update types for alternative engine

This commit is contained in:
Rijnard van Tonder 2019-11-28 12:37:52 -07:00
parent 7022c0652e
commit e6810b9ebb

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@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ let debug =
|> Option.is_some
type signal_hole =
| Signal_a_hole of Types.hole
| Dont_care
let record_match_context pos_before pos_after =
let open Match.Location in
if debug then Format.printf "match context start pos: %d@." pos_before;
@ -58,14 +54,14 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
let f acc _production =
acc + 1
let r acc production : (signal_hole * 'a) t =
let r acc production : (production * 'a) t =
let open Match in
let open Range in
let acc = f acc production in
match production with
| String s ->
if debug then Format.printf "Matched String: %S@." s;
return (Dont_care, acc)
return (Unit, acc)
| Match { offset = pos_after; identifier; text = content } ->
(* using just pos after for now, because thats what we do in matcher. lol *)
if debug then Format.printf "Match: %S @@ %d for %s@." content pos_after identifier;
@ -74,8 +70,8 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
let range = { match_start = before; match_end = after } in
let environment = Environment.add ~range !current_environment_ref identifier content in
current_environment_ref := environment;
return (Dont_care, acc)
| _ -> return (Dont_care, acc)
return (Unit, acc)
| _ -> return (Unit, acc)
let between left right p =
left *> p <* right
@ -217,74 +213,77 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
let many1_till p t =
lift2 cons p (many_till p t)
let sequence_chain (p_list : (signal_hole * 'a) t list) =
let sequence_chain (p_list : (production * 'a) t list) =
let i = ref 0 in
List.fold_right p_list ~init:(return (Dont_care, acc)) ~f:(fun p acc ->
List.fold_right p_list ~init:(return (Unit, acc)) ~f:(fun p acc ->
let result =
if debug then Format.printf "iterate fold_right %d@." !i;
match parse_string p "_signal_hole" with
| Error _ ->
if debug then Format.printf "Composing p with terminating parser@.";
p *> acc
| Ok (f,user_state) ->
| Ok (Hole { sort; identifier; _ }, user_state) ->
(*Format.printf "Ok.@.";*)
match f with
| Signal_a_hole (Alphanum (identifier, _)) ->
pos >>= fun pos_before ->
many1 (generate_single_hole_parser ())
>>= fun value ->
(* acc must come after in order to sat. try mimic alpha to better express this. *)
acc >>= fun _ ->
r user_state
{ offset = pos_before; identifier; text = (String.concat value) }
| Signal_a_hole (Everything (identifier, _dimension)) ->
if debug then Format.printf "do hole %s@." identifier;
let first_pos = Set_once.create () in
let pparser =
let until =
(* if this is the base case (the first time we go around the
loop backwards, when the first parser is a hole), then it
means there's a hole at the end without anything following
it in the template. So it should always match to
end_of_input (not empty string) *)
if !i = 0 then
(if debug then Format.printf "Yes this case@.";
(if debug then Format.printf "Yes this second case@.";
acc >>= fun _ -> return ())
match sort with
| Alphanum ->
pos >>= fun pos_before ->
many1 (generate_single_hole_parser ())
>>= fun value ->
(* acc must come after in order to sat. try mimic alpha to better express this. *)
acc >>= fun _ ->
r user_state
{ offset = pos_before; identifier; text = (String.concat value) }
| Everything ->
if debug then Format.printf "do hole %s@." identifier;
let first_pos = Set_once.create () in
let pparser =
let until =
(* if this is the base case (the first time we go around the
loop backwards, when the first parser is a hole), then it
means there's a hole at the end without anything following
it in the template. So it should always match to
end_of_input (not empty string) *)
if !i = 0 then
(if debug then Format.printf "Yes this case@.";
(if debug then Format.printf "Yes this second case@.";
acc >>= fun _ -> return ())
(pos >>= fun pos -> Set_once.set_if_none first_pos [%here] pos;
generate_greedy_hole_parser ())
(pos >>= fun pos -> Set_once.set_if_none first_pos [%here] pos;
(* it may be that the many till for the first parser
succeeds on 'empty string', specifically in the :[1]:[2]
case for :[1]. We won't capture the pos of :[1] in the
first parser since it doesn't fire, so, so we have to
set the pos right before the until parser below, if that
happens. *)
) >>| String.concat
(pos >>= fun pos -> Set_once.set_if_none first_pos [%here] pos;
generate_greedy_hole_parser ())
(pos >>= fun pos -> Set_once.set_if_none first_pos [%here] pos;
(* it may be that the many till for the first parser
succeeds on 'empty string', specifically in the :[1]:[2]
case for :[1]. We won't capture the pos of :[1] in the
first parser since it doesn't fire, so, so we have to
set the pos right before the until parser below, if that
happens. *)
) >>| String.concat
pparser >>= fun text ->
(*Format.printf "have results %d@." @@ List.length results;*)
let offset =
match Set_once.get first_pos with
| Some offset -> offset
| _ -> failwith "Did not expect unset offset"
{ offset
; identifier
; text
| _ -> assert false
pparser >>= fun text ->
(*Format.printf "have results %d@." @@ List.length results;*)
let offset =
match Set_once.get first_pos with
| Some offset -> offset
| _ -> failwith "Did not expect unset offset"
{ offset
; identifier
; text
| _ -> assert false (* TODO: other sorts *)
| Ok (_, _user_state) -> failwith "unreachable: _signal_hole parsed but not handled by Hole variant"
i := !i + 1;
@ -339,19 +338,19 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
let cons x xs = x::xs in
lift2 cons p (many_till p t)
let hole_parser sort dimension : (signal_hole * 'a) t t =
match sort with
| `Single ->
single_hole_parser () |>> fun id ->
skip_unit (string "_signal_hole") |>> fun () ->
(Signal_a_hole (Alphanum (id, dimension)), acc)
| `Greedy ->
greedy_hole_parser () |>> fun id ->
skip_unit (string "_signal_hole") |>> fun () ->
(Signal_a_hole (Everything (id, dimension)), acc)
let hole_parser sort dimension : (production * 'a) t t =
let open Hole in
let hole_parser =
match sort with
| Alphanum -> single_hole_parser ()
| Everything -> greedy_hole_parser ()
| _ -> failwith "not implemented"
let skip_signal hole = skip_unit (string "_signal_hole") |>> fun () -> (Hole hole, acc) in
hole_parser |>> fun identifier -> skip_signal { sort; identifier; dimension; optional = false }
let general_parser_generator : (signal_hole * 'a) t t =
fix (fun (generator : (signal_hole * 'a) t list t) ->
let general_parser_generator : (production * 'a) t t =
fix (fun (generator : (production * 'a) t list t) ->
if debug then Format.printf "Descends@.";
let nested =
(* FIXME nested needs comments and string literals (or does it not
@ -363,7 +362,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
(string left_delimiter
*> generator
<* string right_delimiter)
>>= fun (g: (signal_hole * 'a) t list) ->
>>= fun (g: (production * 'a) t list) ->
if debug then Format.printf "G size: %d; delim %s@." (List.length g) left_delimiter;
(([string left_delimiter
>>= fun result -> r acc (String result)]
@ -375,8 +374,8 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
|> return)
|> choice
let spaces : (signal_hole * 'a) t t= spaces1 |>> generate_spaces_parser in
let escapable_string_literal_parser : (signal_hole * 'a) t t =
let spaces : (production * 'a) t t= spaces1 |>> generate_spaces_parser in
let escapable_string_literal_parser : (production * 'a) t t =
>>| fun string_literal_contents ->
(* FIXME incomplete likely, may need info about delims. also, no hole
@ -406,8 +405,8 @@ module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) (Info : Info.S) = struct
"" is a valid template, or even "{", because it generates 'seq' on chain *)
many @@
[ hole_parser `Single Code
; hole_parser `Greedy Code
[ hole_parser Alphanum Code
; hole_parser Everything Code
; escapable_string_literal_parser
; spaces
; nested