implement "sample" combinator

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2019-12-11 16:52:17 +05:30
parent a00e05750a
commit 44e356556a
8 changed files with 274 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -1261,8 +1261,14 @@ toParallelSVar svar winfo = Fold step initial extract
step () x = liftIO $ do
-- XXX we can have a separate fold for unlimited buffer case to avoid a
-- branch in the step here.
decrementBufferLimit svar
void $ send svar (ChildYield x)
case maxBufferLimit svar of
BufferUnlimited ->
void $ send svar (ChildYield x)
BufferLast ->
void $ sendReplace svar (ChildYield x)
BufferLimited _ policy -> do
decrementBufferLimit svar policy
void $ send svar (ChildYield x)
extract () = liftIO $ do
sendStop svar winfo
@ -1279,8 +1285,14 @@ toParallelSVarLimited svar winfo = Fold step initial extract
yieldLimitOk <- decrementYieldLimit svar
if yieldLimitOk
then do
decrementBufferLimit svar
void $ send svar (ChildYield x)
case maxBufferLimit svar of
BufferUnlimited ->
void $ send svar (ChildYield x)
BufferLast ->
void $ sendReplace svar (ChildYield x)
BufferLimited _ policy -> do
decrementBufferLimit svar policy
void $ send svar (ChildYield x)
return True
else do
cleanupSVarFromWorker svar

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@ -31,12 +31,15 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.SVar
-- State threaded around the stream
, Limit (..)
, BufferStyle (..)
, State (streamVar)
, defState
, adaptState
, getMaxThreads
, setMaxThreads
, getMaxBuffer
, getBufferStyle
, setBufferStyle
, setMaxBuffer
, getStreamRate
, setStreamRate
@ -62,6 +65,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.SVar
, ChildEvent (..)
, AheadHeapEntry (..)
, send
, sendReplace
, sendToProducer
, sendYield
, sendStop
@ -387,11 +391,27 @@ data SVarStopStyle =
-- XXX Maybe we can separate the implementation in two different types instead
-- of using a common SVar type.
data PushBufferPolicy =
data BufferOverflowPolicy =
PushBufferDropNew -- drop the latest element and continue
| PushBufferDropOld -- drop the oldest element and continue
| PushBufferBlock -- block the thread until space
-- becomes available
| PushBufferToFile String -- Append the buffer to a file on disk
-- The String is the filename prefix, two files
-- are used, <filename>1 and <filename>2. While
-- the consumer is consuming from one file the
-- producers are writing to the other file. The
-- current Index ownership is maintained in the
-- SVar.
deriving (Show)
-- XXX in general, instead of just the last event we can store last N events in
-- the SVar, we can have a BufferLastN case.
data BufferStyle
= BufferUnlimited
| BufferLast -- Buffer only the latest element
| BufferLimited Word BufferOverflowPolicy
deriving (Show)
-- IMPORTANT NOTE: we cannot update the SVar after generating it as we have
-- references to the original SVar stored in several functions which will keep
@ -441,10 +461,9 @@ data SVar t m a = SVar
-- potentially each worker may yield one value to the buffer in the worst
-- case exceeding the requested buffer size.
, maxWorkerLimit :: Limit
, maxBufferLimit :: Limit
-- These two are valid and used only when maxBufferLimit is Limited.
, maxBufferLimit :: BufferStyle
-- This is valid and used only when maxBufferLimit is BufferLimited.
, pushBufferSpace :: IORef Count
, pushBufferPolicy :: PushBufferPolicy
-- [LOCKING] The consumer puts this MVar after emptying the buffer, workers
-- block on it when the buffer becomes full. No overhead unless the buffer
-- becomes full.
@ -505,7 +524,7 @@ data State t m a = State
-- persistent configuration, state that remains valid until changed by
-- an explicit setting via a combinator.
, _threadsHigh :: Limit
, _bufferHigh :: Limit
, _bufferHigh :: BufferStyle
-- XXX these two can be collapsed into a single type
, _streamLatency :: Maybe NanoSecond64 -- bootstrap latency
, _maxStreamRate :: Maybe Rate
@ -523,9 +542,11 @@ data State t m a = State
magicMaxBuffer :: Word
magicMaxBuffer = 1500
defaultMaxThreads, defaultMaxBuffer :: Limit
defaultMaxThreads :: Limit
defaultMaxThreads = Limited magicMaxBuffer
defaultMaxBuffer = Limited magicMaxBuffer
defaultMaxBuffer :: BufferStyle
defaultMaxBuffer = BufferLimited magicMaxBuffer PushBufferBlock
-- The fields prefixed by an _ are not to be accessed or updated directly but
-- via smart accessor APIs.
@ -592,18 +613,27 @@ setMaxThreads n st =
getMaxThreads :: State t m a -> Limit
getMaxThreads = _threadsHigh
setBufferStyle :: BufferStyle -> State t m a -> State t m a
setBufferStyle style st = st { _bufferHigh = style }
setMaxBuffer :: Int -> State t m a -> State t m a
setMaxBuffer n st =
st { _bufferHigh =
if n < 0
then Unlimited
else if n == 0
then defaultMaxBuffer
else Limited (fromIntegral n)
setMaxBuffer n = setBufferStyle style
style =
if n < 0
then BufferUnlimited
else if n == 0
then defaultMaxBuffer
else BufferLimited (fromIntegral n) PushBufferBlock
getBufferStyle :: State t m a -> BufferStyle
getBufferStyle = _bufferHigh
getMaxBuffer :: State t m a -> Limit
getMaxBuffer = _bufferHigh
getMaxBuffer st =
case getBufferStyle st of
BufferLimited n _ -> Limited n
_ -> Unlimited
setStreamRate :: Maybe Rate -> State t m a -> State t m a
setStreamRate r st = st { _maxStreamRate = r }
@ -1000,18 +1030,18 @@ incrementYieldLimit sv =
-- XXX Only yields should be counted in the buffer limit and not the Stop
-- events.
-- XXX we can parameterize the SVar with a buffer type to reduce the runtime
-- overhead of determining the buffer type before queuing the elements.
{-# INLINE decrementBufferLimit #-}
decrementBufferLimit :: SVar t m a -> IO ()
decrementBufferLimit sv =
case maxBufferLimit sv of
Unlimited -> return ()
Limited _ -> do
decrementBufferLimit :: SVar t m a -> BufferOverflowPolicy -> IO ()
decrementBufferLimit sv policy = do
let ref = pushBufferSpace sv
old <- atomicModifyIORefCAS ref $ \x ->
(if x >= 1 then x - 1 else x, x)
when (old <= 0) $
case pushBufferPolicy sv of
case policy of
PushBufferBlock -> blockAndRetry
PushBufferDropNew -> do
-- We just drop one item and proceed. It is possible
@ -1031,6 +1061,7 @@ decrementBufferLimit sv =
when block blockAndRetry
-- XXX need a dequeue or ring buffer for this
PushBufferDropOld -> undefined
PushBufferToFile _ -> undefined
@ -1053,19 +1084,19 @@ decrementBufferLimit sv =
incrementBufferLimit :: SVar t m a -> IO ()
incrementBufferLimit sv =
case maxBufferLimit sv of
Unlimited -> return ()
Limited _ -> do
BufferLimited _ _ -> do
atomicModifyIORefCAS_ (pushBufferSpace sv) (+ 1)
void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar (pushBufferMVar sv) ()
_ -> return ()
{-# INLINE resetBufferLimit #-}
resetBufferLimit :: SVar t m a -> IO ()
resetBufferLimit sv =
case maxBufferLimit sv of
Unlimited -> return ()
Limited n -> atomicModifyIORefCAS_ (pushBufferSpace sv)
(const (fromIntegral n))
BufferLimited n _ -> atomicModifyIORefCAS_ (pushBufferSpace sv)
(const (fromIntegral n))
_ -> return ()
{-# INLINE sendWithDoorBell #-}
sendWithDoorBell ::
@ -1092,6 +1123,27 @@ sendWithDoorBell q bell msg = do
send :: SVar t m a -> ChildEvent a -> IO Int
send sv msg = sendWithDoorBell (outputQueue sv) (outputDoorBell sv) msg
-- | Just replace the previous value in the buffer.
sendReplace :: SVar t m a -> ChildEvent a -> IO ()
sendReplace sv msg = do
-- XXX we can use a nonlist buffer to make it faster, we do not need a
-- tuple here, for Prim/Storable streams we can also avoid using an IORef
-- we can just use an unboxed reference.
let q = outputQueue sv
oldlen <- atomicModifyIORefCAS q $ \(_, n) -> (([msg], 1), n)
when (oldlen <= 0) $ do
-- The wake up must happen only after the store has finished otherwise
-- we can have lost wakeup problems.
-- Since multiple workers can try this at the same time, it is possible
-- that we may put a spurious MVar after the consumer has already seen
-- the output. But that's harmless, at worst it may cause the consumer
-- to read the queue again and find it empty.
-- The important point is that the consumer is guaranteed to receive a
-- doorbell if something was added to the queue after it empties it.
let bell = outputDoorBell sv
void $ tryPutMVar bell ()
-- There is no bound implemented on the buffer, this is assumed to be low
-- traffic.
sendToProducer :: SVar t m a -> ChildEvent a -> IO Int
@ -1206,10 +1258,10 @@ sendYield sv mwinfo msg = do
oldlen <- send sv msg
let limit = maxBufferLimit sv
bufferSpaceOk <- case limit of
Unlimited -> return True
Limited lim -> do
BufferLimited lim _ -> do
active <- readIORef (workerCount sv)
return $ (oldlen + 1) < (fromIntegral lim - active)
_ -> return True
rateLimitOk <-
case mwinfo of
Just winfo ->
@ -2256,9 +2308,8 @@ getAheadSVar st f mrun = do
{ outputQueue = outQ
, outputQueueFromConsumer = undefined
, remainingWork = yl
, maxBufferLimit = getMaxBuffer st
, maxBufferLimit = getBufferStyle st
, pushBufferSpace = undefined
, pushBufferPolicy = undefined
, pushBufferMVar = undefined
, maxWorkerLimit = min (getMaxThreads st) (getMaxBuffer st)
, yieldRateInfo = rateInfo
@ -2334,11 +2385,12 @@ getParallelSVar ss st mrun = do
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just x -> Just <$> newIORef x
rateInfo <- getYieldRateInfo st
let bufLim =
case getMaxBuffer st of
Unlimited -> undefined
Limited x -> (fromIntegral x)
remBuf <- newIORef bufLim
let bufSpace =
case getBufferStyle st of
BufferUnlimited -> undefined
BufferLast -> undefined
BufferLimited x _ -> fromIntegral x
remBuf <- newIORef bufSpace
pbMVar <- newMVar ()
stats <- newSVarStats
@ -2353,9 +2405,8 @@ getParallelSVar ss st mrun = do
SVar { outputQueue = outQ
, outputQueueFromConsumer = outQRev
, remainingWork = yl
, maxBufferLimit = getMaxBuffer st
, maxBufferLimit = getBufferStyle st
, pushBufferSpace = remBuf
, pushBufferPolicy = PushBufferBlock
, pushBufferMVar = pbMVar
, maxWorkerLimit = Unlimited
-- Used only for diagnostics

View File

@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ underMaxHeap sv hp = do
-- XXX simplify this
let maxHeap = case maxBufferLimit sv of
Limited lim -> Limited $
BufferLimited lim _ -> Limited $
max 0 (lim - fromIntegral len)
Unlimited -> Unlimited
_ -> Unlimited
case maxHeap of
Limited lim -> do

View File

@ -295,9 +295,8 @@ getLifoSVar st mrun = do
{ outputQueue = outQ
, outputQueueFromConsumer = undefined
, remainingWork = yl
, maxBufferLimit = getMaxBuffer st
, maxBufferLimit = getBufferStyle st
, pushBufferSpace = undefined
, pushBufferPolicy = undefined
, pushBufferMVar = undefined
, maxWorkerLimit = min (getMaxThreads st) (getMaxBuffer st)
, yieldRateInfo = rateInfo
@ -392,9 +391,8 @@ getFifoSVar st mrun = do
{ outputQueue = outQ
, outputQueueFromConsumer = undefined
, remainingWork = yl
, maxBufferLimit = getMaxBuffer st
, maxBufferLimit = getBufferStyle st
, pushBufferSpace = undefined
, pushBufferPolicy = undefined
, pushBufferMVar = undefined
, maxWorkerLimit = min (getMaxThreads st) (getMaxBuffer st)
, yieldRateInfo = rateInfo

View File

@ -62,6 +62,15 @@ maxThreadsSerial :: Int -> SerialT m a -> SerialT m a
maxThreadsSerial _ = id
-- XXX The actual buffer size can be double of the specified value because the
-- consumer thread takes the whole buffer in one go and decrements the used
-- buffer space to 0. Since the full buffer space is now available to the
-- producers they can again fill it even though the consumer may not yet have
-- actually consumed any of the previous items. So the actual buffer is in the
-- range n and 2n where n is the buffer size specified by the user. We can make
-- this precise by having the consumer also modify the buffer count, but then
-- there will be more lock contention.
-- | Specify the maximum size of the buffer for storing the results from
-- concurrent computations. If the buffer becomes full we stop spawning more
-- concurrent tasks until there is space in the buffer.

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@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Parallel
, mkParallel
, applyParallel
, foldParallel
, sample
, sampleWithDefault
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, takeMVar)
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, takeMVar, tryPutMVar)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase(..), liftBaseDefault)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, throwM)
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.SVar
(fromSVar, fromProducer, fromConsumer, pushToFold)
(fromSVar, fromProducer, fromProducerPeek, fromConsumer, pushToFold)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamK
(IsStream(..), Stream, mkStream, foldStream, foldStreamShared, adapt)
@ -85,18 +87,30 @@ runOne st m0 winfo =
go m = do
liftIO $ decrementBufferLimit sv
foldStreamShared st yieldk single stop m
case maxBufferLimit sv of
BufferUnlimited ->
foldStreamShared st yieldk single stopUnlim m
BufferLast ->
foldStreamShared st yieldkRep singleRep stopUnlim m
BufferLimited _ policy -> do
liftIO $ decrementBufferLimit sv policy
foldStreamShared st yieldk single stopLim m
sv = fromJust $ streamVar st
stop = liftIO $ do
stopUnlim = liftIO $ sendStop sv winfo
stopLim = liftIO $ do
incrementBufferLimit sv
sendStop sv winfo
sendit a = liftIO $ void $ send sv (ChildYield a)
single a = sendit a >> (liftIO $ sendStop sv winfo)
yieldk a r = sendit a >> go r
sendReplaceIt a = liftIO $ void $ sendReplace sv (ChildYield a)
singleRep a = sendReplaceIt a >> (liftIO $ sendStop sv winfo)
yieldkRep a r = sendReplaceIt a >> go r
:: MonadIO m
=> State Stream m a -> Stream m a -> Maybe WorkerInfo -> m ()
@ -108,22 +122,34 @@ runOneLimited st m0 winfo = go m0
yieldLimitOk <- liftIO $ decrementYieldLimit sv
if yieldLimitOk
then do
liftIO $ decrementBufferLimit sv
foldStreamShared st yieldk single stop m
case maxBufferLimit sv of
BufferUnlimited ->
foldStreamShared st yieldk single stopUnlim m
BufferLast ->
foldStreamShared st yieldkRep singleRep stopUnlim m
BufferLimited _ policy -> do
liftIO $ decrementBufferLimit sv policy
foldStreamShared st yieldk single stopLim m
else do
liftIO $ cleanupSVarFromWorker sv
liftIO $ sendStop sv winfo
sv = fromJust $ streamVar st
stop = liftIO $ do
stopUnlim = liftIO $ sendStop sv winfo
stopLim = liftIO $ do
incrementBufferLimit sv
incrementYieldLimit sv
sendStop sv winfo
sendit a = liftIO $ void $ send sv (ChildYield a)
single a = sendit a >> (liftIO $ sendStop sv winfo)
yieldk a r = sendit a >> go r
sendReplaceIt a = liftIO $ void $ sendReplace sv (ChildYield a)
singleRep a = sendReplaceIt a >> (liftIO $ sendStop sv winfo)
yieldkRep a r = sendReplaceIt a >> go r
-- Consing and appending a stream in parallel style
@ -386,6 +412,67 @@ tapAsync f m = mkStream $ \st yld sng stp -> do
sv <- newFoldSVar st f
foldStreamShared st yld sng stp (teeToSVar sv m)
-- Sampling
-- | The input stream of 'sample' is asynchronously evaluated in a loop, the
-- latest value from the evaluation is retained, whenever the output stream
-- produced by 'sample' is evaluated it supplies the latest sample available
-- from the input stream. If the input has not yet generated any output
-- 'sample' waits for the first sample to arrive. Any exceptions from the
-- input stream are propagated to the output stream.
-- @
-- S.mapM_ (\x -> print x >> threadDelay 100000)
-- $ S.sample
-- $ S.fromList [1..]
-- @
-- /Internal/
{-# INLINE sample #-}
sample :: (IsStream t, MonadAsync m) => t m a -> t m a
sample m = mkStream $ \s yld sng stp -> do
let st = setBufferStyle BufferLast s
sv <- newParallelVar StopNone (adaptState st)
-- pushWorkerPar sv (runOne st{streamVar = Just sv} (toStream m))
D.toSVarParallel (adaptState st) sv $ D.toStreamD m
-- Hack! drain the putMVar from modifyThread in D.toSVarParallel
-- so that we can wait for the first event in fromProducerPeek
liftIO $ takeMVar (outputDoorBell sv)
foldStream st yld sng stp $ fromProducerPeek sv
-- This can be implemented by merging the sampled stream with a default stream
-- using a priority merge giving higher priority to the sampled stream.
-- | Like 'sample' but uses a default sample when no output is yet generated by
-- the input stream.
-- @
-- S.mapM_ (\x -> print x >> threadDelay 100000)
-- $ Par.sampleWithDefault 0
-- $ S.mapM (\x ->
-- if x == 1
-- then threadDelay 1000000 >> return x
-- else return x)
-- $ S.fromList [1..]
-- @
-- /Internal/
{-# INLINE sampleWithDefault #-}
sampleWithDefault :: (IsStream t, MonadAsync m) => a -> t m a -> t m a
sampleWithDefault def m = mkStream $ \s yld sng stp -> do
let st = setBufferStyle BufferLast s
sv <- newParallelVar StopNone (adaptState st)
-- initialize the buffer with the default value
liftIO $ writeIORef (outputQueue sv) ([ChildYield def],1)
liftIO $ void $ tryPutMVar (outputDoorBell sv) ()
-- pushWorkerPar sv (runOne st{streamVar = Just sv} (toStream m))
D.toSVarParallel (adaptState st) sv $ D.toStreamD m
foldStream st yld sng stp $ fromProducerPeek sv
-- ParallelT

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@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.SVar
, fromStreamVar
, fromProducer
, fromConsumer
, fromProducerPeek
, toSVar
, pushToFold
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (takeMVar)
import Control.Exception (fromException)
import Control.Monad (when, void)
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM)
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, mkWeakIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ toSVar sv m = toStreamVar sv (toStream m)
-- | Pull a stream from an SVar.
{-# NOINLINE fromProducer #-}
fromProducer :: MonadAsync m => SVar Stream m a -> Stream m a
fromProducer :: MonadIO m => SVar Stream m a -> Stream m a
fromProducer sv = mkStream $ \st yld sng stp -> do
list <- readOutputQ sv
-- Reversing the output is important to guarantee that we process the
@ -150,6 +152,53 @@ fromProducer sv = mkStream $ \st yld sng stp -> do
Nothing -> allDone stp
Just _ -> error "Bug: fromProducer: received exception"
{-# INLINE peekOutputQPar #-}
peekOutputQPar :: MonadIO m => SVar t m a -> m [ChildEvent a]
peekOutputQPar sv = liftIO $ do
case yieldRateInfo sv of
Nothing -> return ()
Just yinfo -> void $ collectLatency sv yinfo False
fst `fmap` readIORef (outputQueue sv)
-- | Pull a stream from an SVar.
{-# NOINLINE fromProducerPeek #-}
fromProducerPeek :: (IsStream t, MonadIO m) => SVar Stream m a -> t m a
fromProducerPeek sv = go True
go True = mkStream $ \st yld sng stp -> do
liftIO $ withDiagMVar sv "peekOutputQPar: doorbell"
$ takeMVar (outputDoorBell sv)
list <- liftIO $ fst `fmap` readIORef (outputQueue sv)
when (Prelude.null list) $ error "bug empty list"
foldStream st yld sng stp $ processEvents $ reverse list
go False = mkStream $ \st yld sng stp -> do
list <- peekOutputQPar sv
foldStream st yld sng stp $ processEvents $ reverse list
allDone stp = do
when (svarInspectMode sv) $ do
t <- liftIO $ getTime Monotonic
liftIO $ writeIORef (svarStopTime (svarStats sv)) (Just t)
liftIO $ printSVar sv "SVar Done"
sendStopToProducer sv
{-# INLINE processEvents #-}
processEvents [] = mkStream $ \st yld sng stp -> do
foldStream st yld sng stp $ go False
processEvents (ev : es) = mkStream $ \_ yld _ stp -> do
let rest = processEvents es
case ev of
ChildYield a -> yld a rest
ChildStop tid e -> do
accountThread sv tid
case e of
Nothing -> allDone stp
Just _ -> error "Bug: fromProducer: received exception"
-- Process events received by the producer thread from the consumer side
@ -160,7 +209,7 @@ fromProducer sv = mkStream $ \st yld sng stp -> do
-- exceptions or handle them and still keep driving the fold.
{-# NOINLINE fromConsumer #-}
fromConsumer :: MonadAsync m => SVar Stream m a -> m Bool
fromConsumer :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => SVar Stream m a -> m Bool
fromConsumer sv = do
(list, _) <- liftIO $ readOutputQBasic (outputQueueFromConsumer sv)
-- Reversing the output is important to guarantee that we process the
@ -182,7 +231,7 @@ fromConsumer sv = do
-- push values to a fold worker via an SVar. Returns whether the fold is done.
{-# INLINE pushToFold #-}
pushToFold :: MonadAsync m => SVar Stream m a -> a -> m Bool
pushToFold :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => SVar Stream m a -> a -> m Bool
pushToFold sv a = do
-- Check for exceptions before decrement so that we do not
-- block forever if the child already exited with an exception.
@ -200,6 +249,11 @@ pushToFold sv a = do
if done
then return True
else liftIO $ do
decrementBufferLimit sv
void $ send sv (ChildYield a)
let sendit = void $ send sv (ChildYield a)
in case maxBufferLimit sv of
BufferUnlimited -> sendit
BufferLast -> sendReplace sv (ChildYield a)
BufferLimited _ policy -> do
decrementBufferLimit sv policy
return False

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@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Prelude
, trace
, tap
, tapAsync
, Par.sample
-- * Windowed Classification