Add a Scan module with Repeat constructor

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2022-03-10 20:23:04 +05:30
parent 6e6c5b5a46
commit 9951b00120
4 changed files with 571 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Combinators
-- ** Scanning Input
, scan
, scanMany
, runScan
, toScan
, indexed
-- ** Zipping Input
@ -230,9 +232,11 @@ import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peek)
import Fusion.Plugin.Types (Fuse(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray.Type (MutArray(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Maybe.Strict (Maybe'(..), toMaybe)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe.Type (Pipe (..), PipeState(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan (Scan(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Unbox (Unbox, sizeOf)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.Type (Unfold(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Tuple.Strict (Tuple'(..), Tuple3'(..))
@ -244,6 +248,7 @@ import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Type as Array
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Window as Fold
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe.Type as Pipe
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Ring as Ring
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan as Scan
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Type as StreamD
import Prelude hiding
@ -533,6 +538,87 @@ scan = scanWith False
scanMany :: Monad m => Fold m a b -> Fold m b c -> Fold m a c
scanMany = scanWith True
-- | Does not work correctly for scans which can emit YieldRep or SkipRep
-- constructors. This will get fixed when we add SkipRep to folds as well.
{-# INLINE runScan #-}
runScan :: Monad m => Scan m a b -> Fold m b c -> Fold m a c
runScan (Scan stepL initialL) (Fold stepR initialR extractR finalR) =
Fold step initial extract final
initial = do
rR <- initialR
case rR of
Partial sR -> return $ Partial (initialL, sR)
Done b -> return $ Done b
step (sL, sR) x = do
rL <- stepL sL x
case rL of
Scan.Yield sL1 bL -> do
rR <- stepR sR bL
case rR of
Partial sR1 -> return $ Partial (sL1, sR1)
Done bR -> return (Done bR)
Scan.Skip sL1 -> return $ Partial (sL1, sR)
Scan.Stop -> Done <$> finalR sR
Scan.YieldRep _sL1 bL -> do
rR <- stepR sR bL
case rR of
-- XXX return SkipRep
Partial _sR1 -> undefined -- return $ Partial (sL1, sR1)
Done bR -> return (Done bR)
Scan.SkipRep _sL1 ->
-- XXX return SkipRep
undefined -- return $ Partial (sL1, sR)
extract = extractR . snd
final = finalR . snd
-- Note when we have a separate Scan type then we can remove extract from
-- Folds. Then folds can only be used for foldMany or many and not for
-- scanning. This combinator has to be removed then.
-- XXX The way filter is implemented in Folds is that it discards the input and
-- on "extract" it will return the previous accumulator value only. Thus the
-- accumulator may repeat in the output stream when filter is used. Ideally the
-- output stream should not have a value corresponding to the filtered value.
-- With "Continue s" and "Partial s b" instead of using "extract" we can do
-- that.
{-# ANN type ToScanState Fuse #-}
data ToScanState s = ToScanInit | ToScanGo s | ToScanStop
-- | ScanR does not support finalization yet. This does not finalize the fold
-- when the stream stops before the fold terminates. So cannot be used on folds
-- that require finalization.
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan (Fold.toScan Fold.sum) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- [1,3,6,10,15]
{-# INLINE toScan #-}
toScan :: Monad m => Fold m a b -> Scan m a b
toScan (Fold fstep finitial fextract _) = Scan step ToScanInit
step ToScanInit _ = do
r <- finitial
return $ case r of
Partial s -> Scan.SkipRep (ToScanGo s)
Done b -> Scan.YieldRep ToScanStop b
step (ToScanGo st) a = do
r <- fstep st a
case r of
Partial s -> do
b <- fextract s
return $ Scan.Yield (ToScanGo s) b
Done b -> return $ Scan.Yield ToScanStop b
step ToScanStop _ = return Scan.Stop
-- Filters

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@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan
-- Copyright : (c) 2021 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- This is an experimental module.
-- Scans represent stateful transformations with filtering and termination.
-- Scans are simple pipes that have an input end and an output end. These pipes
-- can be connected in series or in parallel. A Scan can be used on the output
-- of a stream or on the input of a fold. We can split a pipe into multiple
-- pipes which apply different stateful transformations and then merge the
-- transformed streams back into a single stream.
-- Design notes:
-- Till now we have been using folds as terminal consumers as well as for
-- scanning. Folds can split the input stream so that it can be folded by
-- multiple different folds but we cannot merge it back. An arbitrary
-- combination of series and parallel transformations cannot be composed using
-- just streams and folds. Also there are cases where the terminal consumer
-- nature of folds conflicts with the transformation nature of scanning e.g.
-- parEval does not implement "extract", similarly, splitWith does not
-- implement extract. Due to these issues we need to remove "extract" from
-- folds and move the scanning functionality into a separate "Scan"
-- abstraction.
-- A Stream:
-- data Step s a =
-- Yield a s
-- | Skip s
-- | Stop
-- initial :: s
-- step :: s -> m (Step s a)
-- final :: s -> m (Step s a)
-- If the fold stops before the stream, we may need a function "final s" to
-- drain or finalize the stream.
-- The Skip constructor allows introducing states without producing output.
-- Skip enables filtering. Even though filtering can be done by composing a
-- "Scan" with the stream, "Skip' is required to compose such filtering scans
-- with the stream i.e. for Stream + Scan = Stream. If we do not allow such
-- composition then we can avoid "Skip" in stream. In that case instead of
-- joining Stream + Fold in a pipeline we will always have to join Stream +
-- Scan + Fold.
-- A Fold:
-- data Step s b =
-- Partial s
-- | Repeat s
-- | Done b
-- initial :: m (Step s b)
-- step :: s -> a -> m (Step s b)
-- final :: s -> m b
-- We need "Done b" in folds instead of "Stop" to know the termination without
-- having to push the next input. Other alternative is to use a "Done s" and
-- then use "final" to extract the final value of the fold. If the input stream
-- stops before the fold, we use "final" to extract the value of the fold.
-- When we return a "Done", the input may be consumed (e.g. take) or may remain
-- unconsumed (e.g. takewhile). An alternative design is to always return
-- "Done" only when we have an unconsumed input. Even if the fold knows that it
-- is done when it consumes an input it can wait for the next input to say
-- "Done". That way we can represent both take and takeWhile without having to
-- introduce one more constructor. Note that this is similar to the "Stop"
-- behavior on the stream side, where we don't know about the termination until
-- we try to pull the next element.
-- The Repeat constructor asks the driver to repeat the previous input. Repeat
-- enables expanding the output stream in a Scan. It is not needed in a fold,
-- but if we allow Scan + Fold = Fold type composition then we need it.
-- A Scan uses a step function which takes an input and produces an output. In
-- addition to Skipping output it can also repeat the input.
-- data Step s b =
-- Yield b s
-- | Skip s
-- | Stop
-- | SkipRep s -- Skip output, repeat input
-- | YieldRep b s -- Emit output, repeat input
-- step :: s -> a -> m (Step s b)
-- A stream is a scan with () as the input element. Thus step can be simplified
-- and SkipRep and YieldRep can be removed. A fold is a scan which emits only
-- the last value of the stream and discards the intermediate values. Thus
-- Yield and YieldRep can be removed and we will need "Done b" to get the value
-- on stop.
-- The "final" in folds always returns a single output. Scans can also have the
-- "final" function return a stream instead of a single value e.g. to drain a
-- buffer. Therefore, folds are simplified version of Scans. Scans can
-- represent folds as well.
-- Thus folds can be implemented by using a single fold which discards
-- everything but the last element.
-- Compositions:
-- We can do contravariant compositions as well for scans e.g. we can unfold
-- the input of a scan or we can group the input of a scan using a fold. However,
-- we can achieve everything using only covariant compositions i.e. by
-- unfolding or folding the output of a scan. Thus for intuitive composition we
-- will try to use only covariant compositions as long as possible.
-- The role of the Fold type will only be to split the stream like an unfold
-- expands it. Folds will also be useful for Applicative and Monadic
-- compositions to split and consume streams. If we have an existing fold and
-- we want to extend it then we will have to do contravariant composition. The
-- alternative is to not have any folds but only scans and when we need to
-- convert the scans into folds using a combinator.
-- Stream + Scan = Stream
-- Scan + Scan = Scan
-- Scan + Fold = Fold
-- Finalization in composed pipelines:
-- A driver is pulling from a stream and pushing to a fold. If the stream stops
-- it needs to finalize the fold side, and if the fold stops it needs to
-- finalize the stream side.
-- Finalization can do two things. One, release any allocated resources. Two,
-- drain any buffered streams.
-- The direction of finalization depends on whether it is stream side or fold
-- side. Data flow in a pipeline looks like s1 -> s2 -> s3 -> driver -> f1 ->
-- f2 -> f3. Driver is pulling from stream s3 and pushing to fold f1. On stream
-- side, finalization starts from the output end, the driver calls the "final"
-- of s3 which calls the final of s2 and so on. On the fold side the sequence
-- is opposite, finalization starts from the input end, the driver calls f1, it
-- calls f2 and so on. Therefore, the finalization composition depends on
-- whether it is fold side or stream side.
-- We can use separate ScanL and ScanR types where ScanR compose in pull style
-- and ScanL compose in push style for different finalization flows. However,
-- we can compose in push style always and pull style finalization can be
-- handled properly at the point when we compose a stream and ScanL. Or
-- vice-versa.
-- "Stop" is needed for finalization:
-- The finalization routine may or may not return an output. If we have already
-- emitted an output on the last input then returning the same output again in
-- "final" routine would emit a duplicate output. But in some cases we may have
-- to return an output stream in "final" e.g. when draining a buffer. To be
-- able to represent no output in "final" we need the "Stop" constructor.
-- Scans vs Folds and Unfolds:
-- a) Write an Unfold to convert an element of stream into a stream in two or
-- more different ways. This could be an alternative to the tee composition of
-- scans, but state sharing is limited to one instance of Unfold. An Unfold tee
-- combinator can be written to pass an input through two different Unfolds.
-- b) use the tee combinator from Fold, use the fold on each element of the
-- stream, then unfold the resulting stream to flatten it. The state sharing is
-- limited to the fold.
-- c) Create a stream tee combinator taking two folds and passing the input
-- through them. State sharing is limited to the fold. With that we can run
-- multiple folds in parallel using parEval. But that won't be efficient as a
-- Channel would be created on every split.
-- Terminology of Folds vs Scans:
-- length is a fold but count is a scan.
-- last is a fold but latest is a scan.
-- head is a fold, oldest is a scan.
-- sum is a fold but add is a scan.
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan
-- * Type
Scan (..)
, Step (..)
-- * Primitive Scans
, identity
, map
, mapM
, filter
, filterM
-- * Combinators
, compose
, teeMerge
-- #include "inline.hs"
import Control.Category (Category(..))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Fusion.Plugin.Types (Fuse(..))
import Prelude hiding (map, mapM, filter)
-- $setup
-- >>> :m
-- >>> :set -XFlexibleContexts
-- >>> import Control.Category
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as Fold
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan as Scan
-- >>> import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as Stream
-- Scan
-- XXX Instead of repeat input constructors we could use a skip input
-- constructor but then we also have to split the "step" function in "produce"
-- and "consume", when we skip input we call produce otherwise we call consume.
-- By using "repeat" we are basically using the consume step function for
-- produce mode as well. It may be cleaner to use separate consume and produce
-- functions. In that case we can also start the scan in produce mode even
-- without an input.
-- XXX The Fold "Partial s" is "Skip s". We can add SkipRep in folds. Also we
-- can use "Stop" and "final" instead of "Done". So we can have SkipRep, Skip
-- and Stop in folds. And Yield, Skip and Stop in streams.
-- XXX If we do not want to change Streams, we should use "Yield b s" instead
-- of "Yield s b". Though "Yield s b" is sometimes better when using curried
-- "Yield s". "Yield b" sounds better because the verb applies to "b".
{-# ANN type Step Fuse #-}
data Step s b =
Yield s b
| Skip s
| Stop
| YieldRep s b
| SkipRep s
instance Functor (Step s) where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f (Yield s b) = Yield s (f b)
fmap f (YieldRep s b) = YieldRep s (f b)
fmap _ (Skip s) = Skip s
fmap _ (SkipRep s) = SkipRep s
fmap _ Stop = Stop
data Scan m a b =
forall s. Scan (s -> a -> m (Step s b)) s
-- Functor: Mapping on the output
-- | 'fmap' maps a pure function on a scan output.
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan (fmap (+1) Scan.identity) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- [2,3,4,5,6]
instance Functor m => Functor (Scan m a) where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f (Scan step1 initial) = Scan step initial
step s b = fmap (fmap f) (step1 s b)
-- Category
{-# ANN type ComposeState Fuse #-}
data ComposeState sL sR x bL =
ComposeInit sL sR
| ComposeGoRight sL sR bL
| ComposeGoRightRepLeft sL sR bL
-- | Connect two scans in series. The second scan is the input end, and the
-- first scan is the output end.
-- >>> import Control.Category
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan ( (+1) >>> (+1)) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- [3,4,5,6,7]
{-# INLINE compose #-}
compose :: Monad m => Scan m b c -> Scan m a b -> Scan m a c
(Scan stepR initialR)
(Scan stepL initialL) = Scan step (ComposeInit initialL initialR)
{-# INLINE goRight #-}
goRight sL1 sR bL = do
rR <- stepR sR bL
$ case rR of
Yield sR1 br -> Yield (ComposeInit sL1 sR1) br
Skip sR1 -> Skip (ComposeInit sL1 sR1)
Stop -> Stop
YieldRep sR1 br -> YieldRep (ComposeGoRight sL1 sR1 bL) br
SkipRep sR1 -> SkipRep (ComposeGoRight sL1 sR1 bL)
{-# INLINE goRightRepLeft #-}
goRightRepLeft sL1 sR bL = do
rR <- stepR sR bL
$ case rR of
Yield sR1 br -> YieldRep (ComposeInit sL1 sR1) br
Skip sR1 -> Skip (ComposeInit sL1 sR1)
Stop -> Stop
YieldRep sR1 br -> YieldRep (ComposeGoRightRepLeft sL1 sR1 bL) br
SkipRep sR1 -> SkipRep (ComposeGoRightRepLeft sL1 sR1 bL)
step (ComposeInit sL sR) x = do
rL <- stepL sL x
case rL of
Yield sL1 bL -> goRight sL1 sR bL
Skip sL1 -> return $ Skip (ComposeInit sL1 sR)
Stop -> return Stop
YieldRep sL1 bL -> goRightRepLeft sL1 sR bL
SkipRep sL1 -> return $ SkipRep (ComposeInit sL1 sR)
step (ComposeGoRight sL sR bL) _ = goRight sL sR bL
step (ComposeGoRightRepLeft sL sR bL) _ = goRightRepLeft sL sR bL
-- | A scan representing mapping of a monadic action.
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan (Scan.mapM print) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4
-- 5
-- [(),(),(),(),()]
{-# INLINE mapM #-}
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Scan m a b
mapM f = Scan (\() a -> f a <&> Yield ()) ()
-- | A scan representing mapping of a pure function.
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan ( (+1)) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- [2,3,4,5,6]
{-# INLINE map #-}
map :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Scan m a b
map f = mapM (return Prelude.. f)
{- HLINT ignore "Redundant map" -}
-- | An identity scan producing the same output as input.
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan (Scan.identity) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- [1,2,3,4,5]
{-# INLINE identity #-}
identity :: Monad m => Scan m a a
identity = map
instance Monad m => Category (Scan m) where
id = identity
(.) = compose
-- Scans
-- | A filtering scan.
{-# INLINE filterM #-}
filterM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> Scan m a a
filterM f = Scan (\() a -> f a >>= g a) ()
{-# INLINE g #-}
g a b =
$ if b
then Yield () a
else Skip ()
-- | A filtering scan.
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan (Scan.filter odd) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- [1,3,5]
{-# INLINE filter #-}
filter :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Scan m a a
filter f = filterM (return Prelude.. f)
{-# ANN type TeeMergeState Fuse #-}
data TeeMergeState sL sR
= TeeMergeLeft !sL !sR
| TeeMergeRight !sL !sR
| TeeMergeLeftOnly !sL
| TeeMergeRightOnly !sR
-- | Connect two scans in parallel. Distribute the input across two scans and
-- merge their outputs as soon as they become available. Note that a scan may
-- not generate output on each input, it might filter it.
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.runScan (Scan.teeMerge Scan.identity ( (\x -> x * x))) $ Stream.fromList [1..5::Int]
-- [1,1,2,4,3,9,4,16,5,25]
{-# INLINE teeMerge #-}
teeMerge :: Monad m => Scan m a b -> Scan m a b -> Scan m a b
teeMerge (Scan stepL initialL) (Scan stepR initialR) =
Scan step (TeeMergeLeft initialL initialR)
step (TeeMergeLeft sL sR) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
$ case resL of
Yield s b -> YieldRep (TeeMergeRight s sR) b
Skip s -> SkipRep (TeeMergeRight s sR)
Stop -> SkipRep (TeeMergeRightOnly sR)
YieldRep s b -> YieldRep (TeeMergeLeft s sR) b
SkipRep s -> SkipRep (TeeMergeLeft s sR)
step (TeeMergeRight sL sR) a = do
res <- stepR sR a
$ case res of
Yield s b -> Yield (TeeMergeLeft sL s) b
Skip s -> Skip (TeeMergeLeft sL s)
Stop -> Skip (TeeMergeLeftOnly sL)
YieldRep s b -> YieldRep (TeeMergeRight sL s) b
SkipRep s -> SkipRep (TeeMergeRight sL s)
step (TeeMergeLeftOnly sL) a = do
resL <- stepL sL a
$ case resL of
Yield s b -> Yield (TeeMergeLeftOnly s) b
Skip s -> Skip (TeeMergeLeftOnly s)
Stop -> Stop
YieldRep s b -> YieldRep (TeeMergeLeftOnly s) b
SkipRep s -> SkipRep (TeeMergeLeftOnly s)
step (TeeMergeRightOnly sR) a = do
resR <- stepR sR a
$ case resR of
Yield s b -> Yield (TeeMergeRightOnly s) b
Skip s -> Skip (TeeMergeRightOnly s)
Stop -> Stop
YieldRep s b -> YieldRep (TeeMergeRightOnly s) b
SkipRep s -> SkipRep (TeeMergeRightOnly s)

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Transform
, postscan
, scan
, scanMany
, runScan
-- * Splitting
, splitOn
@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ import Fusion.Plugin.Types (Fuse(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold.Type (Fold(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe.Type (Pipe(..), PipeState(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan (Scan(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.SVar.Type (adaptState)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime, RelTime64)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Unbox (Unbox)
@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ import Streamly.Internal.System.IO (defaultChunkSize)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Type as A
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe.Type as Pipe
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan as Scan
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.StreamK.Type as K
import Prelude hiding
@ -573,6 +576,35 @@ scanMany :: Monad m
=> FL.Fold m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
scanMany = scanWith True
{-# ANN type RunScanState Fuse #-}
data RunScanState st sc x = RunScan st sc | RunScanRep st sc x
{-# INLINE runScan #-}
runScan :: Monad m => Scan m a b -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
runScan (Scan scan_step initial) (Stream stream_step state) =
Stream step (RunScan state initial)
{-# INLINE goScan #-}
goScan st sc x = do
res <- scan_step sc x
$ case res of
Scan.Yield s b -> Yield b (RunScan st s)
Scan.Skip s -> Skip (RunScan st s)
Scan.Stop -> Stop
Scan.YieldRep s b -> Yield b (RunScanRep st s x)
Scan.SkipRep s -> Skip (RunScanRep st s x)
step gst (RunScan st sc) = do
r <- stream_step (adaptState gst) st
case r of
Yield x s -> goScan s sc x
Skip s -> return $ Skip (RunScan s sc)
Stop -> return Stop
step _ (RunScanRep st sc x) = goScan st sc x
-- Scanning - Prescans

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@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ library
, Streamly.Internal.Data.SVar.Type
, Streamly.Internal.Data.Refold.Type
, Streamly.Internal.Data.Producer
, Streamly.Internal.Data.Scan
-- streamly-core-array-types
, Streamly.Internal.Data.MutByteArray