Refactor getIndexUnsafe, putIndexUnsafe

Variable renaming, add an assert.
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2021-10-10 20:41:50 +05:30
parent 3b827052b0
commit 3d5cd85c6c

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@ -317,13 +317,19 @@ unsafeWithNewArray count f = do
-- Mutation
-- | Write the given element to the given index of the array. Does not check if
-- the index is out of bounds of the array.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE putIndexUnsafe #-}
putIndexUnsafe :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Storable a)
=> Array a -> Int -> a -> m ()
putIndexUnsafe Array {..} i x =
unsafeWithForeignPtrM aStart
$ \begin -> do
liftIO $ poke (begin `plusPtr` (i * sizeOf (undefined :: a))) x
putIndexUnsafe Array{..} i x =
unsafeWithForeignPtrM aStart $ \ptr -> do
let elemSize = sizeOf (undefined :: a)
elemPtr = ptr `plusPtr` (elemSize * i)
assert (i >= 0 && elemPtr `plusPtr` elemSize <= aEnd) (return ())
liftIO $ poke elemPtr x
-- Internal routine for when the array is being created. Appends one item at
-- the end of the array. Useful when sequentially writing a stream to the
@ -421,12 +427,11 @@ shrinkToFit arr@Array{..} = do
{-# INLINE_NORMAL getIndexUnsafe #-}
getIndexUnsafe :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, Storable a) => Array a -> Int -> m a
getIndexUnsafe Array {..} i =
unsafeWithForeignPtrM aStart $ \p -> do
unsafeWithForeignPtrM aStart $ \ptr -> do
let elemSize = sizeOf (undefined :: a)
elemOff = p `plusPtr` (elemSize * i)
assert (i >= 0 && elemOff `plusPtr` elemSize <= aEnd)
(return ())
liftIO $ peek elemOff
elemPtr = ptr `plusPtr` (elemSize * i)
assert (i >= 0 && elemPtr `plusPtr` elemSize <= aEnd) (return ())
liftIO $ peek elemPtr
-- Size