Start new worker when existing ones are slow

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2017-08-28 06:57:31 +05:30
parent 3e1239048e
commit e2b2acd6b5

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@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, killThread,
myThreadId, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TBQueue, atomically, newTBQueue,
readTBQueue, tryReadTBQueue,
writeTBQueue, isFullTBQueue)
tryReadTBQueue, writeTBQueue,
isEmptyTBQueue, isFullTBQueue,
import Control.Exception (SomeException (..))
import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as EL
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM, MonadPlus(..), mzero,
@ -184,10 +185,14 @@ push ctx = run (Just ctx) (dequeueLoop ctx)
send msg = atomically $ writeTBQueue (childChannel ctx) msg
send msg = atomically $ writeTBQueue (childChannel ctx) msg
stop = do
workQEmpty <- liftIO $ atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue (pendingWork ctx)
if (not workQEmpty) then push ctx
else liftIO $ myThreadId >>= \tid -> send (ChildStop tid Nothing)
yield a _ Nothing = liftIO $ myThreadId >>= \tid -> send (ChildDone tid a)
yield a c (Just r) = liftIO (send (ChildYield a)) >> run c r
run c m = (runAsyncT m) c (push ctx) yield
run c m = (runAsyncT m) c stop yield
-- Thread tracking has a significant performance overhead (~20% on empty
-- threads, it will be lower for heavy threads). It is needed for two reasons:
@ -237,7 +242,7 @@ handleException e ctx tid = do
-- exceptions get propagated to the top level computation and can be handled
-- there.
{-# NOINLINE pullWorker #-}
pullWorker :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Context m a -> AsyncT m a
pullWorker :: MonadAsync m => Context m a -> AsyncT m a
pullWorker ctx = AsyncT $ \pctx stp yld -> do
let continue = (runAsyncT (pullWorker ctx)) pctx stp yld
yield a = yld a pctx (Just (pullWorker ctx))
@ -245,16 +250,27 @@ pullWorker ctx = AsyncT $ \pctx stp yld -> do
done <- f ctx tid
if done then finish else cont
ev <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTBQueue (childChannel ctx)
case ev of
ChildYield a -> yield a
ChildDone tid a ->
threadOp tid delThread (yld a pctx Nothing) (yield a)
ChildStop tid e ->
case e of
Nothing -> threadOp tid delThread stp continue
Just ex -> handleException ex ctx tid
ChildCreate tid -> threadOp tid addThread stp continue
res <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTBQueue (childChannel ctx)
case res of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ threadDelay 4
let workQ = pendingWork ctx
outQ = childChannel ctx
workQEmpty <- liftIO $ atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue workQ
outQEmpty <- liftIO $ atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue outQ
when (not workQEmpty && outQEmpty) $ pushWorker ctx
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ peekTBQueue (childChannel ctx)
Just ev ->
case ev of
ChildYield a -> yield a
ChildDone tid a ->
threadOp tid delThread (yld a pctx Nothing) (yield a)
ChildStop tid e ->
case e of
Nothing -> threadOp tid delThread stp continue
Just ex -> handleException ex ctx tid
ChildCreate tid -> threadOp tid addThread stp continue
-- If an exception occurs we push it to the channel so that it can handled by
-- the parent. 'Paused' exceptions are to be collected at the top level.
@ -265,6 +281,18 @@ handleChildException pchan e = do
tid <- myThreadId
atomically $ writeTBQueue pchan (ChildStop tid (Just e))
-- This function is different than "forkWorker" because we have to directly
-- insert the threadIds here and cannot use the channel to send ChildCreate
-- unlike on the push side. If we do that, the first thread's done message
-- may arrive even before the second thread is forked, in that case
-- pullWorker will falsely detect that all threads are over.
{-# INLINE pushWorker #-}
pushWorker :: MonadAsync m => Context m a -> m ()
pushWorker ctx = do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx) (handleChildException chan)
liftIO $ modifyIORef (runningThreads ctx) $ (\s -> S.insert tid s)
-- | Split the original computation in a pull-push pair. The original
-- computation pulls from a Channel while m1 and m2 push to the channel.
{-# NOINLINE pullFork #-}
@ -276,19 +304,9 @@ pullFork m1 m2 = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
-- This function is different than "forkWorker" because we have to directly
-- insert the threadIds here and cannot use the channel to send ChildCreate
-- unlike on the push side. If we do that, the first thread's done message
-- may arrive even before the second thread is forked, in that case
-- pullWorker will falsely detect that all threads are over.
pushWorker ctx = do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx) (handleChildException chan)
liftIO $ modifyIORef (runningThreads ctx) $ (\s -> S.insert tid s)
newContext = do
channel <- atomically $ newTBQueue 16
work <- atomically $ newTBQueue 16
channel <- atomically $ newTBQueue 32
work <- atomically $ newTBQueue 32
running <- newIORef S.empty
done <- newIORef S.empty
return $ Context { childChannel = channel
@ -354,11 +372,7 @@ dequeueLoop :: MonadAsync m => Context m a -> AsyncT m a
dequeueLoop ctx = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
work <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTBQueue (pendingWork ctx)
case work of
Nothing -> do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- liftIO myThreadId
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTBQueue chan (ChildStop tid Nothing)
case () of {} -- keep the typechecker happy
Nothing -> stp
Just m -> do
let stop = (runAsyncT (dequeueLoop ctx)) Nothing stp yld
yield a c Nothing = yld a c (Just (dequeueLoop ctx))