Fix, cleanup and test discarding compositions

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2017-07-08 14:09:43 +05:30
parent f5cfead136
commit 922c9ed018
3 changed files with 60 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ module Asyncly
, each
, gather
, discardAndThen
, (*>>)
, thenDiscard
, (>>*)
, Log
, Loggable
, waitLogged

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@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ module Asyncly.AsyncT
, async
, makeAsync
, each
, (<**)
, (**>)
, discardAndThen
, (*>>)
, thenDiscard
, (>>*)
-- internal
, dbg
@ -488,13 +491,13 @@ each xs = foldl (<|>) empty $ map return xs
-- | Runs a computation under a given thread limit. A limit of 0 means new
-- tasks start synchronously in the current thread. New threads are created by
-- 'parallel', and APIs that use parallel.
threads :: MonadIO m => Int -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a
threads :: MonadAsync m => Int -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a
threads n process = AsyncT $ do
oldCr <- gets threadCredit
newCr <- liftIO $ newIORef n
modify $ \s -> s { threadCredit = newCr }
r <- runAsyncT $ process
<** (AsyncT $ do
>>* (AsyncT $ do
modify $ \s -> s { threadCredit = oldCr }
return (Just ())
) -- restore old credit
@ -588,10 +591,6 @@ instance (MonadBaseControl b m, MonadAsync m) => MonadBaseControl b (AsyncT m) w
instance MonadAsync m => MonadThrow (AsyncT m) where
throwM e = lift $ throwM e
-- More operators, instances
instance (Num a, Monad (AsyncT m)) => Num (AsyncT m a) where
fromInteger = return . fromInteger
mf + mg = (+) <$> mf <*> mg
@ -600,47 +599,18 @@ instance (Num a, Monad (AsyncT m)) => Num (AsyncT m a) where
abs f = f >>= return . abs
signum f = f >>= return . signum
-- | Warning: Radically untyped stuff. handle with care
getContinuations :: Monad m => StateM m [a -> AsyncT m b]
getContinuations = do
EventF { fcomp = fs } <- get
return $ unsafeCoerce fs
-- Special compositions
-- | Save a closure and a continuation ('x' and 'f' in 'x >>= f').
setContinuation :: Monad m
=> AsyncT m a -> (a -> AsyncT m b) -> [c -> AsyncT m c] -> StateM m ()
setContinuation b c fs = do
modify $ \EventF{..} -> EventF { xcomp = b
, fcomp = unsafeCoerce c : fs
, .. }
-- | Restore the continuations to the provided ones.
-- | NOTE: Events are also cleared out.
restoreStack :: MonadState EventF m => t -> m ()
restoreStack fs = modify $ \EventF {..} ->
EventF { event = Nothing, fcomp = (unsafeCoerce fs), .. }
infixr 1 >>*, *>>
(<***) :: AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(<***) ma mb =
AsyncT $ do
fs <- getContinuations
setContinuation ma (\x -> mb >> return x) fs
a <- runAsyncT ma
runAsyncT mb
restoreStack fs
return a
infixr 1 <***, <**, **>
-- | Run @b@ once, discarding its result when the first task in task set @a@
-- has finished. Useful to start a singleton task after the first task has been
-- setup.
(<|) :: MonadIO m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(<|) ma mb = AsyncT $ do
afterFirst :: MonadIO m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
afterFirst ma mb = AsyncT $ do
fs <- getContinuations
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef False
setContinuation ma (cont ref) fs
@ -655,19 +625,31 @@ infixr 1 <***, <**, **>
runAsyncT mb
return $ Just x
(<|) :: MonadIO m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(<|) = afterFirst
infixr 1 <**, **>
-- | Run 'm a' in "isolation" and discard its result, and then run 'm b' and
-- return its result. Isolation means that any alternative actions inside 'm
-- a' are not continued to 'm b'.
discardAndThen :: MonadAsync m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m b
discardAndThen ma mb = AsyncT $ do
_ <- runAsyncT (ma >> mzero)
runAsyncT mb
-- | Run @m a@ discarding its result before running @m b@.
(**>) :: Monad m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m b
(**>) x y = AsyncT $ do
_ <- runAsyncT x
runAsyncT y
-- | Same as 'discardAndThen'.
(*>>) :: MonadAsync m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m b
(*>>) = discardAndThen
-- | Run @m b@ discarding its result, after the whole task set @m a@ is done.
(<**) :: Monad m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(<**) ma mb = AsyncT $ do
a <- runAsyncT ma
_ <- runAsyncT mb
return a
-- | Run 'm a' and then run 'm b' in "isolation" and return the result of 'm
-- a'. Isolation means that any alternative actions inside 'm a' are not
-- continued to 'm b' and the results of 'm b' are discarded.
thenDiscard :: MonadAsync m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
thenDiscard ma mb = AsyncT $ do
a <- runAsyncT ma
_ <- runAsyncT (mb >> mzero)
return a
-- | Same as 'thenDiscard'.
(>>*) :: MonadAsync m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m b -> AsyncT m a
(>>*) = thenDiscard

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@ -84,6 +84,23 @@ main = hspec $ do
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((3, 3) :: (Int, Int))
-- Both 0 and 1 must be printed on console
it "*>> works as expected" $
(wait $ (async (liftIO (putStrLn "0") >> return 0)
<|> (liftIO (putStrLn "1") >> return 1))
*>> (liftIO (putStrLn "2") >> return 2))
`shouldReturn` ([2] :: [Int])
-- Both 0 and 1 must be printed on console
it ">>* works as expected" $
(wait $ (return 2
>>* (async (liftIO (putStrLn "0") >> return 0)
<|> (liftIO (putStrLn "1") >> return 1))
>>* return 2
`shouldReturn` ([2] :: [Int])
generalExample :: AsyncT IO Int
generalExample = do
liftIO $ return ()