Improve performance of the chunked parser

Pass around the original unchanged array instead of reconstructing the
array every time the bounds change.

Remove the specialized handling of the Alternative case.
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2022-11-09 06:02:03 +05:30
parent fe28607c9e
commit 4f862664f9
3 changed files with 238 additions and 226 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Chunked
ParserChunked (..)
ParserChunked (..) -- XXX rename to ChunkParser
, fromParserD
, parseBreak
, K.fromPure
@ -76,11 +76,10 @@ backTrack = go
-- | A continuation to extract the result when a CPS parser is done.
{-# INLINE parserDone #-}
parserDone :: Monad m => (Int, Int) -> K.Parse b -> m (K.Step m a b)
parserDone (0,_) (K.Success n b) = return $ K.Done n b
parserDone st (K.Success _ _) =
error $ "Bug: fromParserK: inside alternative: " ++ show st
parserDone _ (K.Failure e) = return $ K.Error e
parserDone :: Monad m =>
K.ParseResult b -> Int -> Maybe (Array a) -> m (K.Step a m b)
parserDone (K.Success n b) _ _ = return $ K.Done n b
parserDone (K.Failure n e) _ _ = return $ K.Error n e
-- | Run a 'Parser' over a stream and return rest of the Stream.
{-# INLINE_NORMAL parseBreak #-}
@ -90,47 +89,11 @@ parseBreak
-> Stream m (Array a)
-> m (b, Stream m (Array a))
parseBreak parser input = do
pRes <- K.runParser parser 0 (0,0) parserDone
case pRes of
K.Done n b -> assert (n == 0) (return (b, input))
K.Error e -> throwM (D.ParseError e)
K.Partial n parserk ->
assert (n == 0) (go [] parserk (Stream.toStreamK input))
K.Continue n parserk ->
assert (n == 0) (go [] parserk (Stream.toStreamK input))
let parserk = \arr -> K.runParser parser 0 0 arr parserDone
in go [] parserk (Stream.toStreamK input)
-- This is a simplified yieldk
extractYieldK backBuf parserk arr stream = do
pRes <- parserk (Just arr)
case pRes of
K.Partial 0 cont1 ->
goExtract [] cont1 stream
K.Partial n cont1 -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length (arr:backBuf)))
goExtract [] cont1 (fst $ backTrack n (arr:backBuf) stream)
K.Continue 0 cont1 ->
go (arr:backBuf) cont1 stream
K.Continue n cont1 -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length (arr:backBuf)))
let (s1, backBuf1) = backTrack n (arr:backBuf) stream
in go backBuf1 cont1 s1
K.Done 0 b ->
return (b, Stream.fromStreamK stream)
K.Done n b -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length (arr:backBuf)))
let (s1, _) = backTrack n (arr:backBuf) stream
in return (b, Stream.fromStreamK s1)
K.Error err -> throwM $ D.ParseError err
goExtract backBuf parserk stream = do
let stop = goStop backBuf parserk
single a = extractYieldK backBuf parserk a StreamK.nil
in StreamK.foldStream
defState (extractYieldK backBuf parserk) single stop stream
-- This is a simplified goExtract
{-# INLINE goStop #-}
goStop backBuf parserk = do
pRes <- parserk Nothing
@ -138,49 +101,71 @@ parseBreak parser input = do
-- If we stop in an alternative, it will try calling the next
-- parser, the next parser may call initial returning Partial and
-- then immediately we have to call extract on it.
K.Partial 0 cont1 -> do
goExtract [] cont1 StreamK.nil
K.Partial 0 cont1 ->
go [] cont1 StreamK.nil
K.Partial n cont1 -> do
-- error $ "Bug: parseBreak: Partial in extract, n = " ++ show n
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length backBuf))
let (s1, backBuf1) = backTrack n backBuf StreamK.nil
in goExtract backBuf1 cont1 s1
K.Continue 0 cont1 -> do
-- error "parseBreak: extract, Continue 0 creates infinite loop"
let n1 = negate n
assertM(n1 >= 0 && n1 <= sum (map Array.length backBuf))
let (s1, backBuf1) = backTrack n1 backBuf StreamK.nil
in go backBuf1 cont1 s1
K.Continue 0 cont1 ->
go backBuf cont1 StreamK.nil
K.Continue n cont1 -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length backBuf))
let (s1, backBuf1) = backTrack n backBuf StreamK.nil
in goExtract backBuf1 cont1 s1
K.Done 0 b -> return (b, Stream.nil)
K.Done n b -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length backBuf))
let (s1, _) = backTrack n backBuf StreamK.nil
in return (b, Stream.fromStreamK s1)
K.Error err -> throwM $ D.ParseError err
-- SPECIALIZE this on backBuf?
yieldk backBuf !parserk arr stream = do
pRes <- parserk (Just arr)
case pRes of
K.Partial 0 cont1 ->
go [] cont1 stream
K.Partial n cont1 -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length (arr:backBuf)))
go [] cont1 (fst $ backTrack n (arr:backBuf) stream)
K.Continue 0 cont1 ->
go (arr:backBuf) cont1 stream
K.Continue n cont1 -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length (arr:backBuf)))
let (s1, backBuf1) = backTrack n (arr:backBuf) stream
let n1 = negate n
assertM(n1 >= 0 && n1 <= sum (map Array.length backBuf))
let (s1, backBuf1) = backTrack n1 backBuf StreamK.nil
in go backBuf1 cont1 s1
K.Done 0 b ->
return (b, Stream.fromStreamK stream)
return (b, Stream.nil)
K.Done n b -> do
assertM(n <= sum (map Array.length (arr:backBuf)))
let (s1, _) = backTrack n (arr:backBuf) stream
let n1 = negate n
assertM(n1 >= 0 && n1 <= sum (map Array.length backBuf))
let (s1, _) = backTrack n1 backBuf StreamK.nil
in return (b, Stream.fromStreamK s1)
K.Error err -> throwM $ D.ParseError err
K.Error _ err -> throwM $ D.ParseError err
seekErr n len =
error $ "parseBreak: Partial: forward seek not implemented n = "
++ show n ++ " len = " ++ show len
yieldk backBuf parserk arr stream = do
pRes <- parserk (Just arr)
let len = Array.length arr
case pRes of
K.Partial n cont1 ->
case compare n len of
EQ -> go [] cont1 stream
LT -> do
if n >= 0
then yieldk [] cont1 arr stream
else do
let n1 = negate n
bufLen = sum (map Array.length backBuf)
s = StreamK.cons arr stream
assertM(n1 >= 0 && n1 <= bufLen)
let (s1, _) = backTrack n1 backBuf s
go [] cont1 s1
GT -> seekErr n len
K.Continue n cont1 ->
case compare n len of
EQ -> go (arr:backBuf) cont1 stream
LT -> do
if n >= 0
then yieldk backBuf cont1 arr stream
else do
let n1 = negate n
bufLen = sum (map Array.length backBuf)
s = StreamK.cons arr stream
assertM(n1 >= 0 && n1 <= bufLen)
let (s1, backBuf1) = backTrack n1 backBuf s
go backBuf1 cont1 s1
GT -> seekErr n len
K.Done n b -> do
let n1 = len - n
assertM(n1 <= sum (map Array.length (arr:backBuf)))
let (s1, _) = backTrack n1 (arr:backBuf) stream
in return (b, Stream.fromStreamK s1)
K.Error _ err -> throwM $ D.ParseError err
go backBuf parserk stream = do
let stop = goStop backBuf parserk
@ -188,6 +173,12 @@ parseBreak parser input = do
in StreamK.foldStream
defState (yieldk backBuf parserk) single stop stream
data ChunkResult s b =
ChunkDone !Int !b
| ChunkPartial !Int !s
| ChunkContinue !Int !s
| ChunkError !Int String
-- This is very similar to fromParserD in the Array/Unboxed/Fold module.
{-# INLINE parseChunk #-}
@ -195,122 +186,126 @@ parseChunk
=> (s -> a -> m (Step s b))
-> s
-> Array a
-> m (Step s b)
parseChunk pstep state (Array contents start end) = do
go SPEC start state
-> Int
-> m (ChunkResult s b)
parseChunk pstep state (Array contents start end) offset = do
if offset >= 0
then go SPEC (start + offset * SIZE_OF(a)) state
else return $ ChunkContinue offset state
{-# INLINE partial #-}
partial arrRem cur next elemSize st n fs1 = do
let next1 = next - (n * elemSize)
if next1 >= start && cur < end
then go SPEC next1 fs1
else return $ st (arrRem + n) fs1
{-# INLINE onBack #-}
onBack offset1 elemSize constr pst = do
let pos = offset1 - start
in if pos >= 0
then go SPEC offset1 pst
else return $ constr (pos `div` elemSize) pst
go !_ !cur !pst | cur >= end = return $ Continue 0 pst
-- Note: div may be expensive but the alternative is to maintain an element
-- offset in addition to a byte offset or just the element offset and use
-- multiplication to get the byte offset every time, both these options
-- turned out to be more expensive than using div.
go !_ !cur !pst | cur >= end =
return $ ChunkContinue ((end - start) `div` SIZE_OF(a)) pst
go !_ !cur !pst = do
x <- liftIO $ peekWith contents cur
pRes <- pstep pst x
let elemSize = SIZE_OF(a)
next = INDEX_NEXT(cur,a)
arrRem = (end - next) `div` elemSize
back n = next - n * elemSize
curOff = (cur - start) `div` elemSize
nextOff = (next - start) `div` elemSize
case pRes of
Done n b -> do
return $ Done (arrRem + n) b
Done 0 b ->
return $ ChunkDone nextOff b
Done 1 b ->
return $ ChunkDone curOff b
Done n b ->
return $ ChunkDone ((back n - start) `div` elemSize) b
Partial 0 pst1 ->
go SPEC next pst1
Partial 1 pst1 ->
go SPEC cur pst1
Partial n pst1 ->
partial arrRem cur next elemSize Partial n pst1
Continue n pst1 -> do
partial arrRem cur next elemSize Continue n pst1
Error err -> return $ Error err
onBack (back n) elemSize ChunkPartial pst1
Continue 0 pst1 ->
go SPEC next pst1
Continue 1 pst1 ->
go SPEC cur pst1
Continue n pst1 ->
onBack (back n) elemSize ChunkContinue pst1
Error err ->
return $ ChunkError curOff err
{-# INLINE_NORMAL parseDToK #-}
{-# INLINE parseDToK #-}
:: (MonadIO m, Unbox a)
:: forall m a s b r. (MonadIO m, Unbox a)
=> (s -> a -> m (Step s b))
-> m (Initial s b)
-> (s -> m (Step s b))
-> Int
-> (Int, Int)
-> ((Int, Int) -> K.Parse b -> m (K.Step m a r))
-> m (K.Step m a r)
-- Non 'Alternative' case.
parseDToK pstep initial extract leftover (0, _) cont = do
-> Int
-> Maybe (Array a)
-> (K.ParseResult b -> Int -> Maybe (Array a) -> m (K.Step a m r))
-> m (K.Step a m r)
parseDToK pstep initial extract offset usedCount input cont = do
res <- initial
case res of
IPartial r -> return $ K.Partial leftover (parseCont (return r))
IDone b -> cont state (K.Success 0 b)
IError err -> cont state (K.Failure err)
IPartial pst -> do
case input of
Just arr -> parseContJust usedCount offset pst arr
Nothing -> parseContNothing usedCount pst
IDone b -> cont (K.Success offset b) usedCount input
IError err -> cont (K.Failure offset err) usedCount input
-- The continuation is called with (0,0) state i.e. Alternative level
-- is 0 and the used count is 0. Alternative level is 0 because the level
-- passed in the argument above is 0, the "used" count is 0 because it is
-- not useful when Alternative level is 0. We should probably use a Maybe
-- type for the state but that might impact performance, need to measure.
state = (0,0)
-- We could pass a stream or array here and drive the ParserD with fusion.
parseCont pst (Just arr) = do
r <- pst
pRes <- parseChunk pstep r arr
-- XXX We can maintain an absolute position instead of relative that will
-- help in reporting of error location in the stream.
{-# NOINLINE parseContJust #-}
parseContJust count off pst arr = do
pRes <- parseChunk pstep pst arr off
-- The "n" here is stream position index wrt the array start, and not
-- the backtrack count as returned by byte stream parsers.
case pRes of
Done n b -> cont state (K.Success n b)
Error err -> cont state (K.Failure err)
Partial n pst1 -> return $ K.Partial n (parseCont (return pst1))
Continue n pst1 -> return $ K.Continue n (parseCont (return pst1))
ChunkDone n b ->
assert (n <= Array.length arr)
(cont (K.Success n b) (count + n - off) (Just arr))
ChunkPartial n pst1 ->
assert (n < 0 || n >= Array.length arr)
(return $ K.Partial n (parseCont (count + n - off) pst1))
ChunkContinue n pst1 ->
assert (n < 0 || n >= Array.length arr)
(return $ K.Continue n (parseCont (count + n - off) pst1))
ChunkError n err ->
cont (K.Failure n err) (count + n - off) (Just arr)
parseCont acc Nothing = do
pst <- acc
{-# NOINLINE parseContNothing #-}
parseContNothing count pst = do
r <- extract pst
case r of
Done n b -> cont state (K.Success n b)
Error err -> cont state (K.Failure err)
Partial _ _ -> error "Bug: parseDToK Partial unreachable"
Continue n pst1 -> return $ K.Continue n (parseCont (return pst1))
-- 'Alternative' case. Used count needs to be maintained when inside an
-- Alternative.
parseDToK pstep initial extract leftover (level, count) cont = do
res <- initial
case res of
IPartial r -> return $ K.Partial leftover (parseCont count (return r))
IDone b -> cont (level,count) (K.Success 0 b)
IError err -> cont (level,count) (K.Failure err)
parseCont !cnt pst (Just arr) = do
let !cnt1 = cnt + Array.length arr
r <- pst
pRes <- parseChunk pstep r arr
case pRes of
Done n b -> do
assertM(n <= cnt1)
cont (level, cnt1 - n) (K.Success n b)
-- IMPORTANT: the n here is from the byte stream parser, that means
-- it is the backtrack element count and not the stream position
-- index into the current input array.
Done n b ->
assert (n >= 0)
(cont (K.Success (- n) b) (count - n) Nothing)
Continue n pst1 ->
assert (n >= 0)
(return $ K.Continue (- n) (parseCont (count - n) pst1))
Error err ->
cont (level, cnt1) (K.Failure err)
Partial n pst1 -> do
assertM(n <= cnt1)
return $ K.Partial n (parseCont (cnt1 - n) (return pst1))
Continue n pst1 -> do
assertM(n <= cnt1)
return $ K.Continue n (parseCont (cnt1 - n) (return pst1))
parseCont cnt acc Nothing = do
pst <- acc
r <- extract pst
let s = (level, cnt)
case r of
Done n b -> do
assertM(n <= cnt)
cont s (K.Success n b)
-- XXX It is called only when there is no input arr. So using 0
-- as the position is correct?
cont (K.Failure 0 err) count Nothing
Partial _ _ -> error "Bug: parseDToK Partial unreachable"
Error e ->
cont s (K.Failure e)
Continue n pst1 -> do
assertM(n <= cnt)
return $ K.Continue n (parseCont (cnt - n) (return pst1))
-- XXX Maybe we can use two separate continuations instead of using
-- Just/Nothing cases here. That may help in avoiding the parseContJust
-- function call.
{-# INLINE parseCont #-}
parseCont cnt pst (Just arr) = parseContJust cnt 0 pst arr
parseCont cnt pst Nothing = parseContNothing cnt pst
-- | Convert a raw byte 'Parser' to a chunked parser.

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.Chunked.Type
Step (..)
, Parse (..)
, ParseResult (..)
, ParserChunked (..)
, fromPure
, fromEffect
@ -52,34 +52,47 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
-- /Pre-release/
data Step m a r =
data Step a m r =
-- The Int is the current stream position index wrt to the start of the
-- array.
Done !Int r
-- XXX we can use a "resume" and a "stop" continuations instead of Maybe.
-- measure if that works any better.
-- Array a -> m (Step a m r), m (Step a m r)
-- XXX The Array is the only difference from element parser, we can pass
-- this as parameter?
| Partial !Int (Maybe (Array a) -> m (Step m a r))
| Continue !Int (Maybe (Array a) -> m (Step m a r))
| Error String
| Partial !Int (Maybe (Array a) -> m (Step a m r))
| Continue !Int (Maybe (Array a) -> m (Step a m r))
| Error !Int String
instance Functor m => Functor (Step m a) where
instance Functor m => Functor (Step a m) where
fmap f (Done n r) = Done n (f r)
fmap f (Partial n k) = Partial n (fmap (fmap f) . k)
fmap f (Continue n k) = Continue n (fmap (fmap f) . k)
fmap _ (Error e) = Error e
fmap _ (Error n e) = Error n e
-- | The parser's result.
-- Int is the position index into the current input array. Could be negative.
-- Cannot be beyond the input array max bound.
-- /Pre-release/
data Parse b =
Success !Int !b -- Leftover count, result
| Failure !String -- Error
data ParseResult b =
Success !Int !b -- Position index, result
| Failure !Int !String -- Position index, error
-- | Map a function over 'Success'.
instance Functor Parse where
instance Functor ParseResult where
fmap f (Success n b) = Success n (f b)
fmap _ (Failure e) = Failure e
fmap _ (Failure n e) = Failure n e
-- XXX Change the type to the shape (a -> m r -> m r) -> (m r -> m r) -> m r
-- The parse continuation would be: Array a -> m (Step a m r) -> m (Step a m r)
-- The extract continuation would be: m (Step a m r) -> m (Step a m r)
-- Use Step itself in place of ParseResult.
-- | A continuation passing style parser representation. A continuation of
-- 'Step's, each step passes a state and a parse result to the next 'Step'. The
@ -90,24 +103,27 @@ instance Functor Parse where
newtype ParserChunked a m b = MkParser
{ runParser :: forall r.
-- leftover: the number of elements that were not used by the
-- previous consumer and should be carried forward.
-- XXX Maintain and pass the original position in the stream. that
-- way we can also report better errors. Use a Context structure for
-- passing the state.
-- Stream position index wrt to the current input array start. If
-- negative then backtracking is required before using the array.
-- The parser should use "Continue -n" in this case if it needs to
-- consume input. Negative value cannot be beyond the current
-- backtrack buffer. Positive value cannot be beyond array length.
-- If the parser needs to advance beyond the array length it should
-- use "Continue +n".
-- (alt nesting level, alt used elem count). Nesting level is
-- increased whenever we enter an Alternative composition and
-- decreased when it is done. The used element count is a count of
-- elements consumed by the Alternative. If the Alternative fails we
-- need to backtrack by this amount.
-- The nesting level is used in parseDToK to optimize the case when
-- we are not in an alternative, in that case we do not need to
-- maintain the element count for backtracking.
-> (Int, Int)
-- The first argument is the (nest level, used count) tuple as
-- described above. The leftover element count is carried as part of
-- 'Success' constructor of 'Parse'.
-> ((Int, Int) -> Parse b -> m (Step m a r))
-> m (Step m a r)
-- used elem count, a count of elements consumed by the parser. If
-- an Alternative fails we need to backtrack by this amount.
-> Int
-- The second argument is the used count as described above. The
-- current input position is carried as part of 'Success'
-- constructor of 'ParseResult'.
-> Maybe (Array a)
-> (ParseResult b -> Int -> Maybe (Array a) -> m (Step a m r))
-> m (Step a m r)
@ -119,9 +135,9 @@ newtype ParserChunked a m b = MkParser
instance Functor m => Functor (ParserChunked a m) where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f parser = MkParser $ \n st k ->
let k1 s res = k s (fmap f res)
in runParser parser n st k1
fmap f parser = MkParser $ \n st arr pk ->
let pk1 res = pk (fmap f res)
in runParser parser n st arr pk1
-- Sequential applicative
@ -135,7 +151,7 @@ instance Functor m => Functor (ParserChunked a m) where
{-# INLINE fromPure #-}
fromPure :: b -> ParserChunked a m b
fromPure b = MkParser $ \n st k -> k st (Success n b)
fromPure b = MkParser $ \n st arr pk -> pk (Success n b) st arr
-- | See 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.fromEffect'.
@ -143,7 +159,8 @@ fromPure b = MkParser $ \n st k -> k st (Success n b)
{-# INLINE fromEffect #-}
fromEffect :: Monad m => m b -> ParserChunked a m b
fromEffect eff = MkParser $ \n st k -> eff >>= \b -> k st (Success n b)
fromEffect eff =
MkParser $ \n st arr pk -> eff >>= \b -> pk (Success n b) st arr
-- | 'Applicative' form of 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.serialWith'. Note that
-- this operation does not fuse, use 'Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.serialWith'
@ -157,19 +174,19 @@ instance Monad m => Applicative (ParserChunked a m) where
(<*>) = ap
{-# INLINE (*>) #-}
p1 *> p2 = MkParser $ \n st k ->
let k1 s (Success n1 _) = runParser p2 n1 s k
k1 s (Failure e) = k s (Failure e)
in runParser p1 n st k1
p1 *> p2 = MkParser $ \n st arr k ->
let k1 (Success n1 _) s input = runParser p2 n1 s input k
k1 (Failure n1 e) s input = k (Failure n1 e) s input
in runParser p1 n st arr k1
{-# INLINE (<*) #-}
p1 <* p2 = MkParser $ \n st k ->
let k1 s1 (Success n1 b) =
let k2 s2 (Success n2 _) = k s2 (Success n2 b)
k2 s2 (Failure e) = k s2 (Failure e)
in runParser p2 n1 s1 k2
k1 s1 (Failure e) = k s1 (Failure e)
in runParser p1 n st k1
p1 <* p2 = MkParser $ \n st arr k ->
let k1 (Success n1 b) s1 input =
let k2 (Success n2 _) = k (Success n2 b)
k2 (Failure n2 e) = k (Failure n2 e)
in runParser p2 n1 s1 input k2
k1 (Failure n1 e) s1 input = k (Failure n1 e) s1 input
in runParser p1 n st arr k1
{-# INLINE liftA2 #-}
liftA2 f p = (<*>) (fmap f p)
@ -187,7 +204,7 @@ instance Monad m => Applicative (ParserChunked a m) where
{-# INLINE die #-}
die :: String -> ParserChunked a m b
die err = MkParser (\_ st k -> k st (Failure err))
die err = MkParser (\n st arr pk -> pk (Failure n err) st arr)
-- | Monad composition can be used for lookbehind parsers, we can make the
-- future parses depend on the previously parsed values.
@ -236,10 +253,10 @@ instance Monad m => Monad (ParserChunked a m) where
return = pure
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
p >>= f = MkParser $ \n st k ->
let k1 s1 (Success n1 b) = runParser (f b) n1 s1 k
k1 s1 (Failure e) = k s1 (Failure e)
in runParser p n st k1
p >>= f = MkParser $ \n st arr pk ->
let pk1 (Success n1 b) s1 inp = runParser (f b) n1 s1 inp pk
pk1 (Failure n1 e) s1 inp = pk (Failure n1 e) s1 inp
in runParser p n st arr pk1
{-# INLINE (>>) #-}
(>>) = (*>)
@ -261,7 +278,7 @@ instance (MonadThrow m, MonadReader r m, MonadCatch m) =>
ask = fromEffect ask
{-# INLINE local #-}
local f p = MkParser $ \n st k -> local f $ runParser p n st k
local f p = MkParser $ \n st arr k -> local f $ runParser p n st arr k
instance (MonadThrow m, MonadState s m) => MonadState s (ParserChunked a m) where
{-# INLINE get #-}
@ -296,11 +313,11 @@ instance Monad m => Alternative (ParserChunked a m) where
empty = die "empty"
{-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
p1 <|> p2 = MkParser $ \n (level, _) k ->
let k1 (0, _) _ = error "Bug: 0 nest level in Alternative"
k1 (l1, n1) (Failure _) = runParser p2 n1 (l1 - 1, 0) k
k1 (l1, _) success = k (l1 - 1, 0) success
in runParser p1 n (level + 1, 0) k1
p1 <|> p2 = MkParser $ \n _ arr k ->
k1 (Failure pos _) used input = runParser p2 (pos - used) 0 input k
k1 success _ input = k success 0 input
in runParser p1 n 0 arr k1
-- some and many are implemented here instead of using default definitions
-- so that we can use INLINE on them. It gives 50% performance improvement.

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@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ applicative =
in monadicIO $ do
let arrays = [A.fromList list1, A.fromList list2]
(olist1, olist2) <-
run $ parse (P.fromRaw parser) (S.fromList arrays)
run $ parse (P.fromParserD parser) (S.fromList arrays)
listEquals (==) olist1 list1
listEquals (==) olist2 list2
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ monad =
in monadicIO $ do
let arrays = [A.fromList list1, A.fromList list2]
(olist1, olist2) <-
run $ parse (P.fromRaw parser) (S.fromList arrays)
run $ parse (P.fromParserD parser) (S.fromList arrays)
listEquals (==) olist1 list1
listEquals (==) olist2 list2