Add skeleton for some unimplemented parsers

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Harendra Kumar 2020-07-17 18:32:36 +05:30
parent f0398ee8b6
commit 9b511beeb5

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@ -72,56 +72,29 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser
-- | Parsers chained in series, if one parser terminates the composition
-- terminates.
-- TODO: Currently we are using folds to collect the output of the parsers
-- but we can use Parsers instead of folds to make the composition more
-- powerful. For example, we can do:
-- @
-- sliceSepByMax cond n p = sliceBy cond (take n p)
-- sliceSepByBetween cond m n p = sliceBy cond (takeBetween m n p)
-- takeWhileBetween cond m n p = takeWhile cond (takeBetween m n p)
-- @
-- TODO: Like toList fold we can have toNonEmpty Parser to fold to a
-- nonempty list. If we cannot collect even one element the parser will
-- fail. toNonEmpty can be used in takeWhile to implement takeWhile1.
-- | Grab a sequence of input elements without inspecting them
, take
, takeBetween
, take -- takeBetween 0 n
-- $take
-- | Unimplemented
-- @
-- , takeBetween
-- , takeLE -- take -- takeBetween 0 n
-- , takeLE1 -- take1 -- takeBetween 1 n
-- @
, takeEQ -- takeBetween n n
, takeGE -- takeBetween n maxBound
-- Grab a sequence of input elements by inspecting them
, lookAhead
, takeWhileP
, takeWhile
-- $takeWhile
, takeWhile1
, sliceSepByP
, sliceSepBy
, sliceSepByMax
-- | Unimplemented
-- @
-- , sliceSepByBetween
-- @
, sliceEndWith
, sliceBeginWith
-- | Unimplemented
-- @
-- , sliceSepWith
-- , frameSepBy -- parse frames escaped by an escape char/sequence
-- , frameEndWith
-- @
, sliceSepWith
, escapedSliceSepBy
, escapedFrameBy
, wordBy
, groupBy
, eqBy
@ -365,6 +338,30 @@ satisfy = D.toParserK . D.satisfy
-- Taking elements
-- | @takeBetween m n@ takes a minimum of @m@ and a maximum of @n@ input
-- elements and folds them using the supplied fold.
-- Stops after @n@ elements.
-- Fails if the stream ends before @m@ elements could be taken.
-- @takeBetween@ is the most general take operation, other take operations can
-- be defined in terms of takeBetween. For example:
-- @
-- take = takeBetween 0 n -- equivalent of takeLE
-- take1 = takeBetween 1 n -- equivalent of takeLE1
-- takeEQ = takeBetween n n
-- takeGE = takeBetween n maxBound
-- @
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE takeBetween #-}
takeBetween :: -- MonadCatch m =>
Int -> Int -> Fold m a b -> Parser m a b
takeBetween _m _n = undefined -- D.toParserK . D.takeBetween m n
-- $take
-- Note: this is called takeP in some parser libraries.
@ -428,6 +425,27 @@ takeGE n = D.toParserK . D.takeGE n
-- $takeWhile
-- Note: This is called @takeWhileP@ and @munch@ in some parser libraries.
-- | Like 'takeWhile' but uses a 'Parser' instead of a 'Fold' to collect the
-- input. The combinator stops when the condition fails or if the collecting
-- parser stops.
-- This is a generalized version of takeWhile, for example 'takeWhile1' can be
-- implemented in terms of this:
-- @
-- takeWhile1 cond p = takeWhile cond (takeBetween 1 maxBound p)
-- @
-- Stops: when the condition fails or the collecting parser stops.
-- Fails: when the collecting parser fails.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINE takeWhileP #-}
takeWhileP :: -- MonadCatch m =>
(a -> Bool) -> Parser m a b -> Parser m a b
takeWhileP _cond = undefined -- D.toParserK . D.takeWhileP cond
-- | Collect stream elements until an element fails the predicate. The element
-- on which the predicate fails is returned back to the input stream.
@ -457,6 +475,25 @@ takeWhile cond = D.toParserK . D.takeWhile cond
takeWhile1 :: MonadCatch m => (a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Parser m a b
takeWhile1 cond = D.toParserK . D.takeWhile1 cond
-- | Like 'sliceSepBy' but uses a 'Parser' instead of a 'Fold' to collect the
-- input. @sliceSepByP cond parser@ parses a slice of the input using @parser@
-- until @cond@ succeeds or the parser stops.
-- This is a generalized slicing parser which can be used to implement other
-- parsers e.g.:
-- @
-- sliceSepByMax cond n p = sliceBy cond (take n p)
-- sliceSepByBetween cond m n p = sliceBy cond (takeBetween m n p)
-- @
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINABLE sliceSepByP #-}
sliceSepByP :: -- MonadCatch m =>
(a -> Bool) -> Parser m a b -> Parser m a b
sliceSepByP _cond = undefined -- D.toParserK . D.sliceSepByP cond
-- Note: Keep this consistent with S.splitOn. In fact we should eliminate
-- S.splitOn in favor of the parser.
@ -506,6 +543,15 @@ takeWhile1 cond = D.toParserK . D.takeWhile1 cond
sliceSepBy :: MonadCatch m => (a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Parser m a b
sliceSepBy cond = D.toParserK . D.sliceSepBy cond
-- | Like 'sliceSepBy' but does not drop the separator element, instead
-- separator is emitted as a separate element in the output.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINABLE sliceSepWith #-}
sliceSepWith :: -- MonadCatch m =>
(a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Parser m a b
sliceSepWith _cond = undefined -- D.toParserK . D.sliceSepBy cond
-- | Collect stream elements until an element succeeds the predicate. Also take
-- the element on which the predicate succeeded. The succeeding element is
-- treated as a suffix separator which is kept in the output segement.
@ -580,6 +626,42 @@ sliceSepByMax :: MonadCatch m
=> (a -> Bool) -> Int -> Fold m a b -> Parser m a b
sliceSepByMax cond cnt = D.toParserK . D.sliceSepByMax cond cnt
-- | Like 'sliceSepBy' but the separator elements can be escaped using an
-- escape char determined by the second predicate.
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINABLE escapedSliceSepBy #-}
escapedSliceSepBy :: -- MonadCatch m =>
(a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Parser m a b
escapedSliceSepBy _cond _esc = undefined
-- D.toParserK . D.escapedSliceSepBy cond esc
-- | @escapedFrameBy begin end escape@ parses a string framed using @begin@ and
-- @end@ as the frame begin and end marker elements and @escape@ as an escaping
-- element to escape the occurrence of the framing elements within the frame.
-- Nested frames are allowed, but nesting is removed when parsing.
-- For example,
-- >>> escapedFrameBy (== '{') (== '}') (== '\\') S.toList $ S.fromList "{hello}"
-- > "hello"
-- >>> escapedFrameBy (== '{') (== '}') (== '\\') S.toList $ S.fromList "{hello {world}}"
-- > "hello world"
-- >>> escapedFrameBy (== '{') (== '}') (== '\\') S.toList $ S.fromList "{hello \\{world\\}}"
-- > "hello {world}"
-- >>> escapedFrameBy (== '{') (== '}') (== '\\') S.toList $ S.fromList "{hello {world}"
-- > ParseError "Unterminated '{'"
-- /Unimplemented/
{-# INLINABLE escapedFrameBy #-}
escapedFrameBy :: -- MonadCatch m =>
(a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> Fold m a b -> Parser m a b
escapedFrameBy _begin _end _escape _p = undefined
-- D.toParserK . D.frameBy begin end escape p
-- | Like 'splitOn' but strips leading, trailing, and repeated separators.
-- Therefore, @".a..b."@ having '.' as the separator would be parsed as
-- @["a","b"]@. In other words, its like parsing words from whitespace