Implement fromPath in IsPath instances

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2024-01-22 00:05:01 +05:30
parent e3bdda3bef
commit ae41ed3a25
6 changed files with 156 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ instance Exception PathException
-- XXX Swap the order of IsPath arguments?
-- XXX rename to fromBase, fromBasePath, fromOsPath?
-- | If the type @a b@ is a member of 'IsPath' it means we know how to convert
-- the type @b@ to and from the base type @a@.

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common
-- * Types
OS (..)
-- * Construction
, fromChunk
, unsafeFromChunk
@ -33,6 +34,11 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common
, append
, unsafeAppend
-- * Utilities
, wordToChar
, charToWord
, unsafeIndexChar

View File

@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ instance IsPath OS_PATH OS_PATH where
-- should not verify it again e.g. if we adapt (Loc path) as (Loc (Dir path))
-- then we should not verify it to be Loc again.
-- XXX castPath?
-- | Convert a path type to another path type. This operation may fail with a
-- 'PathException' when converting a less restrictive path type to a more
-- restrictive one. This can be used to upgrade or downgrade type safety.
@ -200,13 +202,15 @@ dropTrailingSeparators (OS_PATH arr) =
-- | /Unsafe/: The user is responsible to make sure that the cases mentioned in
-- OS_PATH are satisfied.
{-# INLINE unsafeFromChunk #-}
unsafeFromChunk :: Array Word8 -> OS_PATH
unsafeFromChunk = OS_PATH . Common.unsafeFromChunk
unsafeFromChunk :: IsPath OS_PATH a => Array Word8 -> a
unsafeFromChunk = unsafeFromPath . OS_PATH . Common.unsafeFromChunk
-- XXX mkPath?
-- | See 'fromChars' for failure cases.
fromChunk :: MonadThrow m => Array Word8 -> m OS_PATH
fromChunk = fmap OS_PATH . Common.fromChunk
fromChunk :: (MonadThrow m, IsPath OS_PATH a) => Array Word8 -> m a
fromChunk arr = fmap OS_PATH (Common.fromChunk arr) >>= fromPath
-- XXX Should be a Fold instead?
@ -222,13 +226,15 @@ fromChunk = fmap OS_PATH . Common.fromChunk
-- Unicode normalization is not done. If normalization is needed the user can
-- normalize it and use the fromChunk API.
fromChars :: MonadThrow m => Stream Identity Char -> m OS_PATH
fromChars =
fmap OS_PATH . Common.fromChars (== '\0') Unicode.UNICODE_ENCODER
fromChars :: (MonadThrow m, IsPath OS_PATH a) => Stream Identity Char -> m a
fromChars s =
fmap OS_PATH (Common.fromChars (== '\0') Unicode.UNICODE_ENCODER s)
>>= fromPath
unsafeFromString :: [Char] -> OS_PATH
unsafeFromString :: IsPath OS_PATH a => [Char] -> a
unsafeFromString =
. Common.unsafeFromChars (== '\0') Unicode.UNICODE_ENCODER
. Stream.fromList
@ -236,7 +242,7 @@ unsafeFromString =
-- >>> fromString = Path.fromChars . Stream.fromList
fromString :: MonadThrow m => [Char] -> m OS_PATH
fromString :: (MonadThrow m, IsPath OS_PATH a) => [Char] -> m a
fromString = fromChars . Stream.fromList
@ -245,10 +251,12 @@ fromString = fromChars . Stream.fromList
-- XXX We can lift the array directly, ByteArray has a lift instance. Does that
-- work better?
-- XXX Make this polymorphic and reusable in other modules.
liftPath :: OS_PATH -> Q Exp
liftPath p =
[| unsafeFromString $(lift $ toString p) |]
[| unsafeFromString $(lift $ toString p) :: OS_PATH |]
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type OS_PATH from a String.
@ -276,12 +284,14 @@ path = mkQ pathExp
-- Eimination
-- XXX unPath?
-- | Convert the path to an array of bytes.
toChunk :: OS_PATH -> Array Word8
toChunk (OS_PATH arr) = Common.toChunk arr
toChunk :: IsPath OS_PATH a => a -> Array Word8
toChunk p = let OS_PATH arr = toPath p in Common.toChunk arr
-- | Decode the path to a stream of Unicode chars using strict CODEC_NAME decoding.
toChars :: (Monad m, IsPath OS_PATH p) => p -> Stream m Char
toChars :: (Monad m, IsPath OS_PATH a) => a -> Stream m Char
toChars p =
let (OS_PATH arr) =
toPath p in Common.toChars Unicode.UNICODE_DECODER arr
@ -330,6 +340,7 @@ isSegment :: OS_PATH -> Bool
isSegment = not . isLocation
-- XXX This can be generalized to an Array intersperse operation
-- XXX This can work on a polymorphic IsPath type.
{-# INLINE unsafeAppend #-}
unsafeAppend :: OS_PATH -> OS_PATH -> OS_PATH

View File

@ -31,16 +31,12 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.FileDir
, Dir (..)
, IsFileDir
-- * Construction
, dirFromString -- dirString?
, fileFromString
-- ** Statically Verified String Literals
-- * Statically Verified Path Literals
-- | Quasiquoters.
, dir
, file
-- ** Statically Verified Strings
-- * Statically Verified Path Strings
-- | Template Haskell expression splices.
, dirExp
, fileExp
@ -51,17 +47,18 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.FileDir
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, Exp)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Path (IsPath(..), PathException(..))
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common (OS(..), mkQ)
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH (OS_PATH(..))
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array as Array
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common as Common
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH as OsPath
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Path
{- $setup
>>> :m
>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
@ -86,7 +83,25 @@ instance IsFileDir (Dir a)
instance IsPath OS_PATH (File OS_PATH) where
unsafeFromPath = File
fromPath p = pure (File p)
-- Cannot have "." or ".." as last component.
fromPath p@(OS_PATH arr) = do
s1 <-
$ Stream.take 3
$ Stream.takeWhile (not . Common.isSeparator OS_NAME)
$ fmap Common.wordToChar
$ Array.readRev arr
-- XXX On posix we just need to check last 3 bytes of the array
case s1 of
'.' : xs ->
case xs of
[] -> throwM $ InvalidPath "A file name cannot be \".\""
'.' : [] ->
throwM $ InvalidPath "A file name cannot be \"..\""
_ -> pure $ File p
_ -> pure $ File p
toPath (File p) = p
instance IsPath OS_PATH (Dir OS_PATH) where
@ -94,26 +109,6 @@ instance IsPath OS_PATH (Dir OS_PATH) where
fromPath p = pure (Dir p)
toPath (Dir p) = p
-- | Any valid path could be a directory.
dirFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (Dir OS_PATH)
dirFromString s = Dir <$> OsPath.fromString s
-- | Cannot have "." or ".." as last component.
fileFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (File OS_PATH)
fileFromString s = do
r@(OS_PATH _arr) <- OsPath.fromString s
-- XXX take it from the array
let s1 = reverse $ takeWhile (not . Common.isSeparator Posix) (reverse s)
in if s1 == "."
then throwM $ InvalidPath "A file name cannot be \".\""
else if s1 == ".."
then throwM $ InvalidPath "A file name cannot be \"..\""
else (pure . File) r
-- Statically Verified Strings
@ -123,21 +118,21 @@ fileFromString s = do
liftDir :: Dir OS_PATH -> Q Exp
liftDir (Dir p) =
[| Dir (OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p)) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: Dir OS_PATH |]
liftFile :: File OS_PATH -> Q Exp
liftFile (File p) =
[| File (OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p)) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: File OS_PATH |]
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @Dir OS_PATH@.
dirExp :: String -> Q Exp
dirExp = either (error . show) liftDir . dirFromString
dirExp = either (error . show) liftDir . OsPath.fromString
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @File OS_PATH@.
fileExp :: String -> Q Exp
fileExp = either (error . show) liftFile . fileFromString
fileExp = either (error . show) liftFile . OsPath.fromString
-- Statically Verified Literals

View File

@ -36,17 +36,12 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.LocSeg
, Seg (..)
, IsLocSeg
-- * Construction
-- ** From String
, locFromString -- locString?
, segFromString
-- ** Statically Verified String Literals
-- * Statically Verified Path Literals
-- | Quasiquoters.
, loc
, seg
-- ** Statically Verified Strings
-- * Statically Verified Path Strings
-- | Template Haskell expression splices.
, locExp
, segExp
@ -57,20 +52,15 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.LocSeg
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, Exp)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Array (Array(..))
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common (OS(..), mkQ)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Path (IsPath(..), PathException(..))
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common (mkQ)
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH (OS_PATH(..))
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array as Array
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common as Common
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH as OsPath
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Loc)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Path
{- $setup
>>> :m
>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
@ -88,12 +78,24 @@ newtype Seg a = Seg a
instance IsPath OS_PATH (Loc OS_PATH) where
unsafeFromPath = Loc
fromPath p = pure (Loc p)
fromPath p =
if OsPath.isLocation p
then pure (Loc p)
-- XXX Add more detailed error msg with all valid examples.
else throwM $ InvalidPath
$ "Must be a specific location, not a path segment: "
++ OsPath.toString p
toPath (Loc p) = p
instance IsPath OS_PATH (Seg OS_PATH) where
unsafeFromPath = Seg
fromPath p = pure (Seg p)
fromPath p =
if OsPath.isSegment p
then pure (Seg p)
-- XXX Add more detailed error msg with all valid examples.
else throwM $ InvalidPath
$ "Must be a path segment, not a specific location: "
++ OsPath.toString p
toPath (Seg p) = p
-- | Constraint to check if a type has Loc or Seg annotations.
@ -102,55 +104,27 @@ class IsLocSeg a
instance IsLocSeg (Loc a)
instance IsLocSeg (Seg a)
locFromChunk :: MonadThrow m => Array Word8 -> m (Loc OS_PATH)
locFromChunk arr = do
if Common.isLocation OS_NAME arr
then fmap Loc (OsPath.fromChunk arr)
-- XXX Add more detailed error msg with all valid examples.
else throwM $ InvalidPath "Must be a specific location, not a path segment"
locFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (Loc OS_PATH)
locFromString s = do
OS_PATH arr <- OsPath.fromString s
locFromChunk (Array.castUnsafe arr)
segFromChunk :: MonadThrow m => Array Word8 -> m (Seg OS_PATH)
segFromChunk arr = do
if Common.isSegment OS_NAME arr
then fmap Seg (OsPath.fromChunk arr)
-- XXX Add more detailed error msg with all valid examples.
else throwM $ InvalidPath "Must be a path segment, not a specific location"
segFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (Seg OS_PATH)
segFromString s = do
OS_PATH arr <- OsPath.fromString s
segFromChunk (Array.castUnsafe arr)
-- Statically Verified Strings
liftLoc :: Loc OS_PATH -> Q Exp
liftLoc (Loc p) =
[| Loc (OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p)) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: Loc OS_PATH |]
liftSeg :: Seg OS_PATH -> Q Exp
liftSeg (Seg p) =
[| Seg (OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p)) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: Seg OS_PATH |]
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @Loc OS_PATH@.
locExp :: String -> Q Exp
locExp = either (error . show) liftLoc . locFromString
locExp = either (error . show) liftLoc . OsPath.fromString
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @Seg OS_PATH@.
segExp :: String -> Q Exp
segExp = either (error . show) liftSeg . segFromString
segExp = either (error . show) liftSeg . OsPath.fromString
-- Statically Verified Literals

View File

@ -25,24 +25,14 @@
module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.Typed
-- * Types
-- * Construction
-- ** From String
, dirLocFromString -- dirLocString?
, dirSegFromString
, fileLocFromString
, fileSegFromString
-- ** Statically Verified String Literals
-- * Statically Verified Path Literals
-- | Quasiquoters.
, dirloc
, dirseg
, fileloc
, fileseg
-- ** Statically Verified Strings
-- * Statically Verified Path Strings
-- | Template Haskell expression splices.
, dirLocExp
, dirSegExp
@ -54,15 +44,13 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.Typed
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Path.Common (mkQ)
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH (OS_PATH(..))
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.LocSeg (Loc(..), Seg(..))
import Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.FileDir (File(..), Dir(..))
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH as OS_NAME
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH.LocSeg as LocSeg
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.OS_PATH as OsPath
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Loc)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
@ -84,51 +72,86 @@ For APIs that have not been released yet.
-- Note that (Loc a) may also be a directory if "a" is (Dir b), but it can also
-- be a file if "a" is (File b). Therefore, the constraints are put on a more
-- spspecific type e.g. (Loc OS_PATH) may be a dir.
-- specific type e.g. (Loc OS_PATH) may be a dir.
-- | Constraint to check if a type represents a directory.
class HasDir a
instance HasDir (Dir a)
instance HasDir (Loc (Dir a))
instance HasDir (Seg (Dir a))
-- Design notes:
-- There are two ways in which we can lift or upgrade a lower level path to a
-- higher level one. Lift each type directly from the base path e.g. Loc (Dir
-- PosixPath) can be created directly from PosixPath. This allows us to do dir
-- checks and loc checks at the same time in a monolithic manner. But this also
-- makes us do the Dir checks again if we are lifting from Dir to Loc. This
-- leads to less complicated constraints, more convenient type conversions.
-- Another alternative is to lift one segment at a time, so we lift PosixPath
-- to Dir and then Dir to Loc. This way the checks are serialized, we perform
-- the dir checks first and then Loc checks, we cannot combine them together.
-- The advantage is that when lifting from Dir to Loc we do not need to do the
-- Dir checks. The disadvantage is less convenient conversion because of
-- stronger typing, we will need two steps - fromPath . fromPath and toPath .
-- toPath to upgrade or downgrade instead of just adapt.
instance IsPath (File OS_PATH) (Loc (File OS_PATH)) where
unsafeFromPath = Loc
fromPath (File p) = do
_ :: Loc OS_PATH <- fromPath p
pure $ Loc (File p)
toPath (Loc p) = p
instance IsPath (Loc OS_PATH) (Loc (File OS_PATH)) where
unsafeFromPath = Loc
fromPath (File p) = do
_ :: File OS_PATH <- fromPath p
pure $ Loc (File p)
toPath (Loc p) = p
-- Assuming that lifting from Dir/File to Loc/Seg is not common and even if it
-- is then the combined cost of doing Dir/Loc checks would be almost the same
-- as individual checks, we take the first approach.
instance IsPath OS_PATH (Loc (File OS_PATH)) where
unsafeFromPath p = Loc (File p)
fromPath p = pure (Loc (File p))
fromPath p = do
_ :: File OS_PATH <- fromPath p
_ :: Loc OS_PATH <- fromPath p
pure $ Loc (File p)
toPath (Loc (File p)) = p
instance IsPath OS_PATH (Loc (Dir OS_PATH)) where
unsafeFromPath p = Loc (Dir p)
fromPath p = pure (Loc (Dir p))
fromPath p = do
_ :: Dir OS_PATH <- fromPath p
_ :: Loc OS_PATH <- fromPath p
pure $ Loc (Dir p)
toPath (Loc (Dir p)) = p
instance IsPath OS_PATH (Seg (File OS_PATH)) where
unsafeFromPath p = Seg (File p)
fromPath p = pure (Seg (File p))
fromPath p = do
_ :: File OS_PATH <- fromPath p
_ :: Seg OS_PATH <- fromPath p
pure $ Seg (File p)
toPath (Seg (File p)) = p
instance IsPath OS_PATH (Seg (Dir OS_PATH)) where
unsafeFromPath p = Seg (Dir p)
fromPath p = pure (Seg (Dir p))
fromPath p = do
_ :: Dir OS_PATH <- fromPath p
_ :: Seg OS_PATH <- fromPath p
pure $ Seg (Dir p)
toPath (Seg (Dir p)) = p
dirLocFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (Loc (Dir OS_PATH))
dirLocFromString s = LocSeg.locFromString s >>= OS_NAME.adapt
dirSegFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (Seg (Dir OS_PATH))
dirSegFromString s = LocSeg.segFromString s >>= OS_NAME.adapt
fileLocFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (Loc (File OS_PATH))
fileLocFromString s = OS_NAME.fromString s >>= OS_NAME.adapt
fileSegFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m (Seg (File OS_PATH))
fileSegFromString s = OS_NAME.fromString s >>= OS_NAME.adapt
-- Statically Verified Strings
@ -138,39 +161,39 @@ fileSegFromString s = OS_NAME.fromString s >>= OS_NAME.adapt
liftDirLoc :: Loc (Dir OS_PATH) -> Q Exp
liftDirLoc (Loc (Dir p)) =
[| Loc (Dir (OS_NAME.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OS_NAME.toString p))) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: Loc (Dir OS_PATH)|]
liftDirSeg :: Seg (Dir OS_PATH) -> Q Exp
liftDirSeg (Seg (Dir p)) =
[| Seg (Dir (OS_NAME.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OS_NAME.toString p))) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: Seg (Dir OS_PATH) |]
liftFileLoc :: Loc (File OS_PATH) -> Q Exp
liftFileLoc (Loc (File p)) =
[| Loc (File (OS_NAME.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OS_NAME.toString p))) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: Loc (File OS_PATH)|]
liftFileSeg :: Seg (File OS_PATH) -> Q Exp
liftFileSeg (Seg (File p)) =
[| Seg (File (OS_NAME.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OS_NAME.toString p))) |]
[| OsPath.unsafeFromString $(lift $ OsPath.toString p) :: Seg (File OS_PATH)|]
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @Loc (Dir OS_PATH)@.
dirLocExp :: String -> Q Exp
dirLocExp = either (error . show) liftDirLoc . dirLocFromString
dirLocExp = either (error . show) liftDirLoc . OsPath.fromString
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @Seg (Dir OS_PATH)@.
dirSegExp :: String -> Q Exp
dirSegExp = either (error . show) liftDirSeg . dirSegFromString
dirSegExp = either (error . show) liftDirSeg . OsPath.fromString
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @Loc (File OS_PATH)@.
fileLocExp :: String -> Q Exp
fileLocExp = either (error . show) liftFileLoc . fileLocFromString
fileLocExp = either (error . show) liftFileLoc . OsPath.fromString
-- | Generates a Haskell expression of type @Seg (File OS_PATH)@.
fileSegExp :: String -> Q Exp
fileSegExp = either (error . show) liftFileSeg . fileSegFromString
fileSegExp = either (error . show) liftFileSeg . OsPath.fromString
-- Statically Verified Literals
@ -287,4 +310,5 @@ append ::
, IsPath OS_PATH (b OS_PATH)
, IsPath OS_PATH (a (b OS_PATH))
) => a (Dir OS_PATH) -> Seg (b OS_PATH) -> a (b OS_PATH)
append a (Seg c) = unsafeFromPath $ OS_NAME.unsafeAppend (toPath a) (toPath c)
append p1 (Seg p2) =
unsafeFromPath $ OsPath.unsafeAppend (toPath p1) (toPath p2)