Add a Buildable type class

So that we do not depend on the semigroup instance. Ideally, we do not
want a semigroup instance in streams as it is frought with performance
problems when left associated. Instead, we should use the builder to
compose streams.
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2020-09-25 21:06:44 +05:30
parent 5d6a889df7
commit 7d26934fa2
2 changed files with 52 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
module Main where
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Streamly.Prelude (SerialT, serially)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as Stream
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ appendListSourceR value n =
{-# INLINE appendListBuilderSourceR #-}
appendListBuilderSourceR :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
appendListBuilderSourceR value n =
Builder.use $ foldMap (Builder.bag . (: [])) [n..n+value]
Builder.use $ foldMap (Builder.add . (: [])) [n..n+value]
{-# INLINE consListBuilderSourceR #-}
consListBuilderSourceR :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ consStreamBuilderSourceR value n =
{-# INLINE appendStreamBuilderSourceR #-}
appendStreamBuilderSourceR :: Int -> Int -> SerialT m Int
appendStreamBuilderSourceR value n =
Builder.use $ foldMap (Builder.bag . Stream.yield) [n..n+value]
Builder.use $ foldMap (Builder.add . Stream.yield) [n..n+value]
o_1_space_appendR :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_appendR value =
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ appendListBuilderSourceL :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
appendListBuilderSourceL value n =
$ Prelude.foldl
(<>) mempty (map (Builder.bag . (: [])) [n..n+value])
(<>) mempty (map (Builder.add . (: [])) [n..n+value])
{-# INLINE appendListMonoidBuilderSourceL #-}
appendListMonoidBuilderSourceL :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ appendStreamBuilderSourceL value n =
$ Prelude.foldl
(map (Builder.bag . Stream.yield) [n..n+value])
(map (Builder.add . Stream.yield) [n..n+value])
{-# INLINE consStreamBuilderSourceL #-}
consStreamBuilderSourceL :: Int -> Int -> SerialT m Int
@ -140,15 +139,6 @@ streamConcatStreamBuilderSourceL value n =
(map ( . Stream.yield) [n..n+value])
{-# INLINE builderConcatStreamBuilderSourceL #-}
builderConcatStreamBuilderSourceL :: Int -> Int -> SerialT Identity Int
builderConcatStreamBuilderSourceL value n =
$ Prelude.foldl
(map ( . (Stream.yield :: Int -> SerialT Identity Int)) [n..n+value])
o_1_space_appendL :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_appendL value =
[ bgroup "appendL"
@ -186,9 +176,6 @@ o_1_space_appendL value =
"Stream.concat stream builders"
(streamConcatStreamBuilderSourceL value)
, benchPureSrc
"Builder.concat stream builders"
(builderConcatStreamBuilderSourceL value)

View File

@ -96,10 +96,10 @@
-- >>> use b2 -- [Char]
-- "hello world!"
-- == Using 'mk', 'bag' and ('<>')
-- == Using 'mk', 'add' and ('<>')
-- >>> b1 = mk 'h' <> bag "ello" -- Builder [] Char
-- >>> b2 = b1 <> bag " world" <> mk '!' -- Builder [] Char
-- >>> b1 = mk 'h' <> add "ello" -- Builder [] Char
-- >>> b2 = b1 <> add " world" <> mk '!' -- Builder [] Char
-- >>> use b2 -- [Char]
-- "hello world!"
@ -111,21 +111,23 @@
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Builder
( Builder (..)
, Buildable (..)
-- * Construction
, mk
, bag
-- * Elimination
, use
-- * Experimental
, nil
, cons
, snoc
, (<+)
, (+>)
, bcons
, bsnoc
, (<++)
, (++>)
-- * Experimental
-- ** Generation
-- | Experimental. In general, we can generate a structure and lift it into
-- a builder. For lists there is no perf difference in wrapping lists in a
@ -135,24 +137,18 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Builder
, unfoldr -- experimental, use builder
, append -- use (<>)
, bcons
, bsnoc
, (<++)
, (++>)
-- ** Conversion
, fromFoldable -- experimental, use foldMap mk
-- ** Elimination
, final
, concat -- this is of limited use perhaps
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Consable (Consable)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Consable as Consable
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Serial (SerialT)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamK as Serial
import Prelude hiding (concat)
@ -162,19 +158,28 @@ import Prelude hiding (concat)
-- generalized to a 'Consable'. This is fully associative builder.
newtype Builder t a = Builder (t a -> t a)
class Buildable t where
-- | Make a builder from a single element.
mk :: a -> Builder t a
-- | Make a builder from a container.
add :: t a -> Builder t a
-- | Use the builder as the underlying container type.
use :: Builder t a -> t a
instance Buildable [] where
mk = Builder . (:)
add = Builder . (++)
use (Builder k) = k []
instance Buildable (SerialT m) where
mk = Builder . (Serial.cons)
add = Builder . (Serial.serial)
use (Builder k) = k Serial.nil
-- Construction
-- | Lift a single element to a builder.
-- For streams this is 2x faster than using 'build' with singleton streams.
-- /Internal/
mk :: Consable t => a -> Builder t a
mk = Builder . Consable.cons
-- | Append two builders sequentially, the left or right associativity of the
-- expression does not matter, @(a `append` b) `append` c@ has the same
-- performance characterstics as @a `append` (b `append` c)@.
@ -220,7 +225,7 @@ infixr 5 `cons`
-- /Internal/
cons :: Consable t => a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
cons :: Buildable t => a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
cons a b = mk a <> b
infixr 5 <+
@ -229,7 +234,7 @@ infixr 5 <+
-- /Internal/
(<+) :: Consable t => a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
(<+) :: Buildable t => a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
(<+) = cons
@ -239,40 +244,31 @@ infixr 5 <+
-- /Internal/
snoc :: Consable t => Builder t a -> a -> Builder t a
snoc :: Buildable t => Builder t a -> a -> Builder t a
snoc b a = b <> mk a
-- | Same as 'snoc'. Left associvative.
-- /Internal/
(+>) :: Consable t => Builder t a -> a -> Builder t a
(+>) :: Buildable t => Builder t a -> a -> Builder t a
(+>) = snoc
-- Semigroup operations
-- | Lift a 'Semigroup' capable container to a builder.
-- > bag = Builder . (<>)
-- /Internal/
bag :: Semigroup (t a) => t a -> Builder t a
bag = Builder . (<>)
infixr 5 `bcons`
-- | Extend a builder by prepending a structure at the beginning. Right
-- associvative when used infix.
-- > bcons xs b = bag xs <> b
-- > bcons xs b = add xs <> b
-- /Internal/
bcons :: Semigroup (t a) => t a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
bcons xs b = bag xs <> b
bcons :: Buildable t => t a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
bcons xs b = add xs <> b
infixr 5 <++
@ -280,24 +276,24 @@ infixr 5 <++
-- /Internal/
(<++) :: Semigroup (t a) => t a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
(<++) :: Buildable t => t a -> Builder t a -> Builder t a
(<++) = bcons
-- | Extend a builder by appending a structure at the end. Left associative
-- when used infix.
-- > bsnoc b xs = b <> bag xs
-- > bsnoc b xs = b <> add xs
-- /Internal/
bsnoc :: Semigroup (t a) => Builder t a -> t a -> Builder t a
bsnoc b xs = b <> bag xs
bsnoc :: Buildable t => Builder t a -> t a -> Builder t a
bsnoc b xs = b <> add xs
-- | Same as 'bsnoc'. Left associative.
-- /Internal/
(++>) :: Semigroup (t a) => Builder t a -> t a -> Builder t a
(++>) :: Buildable t => Builder t a -> t a -> Builder t a
(++>) = bsnoc
@ -313,11 +309,11 @@ bsnoc b xs = b <> bag xs
-- /Internal/
unfoldr :: Consable t => (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> Builder t a
unfoldr :: Buildable t => (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> Builder t a
unfoldr step b =
case step b of
Nothing -> nil
Just (a, b1) -> a `cons` unfoldr step b1
Just (a, b1) -> mk a <> unfoldr step b1
-- Conversion
@ -329,21 +325,13 @@ unfoldr step b =
-- /Internal/
fromFoldable :: (Foldable t1, Consable t2) => t1 a -> Builder t2 a
fromFoldable :: (Foldable t1, Buildable t2) => t1 a -> Builder t2 a
fromFoldable = foldMap mk
-- Elimination
-- | Close the builder and extract the container.
-- /Internal/
{-# INLINE use #-}
use :: Consable t => Builder t a -> t a
use (Builder k) = k Consable.nil
-- | Close a builder by appending a final container to it.
-- This is experimental. We can always 'extendR' and 'use instead.
@ -354,18 +342,11 @@ use (Builder k) = k Consable.nil
final :: Builder t a -> t a -> t a
final (Builder k) = k
-- | Flatten a builder building a container of containers.
-- /Internal/
concat :: (Consable t1, Foldable t1, Foldable t2) => Builder t1 (t2 a) -> t1 a
concat = foldr (\x y -> foldr Consable.cons y x) Consable.nil . use
-- XXX creates an intermediate structure, can it be fused?
-- The foldable instance essentially realizes the builder to underlying
-- container and folds it. For simplicity, it is perhaps better to perform
-- operations on the container explicitly rather doing it on the builder.
instance (Consable t, Foldable t) => Foldable (Builder t) where
instance (Buildable t, Foldable t) => Foldable (Builder t) where
foldMap f = foldMap f . use