merge nested and nested-unfold benchmarks with others

merge them with other serial stream benchmarks.
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2020-02-19 03:49:52 +05:30
parent 0b00efe4f6
commit 7ce2dc87ea
5 changed files with 90 additions and 144 deletions

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@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 Harendra Kumar
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Streamly.Benchmark.Common (parseCLIOpts)
import Streamly
import Gauge
import qualified NestedOps as Ops
benchIO :: (NFData b) => String -> (Int -> IO b) -> Benchmark
benchIO name f = bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= f
_benchId :: (NFData b) => String -> (Int -> Identity b) -> Benchmark
_benchId name f = bench name $ nf (\g -> runIdentity (g 1)) f
defaultStreamSize :: Int
defaultStreamSize = 100000
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- XXX Fix indentation
(linearCount, cfg, benches) <- parseCLIOpts defaultStreamSize
linearCount `seq` runMode (mode cfg) cfg benches
[ bgroup "serially"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp linearCount serially
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull linearCount serially
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 linearCount serially
-- , benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList linearCount serially
-- XXX takes too much stack space
, benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome linearCount serially
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut linearCount serially
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn linearCount serially
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome linearCount serially
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome linearCount serially
, bgroup "wSerially"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp linearCount wSerially
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull linearCount wSerially
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 linearCount wSerially
-- , benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList linearCount wSerially
, benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome linearCount wSerially
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut linearCount wSerially
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn linearCount wSerially
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome linearCount wSerially
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome linearCount wSerially
, bgroup "zipSerially"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp linearCount zipSerially

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-- |
-- Module : NestedUnfold
-- Copyright : (c) 2019 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Streamly.Benchmark.Common (parseCLIOpts)
import qualified NestedUnfoldOps as Ops
import Gauge
benchIO :: (NFData b) => String -> (Int -> IO b) -> Benchmark
benchIO name f = bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= f
defaultStreamSize :: Int
defaultStreamSize = 100000
main :: IO ()
main = do
(linearCount, cfg, benches) <- parseCLIOpts defaultStreamSize
linearCount `seq` runMode (mode cfg) cfg benches
[ bgroup "unfold"
[ benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull linearCount
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 linearCount
, benchIO "concat" $ Ops.concat linearCount
-- , benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList
, benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome linearCount
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut linearCount
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn linearCount
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome linearCount
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome linearCount

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@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as IFL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Prelude as IP
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe as Pipe
import qualified NestedOps as Nested
import qualified NestedUnfoldOps as NestedUnfold
import Gauge
import Streamly.Benchmark.Common
@ -70,6 +73,9 @@ benchIOSrc t name f =
benchPureSink :: NFData b => Int -> String -> (SerialT Identity Int -> b) -> Benchmark
benchPureSink value name f = benchPure name (Ops.sourceUnfoldr value) f
benchIO :: (NFData b) => String -> (Int -> IO b) -> Benchmark
benchIO name f = bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= f
@ -392,43 +398,76 @@ main = do
, benchIOSrc1 "concatMapWithAppend (2,x/2)"
(Ops.concatMapWithAppend 2 (value `div` 2))
, bgroup "concat-interleave"
, bgroup "outer-product-streams"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Nested.toNullAp value serially
, benchIO "toNull" $ Nested.toNull value serially
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Nested.toNull3 value serially
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Nested.filterAllOut value serially
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Nested.filterAllIn value serially
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Nested.filterSome value serially
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Nested.breakAfterSome value serially
, bgroup "outer-product-unfolds"
[ benchIO "toNull" $ NestedUnfold.toNull value
, benchIO "toNull3" $ NestedUnfold.toNull3 value
, benchIO "concat" $ NestedUnfold.concat value
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ NestedUnfold.filterAllOut value
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ NestedUnfold.filterAllIn value
, benchIO "filterSome" $ NestedUnfold.filterSome value
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ NestedUnfold.breakAfterSome value
-- scanl-map and foldl-map are equivalent to the scan and fold in the foldl
-- library. If scan/fold followed by a map is efficient enough we may not
-- need monolithic implementations of these.
, bgroup "mixed"
[ benchIOSink value "scanl-map" (Ops.scanMap 1)
, benchIOSink value "foldl-map" Ops.foldl'ReduceMap
, benchIOSink value "sum-product-fold" Ops.sumProductFold
, benchIOSink value "sum-product-scan" Ops.sumProductScan
, bgroup "mixedX4"
[ benchIOSink value "scan-map" (Ops.scanMap 4)
, benchIOSink value "drop-map" (Ops.dropMap 4)
, benchIOSink value "drop-scan" (Ops.dropScan 4)
, benchIOSink value "take-drop" (Ops.takeDrop value 4)
, benchIOSink value "take-scan" (Ops.takeScan value 4)
, benchIOSink value "take-map" (Ops.takeMap value 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-drop" (Ops.filterDrop value 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-take" (Ops.filterTake value 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-scan" (Ops.filterScan 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-scanl1" (Ops.filterScanl1 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-map" (Ops.filterMap value 4)
, bgroup "wSerially"
[ bgroup "transformation"
[ benchIOSink value "fmap" $ Ops.fmap' wSerially 1
, bgroup "concatMap"
[ benchIOSrc1 "concatMapWithWSerial (2,x/2)"
(Ops.concatMapWithWSerial 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc1 "concatMapWithWSerial (x/2,2)"
(Ops.concatMapWithWSerial (value `div` 2) 2)
-- scanl-map and foldl-map are equivalent to the scan and fold in the foldl
-- library. If scan/fold followed by a map is efficient enough we may not
-- need monolithic implementations of these.
, bgroup "mixed"
[ benchIOSink value "scanl-map" (Ops.scanMap 1)
, benchIOSink value "foldl-map" Ops.foldl'ReduceMap
, benchIOSink value "sum-product-fold" Ops.sumProductFold
, benchIOSink value "sum-product-scan" Ops.sumProductScan
, bgroup "mixedX4"
[ benchIOSink value "scan-map" (Ops.scanMap 4)
, benchIOSink value "drop-map" (Ops.dropMap 4)
, benchIOSink value "drop-scan" (Ops.dropScan 4)
, benchIOSink value "take-drop" (Ops.takeDrop value 4)
, benchIOSink value "take-scan" (Ops.takeScan value 4)
, benchIOSink value "take-map" (Ops.takeMap value 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-drop" (Ops.filterDrop value 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-take" (Ops.filterTake value 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-scan" (Ops.filterScan 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-scanl1" (Ops.filterScanl1 4)
, benchIOSink value "filter-map" (Ops.filterMap value 4)
, bgroup "wSerially"
[ bgroup "transformation"
[ benchIOSink value "fmap" $ Ops.fmap' wSerially 1
, bgroup "outer-product"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Nested.toNullAp value wSerially
, benchIO "toNull" $ Nested.toNull value wSerially
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Nested.toNull3 value wSerially
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Nested.filterAllOut value wSerially
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Nested.filterAllIn value wSerially
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Nested.filterSome value wSerially
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Nested.breakAfterSome value wSerially
, bgroup "zipSerially"
[ bgroup "transformation"
[ benchIOSink value "fmap" $ Ops.fmap' zipSerially 1
[ bgroup "transformation"
[ benchIOSink value "fmap" $ Ops.fmap' zipSerially 1
-- XXX needs fixing
, bgroup "outer-product"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Nested.toNullAp value zipSerially

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@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ import System.Random (randomRIO)
import qualified Streamly.Benchmark.Prelude as Ops
import qualified NestedOps as Nested
import qualified NestedUnfoldOps as NestedUnfold
import Streamly
import Gauge
import Streamly.Benchmark.Common
@ -49,6 +52,9 @@ benchPureSinkIO
benchPureSinkIO value name f =
bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1, 1) >>= f . Ops.sourceUnfoldr value
benchIO :: (NFData b) => String -> (Int -> IO b) -> Benchmark
benchIO name f = bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= f
-- Benchmarks
@ -72,6 +78,18 @@ main = do
-- , benchIOSink size "toPure" Ops.toPure
-- , benchIOSink size "toPureRev" Ops.toPureRev
, bgroup "outer-product-streams"
[ benchIO "toList" $ Nested.toList size serially
, benchIO "toListSome" $ Nested.toListSome size serially
, bgroup "outer-product-unfolds"
[ benchIO "toList" $ NestedUnfold.toList size
, benchIO "toListSome" $ NestedUnfold.toListSome size
, bgroup "outer-product-wserial"
[ benchIO "toList" $ Nested.toList size wSerially
, benchIO "toListSome" $ Nested.toListSome size wSerially
-- Buffering operations using heap proportional to number of elements.
, bgroup "traversable" -- < 2MB
[ -- Traversable instance

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@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ benchmark linear
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
ghc-options: -with-rtsopts "-T -K36K -M16M"
main-is: Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/O_1_Space.hs
other-modules: NestedOps, NestedUnfoldOps
benchmark serial-O-n-heap
import: bench-options
@ -184,20 +185,7 @@ benchmark serial-O-n-space
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
ghc-options: -with-rtsopts "-T -K16M -M64M"
main-is: Streamly/Benchmark/Prelude/Serial/O_n_Space.hs
benchmark nested
import: bench-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
ghc-options: -with-rtsopts "-T -K256K -M16M"
main-is: Nested.hs
other-modules: NestedOps
benchmark nested-unfold
import: bench-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
ghc-options: -with-rtsopts "-T -K64K -M16M"
main-is: NestedUnfold.hs
other-modules: NestedUnfoldOps
other-modules: NestedOps, NestedUnfoldOps
benchmark base
import: bench-options