Add test cases for Streamly.Internal.Serialize module

This commit is contained in:
Ranjeet Kumar Ranjan 2022-12-21 15:06:38 +05:30 committed by Harendra Kumar
parent 373691429d
commit 5c9430a0ae
4 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ cradle:
component: "test:Prelude.ZipSerial"
- path: "./test/Streamly/Test/Unicode/Stream.hs"
component: "test:Unicode.Stream"
- path: "./test/Streamly/Test/Serialize/Serializable.hs"
component: "test:Serialize.Serializable"
- path: "./test/lib/"
component: "lib:streamly-tests"
- path: "./test/version-bounds.hs"

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@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ extra-source-files:

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@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
module Main (main) where
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import GHC.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Test.QuickCheck
( Gen
, Property
, choose
, forAll
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Serialize.FromBytes as Decoder
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Serialize.ToBytes as Encoder
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser (Parser)
import Prelude hiding
(maximum, minimum, elem, notElem, null, product, sum, head, last, take)
import Test.Hspec as H
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import GHC.Base (unsafeChr)
word16Max :: Word16
word16Max = maxBound
word32Max :: Word32
word32Max = maxBound
word64Max :: Word64
word64Max = maxBound
chooseWord8 :: (Word8, Word8) -> Gen Word8
chooseWord8 = choose
chooseWord16 :: (Word16, Word16) -> Gen Word16
chooseWord16 = choose
chooseWord32 :: (Word32, Word32) -> Gen Word32
chooseWord32 = choose
chooseWord64 :: (Word64, Word64) -> Gen Word64
chooseWord64 = choose
chooseInt8 :: (Int8, Int8) -> Gen Int8
chooseInt8 = choose
chooseInt16 :: (Int16, Int16) -> Gen Int16
chooseInt16 = choose
chooseInt32 :: (Int32, Int32) -> Gen Int32
chooseInt32 = choose
chooseInt64 :: (Int64, Int64) -> Gen Int64
chooseInt64 = choose
chooseFloat :: (Float, Float) -> Gen Float
chooseFloat = choose
chooseDouble :: (Double, Double) -> Gen Double
chooseDouble = choose
chooseChar :: (Char, Char) -> Gen Char
chooseChar = choose
action :: (Monad m, Eq a) =>
-> (a -> Stream.Stream m Word8)
-> Parser Word8 m a
-> m Bool
action x enc dec = do
let str = enc x
v1 <- Stream.parse dec str
return $
case v1 of
Right v -> x == v
Left _ -> False
unit :: Property
unit = monadicIO $
let str = Encoder.unit
v1 <- Stream.parse Decoder.unit str
return $
case v1 of
Right v -> v == ()
Left _ -> False
bool :: Property
bool =
forAll (chooseWord8 (0, 1)) $ \case
0 -> monadicIO $ action False Encoder.bool Decoder.bool
_ -> monadicIO $ action True Encoder.bool Decoder.bool
ordering :: Property
ordering =
forAll (chooseWord8 (0, 2)) $ \case
0 -> monadicIO $ action LT Encoder.ordering Decoder.ordering
1 -> monadicIO $ action EQ Encoder.ordering Decoder.ordering
_ -> monadicIO $ action GT Encoder.ordering Decoder.ordering
word8 :: Property
word8 =
forAll (chooseWord8 (0, 255)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.word8 Decoder.word8
word16be :: Property
word16be =
forAll (chooseWord16 (0, word16Max)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.word16be Decoder.word16be
word32be :: Property
word32be =
forAll (chooseWord32 (0, word32Max)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.word32be Decoder.word32be
word64be :: Property
word64be =
forAll (chooseWord64 (0, word64Max)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.word64be Decoder.word64be
word16le :: Property
word16le =
forAll (chooseWord16 (0, word16Max)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.word16le Decoder.word16le
word32le :: Property
word32le =
forAll (chooseWord32 (0, word32Max)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.word32le Decoder.word32le
word64le :: Property
word64le =
forAll (chooseWord64 (0, word64Max)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.word64le Decoder.word64le
int8 :: Property
int8 =
forAll (chooseInt8 (-128, 127)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.int8 Decoder.int8
int16be :: Property
int16be =
forAll (chooseInt16 (-32768, 32767)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.int16be Decoder.int16be
int32be :: Property
int32be =
forAll (chooseInt32 (-2147483648, 2147483647)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.int32be Decoder.int32be
int64be :: Property
int64be =
forAll (chooseInt64 (-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.int64be Decoder.int64be
int16le :: Property
int16le =
forAll (chooseInt16 (-32768, 32767)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.int16le Decoder.int16le
int32le :: Property
int32le =
forAll (chooseInt32 (-2147483648, 2147483647)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.int32le Decoder.int32le
int64le :: Property
int64le =
forAll (chooseInt64 (-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.int64le Decoder.int64le
float32be :: Property
float32be =
forAll (chooseFloat (-3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.float32be Decoder.float32be
float32le :: Property
float32le =
forAll (chooseFloat (-3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.float32le Decoder.float32le
double64be :: Property
double64be =
forAll (chooseDouble (-1.79769e+308, 1.79769e+308)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.double64be Decoder.double64be
double64le :: Property
double64le =
forAll (chooseDouble (-1.79769e+308, 1.79769e+308)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.double64le Decoder.double64le
charLatin1 :: Property
charLatin1 = forAll (chooseChar (unsafeChr 0, unsafeChr 255)) $ \x ->
monadicIO $ action x Encoder.charLatin1 Decoder.charLatin1
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Serialize.Serializable"
main :: IO ()
main =
hspec $ do
describe moduleName $ do
-- Unit
prop "unit" Main.unit
-- Bool
prop "bool" Main.bool
-- Ordering
prop "ordering" Main.ordering
-- Words
prop "word8" Main.word8
prop "word16be" Main.word16be
prop "word32be" Main.word32be
prop "word64be" Main.word64be
prop "word16le" Main.word16le
prop "word32le" Main.word32le
prop "word64le" Main.word64le
-- Integral
prop "int8" Main.int8
prop "int16be" Main.int16be
prop "int32be" Main.int32be
prop "int64be" Main.int64be
prop "int16le" Main.int16le
prop "int32le" Main.int32le
prop "int64le" Main.int64le
-- Fractional
prop "float32be" Main.float32be
prop "float32le" Main.float32le
prop "double64be" Main.double64be
prop "double64le" Main.double64le
-- Char
prop "charLatin1" Main.charLatin1

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@ -512,6 +512,11 @@ test-suite Unicode.Char
if flag(use-streamly-core) || !flag(dev)
buildable: False
test-suite Serialize.Serializable
import: test-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Streamly/Test/Serialize/Serializable.hs
test-suite version-bounds
import: test-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0