lint free examples

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2018-10-13 13:15:22 +05:30
parent bf81f70a4e
commit 354f7615fa
5 changed files with 10 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ game = do
h <- get
when (h <= 0) $ fail "You die!"
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Health = " ++ show h
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Health = " <> show h
main :: IO ()
main = do

View File

@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ updateController :: IORef (Double, Double) -> IO ()
updateController ref = do
e <- pollEvent
case e of
MouseMotion x y _ _ -> do
writeIORef ref (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y)
MouseMotion x y _ _ -> writeIORef ref (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y)
_ -> return ()
@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ updateDisplay :: IORef (Double, Double) -> IO ()
updateDisplay cref = do
time <- SDL.getTicks
(x, y) <- readIORef cref
let t = (fromIntegral time) * speed / 1000
let t = fromIntegral time * speed / 1000
in display (x + cos t * radius, y + sin t * radius)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Path.IO (listDir, getCurrentDir)
import System.IO (stdout, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(LineBuffering))
import Streamly (runStream, aheadly)
import Streamly (runStream, aheadly, (<>))
-- | List the current directory recursively using concurrent processing
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ main = do
runStream . aheadly $ getCurrentDir >>= readdir
where readdir d = do
(ds, fs) <- listDir d
liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn $ map show fs ++ map show ds
liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn $ fmap show fs <> fmap show ds
foldMap readdir ds

View File

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ merge a b = do
case b1 of
Nothing -> return x <> ma
Just (y, mb) ->
if (y < x)
then (return y) <> merge (return x <> ma) mb
else (return x) <> merge ma (return y <> mb)
if y < x
then return y <> merge (return x <> ma) mb
else return x <> merge ma (return y <> mb)
main :: IO ()
main = do
xs <- A.toList $ mergeAsync getSorted getSorted
putStrLn $ show $ length xs
print $ length xs

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ main = do
get :: String -> IO ()
get s = httpNoBody (parseRequest_ s) >> putStrLn (show s)
get s = httpNoBody (parseRequest_ s) >> print s
google, bing, duckduckgo :: IO ()
google = get ""