Add Skip constructor to the core Stream type to enhance stream fusion

Introduce the skip constructor and fix the simpler warnings with some slight refactorings.

Add alternate definitions of filtering operations.

Revert `all` to the original definition

1. Implement the fromStreamK and zipWithM methods
2. Uncomment the linear benchmarks

Cleanup and add some stylistic changes

Add alternate implementation of drop function
This commit is contained in:
Abhiroop Sarkar 2018-10-27 10:32:06 +05:30
parent c7666a7caa
commit 81cf15b9f6

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@ -136,11 +136,12 @@ import qualified Streamly.Streams.StreamK as K
-- | A stream is a succession of 'Step's. A 'Yield' produces a single value and
-- the next state of the stream. 'Stop' indicates there are no more values in
-- the stream.
data Step s a = Yield a s | Stop
data Step s a = Yield a s | Skip s | Stop
instance Functor (Step s) where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f (Yield x s) = Yield (f x) s
fmap _ (Skip s) = Skip s
fmap _ Stop = Stop
-- gst = global state
@ -166,9 +167,11 @@ cons x (Stream step state) = Stream step1 Nothing
step1 _ Nothing = return $ Yield x (Just state)
step1 gst (Just st) = do
r <- step (rstState gst) st
case r of
Yield a s -> return $ Yield a (Just s)
Stop -> return Stop
return $
case r of
Yield a s -> Yield a (Just s)
Skip s -> Skip (Just s)
Stop -> Stop
-- Deconstruction
@ -181,9 +184,10 @@ uncons (Stream step state) = go state
go st = do
r <- step defState st
return $ case r of
Yield x s -> Just (x, Stream step s)
Stop -> Nothing
case r of
Yield x s -> return $ Just (x, Stream step s)
Skip s -> go s
Stop -> return Nothing
-- Generation by unfold
@ -284,6 +288,7 @@ foldrM f z (Stream step state) = go SPEC state
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s -> go SPEC s >>= f x
Skip s -> go SPEC s
Stop -> return z
{-# INLINE_NORMAL foldr #-}
@ -300,7 +305,8 @@ foldlM' fstep begin (Stream step state) = go SPEC begin state
Yield x s -> do
acc' <- fstep acc x
go SPEC acc' s
Stop -> return acc
Skip s -> go SPEC acc s
Stop -> return acc
{-# INLINE foldl' #-}
foldl' :: Monad m => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream m a -> m b
@ -319,6 +325,7 @@ runStream (Stream step state) = go SPEC state
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield _ s -> go SPEC s
Skip s -> go SPEC s
Stop -> return ()
{-# INLINE_NORMAL null #-}
@ -329,7 +336,8 @@ null (Stream step state) = go state
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield _ _ -> return False
Stop -> return True
Skip s -> go s
Stop -> return True
{-# INLINE_NORMAL head #-}
@ -340,7 +348,8 @@ head (Stream step state) = go state
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x _ -> return (Just x)
Stop -> return Nothing
Skip s -> go s
Stop -> return Nothing
-- Does not fuse, has the same performance as the StreamK version.
{-# INLINE_NORMAL tail #-}
@ -351,7 +360,8 @@ tail (Stream step state) = go state
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield _ s -> return (Just $ Stream step s)
Stop -> return Nothing
Skip s -> go s
Stop -> return Nothing
-- XXX will it fuse? need custom impl?
{-# INLINE_NORMAL last #-}
@ -365,24 +375,15 @@ elem e (Stream step state) = go state
go st = do
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s ->
if x == e
then return True
else go s
Stop -> return False
Yield x s
| x == e -> return True
| otherwise -> go s
Skip s -> go s
Stop -> return False
{-# INLINE_NORMAL notElem #-}
notElem :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> Stream m a -> m Bool
notElem e (Stream step state) = go state
go st = do
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s ->
if x == e
then return False
else go s
Stop -> return True
notElem e s = fmap not (elem e s)
{-# INLINE_NORMAL all #-}
all :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> m Bool
@ -391,11 +392,11 @@ all p (Stream step state) = go state
go st = do
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s ->
if p x
then go s
else return False
Stop -> return True
Yield x s
| p x -> go s
| otherwise -> return False
Skip s -> go s
Stop -> return True
{-# INLINE_NORMAL any #-}
any :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> m Bool
@ -404,11 +405,11 @@ any p (Stream step state) = go state
go st = do
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s ->
if p x
then return True
else go s
Stop -> return False
Yield x s
| p x -> return True
| otherwise -> go s
Skip s -> go s
Stop -> return False
{-# INLINE_NORMAL maximum #-}
maximum :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Stream m a -> m (Maybe a)
@ -418,15 +419,16 @@ maximum (Stream step state) = go Nothing state
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s -> go (Just x) s
Stop -> return Nothing
Skip s -> go Nothing s
Stop -> return Nothing
go (Just acc) st = do
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s ->
if acc <= x
then go (Just x) s
else go (Just acc) s
Stop -> return (Just acc)
Yield x s
| acc <= x -> go (Just x) s
| otherwise -> go (Just acc) s
Skip s -> go (Just acc) s
Stop -> return (Just acc)
{-# INLINE_NORMAL minimum #-}
minimum :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Stream m a -> m (Maybe a)
@ -436,15 +438,16 @@ minimum (Stream step state) = go Nothing state
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s -> go (Just x) s
Stop -> return Nothing
Skip s -> go Nothing s
Stop -> return Nothing
go (Just acc) st = do
r <- step defState st
case r of
Yield x s ->
if acc <= x
then go (Just acc) s
else go (Just x) s
Stop -> return (Just acc)
Yield x s
| acc <= x -> go (Just acc) s
| otherwise -> go (Just x) s
Skip s -> go (Just acc) s
Stop -> return (Just acc)
-- Map and Fold
@ -468,10 +471,11 @@ toList = foldr (:) []
toStreamK :: Monad m => Stream m a -> K.Stream m a
toStreamK (Stream step state) = go state
go st = K.Stream $ \gst stp _ yld -> do
go st = K.Stream $ \gst stp sng yld -> do
r <- step gst st
case r of
Yield x s -> yld x (go s)
Skip s -> K.unStream (go s) gst stp sng yld
Stop -> stp
@ -497,7 +501,8 @@ postscanlM' fstep begin (Stream step state) =
Yield x s -> do
y <- fstep acc x
y `seq` return (Yield y (s, y))
Stop -> return Stop
Skip s -> return $ Skip (s, acc)
Stop -> return Stop
{-# INLINE_LATE scanlM' #-}
scanlM' :: Monad m => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
@ -520,6 +525,7 @@ take n (Stream step state) = n `seq` Stream step' (state, 0)
r <- step (rstState gst) st
return $ case r of
Yield x s -> Yield x (s, i + 1)
Skip s -> Skip (s, i)
Stop -> Stop
step' _ (_, _) = return Stop
@ -534,7 +540,8 @@ takeWhileM f (Stream step state) = Stream step' state
Yield x s -> do
b <- f x
return $ if b then Yield x s else Stop
Stop -> return Stop
Skip s -> return $ Skip s
Stop -> return Stop
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
@ -542,15 +549,26 @@ takeWhile f = takeWhileM (return . f)
{-# INLINE_NORMAL drop #-}
drop :: Monad m => Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
drop n (Stream step state) = Stream step' (state, n)
drop n (Stream step state) = Stream step' (state, Just n)
{-# INLINE_LATE step' #-}
step' gst (st, i) = do
r <- step (rstState gst) st
step' gst (st, Just i)
| i > 0 = do
r <- step (rstState gst) st
return $
case r of
Yield _ s -> Skip (s, Just (i - 1))
Skip s -> Skip (s, Just i)
Stop -> Stop
| otherwise = return $ Skip (st, Nothing)
step' gst (st, Nothing) = do
r <- step (rstState gst) st
return $
case r of
Yield _ s | i > 0 -> step' gst (s, i - 1)
Yield x s -> return $ Yield x (s, 0)
Stop -> return Stop
Yield x s -> Yield x (s, Nothing)
Skip s -> Skip (s, Nothing)
Stop -> Stop
data DropWhileState s a
= DropWhileDrop s
@ -568,14 +586,16 @@ dropWhileM f (Stream step state) = Stream step' (DropWhileDrop state)
Yield x s -> do
b <- f x
if b
then step' gst (DropWhileDrop s)
else step' gst (DropWhileYield x s)
then return $ Skip (DropWhileDrop s)
else return $ Skip (DropWhileYield x s)
Skip s -> return $ Skip (DropWhileDrop s)
Stop -> return Stop
step' gst (DropWhileNext st) = do
r <- step (rstState gst) st
case r of
Yield x s -> step' gst (DropWhileYield x s)
Yield x s -> return $ Skip (DropWhileYield x s)
Skip s -> return $ Skip (DropWhileNext s)
Stop -> return Stop
step' _ (DropWhileYield x st) = return $ Yield x (DropWhileNext st)
@ -594,10 +614,11 @@ filterM f (Stream step state) = Stream step' state
case r of
Yield x s -> do
b <- f x
if b
then return $ Yield x s
else step' gst s
Stop -> return Stop
return $ if b
then Yield x s
else Skip s
Skip s -> return $ Skip s
Stop -> return Stop
{-# INLINE filter #-}
filter :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
@ -617,6 +638,7 @@ mapM f (Stream step state) = Stream step' state
r <- step (rstState gst) st
case r of
Yield x s -> f x >>= \a -> return $ Yield a s
Skip s -> return $ Skip s
Stop -> return Stop
{-# INLINE map #-}
@ -648,9 +670,11 @@ zipWithM f (Stream stepa ta) (Stream stepb tb) = Stream step (ta, tb, Nothing)
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
step gst (sa, sb, Nothing) = do
r <- stepa (rstState gst) sa
case r of
Yield x sa' -> step gst (sa', sb, Just x)
Stop -> return Stop
return $
case r of
Yield x sa' -> Skip (sa', sb, Just x)
Skip sa' -> Skip (sa', sb, Nothing)
Stop -> Stop
step gst (sa, sb, Just x) = do
r <- stepb (rstState gst) sb
@ -658,7 +682,8 @@ zipWithM f (Stream stepa ta) (Stream stepb tb) = Stream step (ta, tb, Nothing)
Yield y sb' -> do
z <- f x y
return $ Yield z (sa, sb', Nothing)
Stop -> return Stop
Skip sb' -> return $ Skip (sa, sb', Just x)
Stop -> return Stop
{-# RULES "zipWithM xs xs"
forall f xs. zipWithM f xs xs = mapM (\x -> f x x) xs #-}