Initial code commit

This commit is contained in:
Rijnard van Tonder 2019-04-09 03:18:31 -04:00
parent 224430cdff
commit f5c03e19ef
73 changed files with 5341 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that refoo
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
all: build comby
@dune build
comby comby-server:
@ln -s _build/install/default/bin/$@ ./$@
@dune install
@dune build @doc
@dune runtest
@dune clean
@dune uninstall
@dune promote
.PHONY: all build install test clean promote

View File

@ -1 +1,171 @@
# comby
## Build
- Install [opam](
- Create a new switch if you don't have OCaml installed
opam init
opam switch create 4.05.0 4.05.0
- Install dependencies
### Linux
sudo apt-get install pkg-config pcre
### Mac
brew install pkg-config pcre
- Install opam libraries
opam install ppx_deriving_yojson
opam install core
opam install ppxlib
opam install ppx_deriving
opam install angstrom
opam install hack_parallel
opam install opium
opam install pcre
opam install oasis
- Install mparser
git clone
oasis setup
ocaml -configure --enable-pcre --enable-re
ocaml -build
ocaml -install
- Build and test
make test
## Running
`./comby MATCH_TEMPLATE REWRITE_TEMPLATE` by default rewrites all files
in-place in the current directory and all subdirectories.
- Adding `-f .ml` will rewrite all files ending in `.ml`. Adding `-f` will rewrite all files
ending in ``
- Input can also be fed via `-stdin` instead of rewriting files:
./comby -stdin 'printf(":[1] :[2]")' 'printf("comby, :[1]")' << EOF 2> /dev/null
int main(void) {
printf("hello world");
int main(void) {
printf("comby, hello");
- Adding a `-json` flag will output JSON content of the rewrite:
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 19, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 41, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "printf(\"comby, hello\")",
"environment": [
"value": "hello",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 15, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 20, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
- Adding a `-match-only` flag will output JSON content of all matches:
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 19, "line": 1, "column": 20 },
"end": { "offset": 40, "line": 1, "column": 41 }
"environment": [
"value": "hello",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 27, "line": 1, "column": 28 },
"end": { "offset": 32, "line": 1, "column": 33 }
"value": "world",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 33, "line": 1, "column": 34 },
"end": { "offset": 38, "line": 1, "column": 39 }
"matched": "printf(\"hello world\")"
See other flags for more options with `./comby -h`:
Run a rewrite pass.
=== flags ===
[-directory path] Run on files in a directory. Default is current
directory: /Users/rvt/comby
[-filter extensions] CSV of extensions to include
[-jobs n] Number of worker processes
[-json] Output JSON format for matches or rewrite text to stdout
[-match-only] Only perform matching (ignore rewrite templates)
[-rule rule] Apply rules to matches. Respects -f
[-sequential] Run sequentially
[-stdin] Read source from stdin
[-templates path] CSV of directories containing templates
[-timeout seconds] Set match timeout on a source. Default: 3
[-verbose] Log to /tmp/comby.out
[-build-info] print info about this build and exit
[-version] print the version of this build and exit
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)

comby Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

comby.opam Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
opam-version: "2.0"
version: "0.1.0"
maintainer: ""
authors: ["Rijnard van Tonder"]
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
license: "Apache-2.0"
build: [["jbuilder" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs "@install"]]
depends: [

dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(flags (:standard -w A-3-4-32-34-39-40-41-42-44-45-48-49-50-57))))

dune-project Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(lang dune 1.8)
(name comby)

lib/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module Language = Language
module Matchers = Matchers
module Match = Match
module Rewriter = Rewriter
module Statistics = Statistics

lib/comby.mli Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module Language = Language
module Matchers = Matchers
module Match = Match
module Rewriter = Rewriter
module Statistics = Statistics

lib/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(name comby)
(public_name comby)
(preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.eq ppx_sexp_conv))

lib/language/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
open Core
type atom =
| Variable of string
| String of string
[@@deriving sexp]
type antecedent = atom
[@@deriving sexp]
type expression =
| True
| False
| Equal of atom * atom
| Not_equal of atom * atom
| Match of atom * (antecedent * consequent) list
| RewriteTemplate of string
| Rewrite of atom * (antecedent * consequent) list
| Rewrite_old of atom * ((atom * atom * expression list) list)
and consequent = expression list
[@@deriving sexp]
let (=) left right = Equal (left, right)
let (<>) left right = Not_equal (left, right)
(* Semantics for rewrite_rule with a list more than one expression is
undefined *)
type t = expression list
[@@deriving sexp]

lib/language/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name language)
(public_name comby.language)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson))
(libraries comby.parsers comby.match comby.rewriter comby.matchers ppxlib core mparser mparser.pcre yojson ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime))

lib/language/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
open Core
open MParser
open MParser_PCRE.Tokens
open Ast
let variable_parser s =
(string Syntax.variable_left_delimiter
>> (many (alphanum <|> char '_') |>> String.of_char_list)
<< string Syntax.variable_right_delimiter) s
let value_parser s =
string_literal s
let operator_parser s =
((string Syntax.equal)
<|> (string Syntax.not_equal)) s
let atom_parser s =
((variable_parser >>= fun variable -> return (Variable variable))
<|> (value_parser >>= fun value -> return (String value))) s
let rewrite_template_parser s =
(value_parser >>= fun value -> return (RewriteTemplate value)) s

lib/language/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
open Core
open MParser
open MParser_PCRE.Tokens
open Match
open Matchers
open Rewriter
open Ast
open Parser
type result = bool * environment option
let sat = fst
let result_env = snd
let match_configuration_of_syntax template =
(* decide match configuration based on whether there are holes *)
let antecedent_contains_hole_syntax case =
String.is_substring case ~substring:Syntax.variable_left_delimiter
if antecedent_contains_hole_syntax template then
Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
Configuration.create ~match_kind:Exact ()
let merge_match_environments matches environment' = matches ~f:(fun { environment; _ } ->
Environment.merge environment environment')
type rewrite_context =
{ variable : string }
let rec apply ?(matcher = (module Matchers.Generic : Matchers.Matcher)) predicates env =
let open Option in
let module Matcher = (val matcher : Matchers.Matcher) in
let equal_in_environment var value env =
match Environment.lookup env var with
| None -> false, Some env
| Some var_value -> String.equal var_value value, Some env
(* accepts only one expression *)
let rec rule_match ?(rewrite_context : rewrite_context option) env =
| True -> true, Some env
| False -> false, Some env
| Equal (Variable var, String value)
| Equal (String value, Variable var) ->
equal_in_environment var value env
| Equal (String left, String right) ->
String.equal left right, Some env
| Equal (Variable left, Variable right) ->
let result =
Environment.lookup env left >>= fun left ->
Environment.lookup env right >>= fun right ->
return (String.equal left right)
Option.value result ~default:false, Some env
| Not_equal (left, right) ->
let sat, env = rule_match env (Equal (left, right)) in
not sat, env
| Match (Variable variable, cases) ->
let result =
Environment.lookup env variable >>= fun source ->
List.find_map cases ~f:(fun (template, case_expression) ->
match template with
| String template ->
let configuration = match_configuration_of_syntax template in
Matcher.all ~configuration ~template ~source |> function
| [] -> None
| matches ->
(* merge environments. overwrite behavior is undefined *)
let fold_matches (sat, out) { environment; _ } =
let fold_cases (sat, out) predicate =
if sat then
let env' = Environment.merge env environment in
rule_match ?rewrite_context env' predicate
(sat, out)
List.fold case_expression ~init:(sat, out) ~f:fold_cases
List.fold matches ~init:(true, None) ~f:fold_matches
|> Option.some
| Variable _ ->
failwith "| :[hole] is invalid. Maybe you meant to put quotes")
Option.value_map result ~f:ident ~default:(false, Some env)
| Match (String template, cases) ->
let source, _ = Rewriter.Rewrite_template.substitute template env in
let fresh_var = Uuid.(Fn.compose to_string create ()) in
let env = Environment.add env fresh_var source in
rule_match env (Match (Variable fresh_var, cases))
| RewriteTemplate rewrite_template ->
match rewrite_context with
| None -> false, None
| Some { variable; _ } ->
(* FIXME(RVT) assumes only contextual rewrite for now. *)
let env =
Rewrite_template.substitute rewrite_template env
|> fst
|> fun replacement' ->
Environment.update env variable replacement'
|> Option.some
true, env
| Rewrite (Variable variable, cases) ->
let result =
Environment.lookup env variable >>= fun source ->
List.find_map cases ~f:(fun (template, case_expression) ->
match template with
| String template ->
let configuration = match_configuration_of_syntax template in
let matches = Matcher.all ~configuration ~template ~source in
if List.is_empty matches then
let fold_cases (sat, out) predicate =
if sat then
let env =
match out with
| Some out -> Environment.merge out env
| None -> env
match matches with
| { environment; _ } :: _ ->
let env = Environment.merge env environment in
rule_match ~rewrite_context:{ variable } env predicate
| _ ->
sat, out
(sat, out)
List.fold case_expression ~init:(true, None) ~f:fold_cases
|> Option.some
| Variable _ ->
failwith "| :[hole] is invalid. Maybe you meant to put quotes")
Option.value_map result ~f:ident ~default:(false, Some env)
| Rewrite _ -> failwith "TODO"
| Rewrite_old _ -> failwith "Deprecated"
List.fold predicates ~init:(true, None) ~f:(fun (sat, out) predicate ->
if sat then
let env =
Option.value_map out
~f:(fun out -> Environment.merge out env)
rule_match env predicate
(sat, out))
let make_equality_expression operator left right =
if String.equal operator Syntax.equal then
return (Equal (left, right))
else if
String.equal operator Syntax.not_equal then
return (Not_equal (left, right))
let message =
"Unhandled operator %s. Did you mean %s or %s?"
Syntax.not_equal in
fail message
let create rule =
let operator_parser =
spaces >> atom_parser >>= fun left ->
spaces >> operator_parser >>= fun operator ->
spaces >> atom_parser << spaces >>= fun right ->
make_equality_expression operator left right << spaces
let true' = spaces >> string Syntax.true' << spaces |>> fun _ -> True in
let false' = spaces >> string Syntax.false' << spaces |>> fun _ -> False in
let rec expression_parser s =
[ pattern_parser
(* string literals are ambiguous, so attempt to parse operator first *)
; attempt operator_parser
; rewrite_template_parser
; true'
; false'
and pattern_parser s =
let case_parser : (atom * expression list, unit) parser =
spaces >> string Syntax.pipe_operator >>
spaces >> atom_parser << spaces << string Syntax.arrow << spaces >>= fun antecedent ->
spaces >> comma_sep expression_parser << spaces |>> fun consequent ->
antecedent, consequent
let pattern keyword =
string keyword << spaces >> atom_parser << spaces << char '{' << spaces
>>= fun atom ->
many1 case_parser
<< char '}' << spaces
>>= fun cases -> return (atom, cases)
let match_pattern =
pattern Syntax.start_match_pattern |>> fun (atom, cases) ->
(Match (atom, cases))
let rewrite_pattern =
pattern Syntax.start_rewrite_pattern |>> fun (atom, cases) ->
(Rewrite (atom, cases))
choice [ match_pattern; rewrite_pattern ]
let rule_parser s =
>> string Syntax.rule_prefix
>> spaces
>> comma_sep expression_parser
<< eof)
match parse_string rule_parser rule () with
| Success rule -> Ok rule
| Failed (msg, _) -> Or_error.error_string msg

lib/language/rule.mli Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Match
open Ast
type result = bool * environment option
val sat : result -> bool
val result_env : result -> environment option
val create : string -> expression list Or_error.t
val apply
: ?matcher:(module Matcher)
-> t
-> environment
-> result

lib/language/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
let rule_prefix = "where"
let start_match_pattern = "match"
let start_rewrite_pattern = "rewrite"
let equal = "=="
let not_equal = "!="
let variable_left_delimiter = ":["
let variable_right_delimiter = "]"
let true' = "true"
let false' = "false"
let pipe_operator = "|"
let arrow = "->"

lib/match/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name match)
(public_name comby.match)
(preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.eq ppx_sexp_conv ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson))
(libraries comby.parsers ppxlib core mparser mparser.pcre yojson ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime))

lib/match/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
open Core
module Data = struct
type t =
{ value : string
; range : Range.t
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
open Data
type data = Data.t
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
type t = data Core.String.Map.t
type t_alist = (string * data) list
[@@deriving yojson, eq]
let create () : t =
let vars (env : t) : string list =
Map.keys env
let add ?(range = Range.default) (env : t) (var : string) (value : string) : t =
Map.add env ~key:var ~data:{ value; range }
|> function
| `Duplicate -> env
| `Ok env -> env
let lookup (env : t) (var : string) : string option =
Map.find env var
|> ~f:(fun { value; _ } -> value)
let lookup_range (env : t) (var : string) : Range.t option =
Map.find env var
|> ~f:(fun { range; _ } -> range)
let fold (env : t) =
Map.fold env
let update env var value =
Map.change env var ~f:( ~f:(fun result -> { result with value }))
let update_range env var range =
Map.change env var ~f:( ~f:(fun result -> { result with range }))
let to_string env =
Map.fold env ~init:"" ~f:(fun ~key:variable ~data:{ value; _ } acc ->
Format.sprintf "%s |-> %s\n%s" variable value acc)
let furthest_match env =
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:{ range = { match_start = { offset; _ }; _ }; _ } max ->
Int.max offset max)
let equal env1 env2 =
Map.equal Data.equal env1 env2
let merge env1 env2 =
Map.merge_skewed env1 env2 ~combine:(fun ~key:_ v1 _ -> v1)
let copy env =
fold env ~init:(create ()) ~f:(fun ~key ~data:{ value; range } env' ->
add ~range env' key value)
let to_yojson env =
Map.to_alist env
|> t_alist_to_yojson
let of_yojson _ = assert false

lib/match/environment.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
type t
[@@deriving yojson]
val create : unit -> t
val vars : t -> string list
val add : ?range:Range.t -> t -> string -> string -> t
val lookup : t -> string -> string option
val update : t -> string -> string -> t
val lookup_range : t -> string -> Range.t option
val update_range : t -> string -> Range.t -> t
val furthest_match : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val merge : t -> t -> t
val copy : t -> t
val to_string : t -> string

lib/match/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
open Core
type t =
{ offset : int
; line : int
; column : int
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
let default =
{ offset = -1
; line = -1
; column = -1

lib/match/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Location = Location
module Range = Range
module Environment = Environment
include Types
include Match_context

lib/match/match.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module Location : sig
type t =
{ offset : int
; line : int
; column : int
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
val default : t
type location = Location.t
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
module Range : sig
type t =
{ match_start : location [@key "start"]
; match_end : location [@key "end"]
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
val default : t
type range = Range.t
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
module Environment : sig
type t
[@@deriving yojson, eq]
val create : unit -> t
val vars : t -> string list
val add : ?range:range -> t -> string -> string -> t
val lookup : t -> string -> string option
val update : t -> string -> string -> t
val lookup_range : t -> string -> range option
val update_range : t -> string -> range -> t
val furthest_match : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val copy : t -> t
val merge : t -> t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
type environment = Environment.t
[@@deriving yojson]
type t =
{ range : range
; environment : environment
; matched : string
[@@deriving yojson]
val create : unit -> t

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
type t =
{ range : Range.t
; environment : Environment.t
; matched : string
[@@deriving yojson]
let create () =
{ range = Range.default
; environment = Environment.create ()
; matched = ""

lib/match/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
type t =
{ match_start : Location.t [@key "start"]
; match_end : Location.t [@key "end"]
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
let default =
{ match_start = Location.default
; match_end = Location.default

lib/match/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
type location = Location.t
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
type range = Range.t
[@@deriving yojson, eq, sexp]
type environment = Environment.t
[@@deriving yojson]

lib/matchers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
open MParser
module Syntax = struct
include Generic.Syntax
let user_defined_delimiters =
[ ("if", "fi")
; ("case", "esac")
@ Generic.Syntax.user_defined_delimiters
let escapable_string_literals =
[ {|"|}
; {|'|}
let escape_char =
let raw_string_literals =
let comment_parser s =
<|> Parsers.Comments.c_newline) s
include Matcher.Make(Syntax)

lib/matchers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
open MParser
module Syntax = struct
include Generic.Syntax
let escapable_string_literals =
[ {|"|}
; {|'|}
let escape_char =
let raw_string_literals =
let comment_parser s =
<|> Parsers.Comments.c_newline) s
include Matcher.Make(Syntax)

lib/matchers/c.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
open Types
module Syntax : Syntax.S
include Matcher.S

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
type match_kind =
| Exact
| Fuzzy
type t =
{ match_kind : match_kind
; significant_whitespace: bool
let create ?(match_kind = Fuzzy) ?(significant_whitespace = false) () =
{ match_kind
; significant_whitespace

lib/matchers/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name matchers)
(public_name comby.matchers)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv ppx_sexp_message))
(libraries comby.parsers comby.match ppxlib core mparser mparser.pcre))

lib/matchers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module Syntax = struct
(** these are nestable. strings, on the other hand, are not
nestable without escapes *)
let user_defined_delimiters =
[ ("(", ")")
; ("{", "}")
; ("[", "]")
let escapable_string_literals = []
let escape_char =
let raw_string_literals = []
let comment_parser =
include Matcher.Make(Syntax)

lib/matchers/generic.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
open Types
module Syntax : Syntax.S
include Matcher.S

lib/matchers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module Syntax = struct
include C.Syntax
let raw_string_literals =
[ ({|`|}, {|`|})
include Matcher.Make(Syntax)

lib/matchers/go.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
open Types
module Syntax : Syntax.S
include Matcher.S

lib/matchers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module Syntax = struct
include Generic.Syntax
let user_defined_delimiters =
Generic.Syntax.user_defined_delimiters @
[ ("<", ">")
let escapable_string_literals =
[ {|"|}
; {|'|}
include Matcher.Make(Syntax)

lib/matchers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
open Core
open MParser
open Configuration
open Match
open Range
open Location
open Types
let configuration_ref = ref (Configuration.create ())
let debug = false
let f _ = return Unit
let extract_matched_text source { offset = match_start; _ } { offset = match_end; _ } =
String.slice source match_start match_end
let is_not p s =
if is_ok (p s) then
Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
match read_char s with
| Some c -> Consumed_ok (c, advance_state s 1, No_error)
| None -> Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
type 'a literal_parser_callback = contents:string -> left_delimiter:string -> right_delimiter:string -> 'a
type 'a nested_delimiter_callback = left_delimiter:string -> right_delimiter:string -> 'a
module Make (Syntax : Syntax.S) = struct
let escapable_string_literal_parser (f : 'a literal_parser_callback) = Syntax.escapable_string_literals ~f:(fun delimiter ->
let module M =
let delimiter = delimiter
let escape = Syntax.escape_char
M.base_string_literal >>= fun contents ->
return (f ~contents ~left_delimiter:delimiter ~right_delimiter:delimiter))
|> choice
let raw_string_literal_parser (f : 'a literal_parser_callback) = Syntax.raw_string_literals ~f:(fun (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ->
let module M =
let left_delimiter = left_delimiter
let right_delimiter = right_delimiter
M.base_string_literal >>= fun contents ->
return (f ~contents ~left_delimiter ~right_delimiter))
|> choice
let escapable_literal_grammar ~right_delimiter =
(char Syntax.escape_char
>> string right_delimiter
>>= fun s -> return (Format.sprintf "%c%s" Syntax.escape_char s))
(char Syntax.escape_char
>> char Syntax.escape_char
>> return (Format.sprintf "%c%c" Syntax.escape_char Syntax.escape_char))
<|> (is_not (string right_delimiter) |>> String.of_char)
let raw_literal_grammar ~right_delimiter =
is_not (string right_delimiter) |>> String.of_char
(** a parser that understands the single hole matching is alphanum and _ *)
let generate_single_hole_parser () =
(alphanum <|> char '_') |>> String.of_char
let generate_spaces_parser () =
(* at least a space followed by comments and spaces *)
>> many Syntax.comment_parser << spaces
>>= fun result -> f result)
(* This case not covered by tests, may not be needed *)
(many1 Syntax.comment_parser << spaces >>= fun result -> f result)
let sequence_chain (plist : ('c, Match.t) parser sexp_list) : ('c, Match.t) parser =
List.fold plist ~init:(return Unit) ~f:(>>)
let nested_delimiters_parser (f : 'a nested_delimiter_callback) =
|> ~f:(fun (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ->
(f ~left_delimiter ~right_delimiter)
left_delimiter right_delimiter)
|> choice
(** All code can have comments interpolated *)
let generate_string_token_parser str : ('c, _) parser =
many Syntax.comment_parser
>> string str
>> many Syntax.comment_parser
>>= fun result -> f result
let reserved_delimiters =
List.concat_map Syntax.user_defined_delimiters ~f:(fun (from, until) -> [from; until])
|> List.append [":["; "]"] (* lazy hole *)
|> List.append [":[["; "]]"] (* single token hole *)
|> ~f:string
|> choice
let reserved =
<|> (space |>> Char.to_string)
let greedy_hole_parser _s =
string ":[" >> (many (alphanum <|> char '_') |>> String.of_char_list) << string "]"
let single_hole_parser _s =
string ":[[" >> (many (alphanum <|> char '_') |>> String.of_char_list) << string "]]"
let until_of_from from =
|> List.find_map ~f:(fun (from', until) -> if from = from' then Some until else None)
|> function
| Some until -> until
| None -> assert false
let record_matches identifier p : ('c, Match.t) parser =
get_pos >>= fun (pre_index, pre_line, pre_column) ->
p >>= fun matched ->
get_pos >>= fun (post_index, post_line, post_column) ->
(fun ({ Match.environment; _ } as result) ->
if debug then begin
Format.printf "Updating user state:@.";
Format.printf "%s |-> %s@." identifier (String.concat matched);
Format.printf "ID %s: %d:%d:%d - %d:%d:%d@."
pre_index pre_line pre_column
post_index post_line post_column;
let pre_location : Location.t =
{ offset = pre_index
; line = pre_line
; column = pre_column
let post_location : Location.t =
{ offset = post_index
; line = post_line
; column = post_column
let range = { match_start = pre_location; match_end = post_location } in
let environment = Environment.add ~range environment identifier (String.concat matched) in
{ result with environment })
>>= fun () -> f matched
let generate_hole_parser ?priority_left_delimiter:left_delimiter ?priority_right_delimiter:right_delimiter =
let between_nested_delims p from =
let until = until_of_from from in
between (string from) (string until) p
|>> fun result -> (String.concat @@ [from] @ result @ [until])
let between_nested_delims p =
(match left_delimiter, right_delimiter with
| Some left_delimiter, Some right_delimiter -> [ (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ]
| _ -> Syntax.user_defined_delimiters)
|> ~f:fst
|> ~f:(between_nested_delims p)
|> choice
(* applies looser delimiter constraints for matching *)
let reserved =
(match left_delimiter, right_delimiter with
| Some left_delimiter, Some right_delimiter -> [ (left_delimiter, right_delimiter) ]
| _ -> Syntax.user_defined_delimiters)
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (from, until) -> [from; until])
|> ~f:string
|> choice
(* a parser that understands the hole matching cut off points happen at
delimiters *)
let rec nested_grammar s =
<|> escapable_string_literal_parser (fun ~contents ~left_delimiter:_ ~right_delimiter:_ -> contents)
<|> raw_string_literal_parser (fun ~contents ~left_delimiter:_ ~right_delimiter:_ -> contents)
<|> delimsx
<|> (is_not reserved |>> String.of_char))
and delimsx s = (between_nested_delims (many nested_grammar)) s
let turn_holes_into_matchers_for_this_level ?left_delimiter ?right_delimiter p_list =
List.fold_right p_list ~init:[] ~f:(fun p acc ->
let process_hole =
match parse_string p "_signal_hole" (Match.create ()) with
| Failed _ -> p
| Success result ->
match result with
| Hole (Lazy (identifier, dimension)) ->
let matcher =
match dimension with
| Code ->
| Escapable_string_literal ->
let right_delimiter = Option.value_exn right_delimiter in
escapable_literal_grammar ~right_delimiter
| Raw_string_literal ->
let right_delimiter = Option.value_exn right_delimiter in
raw_literal_grammar ~right_delimiter
| Comment -> failwith "Unimplemented"
let rest =
match acc with
| [] -> eof >>= fun () -> f [""]
| _ -> sequence_chain acc
(* continue until rest, but don't consume rest. *)
let hole_semantics = many (not_followed_by rest "" >> matcher) in
record_matches identifier hole_semantics
| Hole (Single (identifier, _)) ->
let hole_semantics = many1 (generate_single_hole_parser ()) in
record_matches identifier hole_semantics
| _ -> failwith "Hole expected"
let hole_parser sort dimension =
let skip_signal result =
skip (string "_signal_hole") |>> fun () -> result
match sort with
| `Single ->
single_hole_parser () |>> fun id ->
skip_signal (Hole (Single (id, dimension)))
| `Lazy ->
greedy_hole_parser () |>> fun id ->
skip_signal (Hole (Lazy (id, dimension)))
let generate_hole_for_literal sort ~contents ~left_delimiter ~right_delimiter s =
let p =
many (hole_parser `Single sort
<|> (hole_parser `Lazy sort)
<|> ((many1 (is_not (string ":[" <|> string ":[["))
|>> String.of_char_list) |>> generate_string_token_parser))
match parse_string p contents "" with
| Success p ->
match sort with
| Escapable_string_literal
| Raw_string_literal ->
(turn_holes_into_matchers_for_this_level ~left_delimiter ~right_delimiter p
|> sequence_chain) s
| _ -> assert false
| Failed (_msg, _) ->
failwith "literal parser did not succeed"
let rec generate_parsers s =
many (common s)
and common _s =
(hole_parser `Single Code)
<|> (hole_parser `Lazy Code)
(* string literals are handled specially because match semantics change inside string delimiters *)
<|> (escapable_string_literal_parser (generate_hole_for_literal Escapable_string_literal))
<|> (raw_string_literal_parser (generate_hole_for_literal Raw_string_literal))
(* whitespace is handled specially because we may change whether they are significant for matching *)
<|> (spaces1 |>> generate_spaces_parser)
(* nested delimiters are handled specially for nestedness *)
<|> (nested_delimiters_parser generate_outer_delimiter_parsers)
(* everything else *)
<|> ((many1 (is_not reserved) |>> String.of_char_list) |>> generate_string_token_parser)
and generate_outer_delimiter_parsers ~left_delimiter ~right_delimiter s =
(generate_parsers s >>= fun p_list ->
(turn_holes_into_matchers_for_this_level ~left_delimiter ~right_delimiter
([ string left_delimiter
>>= fun _ -> f [left_delimiter]]
@ p_list
@ [ string right_delimiter
>>= fun _ -> f [right_delimiter]])
|> sequence_chain)
|> return
) s
let general_parser_generator s =
let outer_p =
generate_parsers s >>= fun p_list ->
(* eof of template is here *)
eof >> (* result is unit so ignore *)
(* customize the inner parser *)
let inner_p =
let matcher : ('a, Match.t) parser =
turn_holes_into_matchers_for_this_level p_list
|> sequence_chain
let matcher : ('a, Match.t) parser =
let with_positions (matcher : ('a, Match.t) parser) : ('a, Match.t) parser =
get_pos >>= fun (pre_offset, pre_line, pre_column) ->
matcher >>= fun _last_production ->
get_pos >>= fun (post_offset, post_line, post_column) ->
let match_start =
{ offset = pre_offset
; line = pre_line
; column = pre_column
} in
let match_end =
{ offset = post_offset
; line = post_line
; column = post_column
let range = { match_start; match_end } in
update_user_state (fun result -> { result with range })
>> return Unit
with_positions matcher
match !configuration_ref.match_kind with
| Exact -> matcher << eof
| Fuzzy ->
(not_followed_by matcher "" >>
(* respect grammar but ignore contents up to a match *)
skip Syntax.comment_parser
<|> skip (escapable_string_literal_parser (fun ~contents:_ ~left_delimiter:_ ~right_delimiter:_ -> ()))
<|> skip (raw_string_literal_parser (fun ~contents:_ ~left_delimiter:_ ~right_delimiter:_ -> ()))
<|> skip any_char)
>> matcher
return inner_p
outer_p s
let to_template template : ('a, Match.t) MParser.t Or_error.t =
match parse_string general_parser_generator template 0 with
| Success p -> Ok p
| Failed (msg, _) -> Or_error.error_string msg
(** shift: start the scan in the source at an offset *)
let first' shift p source : Match.t Or_error.t =
let set_start_pos p = fun s -> p (advance_state s shift) in
let p = set_start_pos p in
match parse_string' p source (Match.create ()) with
| Success (_, result) -> Ok result
| Failed (msg, _) -> Or_error.error_string msg
let first ?configuration ?shift template source =
let open Or_error in
configuration_ref := Option.value configuration ~default:!configuration_ref;
to_template template >>= fun p ->
let shift =
match shift with
| Some s -> s
| None -> 0
first' shift p source
let all ?configuration ~template ~source:original_source : Match.t list =
let open Or_error in
configuration_ref := Option.value configuration ~default:!configuration_ref;
let make_result = function
| Ok ok -> ok
| Error _ -> []
make_result @@ begin
to_template template >>= fun p ->
if original_source = "" || template = "" then
return []
let rec aux acc shift =
match first' shift p original_source with
| Ok ({range = { match_start; match_end; _ }; _} as result) ->
let shift = match_end.offset in
let matched = extract_matched_text original_source match_start match_end in
let result = { result with matched } in
if shift >= String.length original_source then
result :: acc
aux (result :: acc) shift
| Error _ -> acc
let matches = aux [] 0 |> List.rev in
(* TODO(RVT): reintroduce nested matches *)
let compute_nested_matches matches = matches in
let matches = compute_nested_matches matches in
return matches

lib/matchers/matcher.mli Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
open Types
module Make (Syntax: Syntax.S) : Matcher.S

lib/matchers/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module Generic = Generic
module C = C
module Go = Go
module Python = Python
module Bash = Bash
module Html = Html
module Configuration = Configuration
module type Matcher = Types.Matcher.S

lib/matchers/matchers.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module Generic = Generic
module C = C
module Go = Go
module Python = Python
module Bash = Bash
module Html = Html
module Configuration = Configuration
module type Matcher = Types.Matcher.S

lib/matchers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module Python = struct
include Generic.Syntax
let escapable_string_literals =
[ {|"|}
; {|'|}
let escape_char =
let raw_string_literals =
[ ({|"""|}, {|"""|})
let comment_parser s =
Parsers.Comments.python_newline s
include Matcher.Make(Python)

lib/matchers/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
open Core
module Syntax = struct
module type S = sig
val user_defined_delimiters : (string * string) list
val escapable_string_literals : string list
val escape_char : char
val raw_string_literals : (string * string) list
val comment_parser : (string, _) MParser.t
type dimension =
| Code
| Escapable_string_literal
| Raw_string_literal
| Comment
type hole =
| Lazy of (string * dimension)
| Single of (string * dimension)
type production =
| Unit
| String of string
| Hole of hole
| Match of (int * string * string)
module Matcher = struct
module type S = sig
val first
: ?configuration:Configuration.t
-> ?shift:int
-> string
-> string
-> Match.t Or_error.t
val all
: ?configuration:Configuration.t
-> template:string
-> source:string
-> Match.t list

lib/parsers/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
open Core
open MParser
let to_string from until between : string =
from ^ (String.of_char_list between) ^ until
let anything_including_newlines ~until =
(not_followed_by (string until) ""
>>= fun () -> any_char_or_nl))
let anything_excluding_newlines ~until =
(not_followed_by (string until) ""
>>= fun () -> any_char))
(** a parser for comments with delimiters [from] and [until] that do not nest *)
let non_nested_comment_delimiters from until s =
(string from)
(string until)
(anything_including_newlines ~until)
|>> to_string from until
) s
(** a parser for /* ... */ style block comments. *)
let c_multiline s =
non_nested_comment_delimiters "/*" "*/" s
let c_newline s =
(string "//" >> anything_excluding_newlines ~until:"\n"
|>> fun l -> "//"^(String.of_char_list l)) s
let python_newline s =
(string "#" >> anything_excluding_newlines ~until:"\n"
|>> fun l -> ("#"^String.of_char_list l)) s
let any_newline comment_string s =
(string comment_string >> anything_excluding_newlines ~until:"\n" |>> fun l -> (comment_string^String.of_char_list l)) s
let is_not p s =
if is_ok (p s) then
Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
match read_char s with
| Some c ->
Consumed_ok (c, advance_state s 1, No_error)
| None ->
Empty_failed (unknown_error s)
(** A nested comment parser *)
let skip_nested_comments_inner from until s =
let reserved = skip ((string from) <|> (string until)) in
let rec grammar s =
((comment_delimiters >>= fun string -> return string)
(is_not reserved >>= fun c -> return (Char.to_string c)))
and comment_delimiters s =
(string from)
(string until)
((many grammar) >>= fun result ->
return (String.concat result)))
(comment_delimiters >>= fun _ ->
return ()) s

lib/parsers/comments.mli Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(** C-style /* */ block comment parser *)
val c_multiline : (string, _) MParser.t
(** C++-style // line comment parser *)
val c_newline : (string, _) MParser.t
(** Python-style # line comment parser *)
val python_newline : (string, _) MParser.t
(** Anything until newline *)
val any_newline : string -> (string, _) MParser.t

lib/parsers/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
open MParser
(** Significant, potentially nested delimiters. *)
let parens' p =
char '(' >> p << char ')'
let braces' p =
char '{' >> p << char '}'
let brackets' p =
char '<' >> p << char '>'
let squares' p =
char '[' >> p << char ']'
let between p from until =
string from >> p << string until

lib/parsers/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name parsers)
(public_name comby.parsers)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv))
(libraries ppxlib core mparser mparser.pcre))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
open Core
open MParser
(** Assumes the left and right delimiter are the same, and that these can be
escaped. Does not parse a string body containing newlines (as usual when
escaping with \n) *)
module Escapable = struct
module type S = sig
val delimiter : string
val escape : char
module Make (M : S) = struct
(* delimiters can be escaped and parsing continues within the string body *)
let escaped_char_s s =
any_char s
let char_token_s s =
((char M.escape >> escaped_char_s >>= fun c -> return (Format.sprintf {|%c%c|} M.escape c))
<|> (any_char |>> String.of_char)
let base_string_literal s =
((string M.delimiter >> (many_until char_token_s (string M.delimiter))
|>> String.concat)
>>= fun result ->
return (Format.sprintf {|%s%s%s|} M.delimiter result M.delimiter)
(** Quoted or raw strings. Allows different left and right delimiters, and
disallows any sort of escaping. Does not support raw strings with identifiers
yet, e.g., {blah|<string body>|blah} (OCaml) or delim`<string body>`delim
syntax (Go) *)
module Raw = struct
module type S = sig
val left_delimiter : string
val right_delimiter : string
module Make (M : S) = struct
let char_token_s s =
(any_char_or_nl |>> String.of_char) s
let base_string_literal s =
string M.left_delimiter >> (many_until char_token_s (string M.right_delimiter))
|>> String.concat <?> "raw string literal body")
>>= fun result ->
return (Format.sprintf {|%s%s%s|} M.left_delimiter result M.right_delimiter)

lib/rewriter/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name rewriter)
(public_name comby.rewriter)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv ppx_deriving_yojson))
(libraries comby.matchers ppxlib core))

lib/rewriter/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
open Core
open Match
type match_context_replacement =
{ range : range
; replacement_content : string
; environment : environment
[@@deriving yojson]
type result =
{ rewritten_source : string
; contextual_substitutions : match_context_replacement list
[@@deriving yojson]
let empty_result =
{ rewritten_source = ""
; contextual_substitutions = []
[@@deriving yojson]
let substitute_match_contexts (matches: Match.t list) source replacements =
let rewrite_template, environment =
matches replacements
~init:(source, Environment.create ())
(rewrite_template, accumulator_environment)
({ environment = _match_environment; _ } as match_)
{ replacement_content; _ } ->
(* create a hole in the rewrite template based on this match context *)
let hole_id, rewrite_template = Rewrite_template.of_match_context match_ ~source:rewrite_template in
(* add this match context replacement to the environment *)
let accumulator_environment = Environment.add accumulator_environment hole_id replacement_content in
(* update match context replacements offset *)
rewrite_template, accumulator_environment)
let rewritten_source = Rewrite_template.substitute rewrite_template environment |> fst in
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_for_holes rewrite_template (Environment.vars environment) in
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_after_substitution offsets environment in
let contextual_substitutions =
List.map2_exn replacements offsets ~f:(fun replacement (_uid, offset) ->
let match_start = { Location.default with offset } in
let offset = offset + String.length replacement.replacement_content in
let match_end = { Location.default with offset } in
let range = Range.{ match_start; match_end } in
{ replacement with range })
{ rewritten_source
; contextual_substitutions
store range information for this match_context replacement:
(a) its offset in the original source
(b) its replacement context (to calculate the range)
(c) an environment of values that are updated to reflect their relative offset in the rewrite template
let substitute_in_rewrite_template rewrite_template ({ environment; _ } : Match.t) =
let replacement_content, vars_substituted_for = Rewrite_template.substitute rewrite_template environment in
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_for_holes rewrite_template (Environment.vars environment) in
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_after_substitution offsets environment in
let environment =
List.fold offsets ~init:(Environment.create ()) ~f:(fun acc (var, relative_offset) ->
if List.mem vars_substituted_for var ~equal:String.equal then
let value = Option.value_exn (Environment.lookup environment var) in
(* FIXME(RVT): Location does not update row/column here *)
let start_location =
Location.{ default with offset = relative_offset }
let end_location =
let offset = relative_offset + String.length value in
Location.{ default with offset }
let range =
{ match_start = start_location
; match_end = end_location
Environment.add ~range acc var value
{ replacement_content
; environment
; range =
{ match_start = { Location.default with offset = 0 }
; match_end = Location.default
let all ?source ~rewrite_template matches : result option =
if matches = [] then None else
match source with
(* in-place substitution *)
| Some source ->
let matches : Match.t list = List.rev matches in
|> ~f:(substitute_in_rewrite_template rewrite_template)
|> substitute_match_contexts matches source
|> Option.some
(* no-inplace substitution, emit result separated by newlines *)
| None ->
|> ~f:(substitute_in_rewrite_template rewrite_template)
|> ~f:(fun { replacement_content; _ } -> replacement_content)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> (fun rewritten_source -> { rewritten_source; contextual_substitutions = [] })
|> Option.some

lib/rewriter/rewrite.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
open Match
type match_context_replacement =
{ range : range
; replacement_content : string
; environment : environment
[@@deriving yojson]
type result =
{ rewritten_source : string
; contextual_substitutions : match_context_replacement list
[@@deriving yojson]
(** if [source] is given, substitute in-place. If not,
emit result separated by newlines *)
val all
: ?source:string
-> rewrite_template:string
-> Match.t list
-> result option

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
open Core
open Match
let substitute template env =
Environment.vars env
|> List.fold ~init:(template, []) ~f:(fun (acc, vars) variable ->
match Environment.lookup env variable with
| Some value ->
if Option.is_some (String.substr_index template ~pattern:(":["^variable^"]")) then
(String.substr_replace_all acc ~pattern:(":["^variable^"]") ~with_:value, variable::vars)
acc, vars
| None -> acc, vars)
let of_match_context
{ range =
{ match_start = { offset = start_index; _ }
; match_end = { offset = end_index; _ } }
; _
~source =
let before_part =
if start_index = 0 then
String.slice source 0 start_index
let after_part = String.slice source end_index (String.length source) in
let hole_id = Uuid.(Fn.compose to_string create ()) in
let rewrite_template = String.concat [before_part; ":["; hole_id; "]"; after_part] in
hole_id, rewrite_template
(* return the offset for holes (specified by variables) in a given match template *)
let get_offsets_for_holes rewrite_template variables =
let sorted_variables =
List.fold variables ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc variable ->
match String.substr_index rewrite_template ~pattern:(":["^variable^"]") with
| Some index ->
(variable, index)::acc
| None -> acc)
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun (_, i1) (_, i2) -> i1 - i2)
|> ~f:fst
List.fold sorted_variables ~init:(rewrite_template, []) ~f:(fun (rewrite_template, acc) variable ->
match String.substr_index rewrite_template ~pattern:(":["^variable^"]") with
| Some index ->
let rewrite_template =
String.substr_replace_all rewrite_template ~pattern:(":["^variable^"]") ~with_:"" in
rewrite_template, (variable, index)::acc
| None -> rewrite_template, acc)
|> snd
(* pretend we substituted vars in offsets with environment. return what the offsets are after *)
let get_offsets_after_substitution offsets environment =
List.fold_right offsets ~init:([],0) ~f:(fun (var, offset) (acc, shift) ->
match Environment.lookup environment var with
| None -> failwith "Expected var"
| Some s ->
let offset' = offset + shift in
let shift = shift + String.length s in
((var, offset')::acc), shift)
|> fst

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
open Match
(** substitute returns the result and variables substituted for *)
val substitute : string -> Environment.t -> (string * string list)
val of_match_context : Match.t -> source:string -> (string * string)
val get_offsets_for_holes : string -> string list -> (string * int) list
val get_offsets_after_substitution : (string * int) list -> Environment.t -> (string * int) list

lib/statistics/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name statistics)
(public_name comby.statistics)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv ppx_sexp_message ppx_deriving_yojson))
(libraries ppxlib core yojson ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module Time = Time
module Timer = Timer
type t =
{ number_of_files : int
; lines_of_code : int
; number_of_matches : int
; total_time : float
[@@deriving yojson]
let empty =
{ number_of_files = 0
; lines_of_code = 0
; number_of_matches = 0
; total_time = 0.0
let merge
{ number_of_files
; lines_of_code
; number_of_matches
; total_time
{ number_of_files = number_of_files'
; lines_of_code = lines_of_code'
; number_of_matches = number_of_matches'
; total_time = total_time'
} =
{ number_of_files = number_of_files + number_of_files'
; lines_of_code = lines_of_code + lines_of_code'
; number_of_matches = number_of_matches + number_of_matches'
; total_time = total_time +. total_time'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module Time = Time
module Timer = Timer
type t =
{ number_of_files : int
; lines_of_code : int
; number_of_matches : int
; total_time : float
[@@deriving yojson]
val empty : t
val merge : t -> t -> t

lib/statistics/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
open Core
let start () = Unix.gettimeofday ()
let stop start =
(Unix.gettimeofday () -. start) *. 1000.0
exception Time_out
let time_out ~after f args =
let behavior =
Signal.(Expert.signal alrm (`Handle (fun _ -> raise Time_out)))
let cancel_alarm () =
Unix.alarm 0 |> ignore;
Signal.(Expert.set alrm behavior)
Unix.alarm after |> ignore;
match f args with
| result ->
cancel_alarm ();
| exception exc ->
cancel_alarm ();
raise exc

src/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(libraries comby core ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_deriving_yojson.runtime hack_parallel)
(preprocess (pps ppx_deriving_yojson ppx_let
(names main))
(name DEFAULT)
(deps main.exe))
(section bin)
(files (main.exe as comby)))

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
open Core
open Command.Let_syntax
open Hack_parallel
open Matchers
open Match
open Language
open Rewriter
open Statistics
type json_result =
{ matches : Match.t list
; source : string
[@@deriving yojson]
type input_kind =
| Paths of string list
| Path of string
| String of string
[@@deriving show]
type processed_source_result =
| Matches of (Match.t list * int)
| Rewritten of (Rewrite.match_context_replacement list * string * int)
| Nothing
let read = Fn.compose String.rstrip In_channel.read_all
let read_template =
String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let verbose_out_file = "/tmp/comby.out"
let get_matches (module Matcher : Matchers.Matcher) configuration match_template match_rule source =
let rule = Rule.create match_rule |> Or_error.ok_exn in
Matcher.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule ~matcher:(module Matcher) environment))
let apply_rewrite_rule matcher rewrite_rule matches =
let open Option in
match rewrite_rule with
| "" -> matches
| rewrite_rule ->
match Rule.create rewrite_rule with
| Ok rule ->
List.filter_map matches ~f:(fun ({ environment; _ } as match_) ->
let sat, env = Rule.apply rule ~matcher environment in
(if sat then env else None)
>>| fun environment -> { match_ with environment })
| Error _ -> []
let rewrite rewrite_template _rewrite_rule source matches =
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches
let process_single_source matcher verbose configuration source specification match_timeout =
let open Specification in
let input_text =
match source with
| String input_text -> input_text
| Path path ->
if verbose then
Out_channel.with_file ~append:true verbose_out_file ~f:(fun out_channel ->
Out_channel.output_lines out_channel [Format.sprintf "Processing %s%!" path]);
In_channel.read_all path
| _ -> failwith "Don't send multiple paths to process_single_source"
match specification with
| { match_specification = { match_template; match_rule }
; rewrite_specification = None
} ->
let matches =
let f () = get_matches matcher configuration match_template match_rule input_text in
Statistics.Time.time_out ~after:match_timeout f ();
with Statistics.Time.Time_out ->
Out_channel.with_file ~append:true verbose_out_file ~f:(fun out_channel ->
Out_channel.output_lines out_channel [Format.sprintf "TIMEOUT: %s@." (show_input_kind source) ]);
Matches (matches, List.length matches)
| { match_specification = { match_template; match_rule }
; rewrite_specification = Some { rewrite_template; rewrite_rule }
} ->
let result =
let f () =
get_matches matcher configuration match_template match_rule input_text
|> fun matches ->
(* TODO(RVT): merge match and rewrite rule application. *)
apply_rewrite_rule matcher rewrite_rule matches
|> fun matches ->
if matches = [] then
(* If there are no matches, return the original source (for editor support). *)
Some (Some (Rewrite.{ rewritten_source = input_text; contextual_substitutions = [] }), [])
Some (rewrite rewrite_template rewrite_rule input_text matches, matches)
Statistics.Time.time_out ~after:match_timeout f ();
with Statistics.Time.Time_out ->
Out_channel.with_file ~append:true verbose_out_file ~f:(fun out_channel ->
Out_channel.output_lines out_channel [Format.sprintf "TIMEOUT: FOR %s@." (show_input_kind source) ]);
|> function
| Some (Some { rewritten_source; contextual_substitutions }, matches) ->
Rewritten (contextual_substitutions, rewritten_source, List.length matches)
| Some (None, _)
| None -> Nothing
| _ -> Nothing
let output_result stdin spec_number json source_path result =
match result with
| Nothing -> ()
| Matches (matches, _) ->
if json then
let json_matches = `List ( ~f:Match.to_yojson matches) in
Format.printf "%s%!" @@ Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string json_matches
let with_file =
match source_path with
| Some path -> Format.sprintf " in %s " path
| None -> " "
"%d matches%sfor spec %d (add -json for json format)@."
(List.length matches)
(spec_number + 1)
| Rewritten (replacements, result, _) ->
match source_path, json, stdin with
(* default: rewrite in place *)
| Some path, false, false -> Out_channel.write_all path ~data:result
(* stdin, not JSON *)
| _, false, true -> Format.printf "%s%!" result
(* stdin, JSON with path *)
| Some path, true, _ ->
let json_rewrites =
let value = `List ( ~f:Rewrite.match_context_replacement_to_yojson replacements) in
`Assoc [(path, value)]
Format.printf "%s%!" @@ Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string json_rewrites
(* JSON, no path *)
| None, true, _ ->
let json_rewrites =
`List ( ~f:Rewrite.match_context_replacement_to_yojson replacements) in
Format.printf "%s%!" @@ Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string json_rewrites
| _ -> Format.printf "%s%!" result
let write_statistics number_of_matches paths total_time =
let total_time = Statistics.Time.stop total_time in
let lines_of_code =
List.fold paths ~init:0 ~f:(fun acc paths ->
In_channel.read_lines paths
|> List.length
|> (+) acc)
let statistics =
{ number_of_files = List.length paths
; lines_of_code
; number_of_matches
; total_time = total_time
Format.eprintf "%s%!"
@@ Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
@@ Statistics.to_yojson statistics
let paths_with_file_size paths = paths ~f:(fun path ->
let length =
In_channel.create path
|> fun channel ->
In_channel.length channel
|> Int64.to_int
|> (fun value -> Option.value_exn value)
|> (fun value -> In_channel.close channel; value)
(path, length))
let run
(sources : input_kind)
(specifications : Specification.t list)
match_timeout =
let number_of_workers = if sequential then 0 else number_of_workers in
let scheduler = Scheduler.create ~number_of_workers () in
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy () in
let total_time = Statistics.Time.start () in
let run_on_specifications input output_file =
let result, count =
List.fold specifications ~init:(Nothing,0) ~f:(fun (result, count) specification ->
let input =
match result with
| Nothing | Matches _ -> input
| Rewritten (_, content, _) -> String content
process_single_source matcher verbose configuration input specification match_timeout
|> function
| Nothing -> Nothing, count
| Matches (x, number_of_matches) ->
Matches (x, number_of_matches), count + number_of_matches
| Rewritten (x, content, number_of_matches) ->
Rewritten (x, content, number_of_matches),
count + number_of_matches)
output_result stdin 0 json output_file result;
match sources with
| String source ->
let number_of_matches = run_on_specifications (String source) None in
(* FIXME(RVT): statistics for single source text doesn't output LOC *)
write_statistics number_of_matches [] total_time
| Paths paths ->
if sequential then
let number_of_matches =
List.fold ~init:0 paths ~f:(fun acc path ->
let matches = run_on_specifications (Path path) (Some path) in
acc + matches)
write_statistics number_of_matches paths total_time
let map init paths =
~f:(fun count path -> count + run_on_specifications (Path path) (Some path))
let number_of_matches =
try Scheduler.map_reduce scheduler ~init:0 ~map ~reduce:(+) paths
with End_of_file -> 0
try Scheduler.destroy scheduler
with Unix.Unix_error (_,"kill",_) ->
(* No kill command on Mac OS X *)
write_statistics number_of_matches paths total_time
| _ -> failwith "No single path handled here"
let parse_source_directories ?(file_extensions = []) target_directory =
let rec ls_rec path =
if Sys.is_file path = `Yes then
match file_extensions with
| [] -> [path]
| suffixes when List.exists suffixes ~f:(fun suffix -> String.is_suffix ~suffix path) ->
| _ -> []
Sys.ls_dir path
|> ~f:(fun sub -> ls_rec (Filename.concat path sub))
|> List.concat
| _ -> []
ls_rec target_directory
let parse_specification_directories match_only specification_directory_paths =
let parse_directory path =
let match_template =
let filename = path ^/ "match" in
try read_template filename
with _ -> failwith (Format.sprintf "Could not read required match file %s" filename)
let match_rule =
let filename = path ^/ "match_rule" in
try Some (read filename)
with _ -> None
let rewrite_template =
let filename = path ^/ "rewrite" in
if match_only then
try Some (read_template filename)
with _ -> None
let rewrite_rule =
let filename = path ^/ "rewrite_rule" in
if match_only then
try Some (read filename)
with _ -> None
Specification.create ~match_template ?match_rule ?rewrite_template ?rewrite_rule ()
in specification_directory_paths ~f:parse_directory
let base_command_parameters : (unit -> 'result) Command.Param.t =
(* flags. *)
let sequential = flag "sequential" no_arg ~doc:"Run sequentially"
and match_only = flag "match-only" no_arg ~doc:"Only perform matching (ignore rewrite templates)"
and verbose = flag "verbose" no_arg ~doc:(Format.sprintf "Log to %s" verbose_out_file)
and rule = flag "rule" (optional_with_default "where true" string) ~doc:"rule Apply rules to matches. Respects -f"
and match_timeout = flag "timeout" (optional_with_default 3 int) ~doc:"seconds Set match timeout on a source. Default: 3"
and target_directory = flag "directory" (optional_with_default "." string) ~doc:(Format.sprintf "path Run on files in a directory. Default is current directory: %s" @@ Sys.getcwd ())
and specification_directories = flag "templates" (optional (Arg_type.comma_separated string)) ~doc:"path CSV of directories containing templates"
and file_extensions = flag "filter" (optional (Arg_type.comma_separated string)) ~doc:"extensions CSV of extensions to include"
and json = flag "json" no_arg ~doc:"Output JSON format for matches or rewrite text to stdout"
and number_of_workers = flag "jobs" (optional_with_default 4 int) ~doc:"n Number of worker processes. Default: 4"
and stdin = flag "stdin" no_arg ~doc:"Read source from stdin"
and anonymous_arguments =
anon (maybe (t2
("MATCH_TEMPLATE" %: string)
("REWRITE_TEMPLATE" %: string)))
fun () ->
let () =
match Rule.create rule with
| Ok _ -> ()
| Error error ->
let message = Error.to_string_hum error in
Format.printf "Match rule parse error: %s@." message;
exit 1
let specifications =
match specification_directories, anonymous_arguments with
| None, None
| Some [], None ->
"Please either specify templates on the command line or using \
-templates [dir] for templates in directory [dir].@.";
exit 1
| None, Some (match_template, rewrite_template) ->
if match_only then
[Specification.create ~match_template ~match_rule:rule ()]
[Specification.create ~match_template ~rewrite_template ~match_rule:rule ~rewrite_rule:rule ()]
| Some specification_directories, None ->
parse_specification_directories match_only specification_directories
| Some specification_directories, Some _ ->
"Warning: ignoring match and rewrite templates and rules on \
commandline and using those in directories instead@.";
parse_specification_directories match_only specification_directories
let sources =
match stdin with
| false -> Paths (parse_source_directories ?file_extensions target_directory)
| true -> String (In_channel.input_all In_channel.stdin)
let matcher =
let default = (module Matchers.C : Matchers.Matcher) in
match file_extensions with
| None | Some [] -> default
| Some (hd::_) ->
match hd with
| ".c" | ".h" | ".cc" | ".cpp" | ".hpp" -> (module Matchers.C : Matchers.Matcher)
| ".py" -> (module Matchers.Python : Matchers.Matcher)
| ".go" -> (module Matchers.Go : Matchers.Matcher)
| ".sh" -> (module Matchers.Bash : Matchers.Matcher)
| ".html" -> (module Matchers.Html : Matchers.Matcher)
| _ -> default
run matcher sources specifications sequential number_of_workers stdin json verbose match_timeout
let default_command =
Command.basic ~summary:"Run a rewrite pass." base_command_parameters
let () =
Scheduler.Daemon.check_entry_point ();

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
open Core
type match_specification =
{ match_template : string
; match_rule : string
[@@deriving show]
type rewrite_specification =
{ rewrite_template : string
; rewrite_rule : string
[@@deriving show]
type t =
{ match_specification : match_specification
; rewrite_specification : rewrite_specification option
[@@deriving show]
let create
?(match_rule = "where true")
?(rewrite_rule = "")
() =
let match_specification = { match_template; match_rule } in
let rewrite_specification = rewrite_template ~f:(fun rewrite_template ->
{ rewrite_template; rewrite_rule})
{ match_specification; rewrite_specification }

test/dune Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
(name test_integration)
(preprocess (pps ppx_expect ppx_sexp_message))

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let run_bash source match_template rewrite_template =
Bash.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok result ->
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
| Error _ ->
print_string rewrite_template
let run_go source match_template rewrite_template =
Go.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok result ->
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
| Error _ ->
print_string rewrite_template
let%expect_test "custom_long_delimiters" =
let source =
block 1
block 2
let match_template = {|case :[1] esac|} in
let rewrite_template = {|case nuked blocks esac|} in
run_bash source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
case nuked blocks esac
let%expect_test "custom_long_delimiters_doesn't_work_in_go" =
let source =
block 1
block 2
let match_template = {|case :[1] esac|} in
let rewrite_template = {|case nuked blocks esac|} in
run_go source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
case nuked blocks esac
block 2

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let run source match_template rewrite_template =
C.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok result ->
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
| Error _ ->
print_string rewrite_template
let%expect_test "comments_1" =
let source = {|match this /**/ expect end|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "comments_2" =
let source = {|match this /* */ expect end|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "comments_3" =
let source = {|match this /* blah blah */ expect /**/ end|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "comments_4" =
let source = {|match this expect/**/end|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1]end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "comments_5" =
let source = {|match this expect /**/end|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "comments_6" =
let source = {|/* don't match this (a) end */|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|nothing matches|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|nothing matches|}]
let%expect_test "comments_7" =
let source = {|/* don't match /**/ this (a) end */|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|nothing matches|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|nothing matches|}]
let%expect_test "comments_8" =
let source = {|(/* don't match this (a) end */)|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|nothing matches|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|nothing matches|}]
let%expect_test "comments_9" =
let source = {|/* don't match this (a) end */ do match this (b) end|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|/* don't match this (a) end */ do (b)|}]
let%expect_test "comments_10" =
let source = {|/* don't match this (a) end */ do match this () end|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|/* don't match this (a) end */ do ()|}]
let%expect_test "comments_11" =
let source = {|do match this (b) end /* don't match this (a) end */|} in
let match_template = {|match this :[1] end|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|do (b) /* don't match this (a) end */|}]

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let run source match_template rewrite_template =
C.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok result ->
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
| Error _ ->
print_string rewrite_template
let%expect_test "whitespace_should_not_matter_between_separators" =
let source = {|*p|} in
let match_template = {|*:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|p|}];
let source = {|* p|} in
let match_template = {|*:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| p|}];
let source = {|* p|} in
let match_template = {|* :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|p|}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let all ?(configuration = configuration) template source =
C.all ~configuration ~template ~source
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "rewrite_comments_1" =
let template = "replace this :[1] end" in
let source = "/* don't replace this () end */ do replace this () end" in
let rewrite_template = "X" in
all template source
|> (fun matches ->
Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "/* don't replace this () end */ do X"]
let%expect_test "rewrite_comments_2" =
let template =
if (:[1]) { :[2] }
let source =
/* if (fake_condition_body_must_be_non_empty) { fake_body; } */
// if (fake_condition_body_must_be_non_empty) { fake_body; }
if (real_condition_body_must_be_empty) {
int i;
int j;
let rewrite_template =
if (:[1]) {}
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
/* if (fake_condition_body_must_be_non_empty) { fake_body; } */
if (real_condition_body_must_be_empty) {}
let%expect_test "capture_comments" =
let template = {|if (:[1]) { :[2] }|} in
let source = {|if (true) { /* some comment */ console.log(z); }|} in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 48, "line": 1, "column": 49 }
"environment": [
"value": "true",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 },
"end": { "offset": 8, "line": 1, "column": 9 }
"value": "console.log(z);",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 31, "line": 1, "column": 32 },
"end": { "offset": 46, "line": 1, "column": 47 }
"matched": "if (true) { /* some comment */ console.log(z); }"
let%expect_test "single_quote_in_comment" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
let%expect_test "single_quote_in_comment" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
a = 1;
/* Events with mask == AE_NONE are not set. So let's initiaize the
* vector with it. */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
a = 1;
/* Events with mask == AE_NONE are not set. So let's initiaize the
* vector with it. */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let%expect_test "single_quote_in_comment" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
a = 1;
/* ' */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
a = 1;
/* ' */
for (i = 0; i < setsize; i++)
let%expect_test "give_back_the_comment_characters_for_newline_comments_too" =
let template =
{| {:[1]} |}
let source =
// a comment
let rewrite_template =
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
// a comment

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
open Core
module Time = Core_kernel.Time_ns.Span
let binary_path = "../../../comby"
let read_with_timeout read_from_channel =
let read_from_fd = Unix.descr_of_in_channel read_from_channel in
let read_from_channel = ~read:[read_from_fd] ~write:[] ~except:[] ~timeout:(`After (Time.of_int_sec 5)) ()
|> (fun {; _ } -> List.hd_exn read)
|> Unix.in_channel_of_descr
In_channel.input_all read_from_channel
let read_source_from_stdin command source =
let open Unix.Process_channels in
let { stdin; stdout ; stderr = _ } = Unix.open_process_full ~env:[||] command in
Out_channel.output_string stdin source;
Out_channel.flush stdin;
Out_channel.close stdin;
read_with_timeout stdout
let%expect_test "stdin_command" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -f .c" match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_source_from_stdin command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|world|}]
let%expect_test "with_match_rule" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let rule = {|where :[1] == "world"|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -rule '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template rule
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_source_from_stdin command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|world|}];
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = "hello :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let rule = {|where :[1] != "world"|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -rule '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template rule
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_source_from_stdin command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello world|}]
let%expect_test "with_rewrite_rule" =
let source = "hello world" in
let match_template = ":[2] :[1]" in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
let rule = {|where rewrite :[1] { | ":[_]" -> ":[2]" }|} in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin '%s' '%s' -rule '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template rule
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_source_from_stdin command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello|}]
let%expect_test "json_output_option" =
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -json '%s' '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_source_from_stdin command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 6, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "c Y a",
"environment": [
"value": "Y",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 2, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 3, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "c X a",
"environment": [
"value": "X",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 2, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 3, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
let source = "a X c a Y c" in
let match_template = "a :[1] c" in
let rewrite_template = "c :[1] a" in
let command_args =
Format.sprintf "-stdin -json -match-only '%s' '%s' -f .c "
match_template rewrite_template
let command = Format.sprintf "%s %s" binary_path command_args in
read_source_from_stdin command source
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"environment": [
"value": "X",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 },
"end": { "offset": 3, "line": 1, "column": 4 }
"matched": "a X c"
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 }
"environment": [
"value": "Y",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 8, "line": 1, "column": 9 },
"end": { "offset": 9, "line": 1, "column": 10 }
"matched": "a Y c"

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" s in
let leading_indentation = Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let run ?(configuration = configuration) source match_template rewrite_template =
Generic.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok result ->
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
| Error _ ->
(* this is too annoying to fix everytime the grammar changes. *)
print_string ""
let run_all ?(configuration = configuration) source match_template rewrite_template =
Generic.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> (fun results -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template results))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
let%expect_test "basic" =
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c d|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b c|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b c d|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] c d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (b c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|:[2] :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (b c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] :[1] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (c)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (c d)|}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] c :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[2]) (:[1])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(b) (d)|}];
let source = {|x:|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]:|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|x|}]
let%expect_test "basic_failures" =
let source = {|a x b bbq|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] b c|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}];
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] d :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
let source = {|a b c d|} in
let match_template = {|a :[2] b :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {||}]
let%expect_test "delimiter_matching" =
let source = {|(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c|}];
let source = {|(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1] b :[2]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (c)|}];
let source = {|q(a b c) d|} in
let match_template = {|q(:[1] b :[2]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(:[1]) (:[2])|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a) (c)|}];
let source = {|((a) b)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1] b)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a)|}];
let source = {|((a b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a b c)|}];
let source = {|((a b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1]) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(a b c)|}];
let source = {|((a b c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1]) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b c|}];
let source = {|((a b c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1] c) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|((a b () c) q) d|} in
let match_template = {|((:[1] () c) q) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a b|}];
let source = {|((a ((x) d) b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a :[1] :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((x) d)|}];
let source = {|((a ((x) d) b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a (:[1]) :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(x) d b|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c.) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b (c.) d|}];
let source = {|(b. (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(:[1].)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b. (c) d|}];
let source = {|(b (c) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(b :[1] d.)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(c)|}];
let source = {|outer(inner(dst,src),src)|} in
let match_template = {|outer(:[1],src)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|inner(dst,src)|}];
let source = {|(b ((c)) d.)|} in
let match_template = {|(b :[1] d.)|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((c))|}];
let source = {|a b c|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|b|}];
let source = {|x = foo;|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|foo|}];
let source = {|((a {{x} d} b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a {:[1] d} :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|{x} b|}];
let source = {|((a {([{x}]) d} b c)) d|} in
let match_template = {|((a {:[1] d} :[2] c)) d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|([{x}]) b|}];
let source = {|(((((x)))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1])))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|((x))|}];
let source = {|((((y(x)z))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1])))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(y(x)z)|}];
let source = {|((((y(x)z))))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(y(x)z) |}];
let source = {|(((x)z))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|x z|}];
let source = {|((((x))z))|} in
let match_template = {|(((:[1]):[2]))|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|(x) z|}];
let source = {|lolwtfbbq|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|wtf|}];
let source = {|x = foo; x = bar;|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|foo x = bar;|}];
let source = {|[ no match prefix ] x = foo; [ no match suffix ]|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|[ no match prefix ] foo [ no match suffix ]|}];
let source = {|x = a; x = b; x = c|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|a x = b; x = c|}];
let source = {|x = ( x = x; );|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|( x = x; )|}];
let source = {|( x = x = x; )|} in
let match_template = {|x = :[1];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|( x = x )|}];
let source = {|xxx a b d c 1 2 3 b d d blah|} in
let match_template = {|a :[1] c :[2] d|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|xxx b d 1 2 3 b d blah|}];
let source = {|howevenlolwtfbbqispossible|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|howevenwtfispossible|}];
let source = {|lolhowevenlolwtfbbqispossiblebbq|} in
let match_template = {|lol:[1]bbq|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|howevenlolwtfispossiblebbq|}];
let source = {|hello my name is bob the builder|} in
let match_template = {|:[alongidentifiername] :[2] :[3] :[xyz] :[5] :[6]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[alongidentifiername] :[2] :[3] :[xyz] :[5] :[6]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|hello my name is bob the builder|}];
let source = {||} in
let match_template = {|www.:[1]-:[2].jpg|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {| 280x428|}];
let source = {||} in
let match_template = {|:[1]api.:[2]/repos/:[3]s/:[4]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2] :[3] :[4]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|https:// dmjacobsen/slurm/commit 716c1499695c68afcab848a1b49653574b4fc167|}];
let source =
assert(stream->md_len + md_len -
si.foo_data_begin <= MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
memcpy(*stream->foo_data + stream->md_len,
frame_used = md_len - si.foo_data_begin);
stream->md_len += frame_used;
|} |> format
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3]);|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1], :[2], :[3]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|assert(stream->md_len + md_len -
si.foo_data_begin <= MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
*stream->foo_data + stream->md_len, mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr), frame_used = md_len - si.foo_data_begin
stream->md_len += frame_used;|}]
let%expect_test "significant_whitespace" =
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ~significant_whitespace:true () in
let run = run ~configuration in
let source = {|two spaces|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|two spaces|}];
(* FIXME: this should fail. also test case where separators do or do not need
whitespace. e.g., strict about strcpy(src,dst) matching a template
strcpy(:[1],:[2]) versus strcpy(:[1], :[2]) *)
let source = {|two spaces|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|two spaces|}]
let%expect_test "contextual_matching" =
let run = run_all in
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}];
let source = {|memcpy(dst1, src1, 1); memcpy(dst2, src2, 2);|} in
let match_template = {|memcpy(:[1], :[2], :[3])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|dst1; dst2;|}];

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
open Core
open Language
open Matchers
open Match
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let run ?(rule = "where true") source match_template rewrite_template =
let rule = Rule.create rule |> Or_error.ok_exn in
Go.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Ok ({environment; _ } as result) ->
if Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment) then
Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template [result]
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source) |> print_string
assert false
| Error _ ->
print_string rewrite_template
let%expect_test "gosimple_s1000" =
let source =
select {
case x := <-ch:
let match_template =
select {
case :[1] := :[2]:
let rewrite_template =
:[1] := :[2]
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
x := <-ch
let%expect_test "gosimple_s1001" =
let source =
for i, x := range src {
dst[i] = x
let match_template =
for :[index_define], :[src_element_define] := range :[src_array] {
:[dst_array][:[index_use]] = :[src_element_use]
let rewrite_template =
copy(:[dst_array], :[src_array])
let rule = {|where :[index_define] == :[index_use], :[src_element_define] == :[src_element_use]|} in
run ~rule source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|
copy(dst, src)
let%expect_test "gosimple_s1003" =
let source =
if strings.Index(x, y) != -1 { ignore }
let match_template =
if strings.:[1](x, y) != -1 { :[_] }
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
run source match_template rewrite_template;
[%expect_exact {|Index|}]

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let all ?(configuration = configuration) template source =
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "dont_get_stuck" =
let template = "" in
let source = "a" in
let matches = all ~configuration template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[]|}]
let%expect_test "dont_get_stuck" =
let template = "a" in
let source = "a" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
let%expect_test "dont_get_stuck" =
let template = "a" in
let source = "aaa" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 },
"end": { "offset": 3, "line": 1, "column": 4 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "a"
let%expect_test "rewrite_awesome_1" =
let template = "replace this :[1] end" in
let source = "xreplace this () end" in
let rewrite_template = "X" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "xX"]
let%expect_test "rewrite_whole_template_matches" =
let template = {|rewrite :[1] <- this string|} in
let source = {|rewrite hello world <- this string|} in
let rewrite_template = "?" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "?"]
let%expect_test "single_token" =
let template = {|:[[1]] this|} in
let source = {|the problem is this|} in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 12, "line": 1, "column": 13 },
"end": { "offset": 19, "line": 1, "column": 20 }
"environment": [
"value": "is",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 12, "line": 1, "column": 13 },
"end": { "offset": 14, "line": 1, "column": 15 }
"matched": "is this"
let%expect_test "single_token_with_preceding_whitespace" =
let template = {| :[[1]] this|} in
let source = {|the problem is this|} in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 },
"end": { "offset": 19, "line": 1, "column": 20 }
"environment": [
"value": "is",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 12, "line": 1, "column": 13 },
"end": { "offset": 14, "line": 1, "column": 15 }
"matched": " is this"
let%expect_test "single_token_rewrite" =
let template = {| :[[1]] this|} in
let source = {|the problem is this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "the problemis"]
let%expect_test "single_token_match_inside_paren_no_succeeding_whitespace" =
let template = {|:[[1]](:[[2]])|} in
let source = {|foo(bar)|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1] : :[2]" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact "foo : bar"]
let%expect_test "shift_or_at_least_dont_get_stuck" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "a" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"environment": [
"value": "a",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 }
"matched": "a"
let%expect_test "shift_or_at_least_dont_get_stuck" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "aa" in
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"environment": [
"value": "aa",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"matched": "aa"
let%expect_test "nested_rewrite1" =
let source =
x x y strcpy(strcpy(dst1, src1), src2); blah blah XXX
let template =
strcpy(:[1], :[2])
let matches = all template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact "[]"]
(* FIXME(RVT) nested rewrites *)
let%expect_test "nested_rewrite2" =
let template =
if :[var_check] != nil {
for :[defines] := range :[var_use] {:[inner_body]}
let source =
if fields.List != nil {
for _, field := range fields.List {
if field.Names != nil {
for _, fieldName := range field.Names {
stuff with fields and things
let rewrite_template = "for :[defines] := range :[var_use] {:[inner_body]}" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|for _, field := range fields.List {
if field.Names != nil {
for _, fieldName := range field.Names {
stuff with fields and things
let%expect_test "match_:[[1]]" =
let template =
let source =
col_names =
let rewrite_template = "next(:[1])" in
all template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|
col_names =next(reader)}

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
open Core
open Language
open Matchers
open Match
let rule_parses rule =
match Rule.create rule with
| Ok _ -> "true"
| Error _ -> "false"
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "parse_rule" =
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[2], :[3] == "y" |} in
rule_parses rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[2], :[3] != "x" |} in
rule_parses rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] != :[3] |} in
rule_parses rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}]
let%expect_test "parse_basic" =
Rule.create {|where "a" == "a"|}
|> Or_error.ok_exn
|> fun rule -> print_s [%message (rule : Ast.expression list)];
[%expect_exact {|(rule ((Equal (String a) (String a))))
let%expect_test "parse_match_one_case" =
Rule.create {|where match "match_me" { | "case_one" -> true }|}
|> Or_error.ok_exn
|> fun rule -> print_s [%message (rule : Ast.expression list)];
[%expect_exact "(rule ((Match (String match_me) (((String case_one) (True))))))
let%expect_test "parse_match_multi_case" =
{| where
match "match_me" {
| "case_one" -> true
| "case_two" -> false
|> Or_error.ok_exn
|> fun rule -> print_s [%message (rule : Ast.expression list)];
[%expect_exact "(rule
((Match (String match_me)
(((String case_one) (True)) ((String case_two) (False))))))
let sat ?(env = Environment.create ()) rule =
let rule = Rule.create rule |> Or_error.ok_exn in
Format.sprintf "%b" (Rule.(sat @@ apply rule env))
let make_env bindings =
List.fold bindings
~init:(Environment.create ())
~f:(fun env (var, value) -> Environment.add env var value)
let%expect_test "rule_sat" =
let rule = {| where "x" != "y" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where "x" != "x" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}];
let rule = {| where "x" == "x" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where "x" == "y" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}];
let rule = {| where :[x] == "y" |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}];
let rule = {| where :[x] == :[x] |} in
sat rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}]
let%expect_test "rule_sat_with_env" =
let env = make_env ["1", "x"; "2", "y"; "3", "x"] in
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[3], :[1] != :[2] |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[3], :[1] != "y" |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[3], :[1] == "x" |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|true|}];
let rule = {| where :[1] == :[2], :[1] != :[2] |} in
sat ~env rule |> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|false|}]
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = s |> String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" in
let leading_indentation =
Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let%expect_test "where_true" =
let template =
(:[1]) => {}
|> format
let source =
(b,c) => {}
|> format
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 }
"environment": [
"value": "b,c",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 }
"matched": "(b,c) => {}"
] |}]
let%expect_test "match_sat" =
let template =
(:[1]) => {}
|> format
let source =
(b,c) => {}
|> format
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}];
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 11, "line": 1, "column": 12 }
"environment": [
"value": "b,c",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 }
"matched": "(b,c) => {}"
] |}];
let source =
(a) => {}
(b,c) => {}
|> format
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
| ":[_]" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 9, "line": 1, "column": 10 }
"environment": [
"value": "a",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"matched": "(a) => {}"
] |}];
let rule =
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
| ":[_]" -> :[1] == "a"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 9, "line": 1, "column": 10 }
"environment": [
"value": "a",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 2, "line": 1, "column": 3 }
"matched": "(a) => {}"
] |}];
let rule =
{| where
match :[1] {
| ":[_],:[_]" -> false
| ":[_]" -> :[1] == "b"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "match_s_suffix" =
let template = ":[1]s" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"environment": [
"value": "name",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 4, "line": 1, "column": 5 }
"matched": "names"
] |}]
let%expect_test "match_s_suffix" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"environment": [
"value": "names",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"matched": "names"
] |}]
let%expect_test "configuration_choice_based_on_case" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "ame" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "names" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "names" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"environment": [
"value": "names",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 5, "line": 1, "column": 6 }
"matched": "names"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "namesXXXXX" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "names" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "match_using_environment_merge" =
let template = "{:[1]}" in
let source = "{{ a : a } { a : a }}" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] { | "{ :[x] : :[y] }" -> :[x] == :[y] }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 21, "line": 1, "column": 22 }
"environment": [
"value": "{ a : a } { a : a }",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 1, "line": 1, "column": 2 },
"end": { "offset": 20, "line": 1, "column": 21 }
"matched": "{{ a : a } { a : a }}"
] |}];
let template = "{:[1]}" in
let source = "{{ a : a } { a : b }}" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] { | "{ :[x] : :[y] }" -> :[x] == :[y] }
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "nested_matches" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "{ :[foo] : :[tail1] }" -> match :[tail1] {
| "{ :[bar] : :[tail2] }" -> match :[tail2] {
| "{ baz : :[qux] }" -> :[qux] == "qux", :[bar] == "bar"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 37, "line": 1, "column": 38 }
"environment": [
"value": "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 37, "line": 1, "column": 38 }
"matched": "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "{ { foo : { bar : { baz : qux } } } }" in
let rule =
{| where match :[1] {
| "{ :[foo] : :[tail1] }" -> match :[tail1] {
| "{ :[bar] : :[tail2] }" -> match :[tail2] {
| "{ baz : :[qux] }" -> :[qux] == "fail"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}]
let%expect_test "match_on_template" =
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "oodles" in
let rule =
{| where match "p:[1]" {
| "poodles" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"environment": [
"value": "oodles",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"matched": "oodles"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "poodle" in
let rule =
{| where match ":[1]s" {
| "poodles" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"environment": [
"value": "poodle",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 6, "line": 1, "column": 7 }
"matched": "poodle"
] |}];
let template = ":[1]" in
let source = "poodle" in
let rule =
{| where match ":[1]," {
| "poodle" -> true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Generic.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } -> Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> print_matches;
[%expect {|
[] |}];

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
open Core
open Match
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let%expect_test "get_offsets_for_holes" =
let rewrite_template = {|1234:[1]1234:[2]|} in
let result = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_for_holes rewrite_template ["1"; "2"] in
print_s [%message (result : (string * int) list)];
[%expect_exact {|(result ((2 8) (1 4)))
let%expect_test "get_offsets_for_holes_after_substitution_1" =
let rewrite_template = {|1234:[1]1234:[2]|} in
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_for_holes rewrite_template ["1"; "2"] in
let environment =
Environment.create ()
|> (fun environment -> Environment.add environment "1" "333")
|> (fun environment -> Environment.add environment "2" "22")
let result = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_after_substitution offsets environment in
print_s [%message (result : (string * int) list)];
[%expect_exact {|(result ((2 11) (1 4)))
let%expect_test "get_offsets_for_holes_after_substitution_1" =
let rewrite_template = {|1234:[1]1234:[3]11:[2]|} in
let offsets = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_for_holes rewrite_template ["1"; "3"; "2"] in
let environment =
Environment.create ()
|> (fun environment -> Environment.add environment "1" "333")
|> (fun environment -> Environment.add environment "3" "333")
|> (fun environment -> Environment.add environment "2" "22")
let result = Rewrite_template.get_offsets_after_substitution offsets environment in
print_s [%message (result : (string * int) list)];
[%expect_exact {|(result ((2 16) (3 11) (1 4)))
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let all ?(configuration = configuration) template source =
C.all ~configuration ~template ~source
let%expect_test "comments_in_string_literals_should_not_be_treated_as_comments_by_fuzzy" =
let source = {|123433312343331122|} in
let match_template = {|1234:[1]1234:[3]11:[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|1234:[1]1234:[3]11:[2]|} in
all match_template source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some rewrite_result -> print_string (Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string (Rewrite.result_to_yojson rewrite_result))
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|{
"rewritten_source": "123433312343331122",
"contextual_substitutions": [
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 18, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "123433312343331122",
"environment": [
"value": "333",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 4, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 7, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"value": "22",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 16, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 18, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"value": "333",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 11, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 14, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
let%expect_test "comments_in_string_literals_should_not_be_treated_as_comments_by_fuzzy" =
let source = {|123433312343331122;123433312343331122;|} in
let match_template = {|1234:[1]1234:[3]11:[2];|} in
let rewrite_template = {|1234:[1]1234:[3]11:[2];|} in
all match_template source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some rewrite_result -> print_string (Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string (Rewrite.result_to_yojson rewrite_result))
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|{
"rewritten_source": "123433312343331122;123433312343331122;",
"contextual_substitutions": [
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 19, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 38, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "123433312343331122;",
"environment": [
"value": "333",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 4, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 7, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"value": "22",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 16, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 18, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"value": "333",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 11, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 14, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 19, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "123433312343331122;",
"environment": [
"value": "333",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 4, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 7, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"value": "22",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 16, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 18, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"value": "333",
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 11, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 14, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
let%expect_test "multiple_contextual_substitutions" =
let source = {|foo bar foo|} in
let match_template = {|foo|} in
let rewrite_template = {|xxxx|} in
all match_template source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some rewrite_result -> print_string (Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string (Rewrite.result_to_yojson rewrite_result))
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|{
"rewritten_source": "xxxx bar xxxx",
"contextual_substitutions": [
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 9, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 13, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "xxxx",
"environment": []
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
"end": { "offset": 4, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
"replacement_content": "xxxx",
"environment": []

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
open Core
open Language
open Matchers
open Match
open Rewriter
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" s in
let leading_indentation = Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule =
Generic.first ~configuration match_template source
|> function
| Error _ -> print_string "bad"
| Ok result ->
match result with
| ({ environment; _ } as m) ->
let e = Rule.(result_env @@ apply rule environment) in
match e with
| None -> print_string "bad bad"
| Some e ->
{ m with environment = e }
|> List.return
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (fun x -> Option.value_exn x)
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string
let%expect_test "rewrite_rule" =
let source = {|int|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[1] {
| "int" -> "expect"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_rule" =
let source = {|string expect|} in
let match_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[2]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[1] {
| "int" -> "5"
| "string" -> ":[2]"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|expect|}]
let%expect_test "conditional_rewrite_rule" =
let source = {|{ { a : { b : { c : d } } } }|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[1] {
| "{ :[a] : :[rest] }" -> "a" == :[a], "doot"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|doot|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_rule_using_match_result" =
let source = {|{ { a : { b : { c : d } } } }|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[1] {
| "{ :[a] : :[rest] }" -> "a" == :[a], ":[rest]"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|{ b : { c : d } }|}];
let source = {|{ { a : { b : { c : d } } } }|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rule =
where rewrite :[1] {
| "{ :[a] : :[rest] }" -> "b" == :[a], ":[rest]"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|{ { a : { b : { c : d } } } }|}]
let%expect_test "nested_rewrite_rule" =
let source = {|{ { a : { b : { c : d } } } }|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rule =
rewrite :[1] {
| "{ :[a] : :[rest] }" ->
rewrite :[a] {
| "a" -> "b"
}, "{ :[a] : :[rest] }"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|{ b : { b : { c : d } } }|}]
let%expect_test "sequenced_rewrite_rule" =
let source = {|{ { a : { b : { c : d } } } }|} in
let match_template = {|{ :[a] : :[rest] }|} in
let rewrite_template = {|{ :[a] : :[rest] }|} in
let rule =
rewrite :[a] {
| "a" -> "qqq"
rewrite :[rest] {
| "{ b : { :[other] } }" -> "{ :[other] }"
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
run_rule source match_template rewrite_template rule;
[%expect_exact {|{ { qqq : { c : d } } }|}]

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
open Core
open Language
open Matchers
open Match
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let format s =
let s = s |> String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" in
let leading_indentation =
Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let %expect_test "statistics" =
let template =
def :[fn_name](:[fn_params])
|> format
let source =
def foo(bar):
def bar(bazz):
|> format
let rule =
{| where true
|> Rule.create
|> Or_error.ok_exn
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> List.filter ~f:(fun { environment; _ } ->
Rule.(sat @@ apply rule environment))
|> fun matches ->
let statistics =
{ number_of_files = 1
; lines_of_code = 5
; number_of_matches = List.length matches
; total_time = 0.0
|> Statistics.to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
"number_of_files": 1,
"lines_of_code": 5,
"number_of_matches": 2,
"total_time": 0.0
} |}];
let statistics' =
{ number_of_files = 1
; lines_of_code = 10
; number_of_matches = 1
; total_time = 1.5
|> Statistics.to_yojson
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string;
[%expect {|
"number_of_files": 2,
"lines_of_code": 15,
"number_of_matches": 3,
"total_time": 1.5
} |}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
open Core
open Matchers
open Rewriter
let format s =
let s = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"\n" s in
let leading_indentation = Option.value_exn (String.lfindi s ~f:(fun _ c -> c <> ' ')) in
|> String.split ~on:'\n'
|> ~f:(Fn.flip String.drop_prefix leading_indentation)
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
|> String.chop_suffix_exn ~suffix:"\n"
let configuration = Configuration.create ~match_kind:Fuzzy ()
let all ?(configuration = configuration) template source =
C.all ~configuration ~template ~source
let print_matches matches = matches ~f:Match.to_yojson
|> (fun matches -> `List matches)
|> Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string
|> print_string
let%expect_test "comments_in_string_literals_should_not_be_treated_as_comments_by_fuzzy" =
let source = {|"/*"(x)|} in
let template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all template source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|"/*"x|}]
let%expect_test "comments_in_string_literals_should_not_be_treated_as_comments_by_fuzzy_go_raw" =
let source = {|`//`(x)|} in
let template = {|(:[1])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|`//`x|}]
let%expect_test "tolerate_unbalanced_stuff_in_string_literals" =
let template = {|"("|} in
let source = {|"("|} in
let matches = all ~configuration template source in
print_matches matches;
[%expect_exact {|[
"range": {
"start": { "offset": 0, "line": 1, "column": 1 },
"end": { "offset": 3, "line": 1, "column": 4 }
"environment": [],
"matched": "\"(\""
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"hello"|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|rewrite ("hello") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (":[1]") this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello|}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|rewrite (".") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (":[1]") this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|.|}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|rewrite ("") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (":[1]") this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {||}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|"(" match "a""a" this "(" |} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"(" "a""a" "(" |}]
(* this tests special functionality in non-literal hole parser
but which must still ignore unbalanced delims within strings *)
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|"(" match "(""(" this "(" |} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"(" "(""(" "(" |}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|rewrite ("") this string|} in
let match_template = {|rewrite (:[1]) this string|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|""|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"("|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|(|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"(""("|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|((|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"(""("|} in
let match_template = {|":[1]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|((|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|"hello world"|} in
let match_template = {|":[x] :[y]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[x] :[y]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|hello world|}]
(* complex test: basically, we are checking that the inside of this literal is only matched by the val b part *)
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|val a = "class = ${String::class}" val b = "not $a"|} in
let match_template = {|":[x]$:[[y]]"|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(rewritten part: (:[x]) ([y]))|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|val a = "class = ${String::class}" val b = (rewritten part: (not ) ([y]))|}]
let%expect_test "base_literal_matching" =
let source = {|get("type") rekt ("enabled", True)|} in
let match_template = {|(":[1]", :[[3]])|} in
let rewrite_template = {|(rewritten part: (:[1]) (:[3]))|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|get("type") rekt (rewritten part: (enabled) (True))|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match "\"" this|} in
let rewrite_template = "" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {||}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"\""|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"\"\""|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"(\"" "(\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = ":[1]" in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|"\"(\"" "(\""|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match "\"(\"" "(\"" this|} in
let match_template = {|match ":[1]" ":[2]" this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1] :[2]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|\"(\" (\"|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match 'sin(gle' 'quo(tes' this|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match 'sin(gle' 'quo(tes' this|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match '\''|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match '\''|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match 'asdf'|} in
let match_template = {|':[1]'|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match asdf|}]
let%expect_test "rewrite_string_literals_8" =
let source = {|match '\''|} in
let match_template = {|':[1]'|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
all match_template source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|match \'|}]
let%expect_test "go_raw_string_literals" =
let source =
x = x
y = `multi-line
raw str(ing literal`
z = `other multi-line
raw stri(ng literal`
let match_template = {|`:[1]`|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~source ~template:match_template
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|
x = x
y = multi-line
raw str(ing literal
z = other multi-line
raw stri(ng literal
let%expect_test "go_raw_string_literals" =
let source = {|blah `(` quux|} in
let match_template = {|:[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~source ~template:match_template
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|blah `(` quux|}]
let%expect_test "match_string_literals" =
let source = {|`(` match `(``(` this `(` |} in
let match_template = {|match :[1] this|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template:match_template ~source
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|`(` `(``(` `(` |}]
let%expect_test "go_raw_string_literals" =
let source =
x = x
y = `multi-line
raw "str"(ing literal`
z = `other multi-line
raw '"'\"\\s\\\\\tr\ni(ng literal`
let match_template = {|`:[1]`|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~source ~template:match_template
|> (fun matches -> Option.value_exn (Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template matches))
|> (fun { rewritten_source; _ } -> rewritten_source)
|> print_string;
[%expect_exact {|
x = x
y = multi-line
raw "str"(ing literal
z = other multi-line
raw '"'\"\\s\\\\\tr\ni(ng literal
let%expect_test "regression_matching_kubernetes" =
let source = {|"\n" y = 5|} in
let template = {|y = :[1]|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|"\n" 5|}]
let%expect_test "match_escaped_any_char" =
let source = {|printf("hello world\n");|} in
let template = {|printf(":[1]");|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|hello world\n|}]
let%expect_test "match_escaped_escaped" =
let source = {|printf("hello world\n\\");|} in
let template = {|printf(":[1]");|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "BROKEN EXPECT");
[%expect_exact {|hello world\n\\|}]
let%expect_test "match_escaped_escaped" =
let source = {|printf("hello world\n\");|} in
let template = {|printf(":[1]");|} in
let rewrite_template = {|:[1]|} in
Go.all ~configuration ~template ~source
|> Rewrite.all ~source ~rewrite_template
|> (function
| Some { rewritten_source; _ } -> print_string rewritten_source
| None -> print_string "EXPECT SUCCESS");
[%expect_exact {|EXPECT SUCCESS|}]