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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Asyncly.Examples.MergeSortedStreams where
import Data.Word
import System.Random
import Data.List (sort)
import Asyncly
import qualified Asyncly.Prelude as A
getSorted :: MonadIO m => AsyncT m Word16
getSorted = do
g <- liftIO getStdGen
let ls = take 100000 (randoms g) :: [Word16]
foldMapWith (<>) return (sort ls)
mergeAsync :: (Ord a, MonadAsync m) => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a
mergeAsync a b = do
x <- lift $ async a
y <- lift $ async b
merge x y
merge :: (Ord a, MonadAsync m) => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a
merge a b = do
a1 <- lift $ A.uncons a
case a1 of
Nothing -> b
Just (x, ma) -> do
b1 <- lift $ A.uncons b
case b1 of
Nothing -> return x <> ma
Just (y, mb) ->
if (y < x)
then (return y) <> merge (return x <> ma) mb
else (return x) <> merge ma (return y <> mb)
mergeSortedStreams :: IO ()
mergeSortedStreams = do
xs <- toList $ mergeAsync getSorted getSorted
putStrLn $ show $ length xs