Implement some undefined functions in Fold module

Implement Some undefined in Internal.Data.Fold module

Add test cases for newly added functions

Add bench marks for newly added Data.Fold functions
This commit is contained in:
Ranjeet Kumar Ranjan 2021-04-05 20:25:57 +05:30 committed by Harendra Kumar
parent 9b8398668a
commit 878d734dd7
5 changed files with 584 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ splitAllAny value =
(FL.any (> value))
{-# INLINE shortest #-}
shortest :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Either Int Int)
shortest = IP.fold (FL.shortest FL.sum FL.length)
{-# INLINE longest #-}
longest :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Either Int Int)
longest = IP.fold (FL.longest FL.sum FL.length)
{-# INLINE split_ #-}
split_ :: Monad m
@ -127,6 +135,14 @@ teeAllAny value = IP.fold (FL.teeWith (,) all_ any_)
all_ = FL.all (<= value)
any_ = FL.any (> value)
{-# INLINE teeWithFst #-}
teeWithFst :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Int, Int)
teeWithFst = IP.fold (FL.teeWithFst (,) FL.sum FL.length)
{-# INLINE teeWithMin #-}
teeWithMin :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Int, Int)
teeWithMin = IP.fold (FL.teeWithMin (,) FL.sum FL.length)
{-# INLINE distribute #-}
distribute :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m [Int]
distribute = IP.fold (FL.distribute [FL.sum, FL.length])
@ -144,6 +160,18 @@ partition =
else Right a
in IP.fold $ FL.lmap f (FL.partition FL.sum FL.length)
{-# INLINE partitionByFstM #-}
partitionByFstM :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Int, Int)
partitionByFstM = do
let f x = if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
IP.fold (FL.partitionByFstM f FL.length FL.length)
{-# INLINE partitionByMinM #-}
partitionByMinM :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Int, Int)
partitionByMinM = do
let f x = if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
IP.fold (FL.partitionByMinM f FL.length FL.length)
{-# INLINE demuxWith #-}
demuxWith ::
(Monad m, Ord k)
@ -175,6 +203,18 @@ classifyWith f = S.fold (FL.classifyWith f FL.sum)
unzip :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Int, Int)
unzip = IP.fold $ FL.lmap (\a -> (a, a)) (FL.unzip FL.sum FL.length)
{-# INLINE unzipWithFstM #-}
unzipWithFstM :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Int, Int)
unzipWithFstM = do
let f = \a -> return (a+1, a)
IP.fold (FL.unzipWithFstM f FL.sum FL.length)
{-# INLINE unzipWithMinM #-}
unzipWithMinM :: Monad m => SerialT m Int -> m (Int, Int)
unzipWithMinM = do
let f = \a -> return (a+1, a)
IP.fold (FL.unzipWithMinM f FL.sum FL.length)
-- Benchmarks
@ -278,10 +318,18 @@ o_1_space_serial_composition value =
[ benchIOSink value "serialWith (all, any)" $ splitAllAny value
, benchIOSink value "tee (all, any)" $ teeAllAny value
, benchIOSink value "many drain (take 1)" many
, benchIOSink value "shortest (sum, length)" shortest
, benchIOSink value "longest (sum, length)" longest
, benchIOSink value "tee (sum, length)" teeSumLength
, benchIOSink value "teeWithFst (sum, length)" teeWithFst
, benchIOSink value "teeWithMin (sum, length)" teeWithMin
, benchIOSink value "distribute [sum, length]" distribute
, benchIOSink value "partition (sum, length)" partition
, benchIOSink value "partitionByFstM (length, length)" partitionByFstM
, benchIOSink value "partitionByMinM (length, length)" partitionByMinM
, benchIOSink value "unzip (sum, length)" unzip
, benchIOSink value "unzipWithFstM (sum, length)" unzipWithFstM
, benchIOSink value "unzipWithMinM (sum, length)" unzipWithMinM
, benchIOSink value "demuxDefaultWith [sum, length] sum"
$ demuxDefaultWith fn mp
, benchIOSink value "demuxWith [sum, length]" $ demuxWith fn mp

View File

@ -241,6 +241,8 @@ module Streamly.Data.Fold
-- "Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Tee".
, teeWith
--, teeWithFst
--, teeWithMin
, tee
, distribute
@ -249,6 +251,10 @@ module Streamly.Data.Fold
-- fold selector.
, partition
--, partitionByM
--, partitionByFstM
--, partitionByMinM
--, partitionBy
-- ** Unzipping
, unzip

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@ -1225,21 +1225,111 @@ partitionByM f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
-- | Similar to 'partitionByM' but terminates when the first fold terminates.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE partitionByFstM #-}
partitionByFstM :: -- Monad m =>
(a -> m (Either b c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x, y)
partitionByFstM = undefined
partitionByFstM :: Monad m
=> (a -> m (Either b c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x, y)
partitionByFstM f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
case resL of
Partial sL -> return $
case resR of
Partial sR -> Partial $ RunFstBoth sL sR
Done bR -> Partial $ RunFstLeft sL bR
Done bL -> do
case resR of
Partial sR -> do
bR <- doneR sR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bR -> return $ Done (bL, bR)
step (RunFstBoth sL sR) a = do
r <- f a
case r of
Left b -> do
res <- stepL sL b
case res of
Partial sres -> return $ Partial $ RunFstBoth sres sR
Done bL -> do
bR <- doneR sR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Right c -> do
res <- stepR sR c
$ Partial
$ case res of
Partial sres -> RunFstBoth sL sres
Done bres -> RunFstLeft sL bres
step (RunFstLeft sL bR) a = do
r <- f a
case r of
Left b -> do
res <- stepL sL b
$ case res of
Partial sres -> Partial $ RunFstLeft sres bR
Done bres -> Done (bres, bR)
Right _ -> return $ Partial $ RunFstLeft sL bR
done (RunFstBoth sL sR) = (,) <$> doneL sL <*> doneR sR
done (RunFstLeft sL bR) = (,bR) <$> doneL sL
-- | Similar to 'partitionByM' but terminates when any fold terminates.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE partitionByMinM #-}
partitionByMinM :: -- Monad m =>
(a -> m (Either b c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x, y)
partitionByMinM = undefined
partitionByMinM :: Monad m =>
(a -> m (Either b c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x, y)
partitionByMinM f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
case resL of
Partial sL ->
case resR of
Partial sR -> return $ Partial $ Tuple' sL sR
Done bR -> do
bL <- doneL sL
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bL -> do
case resR of
Partial sR -> do
bR <- doneR sR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bR -> return $ Done (bL, bR)
step (Tuple' sL sR) a = do
r <- f a
case r of
Left b -> do
res <- stepL sL b
case res of
Partial sres -> return $ Partial $ Tuple' sres sR
Done bL -> do
bR <- doneR sR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Right c -> do
res <- stepR sR c
case res of
Partial sres -> return $ Partial $ Tuple' sL sres
Done bR -> do
bL <- doneL sL
return $ Done (bL, bR)
done (Tuple' sL sR) = (,) <$> doneL sL <*> doneR sR
-- Note: we could use (a -> Bool) instead of (a -> Either b c), but the latter
-- makes the signature clearer as to which case belongs to which fold.
@ -1625,21 +1715,105 @@ unzipWithM f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
-- | Similar to 'unzipWithM' but terminates when the first fold terminates.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE unzipWithFstM #-}
unzipWithFstM :: -- Monad m =>
(a -> m (b,c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x,y)
unzipWithFstM = undefined
unzipWithFstM :: Monad m =>
(a -> m (b, c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x, y)
unzipWithFstM f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
case resL of
Partial sL -> return $ Partial $
case resR of
Partial sR -> RunFstBoth sL sR
Done bR -> RunFstLeft sL bR
Done bL -> do
case resR of
Partial sR -> do
bR <- doneR sR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bR -> return $ Done (bL, bR)
step (RunFstBoth sL sR) a = do
(b, c) <- f a
resL <- stepL sL b
resR <- stepR sR c
case resL of
Partial sresL -> return $ Partial $
case resR of
Partial sresR -> RunFstBoth sresL sresR
Done bresR -> RunFstLeft sresL bresR
Done bL -> do
case resR of
Partial sresR -> do
bR <- doneR sresR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bR -> return $ Done (bL, bR)
step (RunFstLeft sL bR) a = do
(b, _) <- f a
resL <- stepL sL b
$ case resL of
Partial sresL -> Partial $ RunFstLeft sresL bR
Done bresL -> Done (bresL, bR)
done (RunFstBoth sL sR) = (,) <$> doneL sL <*> doneR sR
done (RunFstLeft sL bR) = (,bR) <$> doneL sL
-- | Similar to 'unzipWithM' but terminates when any fold terminates.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE unzipWithMinM #-}
unzipWithMinM :: -- Monad m =>
(a -> m (b,c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x,y)
unzipWithMinM = undefined
unzipWithMinM :: Monad m =>
(a -> m (b,c)) -> Fold m b x -> Fold m c y -> Fold m a (x,y)
unzipWithMinM f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
case resL of
Partial sL ->
case resR of
Partial sR -> return $ Partial $ Tuple' sL sR
Done bR -> do
bL <- doneL sL
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bL -> do
case resR of
Partial sR -> do
bR <- doneR sR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bR -> return $ Done (bL, bR)
step (Tuple' sL sR) a = do
(b, c) <- f a
resL <- stepL sL b
resR <- stepR sR c
case resL of
Partial sresL ->
case resR of
Partial sresR -> return $ Partial $ Tuple' sresL sresR
Done bR -> do
bL <- doneL sL
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bL -> do
case resR of
Partial sresR -> do
bR <- doneR sresR
return $ Done (bL, bR)
Done bR -> return $ Done (bL, bR)
done (Tuple' sL sR) = (,) <$> doneL sL <*> doneR sR
-- | Split elements in the input stream into two parts using a pure splitter
-- function, direct each part to a different fold and zip the results.

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@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Type
-- ** Parallel Distribution
, GenericRunner(..)
, FstRunner(..)
, teeWith
, teeWithFst
, teeWithMin
@ -708,12 +709,44 @@ serialWith func (Fold stepL initialL extractL) (Fold stepR initialR extractR) =
-- | Same as applicative '*>'. Run two folds serially one after the other
-- discarding the result of the first.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE serial_ #-}
serial_ :: -- Monad m =>
serial_ :: Monad m =>
Fold m x a -> Fold m x b -> Fold m x b
serial_ _f1 _f2 = undefined
serial_ (Fold stepL initialL _) (Fold stepR initialR extractR) =
Fold step initial extract
func _ b = b
initial = do
resL <- initialL
case resL of
Partial sl -> return $ Partial $ SeqFoldL sl
Done bl -> do
resR <- initialR
return $ first (SeqFoldR (func bl)) resR
step (SeqFoldL st) a = do
r <- stepL st a
case r of
Partial s -> return $ Partial (SeqFoldL s)
Done b -> do
res <- initialR
return $ first (SeqFoldR (func b)) res
step (SeqFoldR f st) a = do
r <- stepR st a
return $
case r of
Partial s -> Partial (SeqFoldR f s)
Done b -> Done b
extract (SeqFoldR _ sR) = extractR sR
extract (SeqFoldL _) = do
res <- initialR
case res of
Partial sR -> extractR sR
Done rR -> return rR
{-# ANN type GenericRunner Fuse #-}
data GenericRunner sL sR bL bR
@ -721,6 +754,11 @@ data GenericRunner sL sR bL bR
| RunLeft !sL !bR
| RunRight !bL !sR
{-# ANN type FstRunner Fuse #-}
data FstRunner sL sR b
= RunFstBoth !sL !sR
| RunFstLeft !sL !b
-- | @teeWith k f1 f2@ distributes its input to both @f1@ and @f2@ until both
-- of them terminate and combines their output using @k@.
@ -797,42 +835,223 @@ teeWith f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
-- | Like 'teeWith' but terminates as soon as the first fold terminates.
-- /Unimplemented/
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE teeWithFst #-}
teeWithFst :: (b -> c -> d) -> Fold m a b -> Fold m a c -> Fold m a d
teeWithFst = undefined
teeWithFst :: Monad m => (b -> c -> d) -> Fold m a b -> Fold m a c -> Fold m a d
teeWithFst f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
case resL of
Partial sl ->
return $ Partial $
case resR of
Partial sr -> RunFstBoth sl sr
Done br -> RunFstLeft sl br
Done bl -> do
case resR of
Partial sr -> do
br <- doneR sr
return $ Done $ f bl br
Done br -> return $ Done $ f bl br
step (RunFstBoth sL sR) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
resR <- stepR sR a
case resL of
Partial sL1 ->
$ Partial
$ case resR of
Partial sR1 -> RunFstBoth sL1 sR1
Done bR -> RunFstLeft sL1 bR
Done bL ->
case resR of
Partial sR1 -> do
br <- doneR sR1
return $ Done $ f bL br
Done bR -> return $ Done $ f bL bR
step (RunFstLeft sL bR) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
$ case resL of
Partial sL1 -> Partial $ RunFstLeft sL1 bR
Done bL -> Done $ f bL bR
done (RunFstBoth sL sR) = do
bL <- doneL sL
bR <- doneR sR
return $ f bL bR
done (RunFstLeft sL bR) = do
bL <- doneL sL
return $ f bL bR
-- | Like 'teeWith' but terminates as soon as any one of the two folds
-- terminates.
-- /Unimplemented/
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE teeWithMin #-}
teeWithMin :: (b -> c -> d) -> Fold m a b -> Fold m a c -> Fold m a d
teeWithMin = undefined
teeWithMin :: Monad m => (b -> c -> d) -> Fold m a b -> Fold m a c -> Fold m a d
teeWithMin f (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
case resL of
Partial sL1 -> do
case resR of
Partial sR1 -> return $ Partial $ Tuple' sL1 sR1
Done br -> do
bl <- doneL sL1
return $ Done $ f bl br
Done bl -> do
case resR of
Partial sr -> do
br <- doneR sr
return $ Done $ f bl br
Done br -> return $ Done $ f bl br
step (Tuple' sL sR) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
resR <- stepR sR a
case resL of
Partial sL1 ->
case resR of
Partial sR1 -> return $ Partial $ Tuple' sL1 sR1
Done bR -> do
bL <- doneL sL1
return $ Done $ f bL bR
Done bL ->
case resR of
Partial sR1 -> do
br <- doneR sR1
return $ Done $ f bL br
Done bR -> return $ Done $ f bL bR
done (Tuple' sL sR) = do
bL <- doneL sL
bR <- doneR sR
return $ f bL bR
-- | Shortest alternative. Apply both folds in parallel but choose the result
-- from the one which consumed least input i.e. take the shortest succeeding
-- fold.
-- /Unimplemented/
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE shortest #-}
shortest :: -- Monad m =>
Fold m x a -> Fold m x a -> Fold m x a
shortest _f1 _f2 = undefined
shortest :: Monad m => Fold m x a -> Fold m x b -> Fold m x (Either a b)
shortest (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR _) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
return $
case resL of
Partial sL ->
case resR of
Partial sR -> Partial $ Tuple' sL sR
Done bR -> Done $ Right bR
Done bL -> Done $ Left bL
step (Tuple' sL sR) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
resR <- stepR sR a
return $
case resL of
Partial sL1 ->
case resR of
Partial sR1 -> Partial $ Tuple' sL1 sR1
Done bR -> Done $ Right bR
Done bL -> Done $ Left bL
done (Tuple' sL _) = do
x <- doneL sL
return $ Left x
{-# ANN type LongestRunner Fuse #-}
data LongestRunner sL sR bL bR
= LongestRunBoth !sL !sR
| LongestRunLeft !sL !bR
| LongestRunRight !bL !sR
-- | Longest alternative. Apply both folds in parallel but choose the result
-- from the one which consumed more input i.e. take the longest succeeding
-- fold.
-- /Unimplemented/
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE longest #-}
longest :: -- Monad m =>
Fold m x a -> Fold m x a -> Fold m x a
longest _f1 _f2 = undefined
longest :: Monad m => Fold m x a -> Fold m x b -> Fold m x (Either a b)
longest (Fold stepL beginL doneL) (Fold stepR beginR doneR) =
Fold step begin done
begin = do
resL <- beginL
resR <- beginR
return $
case resL of
Partial sL ->
Partial $
case resR of
Partial sR -> LongestRunBoth sL sR
Done bR -> LongestRunLeft sL bR
Done bL ->
case resR of
Partial sR -> Partial $ LongestRunRight bL sR
Done bR -> Done $ Right bR
step (LongestRunBoth sL sR) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
resR <- stepR sR a
case resL of
Partial sL1 ->
$ Partial
$ case resR of
Partial sR1 -> LongestRunBoth sL1 sR1
Done bR -> LongestRunLeft sL1 bR
Done bL ->
$ case resR of
Partial sR1 -> Partial $ LongestRunRight bL sR1
Done bR -> Done $ Right bR
step (LongestRunLeft sL bR) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
return $
case resL of
Partial sL1 -> Partial $ LongestRunLeft sL1 bR
Done bL -> Done $ Left bL
step (LongestRunRight bL sR) a = do
resR <- stepR sR a
$ case resR of
Partial sR1 -> Partial $ LongestRunRight bL sR1
Done bR -> Done $ Right bR
done (LongestRunLeft sL _) = Left <$> doneL sL
done (LongestRunRight _ sR) = Right <$> doneR sR
done (LongestRunBoth sL _) = Left <$> doneL sL
data ConcatMapState m sa a c
= B !sa

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@ -377,6 +377,101 @@ teeWithLength =
v3 = Prelude.length ls
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithFstLength :: Property
teeWithFstLength =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ S.fold (F.teeWithFst (,) (FL.take 5 FL.sum) FL.length) $ S.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum (Prelude.take 5 ls)
v3 = Prelude.length (Prelude.take 5 ls)
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByM :: Property
partitionByM =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
let f = \x -> if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <- run $ S.fold (F.partitionByM f FL.length FL.length) $ S.fromList ls
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ls
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ls
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByFstM :: Property
partitionByFstM =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action _ = do
let f = \x -> if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <- run $ S.fold (F.partitionByFstM f (FL.take 25 FL.length) FL.length) (S.fromList ([1..100]:: [Int]))
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByMinM1 :: Property
partitionByMinM1 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action _ = do
let f = \x -> if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <- run $ S.fold (F.partitionByMinM f FL.length (FL.take 25 FL.length)) (S.fromList ([1..100]:: [Int]))
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..50] :: [Int])
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..50] :: [Int])
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
partitionByMinM2 :: Property
partitionByMinM2 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action _ = do
let f = \x -> if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <- run $ S.fold (F.partitionByMinM f (FL.take 25 FL.length) FL.length) (S.fromList ([1..100]:: [Int]))
let v2 = foldl (\b a -> if odd a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
v3 = foldl (\b a -> if even a then b+1 else b) 0 ([1..49] :: [Int])
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithMinLength1 :: Property
teeWithMinLength1 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ S.fold (F.teeWithMin (,) (FL.take 5 FL.sum) FL.length) $ S.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum (Prelude.take 5 ls)
v3 = Prelude.length (Prelude.take 5 ls)
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithMinLength2 :: Property
teeWithMinLength2 =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
v1 <- run $ S.fold (F.teeWithMin (,) FL.sum (FL.take 5 FL.length)) $ S.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.sum (Prelude.take 5 ls)
v3 = Prelude.length (Prelude.take 5 ls)
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
teeWithMax :: Property
teeWithMax =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
@ -451,23 +546,6 @@ headAndRest ls = monadicIO $ do
taill [] = []
taill (_:xs) = xs
partitionByM :: Property
partitionByM =
forAll (listOf1 (chooseInt (intMin, intMax)))
$ \ls0 -> monadicIO $ action ls0
action ls = do
let f = \x -> if odd x then return (Left x) else return (Right x)
v1 <-
$ S.fold (F.partitionByM f FL.length FL.length)
$ S.fromList ls
let v2 = Prelude.length $ filter odd ls
v3 = Prelude.length $ filter even ls
assert (v1 == (v2, v3))
demux :: Expectation
demux =
let table = Data.Map.fromList [("SUM", FL.sum), ("PRODUCT", FL.product)]
@ -667,7 +745,14 @@ main = hspec $ do
-- Distributing
-- tee
prop "teeWithLength" Main.teeWithLength
prop "teeWithFstLength" Main.teeWithFstLength
prop "teeWithMinLength1" Main.teeWithMinLength1
prop "teeWithMinLength2" Main.teeWithMinLength2
prop "teeWithMax" Main.teeWithMax
prop "partitionByM" Main.partitionByM
prop "partitionByFstM" Main.partitionByFstM
prop "partitionByMinM1" Main.partitionByMinM1
prop "partitionByMinM2" Main.partitionByMinM2
prop "distribute" Main.distribute
-- Partitioning