Solve the problem of last dispatch blocking drain

By always having the last dispatch in another thread. This has significant
impact on performance due to an extra thread or some other reason?
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2017-08-25 23:58:38 +05:30
parent 2248afac5e
commit b3faafaecb

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@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, killThread,
myThreadId, newQSem, QSem,
signalQSem, waitQSem)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TChan, atomically, newTChan,
readTChan, tryReadTChan,
tryReadTChan, writeTChan)
import Control.Exception (SomeException (..))
import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as EL
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM, MonadPlus(..), mzero)
@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ data ChildEvent a =
data Context a =
Context { childChannel :: TChan (ChildEvent a)
, pullSide :: Bool
, runningThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
, doneThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
Context { childChannel :: TChan (ChildEvent a)
, dispatchReq :: QSem
, runningThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
, doneThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
-- The 'Maybe (AsyncT m a)' is redundant as we can use 'stop' value for the
@ -182,7 +182,9 @@ doFork action exHandler =
{-# NOINLINE push #-}
push :: MonadIO m => Context a -> AsyncT m a -> m ()
push context action = run (Just context) action
push context action = do
liftIO $ waitQSem (dispatchReq context)
run (Just context) action
@ -203,24 +205,17 @@ push context action = run (Just context) action
continue a ctx m = channelYield a >> run ctx m
yielder a ctx r = maybe (done a) (\rx -> continue a ctx rx) r
-- If an exception occurs we push it to the channel so that it can handled by
-- the parent. 'Paused' exceptions are to be collected at the top level.
-- XXX Paused exceptions should only bubble up to the runRecorder computation
{-# NOINLINE handleChildException #-}
handleChildException :: TChan (ChildEvent a) -> SomeException -> IO ()
handleChildException pchan e = do
tid <- myThreadId
atomically $ writeTChan pchan (ChildStop tid (Just e))
{-# NOINLINE pushSideDispatch #-}
pushSideDispatch :: MonadAsync m
=> Context a -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a
pushSideDispatch ctx m1 m2 = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx m1) (handleChildException chan)
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTChan chan (ChildCreate tid)
(runAsyncT m2) (Just ctx) stp yld
-- Thread tracking has a significant performance overhead (~20% on empty
-- threads, it will be lower for heavy threads). It is needed for two reasons:
-- 1) Killing threads on exceptions. Threads may not be allowed to go away by
-- themselves because they may run for significant times before going away or
-- worse they may be stuck in IO and never go away.
-- 2) To know when all threads are done. This can be acheived by detecting a
-- BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM exception too. But we will have to trigger a GC to
-- make sure that we detect it promptly.
-- This is a bit messy because ChildCreate and ChildDone events can arrive out
-- of order in case of pushSideDispatch. Returns whether we are done draining
-- threads.
@ -258,75 +253,49 @@ handleException e ctx tid = do
-- We re-raise any exceptions received from the child threads, that way
-- exceptions get propagated to the top level computation and can be handled
-- there.
{-# NOINLINE pullDispatch #-}
pullDispatch :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
=> Context a -> AsyncT m a -> Bool -> AsyncT m a
pullDispatch ctx m dispatch = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
if dispatch then do
(runAsyncT m) (Just ctx) stp yld
else do
res <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTChan (childChannel ctx)
maybe (continue stp yld) (\ev -> handleEvent ev stp yld) res
{-# NOINLINE pullDrain #-}
pullDrain :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Context a -> AsyncT m a
pullDrain ctx = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
res <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTChan (childChannel ctx)
maybe (dispatch >> continue stp yld)
(\ev -> handleEvent ev stp yld) res
{-# INLINE continue #-}
continue stp yld = (runAsyncT (pullDispatch ctx m True)) (Just ctx) stp yld
continue stp yld = (runAsyncT (pullDrain ctx)) Nothing stp yld
{-# INLINE dispatch #-}
dispatch = liftIO $ signalQSem (dispatchReq ctx)
{-# INLINE handleEvent #-}
handleEvent ev stp yld =
case ev of
ChildYield a -> yld a Nothing (Just (pullDispatch ctx m False))
handleEvent ev stp yld = do
let yielder a = yld a Nothing (Just (pullDrain ctx))
case ev of
ChildYield a -> yielder a
ChildDone tid a -> do
void $ delThread ctx tid
yld a Nothing (Just (pullDispatch ctx m True))
done <- delThread ctx tid
if done then (yld a Nothing Nothing) else (yielder a)
ChildStop tid e -> do
case e of
Nothing -> void (delThread ctx tid) >> continue stp yld
Nothing -> do
done <- delThread ctx tid
if done then stp else continue stp yld
Just x -> handleException x ctx tid
ChildCreate tid -> void (addThread ctx tid) >> continue stp yld
ChildCreate tid -> do
done <- addThread ctx tid
if done then stp else continue stp yld
-- | run m1 in a new thread, pushing its results to a pull channel and then run
-- m2 in the parent thread. Any exceptions are also pushed to the channel.
{-# INLINE pullSideDispatch #-}
pullSideDispatch :: MonadAsync m
=> Context a -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a
pullSideDispatch ctx m1 m2 = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push (ctx {pullSide = False}) m1)
(handleChildException chan)
liftIO $ modifyIORef (runningThreads ctx) $ (\s -> S.insert tid s)
(runAsyncT (pullDispatch ctx m2 False)) Nothing stp yld
{-# NOINLINE pullDrain #-}
pullDrain :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Context a -> AsyncT m a
pullDrain ctx = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
let yielder a = yld a Nothing (Just (pullDrain ctx))
continue = (runAsyncT (pullDrain ctx)) Nothing stp yld
res <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan (childChannel ctx)
case res of
ChildYield a -> yielder a
ChildDone tid a -> do
done <- delThread ctx tid
if done then (yld a Nothing Nothing) else (yielder a)
ChildStop tid e -> do
case e of
Nothing -> do
done <- delThread ctx tid
if done then stp else continue
Just x -> handleException x ctx tid
ChildCreate tid -> do
done <- addThread ctx tid
if done then stp else continue
pullDrainStart :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Context a -> AsyncT m a
pullDrainStart ctx = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
r <- liftIO $ readIORef (runningThreads ctx)
d <- liftIO $ readIORef (doneThreads ctx)
if (S.null r && S.null d)
then stp
else (runAsyncT (pullDrain ctx)) Nothing stp yld
-- If an exception occurs we push it to the channel so that it can handled by
-- the parent. 'Paused' exceptions are to be collected at the top level.
-- XXX Paused exceptions should only bubble up to the runRecorder computation
{-# NOINLINE handleChildException #-}
handleChildException :: TChan (ChildEvent a) -> SomeException -> IO ()
handleChildException pchan e = do
tid <- myThreadId
atomically $ writeTChan pchan (ChildStop tid (Just e))
-- | Split the original computation in a pull-push pair. The original
-- computation pulls from a Channel while m1 and m2 push to the channel.
@ -334,19 +303,30 @@ pullDrainStart ctx = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
pullFork :: MonadAsync m => AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a -> AsyncT m a
pullFork m1 m2 = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
ctx <- liftIO $ newContext
let m = pullDispatch ctx ((m1 <|> m2) <> pullDrainStart ctx) True
(runAsyncT m) Nothing stp yld
initialFork ctx m1 >> initialFork ctx m2
(runAsyncT (pullDrain ctx)) Nothing stp yld
-- This function is different than "fork" because we have to directly
-- insert the threadIds here and cannot use the channel to send ChildCreate
-- unlike on the push side. If we do that, the first thread's done message
-- may arrive even before the second thread is forked, in that case
-- pullDrain will falsely detect that all threads are over.
initialFork ctx m = do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx m) (handleChildException chan)
liftIO $ modifyIORef (runningThreads ctx) $ (\s -> S.insert tid s)
newContext = do
channel <- atomically newTChan
running <- liftIO $ newIORef S.empty
done <- liftIO $ newIORef S.empty
return $ Context { childChannel = channel
, pullSide = True
done <- liftIO $ newIORef S.empty
count <- liftIO $ newQSem 1
return $ Context { childChannel = channel
, dispatchReq = count
, runningThreads = running
, doneThreads = done
, doneThreads = done
-- Concurrency rate control. Our objective is to create more threads on
@ -379,7 +359,14 @@ pullFork m1 m2 = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
-- XXX to rate control left folded structrues we will have to return the
-- residual work back to the dispatcher. It will also consume a lot of
-- memory due to queueing of all the work before execution starts.
{-# INLINE fork #-}
fork :: MonadAsync m => Context a -> AsyncT m a -> m ()
fork ctx m = do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx m) (handleChildException chan)
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTChan chan (ChildCreate tid)
instance MonadAsync m => Alternative (AsyncT m) where
empty = mempty
@ -389,12 +376,7 @@ instance MonadAsync m => Alternative (AsyncT m) where
m1 <|> m2 = AsyncT $ \ctx stp yld -> do
case ctx of
Nothing -> (runAsyncT (pullFork m1 m2)) ctx stp yld
Just c -> do
if pullSide c then
(runAsyncT (pullSideDispatch c m1 m2)) ctx stp yld
-- for left associated compositions
(runAsyncT (pushSideDispatch c m1 m2)) ctx stp yld
Just c -> fork c m2 >> (runAsyncT m1) ctx stp yld
instance MonadAsync m => MonadPlus (AsyncT m) where
mzero = empty