This commit is contained in:
adithyaov 2019-12-26 17:47:17 +05:30
parent a75d7345e6
commit 4d51888fd6
4 changed files with 80 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -321,6 +321,8 @@ main =
, benchIOSink "tap" (Ops.tap 1)
, benchIOSink "tapAsync" (Ops.tapAsync 1)
, benchIOSink "tapAsyncS" (Ops.tapAsyncS 1)
, bench "reassembleBy_Fav" $ nfIO $ randomRIO (5,5) >>= Ops.favBench
, bench "reassembleBy_Unfav" $ nfIO $ randomRIO (5,5) >>= Ops.unfavBench
, bgroup "transformationX4"
[ benchIOSink "scan" (Ops.scan 4)

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@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ import Prelude
(Monad, Int, (+), ($), (.), return, fmap, even, (>), (<=), (==), (>=),
subtract, undefined, Maybe(..), odd, Bool, not, (>>=), mapM_, curry,
maxBound, div, IO, compare, Double, fromIntegral, Integer, (<$>),
(<*>), flip, (**), (/))
(<*>), flip, (**), (/), Bounded(..), Num(..), Eq, Ord, Integral(..), print,
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified GHC.Exts as GHC
@ -936,3 +937,45 @@ foldableSum = P.sum
{-# INLINE traversableMapM #-}
traversableMapM :: Stream Identity Int -> IO (Stream Identity Int)
traversableMapM = P.mapM return
-- Benchmark for reassembleBy
newtype BoundedZ = BoundedZ Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Num BoundedZ where
(BoundedZ x) + (BoundedZ y) = BoundedZ (x + y)
(BoundedZ x) * (BoundedZ y) = BoundedZ (x * y)
(BoundedZ x) - (BoundedZ y) = BoundedZ (x - y)
fromInteger = BoundedZ . fromIntegral
instance Bounded BoundedZ where
minBound = BoundedZ 0
maxBound = BoundedZ 100000000
diff :: BoundedZ -> BoundedZ -> Int
diff (BoundedZ x) (BoundedZ y) = x - y
favBench :: Int -> IO ()
favBench i = S.drain $ Internal.reassembleBy i diff favSrc
favSrc = S.unfoldr step (BoundedZ 0)
step cnt =
if cnt > BoundedZ value
then Nothing
else Just (cnt, cnt + 1)
unfavBench :: Int -> IO ()
unfavBench i = S.drain $ Internal.reassembleBy i diff unfavSrc
unfavSrc = S.unfoldr step (BoundedZ (i - 1))
step cnt
| cnt > BoundedZ value = Nothing
| unb cnt `rem` i == 0 = Just (cnt, cnt + 2 * BoundedZ i - 1)
| P.otherwise = Just (cnt, cnt - 1)
unb (BoundedZ x) = x

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@ -298,7 +298,6 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamD
, applyParallel
, foldParallel
-- XXX Shift/Change?
-- * Reordering
, reassembleBy
@ -3855,68 +3854,48 @@ tapAsync f (Stream step1 state1) = Stream step TapInit
-- Reorder in sequence
-- XXX Add tests and benchmarks
-- XXX Replace heap with a list
-- Buffer until the next element in sequence arrives. The function argument
-- determines the difference in sequence numbers. This could be useful in
-- implementing sequenced streams, for example, TCP reassembly.
{-# INLINE reassembleBy #-}
{-# INLINE_NORMAL reassembleBy #-}
:: (Bounded a, Monad m)
=> Int
-> (a -> a -> Int)
-> Stream m a
-> Stream m a
reassembleBy sz diff (Stream step state) = Stream step' state'
reassembleBy sz diff (Stream step state) = Stream step' (H.empty, Nothing, state)
state' = (H.empty, Nothing, state)
{-# INLINE_LATE step' #-}
step' _ (h, Nothing, s) = do
r <- step defState s
case r of
Yield a s' -> case diff a minBound of
0 -> return $ Yield a (h, Just a, s')
x | x < sz -> return $ Skip (H.insert (Entry x a) h, Nothing, s')
| otherwise -> return $ Skip (h, Nothing, s')
Skip s' -> return $ Skip (h, Nothing, s')
Stop -> return Stop
step' _ (h, Just c, s) = do
r <- step defState s
case r of
Yield a s' -> case diff a c of
0 -> return $ Skip (h, Just c, s')
1 -> return $ Yield a (h, Just a, s')
x | x < 0 -> return $ Skip (h, Just c, s')
| x < sz ->
let y = diff a minBound in
case view of
Just (Entry _ payH, delH) ->
r <- step defState s
case r of
Yield a s' -> case diff a minBound of
0 -> return $ Yield a (h, Just a, s')
x | x < sz -> return $ Skip (hi x a h, Nothing, s')
| otherwise -> return $ Skip (h, Nothing, s')
Skip s' -> return $ Skip (h, Nothing, s')
Stop -> return Stop
step' _ (h, Just c, s) = exhaustH (h, c, s)
hi p v = H.insert (Entry p v)
{-# INLINE_EARLY processS #-}
processS (h, c, s) = do
r <- step defState s
case r of
Yield a s' ->
return $ case diff a c of
x | x <= 0 -> Skip (h, Just c, s')
1 -> Yield a (h, Just a, s')
x | x <= sz -> Skip (hi (diff a minBound) a h, Just c, s')
_ -> Skip (h, Just c, s')
Skip s' -> return $ Skip (h, Just c, s')
Stop -> return Stop
exhaustH (h, c, s) =
case H.uncons h of
Nothing -> processS (h, c, s)
Just (Entry _ payH, delH) ->
case diff payH c of
0 -> return $ Skip (H.insert (Entry y a) delH, Just c, s')
1 -> return $ Yield payH (H.insert (Entry y a) delH, Just payH, s')
-- XXX Condition required?
x_ | x_ < 0 -> return $ Skip (H.insert (Entry y a) delH, Just c, s')
_ -> return $ Skip (H.insert (Entry y a) h, Just c, s')
_ -> return $ Skip (h, Just c, s')
| otherwise -> return $ Skip (h, Just c, s')
Skip s' ->
case view of
Just (Entry _ payH, delH) ->
case diff payH c of
0 -> return $ Skip (delH, Just c, s')
1 -> return $ Yield payH (delH, Just payH, s')
-- XXX Condition required?
x | x < 0 -> return $ Skip (delH, Just c, s')
_ -> return $ Skip (h, Just c, s')
_ -> return $ Skip (h, Just c, s')
Stop ->
case view of
Just (Entry _ payH, delH) ->
case diff payH c of
0 -> return $ Skip (delH, Just c, s)
1 -> return $ Yield payH (delH, Just payH, s)
-- XXX Condition required?
x | x < 0 -> return $ Skip (delH, Just c, s)
-- XXX Do we want to yeild the rest?
_ -> return Stop
_ -> return Stop
view = H.uncons h
x | x <= 0 -> return $ Skip (delH, Just c, s)
1 -> return $ Yield payH (delH, Just payH, s)
_ -> processS (h, c, s)

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@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Prelude
, fromHandle
, toHandle
-- XXX Shift/Change?
-- XXX Change the position
-- * Reordering
, reassembleBy
@ -3533,7 +3533,6 @@ splitInnerBySuffix splitter joiner xs =
-- Reorder in sequence
-- Buffer until the next element in sequence arrives. The function argument
-- determines the difference in sequence numbers. This could be useful in
-- implementing sequenced streams, for example, TCP reassembly.