Add Streamly.Data.Stream module in streamly-core

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Ranjeet Kumar Ranjan 2022-08-12 11:53:36 +05:30 committed by Harendra Kumar
parent f6575228c4
commit 0dc91ab41c
3 changed files with 455 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
#include "inline.hs"
-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Data.Stream
-- Copyright : (c) 2017 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : released
-- Portability : GHC
-- To run examples in this module:
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream
-- We will add some more imports in the examples as needed.
-- For effectful streams we will use the following IO action that blocks for
-- @n@ seconds:
-- >>> import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-- >>> :{
-- delay n = do
-- threadDelay (n * 1000000) -- sleep for n seconds
-- putStrLn (show n ++ " sec") -- print "n sec"
-- return n -- IO Int
-- :}
-- >>> delay 1
-- 1 sec
-- 1
-- = Overview
-- Streamly is a framework for modular data flow based programming and
-- declarative concurrency. Powerful stream fusion framework in streamly
-- allows high performance combinatorial programming even when using byte level
-- streams. Streamly API is similar to Haskell lists.
-- Streams can be constructed
-- like lists, except that they use 'nil' instead of '[]' and 'cons' instead of
-- ':'.
-- `cons` constructs a pure stream which is more or less the same as a list:
-- >>> import Streamly.Data.Stream (Stream, cons, consM, nil)
-- >>> stream = 1 `cons` 2 `cons` nil :: Stream IO Int
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList stream -- IO [Int]
-- [1,2]
-- 'consM' constructs a stream from effectful actions:
-- >>> stream = delay 1 `consM` delay 2 `consM` nil
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList stream
-- 1 sec
-- 2 sec
-- [1,2]
-- == Console Echo Program
-- In the following example, 'repeatM' generates an infinite stream of 'String'
-- by repeatedly performing the 'getLine' IO action. 'mapM' then applies
-- 'putStrLn' on each element in the stream converting it to stream of '()'.
-- Finally, 'drain' folds the stream to IO discarding the () values, thus
-- producing only effects.
-- >>> import Data.Function ((&))
-- @
-- > :{
-- Stream.repeatM getLine -- Stream IO String
-- & Stream.mapM putStrLn -- Stream IO ()
-- & Stream.fold Fold.drain -- IO ()
-- :}
-- @
-- This is a console echo program. It is an example of a declarative loop
-- written using streaming combinators. Compare it with an imperative @while@
-- loop.
-- Hopefully, this gives you an idea how we can program declaratively by
-- representing loops using streams. In this module, you can find all
-- "Data.List" like functions and many more powerful combinators to perform
-- common programming tasks. Also see "Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream"
-- module for many more @Pre-release@ combinators. See the
-- <> repository for many more
-- real world examples of stream programming.
-- == Combining two streams
-- Two streams can be combined to form a single stream in various interesting
-- ways. 'serial' (append), 'wSerial' (interleave), 'ahead' (concurrent,
-- ordered append), 'async' (lazy concurrent, unordered append) , 'wAsync'
-- (lazy concurrent, unordered interleave), 'parallel' (strict concurrent
-- merge), 'zipWith', 'zipAsyncWith' (concurrent zip), 'mergeBy',
-- 'mergeAsyncBy' (concurrent merge) are some ways of combining two streams.
-- For example, the `parallel` combinator schedules both the streams
-- concurrently.
-- >>> stream1 = Stream.mapM id $ Stream.fromList [delay 3, delay 4]
-- >>> stream2 = Stream.mapM id $ Stream.fromList [delay 1, delay 2]
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList $ stream1 `parallel` stream2
-- ...
-- We can chain the operations to combine more than two streams:
-- >>> stream3 = Stream.mapM id $ Stream.fromList [delay 1, delay 2]
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList $ stream1 `parallel` stream2 `parallel` stream3
-- ...
-- Concurrent generation ('consM') and concurrent merging of streams is the
-- fundamental basis of all concurrency in streamly.
-- == Combining many streams
-- The 'concatMapWith' combinator can be used to generalize the two stream
-- combining combinators to @n@ streams. For example, we can use
-- @concatMapWith parallel@ to read concurrently from all incoming network
-- connections and combine the input streams into a single output stream:
-- @
-- import qualified Streamly.Network.Inet.TCP as TCP
-- import qualified Streamly.Network.Socket as Socket
-- Stream.unfold TCP.acceptOnPort 8090
-- & Stream.concatMapWith Stream.parallel (Stream.unfold
-- @
-- See the @streamly-examples@ repository for a full working example.
-- == Semigroup Instance
-- Earlier we distinguished stream types based on the execution behavior of
-- actions within a stream. Stream types are also distinguished based on how
-- actions from different streams are scheduled for execution when two streams
-- are combined together.
-- For 'Stream', '<>' has an appending behavior i.e. it executes the actions
-- from the second stream after executing actions from the first stream:
-- >>> stream1 = Stream.mapM id $ Stream.fromList [delay 1, delay 2]
-- >>> stream2 = Stream.mapM id $ Stream.fromList [delay 3, delay 4]
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList $ stream1 <> stream2
-- 1 sec
-- 2 sec
-- 3 sec
-- 4 sec
-- [1,2,3,4]
-- By default, folds like 'drain' force the stream type to be 'Stream', so
-- 'replicateM' in the following code runs serially, and takes 10 seconds:
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.drain $ Stream.replicateM 10 $ delay 1
-- ...
module Streamly.Data.Stream
-- * Construction
-- | Functions ending in the general shape @b -> Stream m a@.
-- ** Primitives
-- | Primitives to construct a stream from pure values or monadic actions.
-- All other stream construction and generation combinators described later
-- can be expressed in terms of these primitives. However, the special
-- versions provided in this module can be much more efficient in most
-- cases. Users can create custom combinators using these primitives.
, nil
, cons
, consM
-- ** Unfolding
-- | Generalized way of generating a stream efficiently.
, unfold
, unfoldr
, unfoldrM
-- ** From Values
-- | Generate a monadic stream from a seed value or values.
, fromPure
, fromEffect
, repeat
, replicate
-- Note: Using enumeration functions e.g. 'Prelude.enumFromThen' turns out
-- to be slightly faster than the idioms like @[from, then..]@.
-- ** Enumeration
-- | We can use the 'Enum' type class to enumerate a type producing a list
-- and then convert it to a stream:
-- @
-- 'fromList' $ 'Prelude.enumFromThen' from then
-- @
-- However, this is not particularly efficient.
-- The 'Enumerable' type class provides corresponding functions that
-- generate a stream instead of a list, efficiently.
, Enumerable (..)
, enumerate
, enumerateTo
-- ** Iteration
, iterate
, iterateM
-- ** From Containers
-- | Convert an input structure, container or source into a stream. All of
-- these can be expressed in terms of primitives.
, fromList
, fromFoldable
-- * Elimination
-- | Functions ending in the general shape @Stream m a -> m b@
-- ** Running a 'Fold'
-- $runningfolds
, fold
-- ** Deconstruction
-- | Functions ending in the general shape @Stream m a -> m (b, Stream m a)@
, uncons
-- ** General Folds
-- | In imperative terms a fold can be considered as a loop over the stream
-- that reduces the stream to a single value.
-- Left and right folds both use a fold function @f@ and an identity element
-- @z@ (@zero@) to deconstruct a recursive data structure and reconstruct a
-- new data structure. The new structure may be a recursive construction (a
-- container) or a non-recursive single value reduction of the original
-- structure.
-- Both right and left folds are mathematical duals of each other, they are
-- functionally equivalent. Operationally, a left fold on a left associated
-- structure behaves exactly in the same way as a right fold on a right
-- associated structure. Similarly, a left fold on a right associated structure
-- behaves in the same way as a right fold on a left associated structure.
-- However, the behavior of a right fold on a right associated structure is
-- operationally different (even though functionally equivalent) than a left
-- fold on the same structure.
-- On right associated structures like Haskell @cons@ lists or Streamly
-- streams, a lazy right fold is naturally suitable for lazy recursive
-- reconstruction of a new structure, while a strict left fold is naturally
-- suitable for efficient reduction. In right folds control is in the hand of
-- the @puller@ whereas in left folds the control is in the hand of the
-- @pusher@.
-- The behavior of right and left folds are described in detail in the
-- individual fold's documentation. To illustrate the two folds for right
-- associated @cons@ lists:
-- > foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
-- > foldr f z [] = z
-- > foldr f z (x:xs) = x `f` foldr f z xs
-- >
-- > foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
-- > foldl f z [] = z
-- > foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (z `f` x) xs
-- @foldr@ is conceptually equivalent to:
-- > foldr f z [] = z
-- > foldr f z [x] = f x z
-- > foldr f z xs = foldr f (foldr f z (tail xs)) [head xs]
-- @foldl@ is conceptually equivalent to:
-- > foldl f z [] = z
-- > foldl f z [x] = f z x
-- > foldl f z xs = foldl f (foldl f z (init xs)) [last xs]
-- Left and right folds are duals of each other.
-- @
-- foldr f z xs = foldl (flip f) z (reverse xs)
-- foldl f z xs = foldr (flip f) z (reverse xs)
-- @
-- More generally:
-- @
-- foldr f z xs = foldl g id xs z where g k x = k . f x
-- foldl f z xs = foldr g id xs z where g x k = k . flip f x
-- @
-- As a general rule, foldr cannot have state and foldl cannot have control.
-- NOTE: Folds are inherently serial as each step needs to use the result of
-- the previous step. However, it is possible to fold parts of the stream in
-- parallel and then combine the results using a monoid.
-- *** Right Folds
-- $rightfolds
, foldrM
, foldr
-- ** Multi-Stream folds
, eqBy
, cmpBy
, isPrefixOf
, isSubsequenceOf
-- trimming sequences
, stripPrefix
-- * Transformation
-- ** Mapping
-- | In imperative terms a map operation can be considered as a loop over
-- the stream that transforms the stream into another stream by performing
-- an operation on each element of the stream.
-- 'map' is the least powerful transformation operation with strictest
-- guarantees. A map, (1) is a stateless loop which means that no state is
-- allowed to be carried from one iteration to another, therefore,
-- operations on different elements are guaranteed to not affect each
-- other, (2) is a strictly one-to-one transformation of stream elements
-- which means it guarantees that no elements can be added or removed from
-- the stream, it can merely transform them.
, sequence
, mapM
-- ** Mapping Side Effects
, trace
, tap
, delay
-- ** Scanning By 'Fold'
, scan
, postscan
-- ** Filtering
-- | Remove some elements from the stream based on a predicate. In
-- imperative terms a filter over a stream corresponds to a loop with a
-- @continue@ clause for the cases when the predicate fails.
, deleteBy
, filter
, filterM
, uniq
-- ** Trimming
-- | Take or remove elements from one or both ends of a stream.
, take
, takeWhile
, takeWhileM
, drop
, dropWhile
, dropWhileM
-- ** Inserting Elements
-- | Inserting elements is a special case of interleaving/merging streams.
, insertBy
, intersperseM
, intersperse
-- ** Reordering Elements
, reverse
-- ** Indexing
-- | Indexing can be considered as a special type of zipping where we zip a
-- stream with an index stream.
, indexed
, indexedR
-- ** Searching
-- | Finding the presence or location of an element, a sequence of elements
-- or another stream within a stream.
-- ** Searching Elements
, findIndices
, elemIndices
-- ** Maybe Streams
, mapMaybe
, mapMaybeM
-- ** PairWise combinators
-- | These functions have O(n^2) append performance when used linearly e.g.
-- using 'concatMapWith'. However, they can be combined pair wise using
-- 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Expand.concatPairsWith' to give
-- O(n * log n) complexity.
, mergeBy
, mergeByM
, zipWith
, zipWithM
-- ** Nested Unfolds
, unfoldMany
, intercalate
, intercalateSuffix
-- ** Nested Streams
-- | Stream operations like map and filter represent loop processing in
-- imperative programming terms. Similarly, the imperative concept of
-- nested loops are represented by streams of streams. The 'concatMap'
-- operation represents nested looping.
-- A 'concatMap' operation loops over the input stream and then for each
-- element of the input stream generates another stream and then loops over
-- that inner stream as well producing effects and generating a single
-- output stream.
-- The 'Monad' instances of different stream types provide a more
-- convenient way of writing nested loops. Note that the monad bind
-- operation is just @flip concatMap@.
-- One dimension loops are just a special case of nested loops. For
-- example, 'concatMap' can degenerate to a simple map operation:
-- > map f m = S.concatMap (\x -> S.fromPure (f x)) m
-- Similarly, 'concatMap' can perform filtering by mapping an element to a
-- 'nil' stream:
-- > filter p m = S.concatMap (\x -> if p x then S.fromPure x else S.nil) m
, concatMapWith
, concatMap
, concatMapM
-- * Nested Folds
, foldMany
-- * Exceptions
-- | Most of these combinators inhibit stream fusion, therefore, when
-- possible, they should be called in an outer loop to mitigate the cost.
-- For example, instead of calling them on a stream of chars call them on a
-- stream of arrays before flattening it to a stream of chars.
, before
, after
, bracket
, onException
, finally
, handle
-- * Lifting Inner Monad
, liftInner
, runReaderT
, runStateT
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream
import Prelude
hiding (filter, drop, dropWhile, take, takeWhile, zipWith, foldr,
foldl, map, mapM, mapM_, sequence, all, any, sum, product, elem,
notElem, maximum, minimum, head, last, tail, length, null,
reverse, iterate, init, and, or, lookup, foldr1, (!!),
scanl, scanl1, repeat, replicate, concatMap, span)

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@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ library
, Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamK
-- streamly-core exposed modules
, Streamly.Data.Stream
, Streamly.Data.Fold
, Streamly.Data.Fold.Tee
, Streamly.Data.Array.Unboxed

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@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ extra-source-files:
@ -643,6 +644,7 @@ library
, Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamK
-- streamly-core exposed modules
, Streamly.Data.Stream
, Streamly.Data.Fold
, Streamly.Data.Fold.Tee
, Streamly.Data.Array.Unboxed