Separate folds with leftovers from terminating folds

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Harendra Kumar 2020-11-20 05:36:16 +00:00
parent 74be5ad9a3
commit 074abb3838

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@ -15,53 +15,101 @@
-- == Accumulators
-- These are the simplest folds that never fail and never terminate, they
-- accumulate the input values forever and always remain @partial@ and
-- @complete@ at the same time. It means that we can keep adding more input to
-- them or at any time retrieve a consistent result. A
-- accumulate the input values forever and can always accept new inputs (never
-- terminate) and always have a valid result value. A
-- 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.sum' operation is an example of an accumulator.
-- Traditional Haskell left folds like 'foldl' are accumulators.
-- We can distribute an input stream to two or more accumulators using a @tee@
-- style composition. Accumulators cannot be applied on a stream one after the
-- other, which we call a @split@ style composition, as the first one itself
-- will never terminate, therefore, the next one will never get to run.
-- other, which we call a @serial@ append style composition of folds. This is
-- because accumulators never terminate, since the first accumulator in a
-- series will never terminate, the next one will never get to run.
-- == Splitters
-- == Terminating Folds
-- Splitters are accumulators that can terminate. When applied on a stream
-- splitters consume part of the stream, thereby, splitting it. Splitters can
-- be used in a @split@ style composition where one splitter can be applied
-- after the other on an input stream. We can apply a splitter repeatedly on an
-- input stream splitting and consuming it in fragments. Splitters never fail,
-- therefore, they do not need backtracking, but they can lookahead and return
-- unconsumed input. The 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.take' operation is an
-- example of a splitter. It terminates after consuming @n@ items. Coupled with
-- an accumulator it can be used to split the stream into chunks of fixed size.
-- Terminating folds are accumulators that can terminate. Once a fold
-- terminates it no longer accepts any more inputs. Terminating folds can be
-- used in a @serial@ append style composition where one fold can be applied
-- after the other on an input stream. We can apply a terminating fold
-- repeatedly on an input stream, splitting the stream and consuming it in
-- fragments. Terminating folds never fail, therefore, they do not need
-- backtracking.
-- Consider the example of @takeWhile@ operation, it needs to inspect an
-- element for termination decision. However, it does not consume the element
-- on which it terminates. To implement @takeWhile@ a splitter will have to
-- implement a way to return unconsumed input to the driver.
-- The 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.take' operation is an example of a
-- terminating fold It terminates after consuming @n@ items. Coupled with an
-- accumulator (e.g. sum) it can be used to split and process the stream into
-- chunks of fixed size.
-- == Terminating Folds with Leftovers
-- The next upgrade after terminating folds is terminating folds with leftover
-- inputs. Consider the example of @takeWhile@ operation, it needs to inspect
-- an element for termination decision. However, it does not consume the
-- element on which it terminates. To implement @takeWhile@ a terminating fold
-- will have to implement a way to return unconsumed input to the fold driver.
-- Single element leftover case is the most common and its easy to implement it
-- in terminating folds using a @Done1@ constructor in the 'Step' type which
-- indicates that the last element was not consumed by the fold. The following
-- additional operations can be implemented as terminating folds if we do that.
-- @
-- takeWhile
-- groupBy
-- wordBy
-- @
-- However, it creates several complications. The 'many' combinator requires
-- a @Partial1@ ('Partial' with leftover) to handle a @Done1@ from the top
-- level fold, for efficient implementation. If the collecting fold in "many"
-- returns a @Partial1@ or @Done1@ then what to do with all the elements that
-- have been consumed?
-- Similarly, in distribute, if one fold consumes a value and others say its a
-- leftover then what do we do? Folds like "many" require the leftover to be
-- fed to it again. So in a distribute operation those folds which gave a
-- leftover will have to be fed the leftover while the folds that consumed will
-- have to be fed the next input. This is very complicated to implement. We
-- have the same issue in backtracking parsers being used in a distribute
-- operation.
-- To avoid these issues we want to enforce by typing that the collecting folds
-- can never return a leftover. So we need a fold type without @Done1@ or
-- @Partial1@. This leads us to design folds to never return a leftover and the
-- use cases of single leftover are transferred to parsers where we have
-- general backtracking mechanism and single leftover is just a special case of
-- backtracking.
-- This means: takeWhile, groupBy, wordBy would be implemented as parsers.
-- "take 0" can implemented as a fold if we make initial return @Step@ type.
-- "takeByTime" can be implemented without @Done1@.
-- == Parsers
-- Parsers are splitters that can fail and backtrack. Parsers can be composed
-- using an @alternative@ style composition where they can backtrack and apply
-- another parser if one parser fails. 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.satisfy'
-- is a simple example of a parser, it would succeed if the condition is
-- satisfied and it would fail otherwise, on failure an alternative parser can
-- be used on the same input.
-- The next upgrade after terminating folds with a leftover are parsers.
-- Parsers are terminating folds that can fail and backtrack. Parsers can be
-- composed using an @alternative@ style composition where they can backtrack
-- and apply another parser if one parser fails.
-- 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.satisfy' is a simple example of a parser, it
-- would succeed if the condition is satisfied and it would fail otherwise, on
-- failure an alternative parser can be used on the same input.
-- = Types for Stream Consumers
-- We use the 'Fold' type to implement the Accumulator and Splitter
-- functionality. Parsers are represented by the
-- 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Parser' type. This is a sweet spot to
-- balance ease of use, type safety and performance. Using separate
-- Accumulator and Splitter types would encode more information in types but it
-- would make ease of use, implementation, maintenance effort worse. Combining
-- Accumulator, Splitter and Parser into a single
-- 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Parser' type would make ease of use even
-- better but type safety and performance worse.
-- In streamly, there is no separate type for accumulators. Terminating folds
-- are a superset of accumulators and to avoid too many types we represent both
-- using the same type, 'Fold'.
-- We do not club the leftovers functionality with terminating folds because of
-- the reasons explained earlier. Instead combinators that require leftovers
-- are implemented as the 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Parser' type. This is
-- a sweet spot to balance ease of use, type safety and performance. Using
-- separate Accumulator and terminating fold types would encode more
-- information in types but it would make ease of use, implementation,
-- maintenance effort worse. Combining Accumulator, terminating folds and
-- Parser into a single 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Parser' type would make
-- ease of use even better but type safety and performance worse.
-- One of the design requirements that we have placed for better ease of use
-- and code reuse is that 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Parser' type should be