Abstract out the splitOnSeq property tests

This commit is contained in:
adithyaov 2020-11-04 03:59:10 +05:30 committed by Adithya Kumar
parent 6c27236476
commit aaae284415

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Data.IORef ( newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe ( isJust, fromJust )
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
( Gen
, Property
, arbitrary
, Arbitrary(..)
, choose
, elements
, forAll
@ -106,55 +107,108 @@ splitOnSuffixSeq = do
$ IS.splitOnSuffixSeq (A.fromList pat) (FL.toList) (S.fromList xs)
seqSplitterProperties ::
forall a. (Arbitrary a, Eq a, Show a, Storable a, Enum a)
=> a
-> String
-> Spec
seqSplitterProperties sep desc = do
describe (desc <> " splitOnSeq/intercalate")
$ do
-- Empty seperator
intercalateSplitEqId 0
concatSplitIntercalateEqConcat splitOnSeq_ intercalate 0
-- Single element seperator
intercalateSplitEqId 1
concatSplitIntercalateEqConcat splitOnSeq_ intercalate 1
-- Shift Or
intercalateSplitEqId 2
concatSplitIntercalateEqConcat splitOnSeq_ intercalate 2
-- Karp-Rabin
intercalateSplitEqId 4
concatSplitIntercalateEqConcat splitOnSeq_ intercalate 4
-- Exclusive case
splitIntercalateEqId splitOnSeq_ intercalate
splitOnSeq_ xs ys =
S.toList $ IS.splitOnSeq (A.fromList ys) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
nonSepElem :: Gen a
nonSepElem = suchThat arbitrary (/= sep)
listWithSep :: Gen [a]
listWithSep = listOf $ frequency [(3, arbitrary), (1, elements [sep])]
listWithoutSep :: Gen [a]
listWithoutSep = vectorOf 4 nonSepElem
listsWithoutSep :: Gen [[a]]
listsWithoutSep = listOf listWithoutSep
listsWithoutSep1 :: Gen [[a]]
listsWithoutSep1 = listOf1 listWithoutSep
intercalateSplitEqId i =
let name =
"intercalate . splitOnSeq == id ("
<> show i <> " element separator)"
in prop name
$ forAll listWithSep
$ \xs -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount
$ monadicIO
$ do
ys <- splitOnSeq_ xs (replicate i sep)
(intercalate (replicate i sep) ys)
concatSplitIntercalateEqConcat splitter intercalater i =
let name =
"concat . splitter . intercalater == "
<> "concat ("
<> show i <> " element separator/possibly empty list)"
in prop name
$ forAll listsWithoutSep
$ \xss -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount
$ monadicIO
$ do
let xs = intercalater (replicate i sep) xss
ys <- splitter xs (replicate i sep)
listEquals (==) (concat ys) (concat xss)
splitIntercalateEqId splitter intercalater =
let name =
"splitter . intercalater == id"
<> " (exclusive separator/non-empty list)"
in prop name
$ forAll listsWithoutSep1
$ \xss -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount
$ monadicIO
$ do
let xs = intercalater [sep] xss
ys <- splitter xs [sep]
listEquals (==) ys xss
groupSplitOps :: String -> Spec
groupSplitOps desc = do
-- splitting
-- XXX add tests with multichar separators too
let split xs ys =
S.toList $ IS.splitOnSeq (A.fromList ys) FL.toList (S.fromList xs)
prop (desc <> " intercalate . splitOnSeq == id (nil separator)") $
forAll listWithZeroes $ \xs -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount $
monadicIO $ do
ys <- split xs []
listEquals (==) (intercalate [] ys) xs
prop (desc <> " intercalate . splitOnSeq == id (single element separator)") $
forAll listWithZeroes $ \xs -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount $
monadicIO $ do
ys <- split xs [0]
listEquals (==) (intercalate [0] ys) xs
prop (desc <> " concat . splitOnSeq . intercalate == concat "
<> "(nil separator/possibly empty list)") $
forAll listsWithoutZeroes $ \xss -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount $
monadicIO $ do
let xs = intercalate [] xss
ys <- split xs [0]
listEquals (==) (concat ys) (concat xss)
prop (desc <> " concat . splitOnSeq . intercalate == "
<> "concat (non-nil separator/possibly empty list)") $
forAll listsWithoutZeroes $ \xss -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount $
monadicIO $ do
let xs = intercalate [0] xss
ys <- split xs [0]
listEquals (==) (concat ys) (concat xss)
prop (desc <> " splitOnSeq . intercalate == id "
<> "(exclusive separator/non-empty list)") $
forAll listsWithoutZeroes1 $ \xss -> do
withMaxSuccess maxTestCount $
monadicIO $ do
let xs = intercalate [0] xss
ys <- split xs [0]
listEquals (==) ys xss
-- seq splitting
seqSplitterProperties (0 :: Int) desc
-- XXX This will fail
-- seqSplitterProperties (0 :: Word8) desc
prop (desc <> " intercalate [x] . splitOn (== x) == id") $
forAll listWithZeroes $ \xs -> do
@ -168,14 +222,6 @@ groupSplitOps desc = do
listWithZeroes :: Gen [Int]
listWithZeroes = listOf $ frequency [(3, arbitrary), (1, elements [0])]
listWithoutZeroes = vectorOf 4 $ suchThat arbitrary (/= 0)
listsWithoutZeroes :: Gen [[Int]]
listsWithoutZeroes = listOf listWithoutZeroes
listsWithoutZeroes1 :: Gen [[Int]]
listsWithoutZeroes1 = listOf1 listWithoutZeroes
-- |
-- After grouping (and folding) Int stream using @>@ operation,
-- the first @Int@ of every @[Int]@ in the @[Int]@ stream should be the minimum.