2021-04-05 21:05:52 -07:00

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open Core
(** {2 Match}
A match is a result of matching a template pattern in an input source.
A match comprises:
(1) an environment of metavariables to values, where values have an associated range.
(2) the entire string matched by a match template.
(3) the range of the entire matched string. *)
module Match : sig
module Location : sig
type t =
{ offset : int
; line : int
; column : int
[@@deriving eq, sexp]
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) Result.t
val default : t
type location = Location.t
[@@deriving eq, sexp]
module Range : sig
type t =
{ match_start : location [@key "start"]
; match_end : location [@key "end"]
[@@deriving eq, sexp]
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) Result.t
val default : t
type range = Range.t
[@@deriving eq, sexp]
(** {3 Environment}
A match environment maps metavariables to values for a given match. *)
module Environment : sig
type t
[@@deriving eq]
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) Result.t
(** [create] creates a new, empty environment *)
val create : unit -> t
(** [vars env] returns all metavariables for this environment. *)
val vars : t -> string list
(** [add range env var value] adds a metavariable [var] to [env] with value
[value] and range [range]. If [var] already exists, this function has no
effect and returns the existing environment. *)
val add : ?range:range -> t -> string -> string -> t
(** [lookup env ar] returns the value assocated with a metavariable [var]. *)
val lookup : t -> string -> string option
(** [update env var value] updates the [value] of a metavariable [var] in [env]. If
the metavariable does not exist, the entry is added. *)
val update : t -> string -> string -> t
(** [lookup_range env var] returns the range associated with metavariable [var] in [env]. *)
val lookup_range : t -> string -> range option
(** [update_range env var value range] updates [env] with the [range]
associated with the [value] of [var] *)
val update_range : t -> string -> range -> t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val copy : t -> t
val merge : t -> t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val exists : t -> string -> bool
type environment = Environment.t
(** A match t is:
(1) an environment of metavariables to values, where values have an associated range.
(2) the entire string matched by a match template.
(3) the range of the entire matched string. *)
type t =
{ range : range
; environment : environment
; matched : string
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) Result.t
(** [create] creates a new match with empty range by default. *)
val create : ?range:range -> unit -> t
(** [convert_offset] populates line and column information for a [source] file
associated with the match (by default, only the offset is computed
matches). For matches [fast] is an experimental option that uses a binary
search to perform the conversion quickly. *)
val convert_offset : fast:bool -> source:string -> t -> t
(** [pp] is a grep-like formatted printer for matches. It accepts a (optional
file path * match list) *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> string option * t list -> unit
(** [pp] is a JSON formatted printer for (optional file path * match list).
One line printed per match. *)
val pp_json_lines : Format.formatter -> string option * t list -> unit
type match' = Match.t
(** {2 Matchers}
Defines modules for matching a pattern in input sources to produce
matches. *)
module Matchers : sig
(** {3 Configuration}
Defines some parameters for changing match behavior. *)
module Configuration : sig
type t
type match_kind =
| Exact
| Fuzzy
(** [create] creates a new configuration based for some parts of matching
behavior. These options are for uncommon use cases and the defaults are
usually the right choice.
- [disable_substring_matching] determines whether a pattern like "a"
matches inside a substring, or whole words. Default: [false].
- [match_kind] determines whether a match template can match anywhere
inside a source file (Fuzzy), or must match it exactly (Exact). Default:
- [significant_whitespace] is currently has no effect.
- [match_newline_toplevel] determines whether matching should terminate
on newlines if a hole is not specified inside a recognized block syntax.
Default: [false]. *)
val create
: ?disable_substring_matching:bool
-> ?match_kind:match_kind
-> ?significant_whitespace:bool
-> ?match_newline_toplevel:bool
-> unit
-> t
type configuration = Configuration.t
(** {3 Syntax}
Defines the syntax structures for the target language (C, Go, etc.) that
are significant for matching. *)
module Syntax : sig
(** Defines a set of quoted syntax for strings based on one or more
delimiters and associated escape chracter.
E.g., this supports single and double quotes with escape character '\'
as: { delimiters = [ {|"|}, {|'|} ]; escape_character = '\\' } *)
type escapable_string_literals =
{ delimiters : string list
; escape_character: char
(** Defines comment syntax as one of Multiline, Nested_multiline with
associated left and right delimiters, or Until_newline that defines a
comment prefix. associated prefix. *)
type comment_kind =
| Multiline of string * string
| Nested_multiline of string * string
| Until_newline of string
(** Defines syntax as:
- [user_defined_delimiters] are delimiters treated as code structures
(parentheses, brackets, braces, alphabetic words) -
[escapable_string_literals] are escapable quoted strings
- [raw_string literals] are raw quoted strings that have no escape
- [comments] are comment structures *)
type t =
{ user_defined_delimiters : (string * string) list
; escapable_string_literals : escapable_string_literals option [@default None]
; raw_string_literals : (string * string) list
; comments : comment_kind list
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) Result.t
(** The module signature that defines language syntax for a matcher *)
module type S = sig
val user_defined_delimiters : (string * string) list
val escapable_string_literals : escapable_string_literals option
val raw_string_literals : (string * string) list
val comments : comment_kind list
type syntax = Syntax.t
(** {3 Hole}
The kinds of holes with associated matching behavior:
- [Everything] is the default hole that matches across newlines and within
the bounds of code blocks or strings, and lazily between prefix and suffix
strings in a given template.
- [Expression] matches expression-like syntax that corresponds to
contiguous well-formed code structures or strings that are whitespace
- [Alphanum] matches alphanumeric characters and underscore.
- [Non_space] matches one or more alphanumeric characters and punctuation
like ., ;, and - that do not affect balanced syntax. Language dependent.
- [Line] matches zero or more characters up to a newline, including the
- [Blank] matches one or more spaces or tabs.
- [Regex] matches a string based on a regular expression. *)
module Hole : sig
type sort =
| Everything
| Expression
| Alphanum
| Non_space
| Line
| Blank
| Regex
(** {3 Metasyntax}
Defines the metasyntax recognized in templates and associates the
metasyntax with the matching behavior of holes. *)
module Metasyntax : sig
(** A hole definition should comprise either a string prefix, suffix, or
both which encloses an variable identifier. See example below. *)
type hole_definition =
Delimited of string option * string option
(** Defines syntax definitions for holes. Zero or more Hole sorts, excluding
[Regex] should have an associated [hole_definition]. The [Regex] hole
must define a prefix, separator, and suffix. See example below. *)
type hole_syntax =
| Hole of Hole.sort * hole_definition
| Regex of string * char * string
(** A metasyntax comprises:
- [identifier] where the list of characters are allowed in identifiers.
For example, to allow only contiguous capitalized letters as recognized
identifiers within some hole syntax, use:
- [syntax] with one or more hole definitions. For example, the default
metasyntax for the [Everything] hole is defined as:
[ Hole (Everything, Delimited (Some ":[", Some "]")) ]
A Regex hole must define a prefix, separator, and suffix. The current
convention is taken to parse Regex holes as:
<prefix><identifier><separator><regular expression><suffix>
A separator is required to syntactically distinguish arbitrary
identifier syntax from regular exressions. A suffix is required to
syntactically distinguish when to stop parsing a regular expression and
resume parsing the rest of the template. *)
type t =
{ syntax : hole_syntax list
; identifier : string
(** A module signature for metasyntax to parameterize a matcher *)
module type S = sig
val syntax : hole_syntax list
val identifier : string
(** The default metasyntax. It is defined as:
let default_syntax =
[ Hole (Everything, Delimited (Some ":[", Some "]"))
; Hole (Expression, Delimited (Some ":[", Some ":e]"))
; Hole (Alphanum, Delimited (Some ":[[", Some "]]"))
; Hole (Non_space, Delimited (Some ":[", Some ".]"))
; Hole (Line, Delimited (Some ":[", Some "\\n]"))
; Hole (Blank, Delimited (Some ":[ ", Some "]"))
; Regex (":[", '~', "]")
let default_identifier =
val default_metasyntax : t
(** A JSON representation of the metasyntax defintion *)
val json : t -> string
(** [create definition] creates a metasyntax module from a definition *)
val create : t -> (module S)
(** [default] returns the default metasyntax module *)
val default : (module S)
type metasyntax = Metasyntax.t
(** {3 Matcher}
Defines the functions that a matcher can perform. *)
module Matcher : sig
module type S = sig
(** [all conf nested template source] finds all matches of [template] in
[source]. If [nested] is true, template matching will descend
recursively on matched content. *)
val all
: ?configuration:configuration
-> ?nested: bool
-> template:string
-> source:string
-> unit
-> match' list
(** [first conf shift template source] finds the first match of [template] in [source] starting
at position [shift] (default 0). *)
val first
: ?configuration:configuration
-> ?shift:int
-> string
-> string
-> match' Or_error.t
(** [name] returns the name of this matcher (e.g., "C", "Go", etc.). *)
val name : string
(** [extensions] returns the file extensions associated with the language
that this matcher supports (e.g., ".c" and "h" for C). *)
val extensions : string list
(** [set_rewrite_template] is currently unused. *)
val set_rewrite_template : string -> unit
(** {3 Alpha Matcher}
Alpha is the match engine that defines default matchers for languages.
module Alpha : sig
(** [select_with_extension metasyntax file_extension] is a convenience
function that returns a matcher associated with a [file_extension]. E.g.,
use ".c" to get the C matcher. For a full list of extensions associated
with matchers, run comby -list. If [metasyntax] is specified, the matcher
will use a custom metasyntax definition instead of the default. *)
val select_with_extension : ?metasyntax:metasyntax -> string -> (module Matcher.S) option
(** [create metasyntax syntax] creates a matcher for a language defined by
[syntax]. If [metasyntax] is specified, the matcher will use a custom
metasyntax definition instead of the default. *)
val create : ?metasyntax:metasyntax -> syntax -> (module Matcher.S)
(** [all] returns all default matchers. *)
val all : (module Matcher.S) list
(** {4 Supported Matchers} *)
module Text : Matcher.S
module Paren : Matcher.S
module Dyck : Matcher.S
module JSON : Matcher.S
module JSONC : Matcher.S
module GraphQL : Matcher.S
module Dhall : Matcher.S
module Latex : Matcher.S
module Assembly : Matcher.S
module Clojure : Matcher.S
module Lisp : Matcher.S
module Generic : Matcher.S
module Bash : Matcher.S
module Ruby : Matcher.S
module Elixir : Matcher.S
module Python : Matcher.S
module Html : Matcher.S
module Xml : Matcher.S
module SQL : Matcher.S
module Erlang : Matcher.S
module C : Matcher.S
module Csharp : Matcher.S
module Java : Matcher.S
module CSS : Matcher.S
module Kotlin : Matcher.S
module Scala : Matcher.S
module Nim : Matcher.S
module Dart : Matcher.S
module Php : Matcher.S
module Go : Matcher.S
module Javascript : Matcher.S
module Jsx : Matcher.S
module Typescript : Matcher.S
module Tsx : Matcher.S
module Swift : Matcher.S
module Rust : Matcher.S
module OCaml : Matcher.S
module Reason : Matcher.S
module Fsharp : Matcher.S
module Pascal : Matcher.S
module Julia : Matcher.S
module Fortran : Matcher.S
module Haskell : Matcher.S
module Elm : Matcher.S
module Zig : Matcher.S
module Coq : Matcher.S
module Move : Matcher.S
module Solidity : Matcher.S
module C_nested_comments : Matcher.S
(** {2 Rule}
Defines types and operations for match rules. *)
module Rule : sig
type t
type result
(** [sat result] returns true if a result of a rule is satisfied. *)
val sat : result -> bool
(** [result_env] returns a match environment associated with a rule result. *)
val result_env : result -> Match.environment option
(** [create] parses and creates a rule. *)
val create : string -> t Or_error.t
(** [apply matcher substitute_in_place rule env] applies a [rule] according to
some [matcher] for existing matches in [env]. If [substitute_in_place] is
true, rewrite rules substitute their values in place (default true). *)
val apply
: ?matcher:(module Matchers.Matcher.S)
-> ?substitute_in_place:bool
-> t
-> Match.environment
-> result
type rule = Rule.t
(** {2 Replacement}
Defines the result of a rewrite operation. *)
module Replacement : sig
(** A replacement consists of the replaced range, the replacement content, and
the environment associated with the replacement content. *)
type t =
{ range : Match.range
; replacement_content : string
; environment : Match.environment
(** A replacement result is the rewritten source, and the replacement
fragments. *)
type result =
{ rewritten_source : string
; in_place_substitutions : t list
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) Result.t
type replacement = Replacement.result
(** {2 Rewrite}
Defines rewrite operations. *)
module Rewrite : sig
(** [all source metasyntax fresh rewrite_template matches] substitutes
[rewrite_template] with each match in [matches] to create a rewrite result.
If [source] is specified, each rewrite result is substituted in-place in
the source. If [source] is not specified, rewritten matches are
newline-separated. If [metasyntax] is defined, the rewrite template will
respect custom metasyntax definitions.
If the rewrite template contains the syntax :[id()], then it is
substituted with fresh values. [fresh] may be specified to supply custom
fresh values. If not specified, fresh variables are generated in increasing
rank starting with 1, and incremented. See [substitute] for more. *)
val all
: ?source:string
-> ?metasyntax:Matchers.metasyntax
-> ?fresh:(unit -> string)
-> rewrite_template:string
-> match' list
-> replacement option
(** [substitute metasyntax fresh template environment] substitutes [template]
with the variable and value pairs in the [environment]. It returns the
result after substitution, and the list of variables in [environment] that
were substituted for. If [metasyntax] is defined, the rewrite template will
respect custom metasyntax definitions.
The syntax :[id()] is substituted with fresh values. If [fresh] is not
specified, the default behavior substitutes :[id()] starting with 1, and
subsequent :[id()] values increment the ID. If [fresh] is set, substitutes
the pattern :[id()] with the value of fresh () as the hole is encountered,
left to right. *)
val substitute
: ?metasyntax:Matchers.metasyntax
-> ?fresh:(unit -> string)
-> string
-> Match.environment
-> (string * string list)
(** {2 Pipeline}
Exposes top level functions for running matchers and generating
replacements. For finer control over matching and rewriting, use Matcher.all
to generate matches, and then process matches with Rewrite functions. *)
module Pipeline : sig
(** Source inputs for a pipeline is either a string, or a file path. *)
type single_source =
| Path of string
| String of string
(** {2 Specification}
Defines an internal type that represents an atomic operation for matching,
rule application and rewriting. *)
module Specification : sig
type t
(** [create rewrite_template rule match_template] creates a new specification.
If [rule] is supplied, it will be applied to matches of [match_template].
If [rewrite_template] is supplied, running a specification will return
replacements rather than just matches (see [process_single_source] below).
val create
: ?rewrite_template:string
-> ?rule:rule
-> match_template:string
-> unit
-> t
type specification = Specification.t
(** The output of running a specification. Matches are a list of matches and
the number of matches found. A Replacement consists of the list of
replacement fragments, the rewrite output, and the number of replacements
made. *)
type output =
| Matches of (match' list * int)
| Replacement of (Replacement.t list * string * int)
| Nothing
(** [execute matcher subst timeout metasyntax fresh config source spec] runs a
[matcher] on [source] for [spec] parameterized by [config]. [subst] sets
whether rewrite output should substitute rewritten values in place.
[timeout] specifies a timeout in seconds (default 3). If [metasyntax] is
defined, rewrite operations will respect custom metasyntax definitions.
Note that [metasyntax] here does not affect matching: [matcher] should be
defined with a metasyntax definition if desired. A custom [fresh] variable
generator may supply values to use for substitution; see
[Rewrite.substitute] for more. *)
val execute
: (module Matchers.Matcher.S)
-> ?substitute_in_place:bool
-> ?timeout:int
-> ?metasyntax:Matchers.metasyntax
-> ?fresh:(unit -> string)
-> ?configuration:Matchers.configuration
-> single_source
-> specification
-> output