Refactor Unfold module

* Rearrange exports, export additional functions
* Update docs
* Disable applicative/monad/category/arrow instances
* Rename const to yieldM and add yield
* Remove "effect", it can be expressed by yieldM
* Change order of arguments for some functions
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2021-03-18 02:41:30 +05:30
parent de06529fef
commit a5e483b610
10 changed files with 340 additions and 156 deletions

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ lmapM size start =
{-# INLINE supply #-}
supply :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
supply size start =
drainTransformationDefault (size + start) (flip start) undefined
drainTransformationDefault (size + start) ( start) undefined
{-# INLINE supplyFirst #-}
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ supplyFirst :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
supplyFirst size start =
(UF.take size UF.enumerateFromStepIntegral)
(flip UF.supplyFirst start)
(UF.supplyFirst start)
{-# INLINE supplySecond #-}
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ supplySecond :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
supplySecond size start =
(UF.take size UF.enumerateFromStepIntegral)
(flip UF.supplySecond 1)
(UF.supplySecond 1)
{-# INLINE discardFirst #-}
@ -181,11 +181,6 @@ consM :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
consM size start =
drainTransformationDefault (size + start) (UF.consM return) start
{-# INLINE _effect #-}
_effect :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
_effect _ start =
drainGeneration (UF.effect (return start)) undefined
{-# INLINE _singletonM #-}
_singletonM :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
_singletonM _ start = drainGeneration (UF.singletonM return) start
@ -201,7 +196,7 @@ _identity _ start = drainGeneration UF.identity start
{-# INLINE _const #-}
_const :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
_const size start =
drainGeneration (UF.take size (UF.const (return start))) undefined
drainGeneration (UF.take size (UF.yieldM (return start))) undefined
{-# INLINE unfoldrM #-}
unfoldrM :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
@ -413,7 +408,8 @@ toNullAp :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
toNullAp value start =
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
s = source end
in UF.fold ((+) <$> s <*> s) FL.drain start
-- in UF.fold ((+) <$> s <*> s) FL.drain start
in UF.fold ((+) `fmap` s `UF.apply` s) FL.drain start
{-# INLINE _apDiscardFst #-}
_apDiscardFst :: Int -> Int -> m ()
@ -446,10 +442,15 @@ toNull :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
toNull value start =
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
return (x + y)
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
UF.yield (x + y)
in UF.fold u FL.drain start
@ -458,11 +459,16 @@ toNull3 :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
toNull3 value start =
let end = start + nthRoot 3 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
z <- src
return (x + y + z)
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
UF.yield (x + y)
in UF.fold u FL.drain start
{-# INLINE toList #-}
@ -470,10 +476,15 @@ toList :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m [Int]
toList value start = do
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
return (x + y)
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
UF.yield (x + y)
in UF.fold u FL.toList start
{-# INLINE toListSome #-}
@ -481,10 +492,15 @@ toListSome :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m [Int]
toListSome value start = do
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
return (x + y)
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
UF.yield (x + y)
in UF.fold (UF.take 1000 u) FL.toList start
{-# INLINE filterAllOut #-}
@ -492,13 +508,17 @@ filterAllOut :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
filterAllOut value start = do
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
let s = x + y
if s < 0
then return s
else UF.nilM (return . const ())
in if s < 0
then UF.yield s
else UF.nilM (return . const ())
in UF.fold u FL.drain start
{-# INLINE filterAllIn #-}
@ -506,13 +526,17 @@ filterAllIn :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
filterAllIn value start = do
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
let s = x + y
if s > 0
then return s
else UF.nilM (return . const ())
in if s > 0
then UF.yield s
else UF.nilM (return . const ())
in UF.fold u FL.drain start
{-# INLINE filterSome #-}
@ -520,13 +544,17 @@ filterSome :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m ()
filterSome value start = do
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
let s = x + y
if s > 1100000
then return s
else UF.nilM (return . const ())
in if s > 1100000
then UF.yield s
else UF.nilM (return . const ())
in UF.fold u FL.drain start
{-# INLINE breakAfterSome #-}
@ -534,13 +562,17 @@ breakAfterSome :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
breakAfterSome value start =
let end = start + nthRoot 2 value
src = source end
u = do
x <- src
y <- src
u = src `UF.bind` \x ->
src `UF.bind` \y ->
let s = x + y
if s > 1100000
then error "break"
else return s
in if s > 1100000
then error "break"
else UF.yield s
in do
(_ :: Either ErrorCall ()) <- try $ UF.fold u FL.drain start
return ()
@ -594,7 +626,6 @@ o_1_space_generation size =
-- Very small benchmarks, reporting in ns
-- , benchIO "nilM" $ nilM size
, benchIO "consM" $ consM size
-- , benchIO "effect" $ effect size
-- , benchIO "singletonM" $ singletonM size
-- , benchIO "singleton" $ singleton size
-- , benchIO "identity" $ identity size

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@ -55,8 +55,64 @@ module Streamly.Data.Unfold
-- * Unfold Type
-- * Folding
, fold
-- * Unfolds
-- One to one correspondence with
-- "Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Generate"
-- ** Generators
-- | Generate a monadic stream from a seed.
, unfoldrM
, repeatM
, replicateM
, iterateM
-- ** From Containers
, fromList
, fromListM
, fromStream
-- * Combinators
-- ** Mapping on Input
, lmap
, lmapM
-- ** Mapping on Output
, mapM
-- ** Filtering
, takeWhileM
, takeWhile
, take
, filter
, filterM
, drop
, dropWhile
, dropWhileM
-- ** Zipping
, zipWithM
, zipWith
-- ** Nesting
, cross
, many
-- ** Exceptions
, before
, after
, onException
, finally
, bracket
, handle
import Prelude hiding (concat, map, takeWhile, take, filter, const)
import Prelude hiding
( concat, map, mapM, takeWhile, take, filter, const, drop, dropWhile
, zipWith
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold

View File

@ -75,9 +75,61 @@
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold
-- * Unfold Type
, Unfold
-- * Operations on Input
-- * Folding
, fold
-- pipe
-- * Unfolds
-- One to one correspondence with
-- "Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Generate"
-- ** Primitives
, singletonM
, singleton
, identity
, yieldM
, yield
, nilM
, consM
-- ** Generators
-- | Generate a monadic stream from a seed.
, unfoldrM
, repeatM
, replicateM
, fromIndicesM
, iterateM
-- ** Enumerations
-- *** Enumerate Num
, enumerateFromStepNum
, numFrom
-- *** Enumerate Integral
, enumerateFromStepIntegral
, enumerateFromToIntegral
, enumerateFromIntegral
-- *** Enumerate Fractional
-- | Use 'Num' enumerations for fractional or floating point number
-- enumerations.
, enumerateFromToFractional
-- ** From Containers
, fromList
, fromListM
, fromStream
, fromStreamK
, fromStreamD
, fromSVar
, fromProducer
-- * Combinators
-- ** Mapping on Input
, lmap
, lmapM
, supply
@ -89,51 +141,12 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold
-- coapply
-- comonad
-- * Operations on Output
, fold
-- pipe
-- * Unfolds
, fromStream
, fromStreamK
, fromStreamD
, nilM
, consM
, effect
, singletonM
, singleton
, identity
, const
, unfoldrM
, fromList
, fromListM
, fromSVar
, fromProducer
-- ** Specialized Generation
-- | Generate a monadic stream from a seed.
, replicateM
, repeatM
, iterateM
, fromIndicesM
-- ** Enumerations
, enumerateFromStepIntegral
, enumerateFromToIntegral
, enumerateFromIntegral
, enumerateFromStepNum
, numFrom
, enumerateFromToFractional
-- * Transformations
-- ** Mapping on Output
, map
, mapM
, mapMWithInput
-- * Filtering
-- ** Filtering
, takeWhileM
, takeWhile
, take
@ -143,18 +156,21 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold
, dropWhile
, dropWhileM
-- * Zipping
-- ** Zipping
, zipWithM
, zipWith
, teeZipWith
-- * Nesting
-- ** Nesting
, cross
, apply
, ConcatState (..)
, many
, concatMapM
, bind
, outerProduct
-- * Exceptions
-- ** Exceptions
, gbracket_
, gbracket
, before
@ -206,7 +222,7 @@ import Prelude
-- | Map an action on the input argument of the 'Unfold'.
-- @
-- lmapM f = many (singletonM f)
-- lmapM f = Unfold.many (Unfold.singletonM f)
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
@ -214,47 +230,54 @@ import Prelude
lmapM :: Monad m => (a -> m c) -> Unfold m c b -> Unfold m a b
lmapM f (Unfold ustep uinject) = Unfold ustep (f >=> uinject)
-- XXX change the signature to the following?
-- supply :: a -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m Void b
-- | Supply the seed to an unfold closing the input end of the unfold.
-- @
-- supply a = Unfold.lmap (Prelude.const a)
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL supply #-}
supply :: Unfold m a b -> a -> Unfold m Void b
supply unf a = lmap (Prelude.const a) unf
supply :: a -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m Void b
supply a = lmap (Prelude.const a)
-- XXX change the signature to the following?
-- supplyFirst :: a -> Unfold m (a, b) c -> Unfold m b c
-- | Supply the first component of the tuple to an unfold that accepts a tuple
-- as a seed resulting in a fold that accepts the second component of the tuple
-- as a seed.
-- @
-- supplyFirst a = Unfold.lmap (a, )
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL supplyFirst #-}
supplyFirst :: Unfold m (a, b) c -> a -> Unfold m b c
supplyFirst unf a = lmap (a, ) unf
supplyFirst :: a -> Unfold m (a, b) c -> Unfold m b c
supplyFirst a = lmap (a, )
-- XXX change the signature to the following?
-- supplySecond :: b -> Unfold m (a, b) c -> Unfold m a c
-- | Supply the second component of the tuple to an unfold that accepts a tuple
-- as a seed resulting in a fold that accepts the first component of the tuple
-- as a seed.
-- @
-- supplySecond b = Unfold.lmap (, b)
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL supplySecond #-}
supplySecond :: Unfold m (a, b) c -> b -> Unfold m a c
supplySecond unf b = lmap (, b) unf
supplySecond :: b -> Unfold m (a, b) c -> Unfold m a c
supplySecond b = lmap (, b)
-- | Convert an 'Unfold' into an unfold accepting a tuple as an argument,
-- using the argument of the original fold as the second element of tuple and
-- discarding the first element of the tuple.
-- @
-- discardFirst = Unfold.lmap snd
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL discardFirst #-}
@ -265,6 +288,10 @@ discardFirst = lmap snd
-- using the argument of the original fold as the first element of tuple and
-- discarding the second element of the tuple.
-- @
-- discardSecond = Unfold.lmap fst
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL discardSecond #-}
@ -274,6 +301,10 @@ discardSecond = lmap fst
-- | Convert an 'Unfold' that accepts a tuple as an argument into an unfold
-- that accepts a tuple with elements swapped.
-- @
-- swap = Unfold.lmap Tuple.swap
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL swap #-}
@ -393,7 +424,8 @@ nilM f = Unfold step return
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
step x = f x >> return Stop
-- | Prepend a monadic single element generator function to an 'Unfold'.
-- | Prepend a monadic single element generator function to an 'Unfold'. The
-- same seed is used in the action as well as the unfold.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL consM #-}
@ -414,17 +446,6 @@ consM action unf = Unfold step inject
Skip s -> return $ Skip (Right (Stream step1 s))
Stop -> return Stop
-- | Lift a monadic effect into an unfold generating a singleton stream.
{-# INLINE effect #-}
effect :: Monad m => m b -> Unfold m Void b
effect eff = Unfold step inject
inject _ = return True
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
step True = eff >>= \r -> return $ Yield r False
step False = return Stop
-- | Convert a list of pure values to a 'Stream'
{-# INLINE_LATE fromList #-}
fromList :: Monad m => Unfold m [a] a
@ -514,6 +535,10 @@ iterateM f = Unfold step id
-- | @fromIndicesM gen@ generates an infinite stream of values using @gen@
-- starting from the seed.
-- @
-- fromIndicesM f = Unfold.mapM f $ Unfold.enumerateFrom 0
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL fromIndicesM #-}
@ -655,9 +680,37 @@ dropWhileM f (Unfold step inject) = Unfold step' inject'
dropWhile :: Monad m => (b -> Bool) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a b
dropWhile f = dropWhileM (return . f)
-- Enumeration
-- Enumeration of Num
-- | Generate an infinite stream starting from a starting value with increments
-- of the given stride. The implementation is numerically stable for floating
-- point values.
-- Note 'enumerateFromStepIntegral' is faster for integrals.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE enumerateFromStepNum #-}
enumerateFromStepNum :: (Monad m, Num a) => a -> Unfold m a a
enumerateFromStepNum stride = Unfold step return
-- XXX This is numerically unstable.
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
step !s = return $ (Yield $! s) $! (s + stride)
-- | @numFrom = enumerateFromStepNum 1@
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL numFrom #-}
numFrom :: (Monad m, Num a) => Unfold m a a
numFrom = enumerateFromStepNum 1
-- Enumeration of Integrals
-- | Can be used to enumerate unbounded integrals. This does not check for
-- overflow or underflow for bounded integrals.
@ -674,34 +727,20 @@ enumerateFromStepIntegral = Unfold step inject
{-# INLINE enumerateFromToIntegral #-}
enumerateFromToIntegral :: (Monad m, Integral a) => a -> Unfold m a a
enumerateFromToIntegral to =
takeWhile (<= to) $ supplySecond enumerateFromStepIntegral 1
takeWhile (<= to) $ supplySecond 1 enumerateFromStepIntegral
{-# INLINE enumerateFromIntegral #-}
enumerateFromIntegral :: (Monad m, Integral a, Bounded a) => Unfold m a a
enumerateFromIntegral = enumerateFromToIntegral maxBound
-- | Generate an infinite stream starting from the seed with increments of the
-- given stride.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE enumerateFromStepNum #-}
enumerateFromStepNum :: (Monad m, Num a) => a -> Unfold m a a
enumerateFromStepNum stride = Unfold step return
{-# INLINE_LATE step #-}
step !s = return $ (Yield $! s) $! (s + stride)
-- | @numFrom = enumerateFromStepNum 1@
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE_NORMAL numFrom #-}
numFrom :: (Monad m, Num a) => Unfold m a a
numFrom = enumerateFromStepNum 1
-- Enumeration of Fractionals
-- | /Internal/
-- > enumerateFromToFractional to = takeWhile (<= to + 1 / 2) $ enumerateFromStepNum 1
{-# INLINE_NORMAL enumerateFromToFractional #-}
enumerateFromToFractional :: (Monad m, Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> Unfold m a a
enumerateFromToFractional to =
@ -862,6 +901,7 @@ data OuterProductState s1 s2 sy x y =
OuterProductOuter s1 y | OuterProductInner s1 sy s2 x
-- XXX this can be written in terms of "cross".
-- XXX Remove this in favor of cross?
-- | Create an outer product (vector product or cartesian product) of the
-- output streams of two unfolds.

View File

@ -8,19 +8,31 @@
module Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.Type
( Unfold (..)
-- * From values
, singletonM
, singleton
, identity
, ConcatState (..)
, many
, yieldM
, yield
-- * Transformations
, lmap
, map
, const
-- * Nesting
, ConcatState (..)
, many
, apSequence
, apDiscardSnd
, cross
, apply
, bind
, concatMapM
, concatMap
, zipWithM
, zipWith
@ -28,8 +40,8 @@ where
#include "inline.hs"
import Control.Arrow (Arrow(..))
import Control.Category (Category(..))
-- import Control.Arrow (Arrow(..))
-- import Control.Category (Category(..))
import Fusion.Plugin.Types (Fuse(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamD.Step (Step(..))
@ -60,7 +72,7 @@ data Unfold m a b =
-- | Map a function on the input argument of the 'Unfold'.
-- @
-- lmap f = many (singleton f)
-- lmap f = Unfold.many (Unfold.singleton f)
-- @
-- /Pre-release/
@ -93,9 +105,12 @@ instance Functor m => Functor (Unfold m a) where
-- Applicative
{-# INLINE const #-}
const :: Applicative m => m b -> Unfold m a b
const m = Unfold step inject
-- | The unfold discards its input and generates a singleton stream using the
-- supplied monadic action.
{-# INLINE yieldM #-}
yieldM :: Applicative m => m b -> Unfold m a b
yieldM m = Unfold step inject
@ -104,6 +119,10 @@ const m = Unfold step inject
step False = (`Yield` True) <$> m
step True = pure Stop
-- | Discards the unfold input and always returns the argument of 'yield'.
yield :: Applicative m => b -> Unfold m a b
yield = yieldM . pure
-- | Outer product discarding the first element.
-- /Unimplemented/
@ -154,9 +173,15 @@ cross (Unfold step1 inject1) (Unfold step2 inject2) = Unfold step inject
Skip s -> Skip (CrossInner a s1 b s)
Stop -> Skip (CrossOuter a s1)
apply :: Monad m => Unfold m a (b -> c) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a c
apply u1 u2 = fmap (\(a, b) -> a b) (cross u1 u2)
-- | Example:
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold ((,) <$> Unfold.lmap fst Unfold.fromList <*> Unfold.lmap snd Unfold.fromList) ([1,2],[3,4])
-- >>> rlist = Unfold.lmap fst Unfold.fromList
-- >>> llist = Unfold.lmap snd Unfold.fromList
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold ((,) <$> rlist <*> llist) ([1,2],[3,4])
-- [(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)]
instance Monad m => Applicative (Unfold m a) where
@ -164,13 +189,14 @@ instance Monad m => Applicative (Unfold m a) where
pure = const Prelude.. return
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
u1 <*> u2 = fmap (\(a, b) -> a b) (cross u1 u2)
(<*>) = apply
-- {-# INLINE (*>) #-}
-- (*>) = apSequence
-- {-# INLINE (<*) #-}
-- (<*) = apDiscardSnd
-- Monad
@ -216,15 +242,30 @@ concatMapM f (Unfold step1 inject1) = Unfold step inject
concatMap :: Monad m => (b -> Unfold m a c) -> Unfold m a b -> Unfold m a c
concatMap f = concatMapM (return Prelude.. f)
infixl 1 `bind`
{-# INLINE bind #-}
bind :: Monad m => Unfold m a b -> (b -> Unfold m a c) -> Unfold m a c
bind = flip concatMap
-- Note: concatMap and Monad instance for unfolds have performance comparable
-- to Stream. In fact, concatMap is slower than Stream, that may be some
-- optimization issue though.
-- Monad allows an unfold to depend on the output of a previous unfold.
-- However, it is probably easier to use streams in such situations.
-- | Example:
-- >>> u = do { x <- Unfold.lmap fst Unfold.fromList; y <- Unfold.lmap snd Unfold.fromList; return (x,y); }
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold u ([1,2],[3,4])
-- [(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)]
-- >>> :{
-- u = do
-- x <- Unfold.enumerateFromToIntegral 4
-- y <- Unfold.enumerateFromToIntegral x
-- return (x, y)
-- :}
-- >>> Stream.toList $ Stream.unfold u 1
-- [(1,1),(2,1),(2,2),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(4,1),(4,2),(4,3),(4,4)]
instance Monad m => Monad (Unfold m a) where
{-# INLINE return #-}
@ -235,6 +276,7 @@ instance Monad m => Monad (Unfold m a) where
-- {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
-- (>>) = (*>)
-- Category
@ -258,6 +300,8 @@ singletonM f = Unfold step inject
-- | Lift a pure function into an unfold generating a singleton stream.
-- > singleton f = singletonM $ return . f
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
singleton :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Unfold m a b
singleton f = singletonM $ return Prelude.. f
@ -265,11 +309,11 @@ singleton f = singletonM $ return Prelude.. f
-- | Identity unfold. Generates a singleton stream with the seed as the only
-- element in the stream.
-- > identity = singletonM return
-- > identity = singleton
{-# INLINE identity #-}
identity :: Monad m => Unfold m a a
identity = singletonM return
identity = singleton
{-# ANN type ConcatState Fuse #-}
data ConcatState s1 s2 = ConcatOuter s1 | ConcatInner s1 s2
@ -306,17 +350,25 @@ many (Unfold step1 inject1) (Unfold step2 inject2) = Unfold step inject
Skip s -> Skip (ConcatInner ost s)
Stop -> Skip (ConcatOuter ost)
-- XXX There are multiple possible ways to combine the unfolds, "many" appends
-- them, we could also have other variants of "many" e.g. manyInterleave.
-- Should we even have a category instance or just use these functions
-- directly?
instance Monad m => Category (Unfold m) where
{-# INLINE id #-}
id = identity
{-# INLINE (.) #-}
(.) = flip many
-- Arrow
-- | Stops as soon as any of the unfolds stops.
{-# INLINE_NORMAL zipWithM #-}
zipWithM :: Monad m
=> (a -> b -> m c) -> Unfold m x a -> Unfold m y b -> Unfold m (x, y) c
@ -364,6 +416,16 @@ zipWith :: Monad m
=> (a -> b -> c) -> Unfold m x a -> Unfold m y b -> Unfold m (x, y) c
zipWith f = zipWithM (\a b -> return (f a b))
-- XXX There are multiple ways of combining the outputs of two unfolds, we
-- could zip, merge, append and more. What is the preferred way for Arrow
-- instance? Should we even have an arrow instance or just use these functions
-- directly?
-- | '***' is a zip like operation, in fact it is the same as @Unfold.zipWith
-- (,)@, '&&&' is a tee like operation i.e. distributes the input to both the
-- unfolds and then zips the output.
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use zip" #-}
instance Monad m => Arrow (Unfold m) where
{-# INLINE arr #-}
@ -371,3 +433,4 @@ instance Monad m => Arrow (Unfold m) where
{-# INLINE (***) #-}
(***) = zipWith (,)

View File

@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ getBytes = toBytes stdin
-- @since 0.7.0
{-# INLINE readChunks #-}
readChunks :: MonadIO m => Unfold m Handle (Array Word8)
readChunks = UF.supplyFirst readChunksWithBufferOf defaultChunkSize
readChunks = UF.supplyFirst defaultChunkSize readChunksWithBufferOf
-- Read File to Stream
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ toBytesWithBufferOf chunkSize h = AS.concat $ toChunksWithBufferOf chunkSize h
-- @since 0.7.0
{-# INLINE read #-}
read :: MonadIO m => Unfold m Handle Word8
read = UF.supplyFirst readWithBufferOf defaultChunkSize
read = UF.supplyFirst defaultChunkSize readWithBufferOf
-- | Generate a byte stream from a file 'Handle'.

View File

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ acceptOnAddr = acceptOnAddrWith []
acceptOnPortWith :: MonadIO m
=> [(SocketOption, Int)]
-> Unfold m PortNumber Socket
acceptOnPortWith opts = UF.supplyFirst (acceptOnAddrWith opts) (0,0,0,0)
acceptOnPortWith opts = UF.supplyFirst (0,0,0,0) (acceptOnAddrWith opts)
-- | Like 'acceptOnAddr' but binds on the IPv4 address @ i.e. on all
-- IPv4 addresses/interfaces of the machine and listens for TCP connections on
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ acceptOnPortWith opts = UF.supplyFirst (acceptOnAddrWith opts) (0,0,0,0)
-- @since 0.7.0
{-# INLINE acceptOnPort #-}
acceptOnPort :: MonadIO m => Unfold m PortNumber Socket
acceptOnPort = UF.supplyFirst acceptOnAddr (0,0,0,0)
acceptOnPort = UF.supplyFirst (0,0,0,0) acceptOnAddr
-- | Like 'acceptOnAddr' but binds on the localhost IPv4 address @
-- The server can only be accessed from the local host, it cannot be accessed
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ acceptOnPort = UF.supplyFirst acceptOnAddr (0,0,0,0)
-- @since 0.7.0
{-# INLINE acceptOnPortLocal #-}
acceptOnPortLocal :: MonadIO m => Unfold m PortNumber Socket
acceptOnPortLocal = UF.supplyFirst acceptOnAddr (127,0,0,1)
acceptOnPortLocal = UF.supplyFirst (127,0,0,1) acceptOnAddr
-- Accept (streams)

View File

@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ readChunksWithBufferOf = Unfold step return
-- @since 0.7.0
{-# INLINE readChunks #-}
readChunks :: MonadIO m => Unfold m Socket (Array Word8)
readChunks = UF.supplyFirst readChunksWithBufferOf A.defaultChunkSize
readChunks = UF.supplyFirst A.defaultChunkSize readChunksWithBufferOf
-- Read File to Stream
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ readWithBufferOf = UF.many readChunksWithBufferOf
-- @since 0.7.0
{-# INLINE read #-}
read :: MonadIO m => Unfold m Socket Word8
read = UF.supplyFirst readWithBufferOf A.defaultChunkSize
read = UF.supplyFirst A.defaultChunkSize readWithBufferOf
-- Writing

View File

@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ lmapM =
supply :: Bool
supply =
let unf = (UF.singleton id) 1
let unf = 1 (UF.singleton id)
in testUnfold unf undefined ([1] :: [Int])
supplyFirst :: Bool
supplyFirst =
let unf = UF.supplyFirst (UF.singleton id) 1
let unf = UF.supplyFirst 1 (UF.singleton id)
in testUnfold unf 2 ([(1, 2)] :: [(Int, Int)])
supplySecond :: Bool
supplySecond =
let unf = UF.supplySecond (UF.singleton id) 1
let unf = UF.supplySecond 1 (UF.singleton id)
in testUnfold unf 2 ([(2, 1)] :: [(Int, Int)])
discardFirst :: Bool
@ -134,11 +134,6 @@ consM =
unf = cns $ cns $ UF.nilM $ \a -> modify (+ a)
in testUnfoldMD unf 1 0 3 [1, 2]
effect :: Bool
effect =
let unf = UF.effect (modify (+ 1) >> get)
in testUnfoldMD unf undefined 0 1 [1]
singletonM :: Bool
singletonM =
let unf = UF.singletonM (\a -> modify (+ a) >> get)
@ -146,7 +141,7 @@ singletonM =
const :: Bool
const =
let unf = UF.const (modify (+ 1) >> get)
let unf = UF.yieldM (modify (+ 1) >> get)
in testUnfoldMD unf (0 :: Int) 0 1 [1]
unfoldrM :: Property
@ -380,7 +375,6 @@ testGeneration =
prop "fromStreamD" fromStreamD
prop "nilM" nilM
prop "consM" consM
prop "effect" effect
prop "singletonM" singletonM
-- prop "singleton" singleton
-- prop "identity" identity

View File

@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ unfold0 :: Property
unfold0 = monadicIO $ do
a <- pick $ choose (0, max_length `div` 2)
b <- pick $ choose (0, max_length)
let unf = (UF.enumerateFromToIntegral b) a
let unf = a (UF.enumerateFromToIntegral b)
ls <- S.toList $ IS.unfold0 unf
return $ ls == [a..b]

View File

@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ transformCombineOpsCommon constr desc eq t = do
forAll (choose (0, 100)) $ \n ->
transform (concatMap (const [1..n]))
t (S.unfoldMany (UF.lmap (const undefined)
$ UF.fromList [1..n]))
$ [1..n] UF.fromList))
toListFL :: Monad m => FL.Fold m a [a]
toListFL = FL.toList