Refactor and reformat readChunksFromToWith

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Harendra Kumar 2021-09-09 09:56:04 +05:30
parent debc6a95d4
commit 932f7b26f0
3 changed files with 45 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ module Streamly.FileSystem.Handle
, readWithBufferOf
, readChunks
, readChunksWithBufferOf
, readChunksFromToWith
-- ** Writing
-- | 'TextEncoding', 'NewLineMode', and 'Buffering' options of the

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@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Handle
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
@ -252,6 +253,8 @@ readChunksWithBufferOf = Unfold step return
-- the array lengths and trim the last array to correct size.
-- 2. Simply implement it from scratch like readChunksWithBufferOf.
-- XXX Change this to readChunksWithFromTo (bufferSize, from, to, h)?
-- | The input to the unfold is @(from, to, bufferSize, handle)@. It starts
-- reading from the offset `from` in the file and reads up to the offset `to`.
@ -263,26 +266,23 @@ readChunksFromToWith = Unfold step inject
inject (from, to, buffSize, h) = do
inject (from, to, bufSize, h) = do
liftIO $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek $ fromIntegral from
return (to - from + 1, buffSize, h)
-- XXX Use a strict Tuple?
return (to - from + 1, bufSize, h)
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
step (remaining, buffSize, h) =
step (remaining, bufSize, h) =
if remaining <= 0
then return D.Stop
arr <- getChunk (min buffSize remaining) h
else do
arr <- getChunk (min bufSize remaining) h
return $
case A.length arr of
0 -> D.Stop
len ->
if (remaining - len) >= 0
D.Yield arr (remaining - len, buffSize, h)
error "Bug: getChunk returned array length more than expected"
assert (len <= remaining)
$ D.Yield arr (remaining - len, bufSize, h)
-- XXX read 'Array a' instead of Word8

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck (Property, forAll, Gen, vectorOf, choose)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, assert, run)
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold
import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as Handle
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Handle as Handle
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Foreign as Array
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream as Unicode
@ -155,52 +155,48 @@ testWriteWithChunk =
let arr = Array.fromList ls
return (testDataLarge == utf8ToString arr)
testReadChunksFromToWith :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Word8]] -> Property
testReadChunksFromToWith from to buffSize res = monadicIO $ run go
testReadChunksFromToWith :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Property
testReadChunksFromToWith from to buffSize expRes =
monadicIO $ do
res <- run go
assert res
go =
withSystemTempDirectory "fs_handle" $ \fp -> do
let fpathRead = fp </> "tmp_read.txt"
writeFile fpathRead testBinData
h <- openFile fpathRead ReadMode
ls <- Stream.toList $
(from, to, buffSize, h)
return ( expRes == show ls)
go =
withSystemTempDirectory "fs_handle" $ \fp -> do
let fpathRead = fp </> "tmp_read.txt"
writeFile fpathRead testBinData
h <- openFile fpathRead ReadMode
ls <-
$ Stream.unfold
Handle.readChunksFromToWith (from, to, buffSize, h)
return (res `shouldBe` fmap Array.toList ls)
-- Test for first byte
testReadChunksFromToWithFirstByte :: Property
testReadChunksFromToWithFirstByte = testReadChunksFromToWith 0 0 15 "[[48]]"
testReadChunksFromToWithFirstByte = testReadChunksFromToWith 0 0 15 [[48]]
-- Test for second byte
testReadChunksFromToWithSecondByte :: Property
testReadChunksFromToWithSecondByte = testReadChunksFromToWith 1 1 15 "[[49]]"
testReadChunksFromToWithSecondByte = testReadChunksFromToWith 1 1 15 [[49]]
-- Test for second to 10th bytes
testReadChunksFromToWithSecondToTenthBytes :: Property
testReadChunksFromToWithSecondToTenthBytes =
testReadChunksFromToWith 1 10 15 "[[49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,48]]"
testReadChunksFromToWith 1 10 15 [[49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,48]]
-- Test for offset of buffer size
testReadChunksFromToWithBuffSizeOffset :: Property
testReadChunksFromToWithBuffSizeOffset =
testReadChunksFromToWith 15 25 15 "[[53,54,55,56,57,48,49,50,51,52,53]]"
testReadChunksFromToWith 15 25 15 [[53,54,55,56,57,48,49,50,51,52,53]]
-- Test with multi buffer size
testReadChunksFromToWithMultiBuff :: Property
testReadChunksFromToWithMultiBuff =
5 22 5 "[[53,54,55,56,57],[48,49,50,51,52],[53,54,55,56,57],[48,49,50]]"
5 22 5 [[53,54,55,56,57],[48,49,50,51,52],[53,54,55,56,57],[48,49,50]]
testReadChunksFromToWithRangeInvalid :: Property
testReadChunksFromToWithRangeInvalid = testReadChunksFromToWith 15 5 15 "[]"
testReadChunksFromToWithRangeInvalid = testReadChunksFromToWith 15 5 15 []
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "FileSystem.Handle"
@ -216,14 +212,21 @@ main =
prop "readWithBufferOf" $ testRead readWithBufferFromHandle
prop "readChunks" $ testRead readChunksFromHandle
prop "readChunksWithBufferOf" $ testRead readChunksWithBuffer
prop "readChunksFromToWithFirstByte" testReadChunksFromToWithFirstByte
prop "readChunksFromToWithSecondByte" testReadChunksFromToWithSecondByte
prop "readChunksFromToWithSecondToTenthBytes" testReadChunksFromToWithSecondToTenthBytes
prop "readChunksFromToWithBuffSizeOffset" testReadChunksFromToWithBuffSizeOffset
prop "readChunksFromToWithMultiBuff" testReadChunksFromToWithMultiBuff
prop "readChunksFromToWithRangeInvalid" testReadChunksFromToWithRangeInvalid
prop "readChunksFromToWith (0,0,n)"
prop "readChunksFromToWith (1,1,n)"
prop "readChunksFromToWith (1,10,n)"
prop "readChunksFromToWith (n,<2n,n)"
prop "readChunksFromToWith (n,>2n,n)"
prop "readChunksFromToWith (n,<n,n)"
describe "Write To Handle" $ do
prop "write" $ testWrite Handle.write
prop "writeWithBufferOf" $ testWrite $ Handle.writeWithBufferOf 1024
prop "writeWithBufferOf"
$ testWrite $ Handle.writeWithBufferOf 1024
-- XXX This test needs a lot of stack when built with -O0
prop "writeChunks" testWriteWithChunk