Simplify and optimize utf-8 decoding

* Simplify the state machine to carry minimal state
* reduce branches taken and improve branch prediction

With this change decode-utf8 has almost the same performance as decodeChar8 for
the ascii case. For the mixed unicode chars case as well the performance is
pretty good and not too far away from the ascii case.

Stream and array versions both fuse to similar core which pretty small and both
cases show exactly the same performance.
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2019-09-20 01:46:39 +05:30
parent 069728c621
commit 3a4f72af7e

View File

@ -3049,27 +3049,41 @@ utf8d = unsafePerformIO $ runFold (A.writeAligned 64) $ fromList [
unsafePeekElemOff :: forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> a
unsafePeekElemOff p i = let !x = A.unsafeInlineIO $ peekElemOff p i in x
{-# INLINE decode #-}
-- decode is split into two separate cases to avoid branching instructions.
-- From the higher level flow we already know which case we are in so we can
-- call the appropriate decode function.
-- When the state is 0
{-# INLINE decode0 #-}
decode0 :: Ptr Word8 -> Word8 -> Tuple' DecoderState CodePoint
decode0 table byte =
let !t = table `unsafePeekElemOff` fromIntegral byte
!codep' = (0xff `shiftR` (fromIntegral t)) .&. fromIntegral byte
!state' = table `unsafePeekElemOff` (256 + fromIntegral t)
in (Tuple' state' codep')
-- When the state is not 0
{-# INLINE decode1 #-}
:: Ptr Word8
-> DecoderState
-> CodePoint
-> Word8
-> Tuple' DecoderState CodePoint
decode table state codep byte =
decode1 table state codep byte =
-- Remember codep is Int type!
-- Can it be unsafe to convert the resulting to Char?
let !t = table `unsafePeekElemOff` fromIntegral byte
!codep' =
if state /= 0
then (fromIntegral byte .&. 0x3f) .|. (codep `shiftL` 6)
else (0xff `shiftR` (fromIntegral t)) .&. fromIntegral byte
!codep' = (fromIntegral byte .&. 0x3f) .|. (codep `shiftL` 6)
!state' = table `unsafePeekElemOff`
(256 + fromIntegral state + fromIntegral t)
in (Tuple' state' codep')
data FreshPoint s
= FreshPoint !CodePoint !DecoderState s
= FreshPointDecodeInit s
| FreshPointDecodeFirst s Word8
| FreshPointDecoding s !DecoderState !CodePoint
| YieldAndContinue !Char (FreshPoint s)
| Done
@ -3079,7 +3093,7 @@ decodeUtf8With :: Monad m => CodingFailureMode -> Stream m Word8 -> Stream m Cha
decodeUtf8With cfm (Stream step state) =
let Array p _ _ = utf8d
!ptr = (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr p)
in Stream (step' ptr) (FreshPoint 0 0 state)
in Stream (step' ptr) (FreshPointDecodeInit state)
{-# INLINE transliterateOrError #-}
transliterateOrError e s =
@ -3093,37 +3107,57 @@ decodeUtf8With cfm (Stream step state) =
error "Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8With: Input Underflow"
TransliterateCodingFailure -> YieldAndContinue replacementChar Done
{-# INLINE_LATE step' #-}
step' table gst (FreshPoint codepointPtr statePtr st) = do
step' _ gst (FreshPointDecodeInit st) = do
r <- step (adaptState gst) st
return $
case r of
Yield x s ->
if statePtr == 0 && x <= 0x7f
Skip $
case r of
Yield x s ->
-- Note: It is important to use a ">" instead of a "<=" test
-- here for GHC to generate code layout for default branch
-- prediction for the common case. This is fragile and might
-- change with the compiler versions, we need a more reliable
-- "likely" primitive to control branch predication.
case x > 0x7f of
False ->
return $ Skip $ YieldAndContinue
(unsafeChr (fromIntegral x))
(FreshPoint 0 0 s)
let (Tuple' sv cp) =
decode table statePtr codepointPtr x
in case sv of
12 ->
Skip $
"Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8With: Invalid UTF8 codepoint encountered"
(FreshPoint 0 0 s)
0 ->
Skip $
(unsafeChr cp)
(FreshPoint cp sv s)
_ -> Skip (FreshPoint cp sv s)
Skip s -> Skip (FreshPoint codepointPtr statePtr s)
Stop ->
if statePtr /= 0
then Skip inputUnderflow
else Skip Done
(FreshPointDecodeInit s)
-- Using a separate state here generates a jump to a
-- separate code block in the core which seems to perform
-- slightly better for the non-ascii case.
True -> return $ Skip $ FreshPointDecodeFirst s x
Skip s -> return $ Skip (FreshPointDecodeInit s)
Stop -> return $ Skip Done
step' table _ (FreshPointDecodeFirst st x) = do
let (Tuple' sv cp) = decode0 table x
return $
case sv of
12 ->
Skip $
"Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8ArraysWith: Invalid UTF8 codepoint encountered"
(FreshPointDecodeInit st)
0 -> error "unreachable state"
_ -> Skip (FreshPointDecoding st sv cp)
step' table gst (FreshPointDecoding st statePtr codepointPtr) = do
r <- step (adaptState gst) st
case r of
Yield x s -> do
let (Tuple' sv cp) = decode1 table statePtr codepointPtr x
return $
case sv of
0 -> Skip $ YieldAndContinue (unsafeChr cp)
(FreshPointDecodeInit s)
12 ->
Skip $
"Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8With: Invalid UTF8 codepoint encountered"
(FreshPointDecodeInit s)
_ -> Skip (FreshPointDecoding s sv cp)
Skip s -> return $ Skip (FreshPointDecoding s statePtr codepointPtr)
Stop -> return $ Skip inputUnderflow
step' _ _ (YieldAndContinue c s) = return $ Yield c s
step' _ _ Done = return Stop
@ -3136,8 +3170,11 @@ decodeUtf8Lenient :: Monad m => Stream m Word8 -> Stream m Char
decodeUtf8Lenient = decodeUtf8With TransliterateCodingFailure
data FlattenState s a
= OuterLoop s !CodePoint !DecoderState
| InnerLoop s (ForeignPtr a) !CodePoint !DecoderState !(Ptr a) !(Ptr a)
= OuterLoop s !(Maybe (DecoderState, CodePoint))
| InnerLoopDecodeInit s (ForeignPtr a) !(Ptr a) !(Ptr a)
| InnerLoopDecodeFirst s (ForeignPtr a) !(Ptr a) !(Ptr a) Word8
| InnerLoopDecoding s (ForeignPtr a) !(Ptr a) !(Ptr a)
!DecoderState !CodePoint
| YAndC !Char (FlattenState s a) -- These constructors can be
-- encoded in the FreshPoint
-- type, I prefer to keep these
@ -3159,7 +3196,7 @@ decodeUtf8ArraysWith ::
decodeUtf8ArraysWith cfm (Stream step state) =
let Array p _ _ = utf8d
!ptr = (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr p)
in Stream (step' ptr) (OuterLoop state 0 0)
in Stream (step' ptr) (OuterLoop state Nothing)
{-# INLINE transliterateOrError #-}
transliterateOrError e s =
@ -3174,44 +3211,76 @@ decodeUtf8ArraysWith cfm (Stream step state) =
"Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8ArraysWith: Input Underflow"
TransliterateCodingFailure -> YAndC replacementChar D
{-# INLINE_LATE step' #-}
step' _ gst (OuterLoop st cp ds) = do
step' _ gst (OuterLoop st Nothing) = do
r <- step (adaptState gst) st
return $
case r of
Yield A.Array {..} s ->
let p = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr aStart
in Skip (InnerLoop s aStart cp ds p aEnd)
Skip s -> Skip (OuterLoop s cp ds)
Stop ->
if ds /= 0
then Skip inputUnderflow
else Skip D
step' _ _ (InnerLoop st startf cp ds p end)
in Skip (InnerLoopDecodeInit s aStart p aEnd)
Skip s -> Skip (OuterLoop s Nothing)
Stop -> Skip D
step' _ gst (OuterLoop st dst@(Just (ds, cp))) = do
r <- step (adaptState gst) st
return $
case r of
Yield A.Array {..} s ->
let p = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr aStart
in Skip (InnerLoopDecoding s aStart p aEnd ds cp)
Skip s -> Skip (OuterLoop s dst)
Stop -> Skip inputUnderflow
step' _ _ (InnerLoopDecodeInit st startf p end)
| p == end = do
liftIO $ touchForeignPtr startf
return $ Skip $ OuterLoop st cp ds
step' table _ (InnerLoop st startf codepointPtr statePtr p end) = do
return $ Skip $ OuterLoop st Nothing
step' _ _ (InnerLoopDecodeInit st startf p end) = do
x <- liftIO $ peek p
if statePtr == 0 && x <= 0x7f
return $ Skip $ YAndC
(unsafeChr (fromIntegral x))
(InnerLoop st startf 0 0 (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
else do
let (Tuple' sv cp) = decode table statePtr codepointPtr x
return $
case sv of
12 ->
Skip $
"Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8ArraysWith: Invalid UTF8 codepoint encountered"
(InnerLoop st startf 0 0 (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
0 ->
Skip $
(unsafeChr cp)
(InnerLoop st startf 0 0 (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
_ -> Skip (InnerLoop st startf cp sv (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
-- Note: It is important to use a ">" instead of a "<=" test here for
-- GHC to generate code layout for default branch prediction for the
-- common case. This is fragile and might change with the compiler
-- versions, we need a more reliable "likely" primitive to control
-- branch predication.
case x > 0x7f of
False ->
return $ Skip $ YAndC
(unsafeChr (fromIntegral x))
(InnerLoopDecodeInit st startf (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
-- Using a separate state here generates a jump to a separate code
-- block in the core which seems to perform slightly better for the
-- non-ascii case.
True -> return $ Skip $ InnerLoopDecodeFirst st startf p end x
step' table _ (InnerLoopDecodeFirst st startf p end x) = do
let (Tuple' sv cp) = decode0 table x
return $
case sv of
12 ->
Skip $
"Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8ArraysWith: Invalid UTF8 codepoint encountered"
(InnerLoopDecodeInit st startf (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
0 -> error "unreachable state"
_ -> Skip (InnerLoopDecoding st startf (p `plusPtr` 1) end sv cp)
step' _ _ (InnerLoopDecoding st startf p end sv cp)
| p == end = do
liftIO $ touchForeignPtr startf
return $ Skip $ OuterLoop st (Just (sv, cp))
step' table _ (InnerLoopDecoding st startf p end statePtr codepointPtr) = do
x <- liftIO $ peek p
let (Tuple' sv cp) = decode1 table statePtr codepointPtr x
return $
case sv of
0 ->
Skip $
(unsafeChr cp)
(InnerLoopDecodeInit st startf (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
12 ->
Skip $
"Streamly.Streams.StreamD.decodeUtf8ArraysWith: Invalid UTF8 codepoint encountered"
(InnerLoopDecodeInit st startf (p `plusPtr` 1) end)
_ -> Skip (InnerLoopDecoding st startf (p `plusPtr` 1) end sv cp)
step' _ _ (YAndC c s) = return $ Yield c s
step' _ _ D = return Stop