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## Unreleased
### Deprecations
* `once` has been deprecated and renamed to `yieldM`
2018-06-23 05:05:35 +03:00
### Enhancements
* Add `yield` to construct a singleton stream from a pure value
* Add `repeat` to generate an infinite stream by repeating a pure value
* Add `fromList` and `fromListM` to generate streams from lists, faster than
`fromFoldable` and `fromFoldableM`
* Add `map` as a synonym of fmap
* Add `scanlM'`, the monadic version of scanl'
* Significant performance improvements
2018-06-23 05:05:35 +03:00
2018-06-14 23:46:34 +03:00
## 0.3.0
### Breaking changes
* Some prelude functions, to whom concurrency capability has been added, will
now require a `MonadAsync` constraint.
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a race due to which, in a rare case, we might block indefinitely on
an MVar due to a lost wakeup.
* Fixed an issue in adaptive concurrency. The issue caused us to stop creating
2018-06-14 22:14:15 +03:00
more worker threads in some cases due to a race. This bug would not cause any
functional issue but may reduce concurrency in some cases.
### Enhancements
* Added a concurrent lookahead stream type `Ahead`
* Added `fromFoldableM` API that creates a stream from a container of monadic
* Monadic stream generation functions `consM`, `|:`, `unfoldrM`, `replicateM`,
`repeatM`, `iterateM` and `fromFoldableM` can now generate streams
concurrently when used with concurrent stream types.
* Monad transformation functions `mapM` and `sequence` can now map actions
concurrently when used at appropriate stream types.
* Added concurrent function application operators to run stages of a
stream processing function application pipeline concurrently.
2018-06-14 22:14:15 +03:00
* Added `mapMaybe` and `mapMaybeM`.
## 0.2.1
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug that caused some transformation ops to return incorrect results
when used with concurrent streams. The affected ops are `take`, `filter`,
`takeWhile`, `drop`, `dropWhile`, and `reverse`.
## 0.2.0
### Breaking changes
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
* Changed the semantics of the Semigroup instance for `InterleavedT`, `AsyncT`
and `ParallelT`. The new semantics are as follows:
* For `InterleavedT`, `<>` operation interleaves two streams
* For `AsyncT`, `<>` now concurrently merges two streams in a left biased
manner using demand based concurrency.
* For `ParallelT`, the `<>` operation now concurrently meges the two streams
in a fairly parallel manner.
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
To adapt to the new changes, replace `<>` with `serial` wherever it is used
for stream types other than `StreamT`.
* Remove the `Alternative` instance. To adapt to this change replace any usage
of `<|>` with `parallel` and `empty` with `nil`.
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
* Stream type now defaults to the `SerialT` type unless explicitly specified
using a type combinator or a monomorphic type. This change reduces puzzling
type errors for beginners. It includes the following two changes:
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
* Change the type of all stream elimination functions to use `SerialT`
instead of a polymorphic type. This makes sure that the stream type is
always fixed at all exits.
* Change the type combinators (e.g. `parallely`) to only fix the argument
stream type and the output stream type remains polymorphic.
2018-05-13 08:35:33 +03:00
Stream types may have to be changed or type combinators may have to be added
or removed to adapt to this change.
* Change the type of `foldrM` to make it consistent with `foldrM` in base.
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
* `async` is renamed to `mkAsync` and `async` is now a new API with a different
* `ZipAsync` is renamed to `ZipAsyncM` and `ZipAsync` is now ZipAsyncM
specialized to the IO Monad.
* Remove the `MonadError` instance as it was not working correctly for
parallel compositions. Use `MonadThrow` instead for error propagation.
2018-04-22 20:53:23 +03:00
* Remove Num/Fractional/Floating instances as they are not very useful. Use
`fmap` and `liftA2` instead.
### Deprecations
* Deprecate and rename the following symbols:
* `Streaming` to `IsStream`
* `runStreaming` to `runStream`
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
* `StreamT` to `SerialT`
* `InterleavedT` to `WSerialT`
* `ZipStream` to `ZipSerialM`
* `ZipAsync` to `ZipAsyncM`
* `interleaving` to `wSerially`
* `zipping` to `zipSerially`
* `zippingAsync` to `zipAsyncly`
* `<=>` to `wSerial`
* `<|` to `async`
2018-04-15 18:36:45 +03:00
* `each` to `fromFoldable`
* `scan` to `scanx`
* `foldl` to `foldx`
* `foldlM` to `foldxM`
* Deprecate the following symbols for future removal:
* `runStreamT`
* `runInterleavedT`
* `runAsyncT`
* `runParallelT`
* `runZipStream`
* `runZipAsync`
### Enhancements
* Add the following functions:
* `consM` and `|:` operator to construct streams from monadic actions
* `once` to create a singleton stream from a monadic action
* `repeatM` to construct a stream by repeating a monadic action
* `scanl'` strict left scan
* `foldl'` strict left fold
* `foldlM'` strict left fold with a monadic fold function
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
* `serial` run two streams serially one after the other
* `async` run two streams asynchronously
* `parallel` run two streams in parallel (replaces `<|>`)
2018-05-13 07:43:26 +03:00
* `WAsyncT` stream type for BFS version of `AsyncT` composition
* Add simpler stream types that are specialized to the IO monad
* Put a bound (1500) on the output buffer used for asynchronous tasks
* Put a limit (1500) on the number of threads used for Async and WAsync types
2018-03-25 01:11:28 +03:00
## 0.1.2
### Enhancements
* Add `iterate`, `iterateM` stream operations
### Bug Fixes
2018-03-25 01:11:28 +03:00
* Fixed a bug that casued unexpected behavior when `pure` was used to inject
values in Applicative composition of `ZipStream` and `ZipAsync` types.
2018-03-18 17:17:26 +03:00
## 0.1.1
2018-03-10 13:59:50 +03:00
2018-03-14 11:42:41 +03:00
### Enhancements
* Make `cons` right associative and provide an operator form `.:` for it
* Add `null`, `tail`, `reverse`, `replicateM`, `scan` stream operations
2018-03-14 11:42:41 +03:00
* Improve performance of some stream operations (`foldl`, `dropWhile`)
### Bug Fixes
* Fix the `product` operation. Earlier, it always returned 0 due to a bug
* Fix the `last` operation, which returned `Nothing` for singleton streams
2018-03-10 13:59:50 +03:00
2017-12-01 08:32:28 +03:00
## 0.1.0
* Initial release