Fix escape processing in wordWithQuotes

To escape characters in the same way as shell and to be able to specify
escape transliteration, and transliterate based on the type of quote.
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2023-02-28 19:40:31 +05:30
parent e08af2463e
commit 635489ba7b
3 changed files with 132 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ module Streamly.Data.Parser
-- ** Framing
-- , wordFramedBy
, wordWithQuotes
, wordStripQuotes
-- , wordProcessQuotes
-- , wordKeepQuotes
-- * Alternative
, alt

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@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser.ParserD
-- spaces or quotes. No nesting.
, wordFramedBy -- XXX Remove this? Covered by wordWithQuotes?
, wordWithQuotes
, wordStripQuotes
, wordKeepQuotes
, wordProcessQuotes
-- Framed by separate start and end characters, potentially nested.
-- blockWithQuotes allows quotes inside a block. However,
@ -1690,33 +1691,100 @@ data WordQuotedState s b a =
| WordQuotedEsc !s !Int !a !a
| WordQuotedSkipPost !b
-- The invalid unquoted char predicate can be used to generate parse error for
-- a bracket end without a bracket begin.
{-# INLINE wordWithQuotesWith #-}
wordWithQuotesWith :: (Monad m, Eq a) =>
(a -> Bool) -- ^ Matches an invalid unquoted char
-> Bool -- ^ Retain the quotes and escape chars in the output
-> (a -> Bool) -- ^ Matches an escape elem?
-- | Quote and bracket aware word splitting with escaping. Like 'wordBy' but
-- word separators within specified quotes or brackets are ignored. Quotes and
-- escape characters can be processed. If the end quote is different from the
-- start quote it is called a bracket. The following quoting rules apply:
-- * In an unquoted string a character may be preceded by an escape character.
-- The escape character is removed and the character following it is treated
-- literally with no special meaning e.g. e.g. h\ e\ l\ l\ o is a single word,
-- \n is same as n.
-- * Any part of the word can be placed within quotes. Inside quotes all
-- characters are treated literally with no special meaning. Quoting character
-- itself cannot be used within quotes unless escape processing within quotes
-- is applied to allow it.
-- * Optionally escape processing for quoted part can be specified. Escape
-- character has no special meaning inside quotes unless it is followed by a
-- character that has a escape translation specified, in that case the escape
-- character is removed, and the specified translation is applied to the
-- character following it. This can be used to escape the quoting character
-- itself within quotes.
-- * There can be multiple quoting characters, when a quote starts, all other
-- quoting characters within that quote lose any special meaning until the
-- quote is closed.
-- * A starting quote char without an ending char generates a parse error. An
-- ending bracket char without a corresponding bracket begin is ignored.
-- * Brackets can be nested.
-- We should note that unquoted and quoted escape processing are different. In
-- unquoted part escape character is always removed. In quoted part it is
-- removed only if followed by a special meaning character. This is consistent
-- with how shell performs escape processing.
-- Examples of quotes - "double quotes", 'single quotes', (parens), {braces},
-- ((nested) brackets).
-- Example:
-- >>> :{
-- >>> q x =
-- >>> case x of
-- >>> '"' -> Just x
-- >>> '\'' -> Just x
-- >>> _ -> Nothing
-- >>> :}
-- >>> p = Parser.wordKeepQuotes (== '\\') q isSpace Fold.toList
-- >>> Stream.parse p $ Stream.fromList "a\"b'c\";'d\"e'f ghi"
-- Right "a\"b'c\";'d\"e'f"
-- Note that outer quotes and backslashes from the input string are consumed by
-- Haskell, therefore, the actual input string passed to the parser is:
-- a"b'c";'d"e'f ghi
-- Similarly, when printing, double quotes are escaped by Haskell.
-- Limitations:
-- Shell like quote processing can be performed by using quote char specific
-- escape processing, single quotes with no escapes, and double quotes with
-- escapes.
-- JSON string processing can also be achieved except the "\uXXXX" style
-- escaping for Unicode characters.
{-# INLINE wordWithQuotes #-}
wordWithQuotes :: (Monad m, Eq a) =>
Bool -- ^ Retain the quotes and escape chars in the output
-> (a -> a -> Maybe a) -- ^ quote char -> escaped char -> translated char
-> a -- ^ Matches an escape elem?
-> (a -> Maybe a) -- ^ If left quote, return right quote, else Nothing.
-> (a -> Bool) -- ^ Matches a word separator?
-> Fold m a b
-> Parser a m b
wordWithQuotesWith isInvalid keepQuotes isEsc toRight isSep
wordWithQuotes keepQuotes tr escChar toRight isSep
(Fold fstep finitial fextract) =
Parser step initial extract
-- Can be used to generate parse error for a bracket end without a bracket
-- begin.
isInvalid = const False
isEsc = (== escChar)
initial = do
res <- finitial
return $
case res of
FL.Partial s -> IPartial (WordQuotedSkipPre s)
FL.Done _ ->
error "wordWithQuotes: fold done without input"
error "wordKeepQuotes: fold done without input"
{-# INLINE process #-}
process s a n ql qr = do
{-# INLINE processQuoted #-}
processQuoted s a n ql qr = do
res <- fstep s a
$ case res of
@ -1738,11 +1806,11 @@ wordWithQuotesWith isInvalid keepQuotes isEsc toRight isSep
case toRight a of
Just qr ->
if keepQuotes
then process s a 1 a qr
then processQuoted s a 1 a qr
else return $ Continue 0 $ WordQuotedWord s 1 a qr
| isInvalid a ->
return $ Error "wordWithQuotes: invalid unquoted char"
return $ Error "wordKeepQuotes: invalid unquoted char"
| otherwise -> processUnquoted s a
step (WordUnquotedWord s) a
| isEsc a = return $ Continue 0 $ WordUnquotedEsc s
@ -1753,11 +1821,11 @@ wordWithQuotesWith isInvalid keepQuotes isEsc toRight isSep
case toRight a of
Just qr ->
if keepQuotes
then process s a 1 a qr
then processQuoted s a 1 a qr
else return $ Continue 0 $ WordQuotedWord s 1 a qr
Nothing ->
if isInvalid a
then return $ Error "wordWithQuotes: invalid unquoted char"
then return $ Error "wordKeepQuotes: invalid unquoted char"
else processUnquoted s a
step (WordQuotedWord s n ql qr) a
| isEsc a = return $ Continue 0 $ WordQuotedEsc s n ql qr
@ -1774,12 +1842,19 @@ wordWithQuotesWith isInvalid keepQuotes isEsc toRight isSep
then if keepQuotes
then processUnquoted s a
else return $ Continue 0 $ WordUnquotedWord s
else process s a (n - 1) ql qr
else processQuoted s a (n - 1) ql qr
else if a == ql
then process s a (n + 1) ql qr
else process s a n ql qr
then processQuoted s a (n + 1) ql qr
else processQuoted s a n ql qr
step (WordUnquotedEsc s) a = processUnquoted s a
step (WordQuotedEsc s n ql qr) a = process s a n ql qr
step (WordQuotedEsc s n ql qr) a =
case tr ql a of
Nothing -> do
res <- fstep s escChar
case res of
FL.Partial s1 -> processQuoted s1 a n ql qr
FL.Done b -> return $ Done 0 b
Just x -> processQuoted s x n ql qr
step (WordQuotedSkipPost b) a =
$ if not (isSep a)
@ -1800,86 +1875,42 @@ wordWithQuotesWith isInvalid keepQuotes isEsc toRight isSep
err "wordWithQuotes: trailing escape"
extract (WordQuotedSkipPost b) = return (Done 0 b)
-- | Quote and bracket aware word splitting. Like 'wordBy' but word separators
-- within specified quotes or brackets are ignored. If the end quote is
-- different from the start quote it is called a bracket. The following quoting
-- rules apply:
-- | 'wordWithQuotes' without processing the quotes and escape function
-- supplied to escape the quote char within a quote. Can be used to parse words
-- keeping the quotes and escapes intact.
-- * A quoting or bracket character can be used within the same quote or
-- bracket if escaped using the supplied escape char.
-- * A quoting character other than the current quote can be used inside quotes
-- without escaping e.g. "a single quote ' inside a double quote".
-- * A starting quote or bracket char without an ending char generates a parse
-- error.
-- * An ending bracket char without a corresponding begin quote is ignored e.g.
-- this parenthesis ) is ignored.
-- * Brackets can be nested.
-- >>> wordKeepQuotes = Parser.wordWithQuotes True (\_ _ -> Nothing)
-- Examples of quotes - "double quotes", 'single quotes', (parens), {braces},
-- ((nested) brackets).
-- Example:
-- >>> :{
-- >>> q x =
-- >>> case x of
-- >>> '"' -> Just x
-- >>> '\'' -> Just x
-- >>> _ -> Nothing
-- >>> :}
-- >>> p = Parser.wordWithQuotes (== '\\') q isSpace Fold.toList
-- >>> Stream.parse p $ Stream.fromList "a\"b'c\";'d\"e'f ghi"
-- Right "a\"b'c\";'d\"e'f"
-- Note that outer quotes and backslashes from the input string are consumed by
-- Haskell, therefore, the actual input string passed to the parser is:
-- a"b'c";'d"e'f ghi
-- Similarly, when printing, double quotes are escaped by Haskell.
{-# INLINE wordWithQuotes #-}
wordWithQuotes :: (Monad m, Eq a) =>
(a -> Bool) -- ^ Matches an escape elem?
{-# INLINE wordKeepQuotes #-}
wordKeepQuotes :: (Monad m, Eq a) =>
a -- ^ Escape char
-> (a -> Maybe a) -- ^ If left quote, return right quote, else Nothing.
-> (a -> Bool) -- ^ Matches a word separator?
-> Fold m a b
-> Parser a m b
wordWithQuotes = wordWithQuotesWith (const False) True
wordKeepQuotes =
-- Escape the quote char itself
wordWithQuotes True (\q x -> if q == x then Just x else Nothing)
-- | Like 'wordWithQuotes' but strips the quotes and escape chars.
-- See the "Quoting Rules" section in the "bash" manual page for a primer on
-- how quotes are used by shells.
-- | 'wordWithQuotes' with quote processing applied and escape function
-- supplied to escape the quote char within a quote. Can be ysed to parse words
-- and processing the quoting and escaping at the same time.
-- Example:
-- >>> wordProcessQuotes = Parser.wordWithQuotes False (\_ _ -> Nothing)
-- >>> :{
-- >>> q x =
-- >>> case x of
-- >>> '"' -> Just x
-- >>> '\'' -> Just x
-- >>> _ -> Nothing
-- >>> :}
-- >>> p = Parser.wordStripQuotes (== '\\') q isSpace Fold.toList
-- >>> Stream.parse p $ Stream.fromList "a\"b'c\";'d\"e'f ghi"
-- Right "ab'c;d\"ef"
-- Note that outer quotes and backslashes from the input string are consumed by
-- Haskell, therefore, the actual input string passed to the parser is:
-- a"b'c";'d"e'f ghi
-- From this the outermost quotes are stripped by the parser, double quotes inside
-- single quotes or vice-versa are kept.
-- Similarly, when printing, double quotes are escaped by Haskell.
{-# INLINE wordStripQuotes #-}
wordStripQuotes :: (Monad m, Eq a) =>
(a -> Bool) -- ^ Matches an escape elem?
{-# INLINE wordProcessQuotes #-}
wordProcessQuotes :: (Monad m, Eq a) =>
a -- ^ Escape char
-> (a -> Maybe a) -- ^ If left quote, return right quote, else Nothing.
-> (a -> Bool) -- ^ Matches a word separator?
-> Fold m a b
-> Parser a m b
wordStripQuotes = wordWithQuotesWith (const False) False
wordProcessQuotes =
-- Escape the quote char itself
wordWithQuotes False (\q x -> if q == x then Just x else Nothing)
{-# ANN type GroupByState Fuse #-}
data GroupByState a s

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@ -484,59 +484,48 @@ parseManyWordQuotedBy :: H.SpecWith ()
parseManyWordQuotedBy =
describe "parseMany wordQuotedBy"
$ for_ testCases
$ \c@(kQ, lQ, rQ, fromLQ, input, expected) -> do
$ \c@(kQ, isQ, input, expected) -> do
let inpStrm = S.fromList input
esc '\\' = True
esc _ = False
esc = '\\'
spc ' ' = True
spc _ = False
parser = P.wordQuotedBy kQ esc lQ rQ fromLQ spc FL.toList
tr _ _ = Nothing
parser = P.wordWithQuotes kQ tr esc isQ spc FL.toList
result <- H.runIO $ S.fold FL.toList $ S.catRights $ S.parseMany parser inpStrm (showCase c) $ result `H.shouldBe` expected
showCase (kQ, _, _, _, input, expected) =
showCase (kQ, _, input, expected) =
show kQ ++ ", " ++ input ++ " -> " ++ show expected
testCases =
[ ( True
, (== '\'')
, (== '\'')
, id
, \x -> if x == '\'' then Just '\'' else Nothing
, "The quick brown fox"
, ["The", "quick", "brown", "fox"])
, ( True
, (== '\'')
, (== '\'')
, id
, \x -> if x == '\'' then Just '\'' else Nothing
, "The' quick brown' fox"
, ["The' quick brown'", "fox"])
, ( False
, (== '\'')
, (== '\'')
, id
, \x -> if x == '\'' then Just '\'' else Nothing
, "The' quick brown' fox"
, ["The quick brown", "fox"])
, ( True
, (== '[')
, (== '[')
, \x -> if x == '[' then ']' else error "Not an opening quote."
, \x -> if x == '[' then Just ']' else Nothing
, "The[ quick brown] fox"
, ["The[ quick brown]", "fox"])
, ( True
, (== '[')
, (== '[')
, \x -> if x == '[' then ']' else error "Not an opening quote."
, \x -> if x == '[' then Just ']' else Nothing
, "The[ qui[ck] brown] \\ f[ ox]"
, ["The[ qui[ck] brown]", " f[ ox]"])
, ( False
, (== '[')
, (== '[')
, \x -> if x == '[' then ']' else error "Not an opening quote."
, \x -> if x == '[' then Just ']' else Nothing
, "The[ qui[ck] brown] fox"
, ["The qui[ck] brown", "fox"])