Fix dev flag build, test, benchmarks issues (#2206)

* Fix dev flag build, test, benchmarks issues
* Add no-charts flag when compiling bench-report

Co-authored-by: Harendra Kumar <>
This commit is contained in:
Ranjeet Ranjan 2023-01-07 14:32:31 +05:30 committed by GitHub
parent be55a92ae8
commit 030499eb7e
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 146 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ main = do
$ map (fromIntegral . ord) "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
$ IFH.getBytes inText
$ inText
>>= print

View File

@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ streamTransform f arr =
castUnsafe ::
Unboxed b =>
Unbox b =>
Array a -> Array b
castUnsafe (Array contents start end) =

View File

@ -413,7 +413,11 @@ nil = Array Unboxed.nil 0 0 0
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE newPinnedBytes #-}
newPinnedBytes :: MonadIO m => Int -> m (Array a)
newPinnedBytes :: MonadIO m =>
Unbox a =>
Int -> m (Array a)
newPinnedBytes bytes = do
contents <- liftIO $ Unboxed.newPinnedBytes bytes
return $ Array
@ -2002,6 +2006,9 @@ putSliceUnsafe src srcStartBytes dst dstStartBytes lenBytes = liftIO $ do
-- | Copy two arrays into a newly allocated array.
{-# INLINE spliceCopy #-}
spliceCopy :: forall m a. MonadIO m =>
Unbox a =>
Array a -> Array a -> m (Array a)
spliceCopy arr1 arr2 = liftIO $ do
let start1 = arrStart arr1
@ -2162,7 +2169,7 @@ splitAt i arr@Array{..} =
castUnsafe ::
Unboxed b =>
Unbox b =>
Array a -> Array b
castUnsafe (Array contents start end bound) =

View File

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ module Streamly.Data.SmallArray
, A.writeN
-- * Elimination
, A.toStream
, A.toStreamRev
, A.readRev
, A.reader
-- * Folding Arrays
, A.streamFold

View File

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.SmallArray
, toStreamD
, toStreamDRev
, toStream
, toStreamRev
, read
, readRev
, reader
, fromListN
, fromStreamDN
@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ fromStreamN n m = do
when (n < 0) $ error "fromStreamN: negative write count specified"
fromStreamDN n $ D.fromStreamK $ Stream.toStreamK m
{-# INLINE_EARLY toStream #-}
toStream :: Monad m => SmallArray a -> Stream m a
toStream = Stream.fromStreamK . D.toStreamK . toStreamD
{-# INLINE_EARLY read #-}
read :: Monad m => SmallArray a -> Stream m a
read = Stream.fromStreamK . D.toStreamK . toStreamD
{-# INLINE_EARLY toStreamRev #-}
toStreamRev :: Monad m => SmallArray a -> Stream m a
toStreamRev = Stream.fromStreamK . D.toStreamK . toStreamDRev
{-# INLINE_EARLY readRev #-}
readRev :: Monad m => SmallArray a -> Stream m a
readRev = Stream.fromStreamK . D.toStreamK . toStreamDRev
{-# INLINE fold #-}
fold :: Monad m => Fold m a b -> SmallArray a -> m b
@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ fold f arr = D.fold f (toStreamD arr)
{-# INLINE streamFold #-}
streamFold :: Monad m => (Stream m a -> m b) -> SmallArray a -> m b
streamFold f arr = f (toStream arr)
streamFold f arr = f (read arr)
{-# INLINE_NORMAL read #-}
read :: Monad m => Unfold m (SmallArray a) a
read = Unfold step inject
{-# INLINE_NORMAL reader #-}
reader :: Monad m => Unfold m (SmallArray a) a
reader = Unfold step inject
inject arr = return (arr, 0)
step (arr, i)

View File

@ -167,17 +167,13 @@ exceptionPropagation f = do
timeOrdering :: (Stream IO Int -> Stream IO Int -> Stream IO Int) -> Spec
timeOrdering :: ([Stream IO Int] -> Stream IO Int) -> Spec
timeOrdering f = do
it "Parallel ordering left associated" $
Stream.fold Fold.toList (((event 4 `f` event 3) `f` event 2) `f` event 1)
it "Parallel event ordering check" $
Stream.fold Fold.toList (f [event 4, event 3, event 2, event 1])
`shouldReturn` [1..4]
it "Parallel ordering right associated" $
Stream.fold Fold.toList (event 4 `f` (event 3 `f` (event 2 `f` event 1)))
`shouldReturn` [1..4]
where event n = Stream.fromEffect (threadDelay (n * 200000)) >> return n
where event n = Stream.fromEffect (threadDelay (n * 200000) >> return n)

View File

@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ import Streamly.Prelude (SerialT, IsStream, serial, fromSerial)
import Streamly.Prelude (avgRate, maxBuffer)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude as S
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as UF
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as IS
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as IS
import qualified Streamly.Data.Array as A
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser as Parser
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units
(AbsTime, NanoSecond64(..), toRelTime64, diffAbsTime64)
@ -59,31 +60,66 @@ import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Clock (Clock(Monotonic), getTime)
import Streamly.Test.Common
import Streamly.Test.Prelude.Common
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
toList :: Monad m => S.Stream m a -> m [a]
toList = S.fold FL.toList
splitOn :: Monad m =>
(a -> Bool) -> FL.Fold m a b -> S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b
splitOn predicate f = IS.foldManyPost (FL.takeEndBy_ predicate f)
splitOnSuffix :: Monad m =>
(a -> Bool) -> FL.Fold m a b -> S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b
splitOnSuffix predicate f = S.foldMany (FL.takeEndBy_ predicate f)
splitOnSeq' :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a) =>
A.Array a -> FL.Fold m a b -> S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b
splitOnSeq' patt f m = IS.foldManyPost (FL.takeEndBySeq_ patt f) m
splitOnSuffixSeq' :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a, Storable a, Enum a, Eq a) =>
A.Array a -> FL.Fold m a b -> S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b
splitOnSuffixSeq' patt f m = S.foldMany (FL.takeEndBySeq_ patt f) m
groupsBy :: Monad m =>
(a -> a -> Bool) -> FL.Fold m a b -> S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b
groupsBy cmp f m = S.catRights $ S.parseMany (Parser.groupBy cmp f) m
groupsByRolling :: Monad m =>
(a -> a -> Bool) -> FL.Fold m a b -> S.Stream m a -> S.Stream m b
groupsByRolling cmp f m =
S.catRights $ S.parseMany (Parser.groupByRolling cmp f) m
drainWhile :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> S.Stream m a -> m ()
drainWhile p = S.fold FL.drain . S.takeWhile p
drainMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> S.Stream m a -> m ()
drainMapM f = S.fold (FL.drainMapM f)
splitOnSeq :: Spec
splitOnSeq = do
describe "Tests for splitOnSeq" $ do
it "splitOnSeq' \"hello\" \"\" = [\"\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "hello" "" `shouldReturn` [""]
it "splitOnSeq' \"hello\" \"hello\" = [\"\", \"\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "hello" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["", ""]
it "splitOnSeq' \"x\" \"hello\" = [\"hello\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "x" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["hello"]
it "splitOnSeq' \"h\" \"hello\" = [\"\", \"ello\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "h" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["", "ello"]
it "splitOnSeq' \"o\" \"hello\" = [\"hell\", \"\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "o" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["hell", ""]
it "splitOnSeq' \"e\" \"hello\" = [\"h\", \"llo\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "e" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["h", "llo"]
it "splitOnSeq' \"l\" \"hello\" = [\"he\", \"\", \"o\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "l" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["he", "", "o"]
it "splitOnSeq' \"ll\" \"hello\" = [\"he\", \"o\"]"
$ splitOnSeq' "ll" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["he", "o"]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"hello\" \"\" = [\"\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "hello" "" `shouldReturn` [""]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"hello\" \"hello\" = [\"\", \"\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "hello" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["", ""]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"x\" \"hello\" = [\"hello\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "x" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["hello"]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"h\" \"hello\" = [\"\", \"ello\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "h" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["", "ello"]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"o\" \"hello\" = [\"hell\", \"\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "o" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["hell", ""]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"e\" \"hello\" = [\"h\", \"llo\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "e" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["h", "llo"]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"l\" \"hello\" = [\"he\", \"\", \"o\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "l" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["he", "", "o"]
it "splitOnSeq_ \"ll\" \"hello\" = [\"he\", \"o\"]"
$ splitOnSeq_ "ll" "hello" `shouldReturn` ["he", "o"]
splitOnSeq' pat xs =
S.toList $ IS.splitOnSeq (A.fromList pat) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
splitOnSeq_ pat xs = toList $
splitOnSeq' (A.fromList pat) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
splitOnSuffixSeq :: Spec
splitOnSuffixSeq = do
@ -107,9 +143,8 @@ splitOnSuffixSeq = do
splitSuffixOn_ pat xs =
$ IS.splitOnSuffixSeq (A.fromList pat) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
splitSuffixOn_ pat xs = toList $
splitOnSuffixSeq' (A.fromList pat) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
splitterProperties ::
forall a. (Arbitrary a, Eq a, Show a, Storable a, Unbox a, Enum a)
@ -180,16 +215,16 @@ splitterProperties sep desc = do
splitOnSeq_ xs ys =
S.toList $ IS.splitOnSeq (A.fromList ys) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
toList $ splitOnSeq' (A.fromList ys) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
splitOnSuffixSeq_ xs ys =
S.toList $ IS.splitOnSuffixSeq (A.fromList ys) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
toList $ splitOnSuffixSeq' (A.fromList ys) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
splitOn_ xs ys =
S.toList $ IS.splitOn (== (head ys)) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
toList $ splitOn (== (head ys)) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
splitOnSuffix_ xs ys =
S.toList $ IS.splitOnSuffix (== (head ys)) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
toList $ splitOnSuffix (== (head ys)) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
intercalateSuffix xs yss = intercalate xs yss ++ xs
@ -221,7 +256,7 @@ splitterProperties sep desc = do
testCase xs = do
ys <- splitter xs (replicate i sep)
szs <-
$ sIntercalater UF.fromList (replicate i sep)
$ IS.fromList ys
let lzs = lIntercalater (replicate i sep) ys
@ -243,7 +278,7 @@ splitterProperties sep desc = do
testCase xs = do
ys <- splitter xs (replicate i sep)
szs <-
$ sIntercalater UF.fromList (replicate i sep)
$ IS.fromList ys
let lzs = lIntercalater (replicate i sep) ys
@ -265,7 +300,7 @@ splitterProperties sep desc = do
let lxs = lIntercalater (replicate i sep) xss
lys <- splitter lxs (replicate i sep)
sxs <-
$ sIntercalater UF.fromList (replicate i sep)
$ S.fromList xss
sys <- splitter sxs (replicate i sep)
@ -286,7 +321,7 @@ splitterProperties sep desc = do
testCase xss = do
let lxs = lIntercalater [sep] xss
lys <- splitter lxs [sep]
sxs <- S.toList $ sIntercalater UF.fromList [sep] $ S.fromList xss
sxs <- toList $ sIntercalater UF.fromList [sep] $ S.fromList xss
sys <- splitter sxs [sep]
listEquals (==) lys xss
listEquals (==) sys xss
@ -299,7 +334,7 @@ intercalateSplitOnId x desc =
forAll listWithZeroes $ \xs -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount $
monadicIO $ do
ys <- S.toList $ S.splitOn (== x) toListFL (S.fromList xs)
ys <- toList $ splitOn (== x) toListFL (S.fromList xs)
listEquals (==) (intercalate [x] ys) xs
@ -320,17 +355,17 @@ groupSplitOps desc = do
intercalateSplitOnId (0 :: Word8) desc
-- |
-- After grouping (and folding) Int stream using @>@ operation,
-- After grouping (and folding) Int stream using @<@ operation,
-- the first @Int@ of every @[Int]@ in the @[Int]@ stream should be the minimum.
testGroupsBy :: Property
testGroupsBy =
forAll (choose (0, maxStreamLen)) $ \len ->
forAll (vectorOf len (arbitrary :: Gen Int)) $ \vec -> monadicIO $ do
r <- run $ S.all (\ls ->
r <- run $ S.fold (FL.all (\ls ->
case ls of
[] -> True
(x:_) -> x == minimum ls)
$ S.groupsBy (>) FL.toList
(x:_) -> x == minimum ls))
$ groupsBy (<) FL.toList
$ S.fromList vec
assert r
@ -338,14 +373,14 @@ testGroups :: Property
testGroups =
forAll (choose (0, maxStreamLen)) $ \len ->
forAll (vectorOf len (arbitrary :: Gen Int)) $ \vec -> monadicIO $ do
r <- run $ S.toList $ S.groups FL.toList $ S.fromList vec
r <- toList $ groupsBy (==) FL.toList $ S.fromList vec
assert $ r == group vec
testGroupsByRolling :: Property
testGroupsByRolling =
forAll (choose (0, maxStreamLen)) $ \len ->
forAll (vectorOf len (arbitrary :: Gen Int)) $ \vec -> monadicIO $ do
r <- run $ S.toList $ S.groupsByRolling (==) FL.toList $ S.fromList vec
r <- toList $ groupsByRolling (==) FL.toList $ S.fromList vec
assert $ r == group vec
-- |
@ -362,7 +397,7 @@ decreasing [] = True
decreasing xs = all (== True) $ zipWith (<=) (tail xs) xs
-- |
-- To check if the minimum elements (after grouping on @>@)
-- To check if the minimum elements (after grouping on @<@)
-- are non-increasing (either decrease or remain the same).
-- Had an element been strictly greater, it would have been grouped
-- with that element only.
@ -370,10 +405,10 @@ testGroupsBySep :: Property
testGroupsBySep =
forAll (choose (0, maxStreamLen)) $ \len ->
forAll (vectorOf len (arbitrary :: Gen Int)) $ \vec -> monadicIO $ do
a <- run $ S.toList
$ maybeMinimum
$ S.groupsBy (>) FL.toList
$ S.fromList vec
a <- toList
$ fmap maybeMinimum
$ groupsBy (<) FL.toList
$ S.fromList vec
assert $ decreasing a
groupingOps :: Spec
@ -396,8 +431,8 @@ associativityCheck desc t = prop desc assocCheckProp
yStream = S.fromList ys
zStream = S.fromList zs
infixAssocstream <-
run $ S.toList $ t $ xStream `serial` yStream `serial` zStream
assocStream <- run $ S.toList $ t $ xStream <> yStream <> zStream
run $ toList $ t $ xStream `serial` yStream `serial` zStream
assocStream <- run $ toList $ t $ xStream <> yStream <> zStream
listEquals (==) infixAssocstream assocStream
max_length :: Int
@ -436,7 +471,7 @@ testTakeInterval :: IO Bool
testTakeInterval = do
r <-
S.fold (FL.tee FL.head FL.last)
$ IS.takeInterval takeDropTime
$ S.takeInterval (toRelTime64 takeDropTime)
$ S.repeatM (threadDelay 1000 >> getTime Monotonic)
checkTakeDropTime r
@ -444,8 +479,8 @@ testDropInterval :: IO Bool
testDropInterval = do
t0 <- getTime Monotonic
mt1 <-
$ IS.dropInterval takeDropTime
S.fold FL.head
$ S.dropInterval (toRelTime64 takeDropTime)
$ S.repeatM (threadDelay 1000 >> getTime Monotonic)
checkTakeDropTime (Just t0, mt1)
@ -455,23 +490,18 @@ unfold = monadicIO $ do
a <- pick $ choose (0, max_length `div` 2)
b <- pick $ choose (0, max_length)
let unf = UF.second b UF.enumerateFromToIntegral
ls <- S.toList $ S.unfold unf a
return $ ls == [a..b]
unfold0 :: Property
unfold0 = monadicIO $ do
a <- pick $ choose (0, max_length `div` 2)
b <- pick $ choose (0, max_length)
let unf = UF.both a (UF.second b UF.enumerateFromToIntegral)
ls <- S.toList $ IS.unfold0 unf
ls <- toList $ S.unfold unf a
return $ ls == [a..b]
testFromCallback :: IO Int
testFromCallback = do
ref <- newIORef Nothing
let stream = Just (IS.fromCallback (setCallback ref))
`S.parallel` runCallback ref
S.sum $ fromJust $ S.takeWhile isJust stream
let stream =
S.parConcatList (S.eager True)
[ fmap Just (S.fromCallback (setCallback ref))
, runCallback ref
S.fold FL.sum $ fmap fromJust $ S.takeWhile isJust stream
@ -483,11 +513,11 @@ testFromCallback = do
S.repeatM (readIORef ref)
& IS.delayPost 0.1
& S.mapMaybe id
& S.head
& S.fold FL.head
S.fromList [1..100]
& IS.delayPost 0.001
& S.mapM_ (fromJust cb)
& drainMapM (fromJust cb)
threadDelay 100000
return Nothing
@ -497,12 +527,12 @@ foldIterateM =
let s1 = Prelude.sum lst
strm = S.fromList lst
ms2 <-
$ getSum
S.fold FL.last
$ fmap getSum
$ IS.foldIterateM
(return . FL.take 1 . FL.sconcat)
(return (Sum 0))
$ Sum strm
$ fmap Sum strm
case ms2 of
Nothing -> assert $ s1 == 0
Just s2 -> assert $ s1 == s2
@ -510,7 +540,7 @@ foldIterateM =
sortBy :: Property
sortBy = forAll (listOf (chooseInt (0, max_length))) $ \lst -> monadicIO $ do
let s1 = sort lst
s2 <- run $ S.toList $ IS.sortBy compare $ S.fromList lst
s2 <- toList $ IS.sortBy compare $ S.fromList lst
assert $ s1 == s2
moduleName :: String
@ -530,14 +560,16 @@ main = hspec
<> [("maxBuffer -1", fromSerial . maxBuffer (-1))]
let toListSerial :: SerialT IO a -> IO [a]
toListSerial = S.toList . fromSerial
toListSerial = toList . fromSerial
describe "Runners" $ do
-- XXX use an IORef to store and check the side effects
it "simple serially" $
(S.drain . fromSerial) (return (0 :: Int)) `shouldReturn` ()
(S.fold FL.drain . fromSerial)
(return (0 :: Int)) `shouldReturn` ()
it "simple serially with IO" $
(S.drain . fromSerial) (S.fromEffect $ putStrLn "hello") `shouldReturn` ()
(S.fold FL.drain . fromSerial)
(S.fromEffect $ putStrLn "hello") `shouldReturn` ()
describe "Empty" $
it "Monoid - mempty" $
@ -571,12 +603,9 @@ main = hspec
serialOps $ prop "serially fromEffect" . constructWithFromEffect id
serialOps $ prop "serially cons" . constructWithCons S.cons
serialOps $ prop "serially consM" . constructWithConsM S.consM id
serialOps $ prop "serially (.:)" . constructWithCons (S..:)
serialOps $ prop "serially (|:)" . constructWithConsM (S.|:) id
describe "From Generators" $ do
prop "unfold" unfold
prop "unfold0" unfold0
describe "Simple Operations" $ serialOps simpleOps
@ -649,13 +678,13 @@ main = hspec
-- Just some basic sanity tests for now
let input = [[1,1] :: [Int],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4],[5,5],[6,6],[7,7],[8,8]]
mustBe g inp out =
S.toList (IS.concatPairsWith g S.fromList (S.fromList inp))
toList (S.mergeMapWith g S.fromList (S.fromList inp))
`shouldReturn` out
in do
it "concatPairsWith serial"
$ mustBe S.serial input [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8]
$ mustBe S.append input [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8]
it "concatPairsWith wSerial"
$ mustBe S.wSerial input [1,5,3,7,2,6,4,8,1,5,3,7,2,6,4,8]
$ mustBe S.interleave input [1,5,3,7,2,6,4,8,1,5,3,7,2,6,4,8]
it "concatPairsWith mergeBy sorted"
$ mustBe
(S.mergeBy compare) input [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8]
@ -681,7 +710,7 @@ main = hspec
let xs = [1..n]
ioRef <- run $ newIORef ([] :: [Int])
run $
S.drainWhile (> 0) . t $
drainWhile (> 0) . t $
S.mapM (\a -> modifyIORef' ioRef (a :) >> return a) $
S.fromList xs
strm <- run $ readIORef ioRef

View File

@ -37,11 +37,13 @@ strToHex = unwords . map chrToHex
type Text = Stream IO Char
toList = S.fold FL.toList
checkEqual :: String -> (Text -> Text) -> (Text, Text) -> IO Bool
checkEqual opName op (mc1, mc2) = do
c1 <- S.toList mc1
c2 <- S.toList mc2
opc2 <- S.toList $ op mc2
c1 <- toList mc1
c2 <- toList mc2
opc2 <- toList $ op mc2
if c1 /= opc2 then do
putStrLn $ opName ++ " " ++ strToHex c2
++ " = " ++ strToHex opc2
@ -70,9 +72,11 @@ checkNFKD :: (Text, Text, Text, Text, Text) -> IO Bool
checkNFKD (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) =
checkOp "toNFKD" NFKD $ map (c5,) [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]
splitOn predicate f = S.foldManyPost (FL.takeEndBy_ predicate f)
checkAllTestCases :: Int -> String -> IO ()
checkAllTestCases lineno line = do
cs <- S.toList $ S.splitOn (== ';') FL.toList $ S.fromList line
cs <- toList $ splitOn (== ';') FL.toList $ S.fromList line
case cs of
c1 : c2 : c3 : c4 : c5 : _ -> do
let cps = map cpToText [c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ checkAllTestCases lineno line = do
checkOneTestCase cps f = do
res <- f (tuplify cps)
when (not res) $ do
strs <- mapM S.toList cps
strs <- mapM toList cps
let codes = intercalate ";" $ map strToHex strs
txt = intercalate "; " strs
putStrLn ("Failed at line: " ++ show lineno)

View File

@ -1 +1,4 @@
packages: ., ../../targets
package bench-report
flags: +no-charts