit -> 'result) Command.Param.t =
; exclude_file_prefix
; custom_matcher
; override_matcher
; regex_pattern
; ripgrep_args
; run_options =
{ sequential

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(name common_test_integration)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
open Core
open Configuration
let%expect_test "basic" =
let match_template = "for :[i], :[x] := range :[list] {:[body]}" in
let spec = Specification.create ~match_template () in
let result = Specification.to_regex spec in
print_string result;
[%expect_exact {|(for\s+)(?s:.)*?(,\s+)(?s:.)*?(\s+:=\s+range\s+)(?s:.)*?(\s+\{)(?s:.)*?(\})|}];