Add recursive directory tree events in Linux

This commit is contained in:
Ranjeet Ranjan 2020-09-22 13:50:30 +05:30 committed by Harendra Kumar
parent 8625ea5c3c
commit f00008b321
4 changed files with 801 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux
-- ** Watch APIs
, watchPathsWith
, watchPaths
, watchTreesWith
, watchTrees
, addToWatch
, removeFromWatch
@ -140,15 +142,19 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux
-- * Debugging
, showEvent
, showEventShort
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), complement)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import Data.IntMap.Lazy (IntMap)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIfMinus1)
@ -162,6 +168,7 @@ import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (mkHandleFromFD)
import Streamly.Prelude (SerialT)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser (Parser)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign.Types (Array(..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (Handle, hClose, IOMode(ReadMode))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar)
@ -175,12 +182,13 @@ import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (handleToFd)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as Map
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign as A
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser as PR
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as S
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream as U
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Dir as Dir
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Handle as FH
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign as A
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream as U
-- Subscription to events
@ -192,7 +200,9 @@ import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign as A
-- /Internal/
data Config = Config
{ createFlags :: Word32 }
{ watchRec :: Bool
, createFlags :: Word32
-- Boolean settings
@ -216,11 +226,71 @@ setFlag mask status cfg@Config{..} =
Off -> createFlags .&. complement mask
in cfg {createFlags = flags}
-- Utilities
splitPath :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> m [FilePath]
splitPath pat xs = S.toList
$ S.splitOnSeq (A.fromList pat) (FL.toList) (S.fromList xs)
pathDiff :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> m FilePath
pathDiff pat xs = do
splits <- splitPath pat xs
let j = case length splits of
0 -> ""
_ -> last splits
t = case length j of
0 -> ""
_ -> tail j
return t
dirListing :: String -> SerialT IO (Either String String)
dirListing s = do
S.filter dirFilter
$ S.iterateMapLeftsWith S.ahead listDir (S.yield $ (Left s))
dirFilter x =
case x of
Left _ -> True
Right _ -> False
listDir dir =
Dir.toEither dir -- SerialT IO (Either String String)
& (bimap prefix prefix) -- SerialT IO (Either String String)
prefix x = dir ++ "/" ++ x
toPathList :: String -> IO [String]
toPathList root = do
S.toList $ toStr $ dirListing root
toStr x =
case x of
Left d -> d
Right d -> d
toUtf8 :: MonadIO m => String -> m (Array Word8)
toUtf8 = A.fromStream . U.encodeUtf8 . S.fromList
-- | Set watch event on directory recursively.
-- /default: Off/
-- /Internal/
setRecursiveMode :: Bool -> Config -> Config
setRecursiveMode rec cfg@Config{} = cfg {watchRec = rec}
-- Settings
foreign import capi
"sys/inotify.h value IN_DONT_FOLLOW" iN_DONT_FOLLOW :: Word32
@ -501,14 +571,14 @@ defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig =
setWhenExists AddIfExists
$ setAllEvents On
$ Config { createFlags = 0 }
$ Config {watchRec = False, createFlags = 0}
-- Open an event stream
-- | A handle for a watch.
data Watch = Watch Handle (IntMap (Array Word8))
data Watch = Watch Handle (IORef (IntMap (Array Word8, Array Word8)))
-- Instead of using the watch descriptor we can provide APIs that use the path
-- itself to identify the watch. That will require us to maintain a map from wd
@ -545,7 +615,8 @@ createWatch = do
True -- use non-blocking IO
Nothing -- TextEncoding (binary)
return $ Watch h Map.empty
emptyMapRef <- newIORef Map.empty
return $ Watch h emptyMapRef
foreign import ccall unsafe
"sys/inotify.h inotify_add_watch" c_inotify_add_watch
@ -580,13 +651,40 @@ handleToFd h = case h of
-- /Internal/
addToWatch :: Config -> Watch -> Array Word8 -> IO Watch
addToWatch Config{..} (Watch handle wdMap) path = do
addToWatchExecutor ::
-> Watch
-> Array Word8
-> Array Word8
-> IO (Config, Watch)
addToWatchExecutor cfg@Config{..} (Watch handle wdMap) pathArr root = do
fd <- handleToFd handle
wd <- A.asCString pathArr $ \pathPtr ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1 ("addToWatch " ++ utf8ToString pathArr) $
c_inotify_add_watch (fdFD fd) pathPtr (CUInt createFlags)
km <- readIORef wdMap
let k = (Map.insert (fromIntegral wd) (root, pathArr) km)
writeIORef wdMap k
return $ (cfg, Watch handle wdMap)
addToWatch :: Config -> Watch -> Array Word8 -> IO (Config, Watch)
addToWatch cfg@Config{..} (Watch handle wdMap) path = do
fd <- handleToFd handle
wd <- A.asCString path $ \pathPtr ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1 ("addToWatch " ++ utf8ToString path) $
c_inotify_add_watch (fdFD fd) pathPtr (CUInt createFlags)
return $ Watch handle (Map.insert (fromIntegral wd) path wdMap)
km <- readIORef wdMap
let k = (Map.insert (fromIntegral wd) (path, path) km)
writeIORef wdMap k
return $ (cfg, Watch handle wdMap)
addToWatchRec :: Config -> Watch -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Config, Watch)
addToWatchRec cfg watch path origRoot= do
subdirs <- toPathList path
pathArrList <- mapM toUtf8 subdirs
rootArr <- toUtf8 origRoot
foldlM (\(cfg1, w1) pathArr -> addToWatchExecutor cfg1 w1 pathArr rootArr)
(cfg, watch) pathArrList
foreign import ccall unsafe
"sys/inotify.h inotify_rm_watch" c_inotify_rm_watch
@ -600,13 +698,15 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe
removeFromWatch :: Watch -> Array Word8 -> IO Watch
removeFromWatch (Watch handle wdMap) path = do
fd <- handleToFd handle
wdMap1 <- foldlM (step fd) Map.empty (Map.toList wdMap)
return $ Watch handle wdMap1
km <- readIORef wdMap
wdMap1 <- foldlM (step fd) Map.empty (Map.toList km)
writeIORef wdMap wdMap1
return $ Watch handle wdMap
step fd newMap (wd, v) = do
if v == path
if (fst v) == path
then do
let err = "removeFromWatch " ++ show (utf8ToString path)
rm = c_inotify_rm_watch (fdFD fd) (fromIntegral wd)
@ -620,17 +720,32 @@ removeFromWatch (Watch handle wdMap) path = do
-- /Internal/
openWatch :: Config -> NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> IO Watch
openWatch ::
-> NonEmpty (Array Word8)
-> IO (Config, Watch)
openWatch cfg paths = do
let pathList = NonEmpty.toList paths
w <- createWatch
foldlM (\w1 pth -> addToWatch cfg w1 pth) w (NonEmpty.toList paths)
foldlM (\(cfg1, w1) path -> addToWatch cfg1 w1 path)
(cfg, w) pathList
openWatchRec ::
-> NonEmpty (Array Word8)
-> IO (Config, Watch)
openWatchRec cfg paths = do
let pathList = map utf8ToString $ NonEmpty.toList paths
w <- createWatch
foldlM (\(cfg1, w1) path -> addToWatchRec cfg1 w1 path path)
(cfg, w) pathList
-- | Close a 'Watch' handle.
-- /Internal/
closeWatch :: Watch -> IO ()
closeWatch (Watch h _) = hClose h
closeWatch :: (Config, Watch) -> IO ()
closeWatch (_, Watch h _) = hClose h
-- Raw events read from the watch file handle
@ -648,7 +763,7 @@ data Event = Event
, eventFlags :: Word32
, eventCookie :: Word32
, eventRelPath :: Array Word8
, eventMap :: IntMap (Array Word8)
, eventMap :: IntMap (Array Word8, Array Word8)
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- The inotify event struct from the man page/header file:
@ -665,14 +780,16 @@ data Event = Event
-- XXX We can perhaps use parseD monad instance for fusing with parseMany? Need
-- to measure the perf.
readOneEvent :: IntMap (Array Word8) -> Parser IO Word8 Event
readOneEvent wdMap = do
readOneEvent :: Config -> Watch -> Parser IO Word8 Event
readOneEvent cfg wt@(Watch _ wdMap) = do
let headerLen = (sizeOf (undefined :: CInt)) + 12
arr <- PR.takeEQ headerLen (A.writeN headerLen)
(ewd, eflags, cookie, pathLen) <- PR.yieldM $ A.asPtr arr readHeader
-- XXX need the "initial" in parsers to return a step type so that "take 0"
-- can return without an input. otherwise if pathLen is 0 we will keep
-- waiting to read one more char before we return this event.
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("Flag1 = " ++ show eflags)
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("pathLen = " ++ show pathLen)
path <-
if pathLen /= 0
then do
@ -681,15 +798,30 @@ readOneEvent wdMap = do
-- takeP
pth <- PR.sliceSepByMax (== 0) pathLen (A.writeN pathLen)
let remaining = pathLen - A.length pth - 1
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("remaining = " ++ show remaining)
when (remaining /= 0) $ PR.takeEQ remaining FL.drain
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("takeEQ = " ++ show remaining)
return pth
else return $ A.fromList []
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("Flag2 = " ++ show eflags)
xm <- PR.yieldM $ readIORef wdMap
let base = case Map.lookup (fromIntegral ewd) xm of
Just path1 -> path1
Nothing -> (path, path)
let xpath = utf8ToString (snd base) </> utf8ToString path
_ <- if eflags .&. iN_CREATE /= 0 && eflags .&. iN_ISDIR /= 0
processEvent cfg wt xpath (utf8ToString $ fst base)
else return (cfg, wt)
rm2 <- PR.yieldM $ readIORef wdMap
pdiff <- PR.yieldM $ pathDiff (utf8ToString $ fst base) xpath
relPath <- PR.yieldM $ toUtf8 (pdiff)
return $ Event
{ eventWd = (fromIntegral ewd)
, eventFlags = eflags
, eventCookie = cookie
, eventRelPath = path
, eventMap = wdMap
, eventRelPath = relPath
, eventMap = rm2
@ -702,8 +834,21 @@ readOneEvent wdMap = do
pathLen :: Word32 <- peekByteOff ptr (len + 8)
return (ewd, eflags, cookie, fromIntegral pathLen)
watchToStream :: Watch -> SerialT IO Event
watchToStream (Watch handle wdMap) =
processEvent ::
-> Watch
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> Parser IO Word8 (Config, Watch)
processEvent cfg1@Config{..} wt1 xpath root = do
if watchRec
PR.yieldM $ addToWatchRec cfg1 wt1 xpath root
PR.yieldM $ return (cfg1, wt1)
watchToStream :: (Config, Watch) -> SerialT IO Event
watchToStream (cfg, wt@(Watch handle _)) = do
-- Do not use too small a buffer. As per inotify man page:
-- The behavior when the buffer given to read(2) is too small to return
@ -714,7 +859,7 @@ watchToStream (Watch handle wdMap) =
-- sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1
-- will be sufficient to read at least one event.
S.parseMany (readOneEvent wdMap) $ S.unfold handle
S.parseMany (readOneEvent cfg wt) $ S.unfold handle
-- | Start monitoring a list of file system paths for file system events with
-- the supplied configuration operation over the 'defaultConfig'. The
@ -752,6 +897,33 @@ watchPathsWith f paths = S.bracket before after watchToStream
watchPaths :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event
watchPaths = watchPathsWith id
-- | Start monitoring a list of file system paths for file system events with
-- the supplied configuration operation over the 'defaultConfig'. The
-- paths could be files or directories. When the path is a directory, the
-- whole directory tree under it is watched recursively. Monitoring starts from
-- the current time onwards.
-- /Internal/
watchTreesWith ::
(Config -> Config) -> NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event
watchTreesWith f paths = S.bracket before after watchToStream
before = liftIO
$ openWatchRec (f $ setRecursiveMode True defaultConfig) paths
after = liftIO . closeWatch
-- | Like 'watchTreesWith' but uses the 'defaultConfig' options.
-- @
-- watchTrees = watchTreesWith id
-- @
watchTrees :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event
watchTrees = watchTreesWith id
-- Examine event stream
@ -769,13 +941,12 @@ getRoot Event{..} =
if (eventWd >= 1)
case Map.lookup (fromIntegral eventWd) eventMap of
Just path -> path
Just path -> fst path
Nothing ->
error $ "Bug: getRoot: No path found corresponding to the "
++ "watch descriptor " ++ show eventWd
else A.fromList []
-- XXX should we use a Maybe here?
-- | Get the file system object path for which the event is generated, relative
-- to the watched root. The path is a "/" separated array of bytes.
@ -1017,6 +1188,12 @@ isDir = getFlag iN_ISDIR
-- Debugging
showEventShort :: Event -> String
showEventShort ev@Event{..} = (utf8ToString $ getRelPath ev)
++ "_" ++ show eventFlags
++ showev isDir "Dir"
where showev f str = if f ev then "_" ++ str else ""
-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a String representation.
showEvent :: Event -> String
@ -1055,4 +1232,4 @@ showEvent ev@Event{..} =
#warning "Disabling module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux. Does not support kernels older than 2.6.36."
module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux () where

View File

@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows
-- * Debugging
, showEvent
, showEventShort
@ -539,6 +540,9 @@ isOverflow Event{..} = totalBytes == 0
-- Debugging
-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a short representation for unit test.
showEventShort :: Event -> String
showEventShort ev@Event{..} = getRelPath ev ++ "_" ++ show eventFlags
-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a String representation.
showEvent :: Event -> String

View File

@ -328,6 +328,9 @@ common test-dependencies
, random >= 1.0.0 && < 2
, transformers >= 0.4 && < 0.6
, QuickCheck >= 2.13 && < 2.15
, directory >= 1.2.2 && < 1.4
, filepath >= 1.4.1
, temporary >= 1.3
-- Compilation for coverage builds on CI machines takes too long without -O0
-- XXX we should use coverage flag for that, -O0 may take too long to run tests
@ -386,6 +389,7 @@ library
if os(linux)
exposed-modules: Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux
build-depends: unix >= 2.7.2, filepath >= 1.4.1
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -733,8 +737,11 @@ test-suite version-bounds
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: version-bounds.hs
executable FileSystem.Event
test-suite FileSystem.Event
import: test-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Streamly/Test/FileSystem/Event.hs
if !flag(manual-tests)
buildable: False
hs-source-dirs: test
default-language: Haskell2010
if os(darwin)
buildable: False

View File

@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Test.FileSystem.Event
-- Copyright : (c) 2020 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Just report all events under the paths provided as arguments
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing
, removeFile
, removeDirectory
, removePathForcibly
, renameDirectory
, renamePath
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), hSetBuffering, stdout)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import Streamly.Prelude (SerialT)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign (Array)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Streamly.Unicode.Stream as Unicode
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign as Array
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser as PR
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as S
#if defined(CABAL_OS_DARWIN)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Darwin as Event
#elif defined(CABAL_OS_LINUX)
@ -32,28 +35,574 @@ import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows as Event
#error "FS Events not supported on this platform
#if !defined(CABAL_OS_WINDOWS)
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream as U
-- Utilities
toUtf8 :: MonadIO m => String -> m (Array Word8)
toUtf8 = Array.fromStream . Unicode.encodeUtf8' . Stream.fromList
toUtf8 = Array.fromStream . Unicode.encodeUtf8' . S.fromList
#if !defined(CABAL_OS_WINDOWS)
utf8ToString :: Array Word8 -> String
utf8ToString = runIdentity . S.toList . U.decodeUtf8' . Array.toStream
watchPaths :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event.Event
watchPaths = Event.watchTrees
timeout :: IO String
timeout = threadDelay 5000000 >> return "Timeout"
fseventDir :: String
fseventDir = "fsevent_dir"
eventPredicate :: Event.Event -> Bool
eventPredicate ev =
#if defined(CABAL_OS_WINDOWS)
if (Event.getRelPath ev) == "EOTask"
if (utf8ToString $ Event.getRelPath ev) == "EOTask"
then False
else True
-- Event lists to be matched with
#if defined(CABAL_OS_WINDOWS)
singleDirCreateEvents :: [String]
singleDirCreateEvents =
[ "dir1Single_1" ]
singleDirRemoveEvents :: [String]
singleDirRemoveEvents =
[ "dir1Single_2" ]
singleDirRenameEvents :: [String]
singleDirRenameEvents =
[ "dir1Single_4"
, "dir1SingleRenamed_5"
nestedDirCreateEvents :: [String]
nestedDirCreateEvents =
[ "dir1_1"
, "dir1\\dir2_1"
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3_1"
nestedDirRemoveEvents :: [String]
nestedDirRemoveEvents =
[ "dir1_3"
, "dir1\\dir2_3"
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3_2"
, "dir1\\dir2_2","dir1_2"
nestedDirRenameEvents :: [String]
nestedDirRenameEvents =
[ "dir1\\dir2_3"
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3_4"
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3Renamed_5"
, "dir1\\dir2_3"
createFileRootDirEvents :: [String]
createFileRootDirEvents =
[ "FileCreated.txt_1"
, "FileCreated.txt_3"
, "FileCreated.txt_3"
removeFileRootDirEvents :: [String]
removeFileRootDirEvents =
[ "FileCreated.txt_2" ]
renameFileRootDirEvents :: [String]
renameFileRootDirEvents =
[ "FileCreated.txt_4"
, "FileRenamed.txt_5"
createFileNestedDirEvents :: [String]
createFileNestedDirEvents =
[ "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\FileCreated.txt_1"
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\FileCreated.txt_3"
removeFileNestedDirEvents :: [String]
removeFileNestedDirEvents =
renameFileNestedDirEvents :: [String]
renameFileNestedDirEvents =
[ "dir1\\dir2\\dir3_3"
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\FileCreated.txt_4"
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\FileRenamed.txt_5"
singleDirCreateEvents :: [String]
singleDirCreateEvents =
[ "dir1Single_1073742080_Dir"
, "dir1Single_1073741856_Dir"
, "dir1Single_1073741825_Dir"
, "dir1Single_1073741840_Dir"
singleDirRemoveEvents :: [String]
singleDirRemoveEvents =
[ "dir1Single_1024"
, "dir1Single_32768"
singleDirRenameEvents :: [String]
singleDirRenameEvents =
[ "dir1Single_1073741888_Dir"
, "dir1SingleRenamed_1073741952_Dir"
nestedDirCreateEvents :: [String]
nestedDirCreateEvents =
[ "dir1_1073742080_Dir"
, "dir1_1073741856_Dir"
, "dir1_1073741825_Dir"
, "dir1_1073741840_Dir"
nestedDirRemoveEvents :: [String]
nestedDirRemoveEvents =
[ "dir1/dir2/dir3_1073742336_Dir"
, "dir1/dir2_1073742336_Dir"
, "dir1_1073742336_Dir"
nestedDirRenameEvents :: [String]
nestedDirRenameEvents =
[ "dir1/dir2/dir3_1073741888_Dir"
, "dir1/dir2/dir3Renamed_1073741952_Dir"
createFileRootDirEvents :: [String]
createFileRootDirEvents =
[ "FileCreated.txt_256"
, "FileCreated.txt_32"
, "FileCreated.txt_2"
removeFileRootDirEvents :: [String]
removeFileRootDirEvents =
renameFileRootDirEvents :: [String]
renameFileRootDirEvents =
[ "FileCreated.txt_64"
, "FileRenamed.txt_128"
createFileNestedDirEvents :: [String]
createFileNestedDirEvents =
[ "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileCreated.txt_256"
, "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileCreated.txt_32"
, "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileCreated.txt_2"
, "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileCreated.txt_8"
removeFileNestedDirEvents :: [String]
removeFileNestedDirEvents =
renameFileNestedDirEvents :: [String]
renameFileNestedDirEvents =
[ "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileCreated.txt_64"
, "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileRenamed.txt_128"
-- Event Watcher
checkEvents :: FilePath -> MVar () -> [String] -> IO String
checkEvents rootPath m matchList = do
let args = [rootPath]
paths <- mapM toUtf8 args
putStrLn ("Watch started !!!! on Path " ++ rootPath)
events <- S.parse (PR.takeWhile eventPredicate FL.toList)
$ S.before (putMVar m ())
$ watchPaths (NonEmpty.fromList paths)
let eventStr = map Event.showEventShort events
putStrLn $ show (eventStr)
let baseSet = Set.fromList matchList
resultSet = Set.fromList eventStr
if (baseSet `Set.isSubsetOf` resultSet)
return "PASS"
return "Mismatch"
-- FS Event Generators
fsOpsCreateSingleDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsCreateSingleDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
putStrLn ("Create Single Directory !!!!!!! on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1Single")
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRemoveSingleDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRemoveSingleDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
putStrLn ("Remove Single Directory !!!!!!! on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> removeDirectory (fp </> "dir1Single")
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRenameSingleDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRenameSingleDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
putStrLn ("Rename a Single Directory !!!!!!! on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> renameDirectory (fp </> "dir1Single") (fp </> "dir1SingleRenamed")
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsCreateNestedDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsCreateNestedDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
putStrLn ("Create Nested Directory !!!!!!!!!!!!! on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3")
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRemoveNestedDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRemoveNestedDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
putStrLn ("Remove Nested Directory !!!!!!!!!!!!! on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> removePathForcibly (fp </> "dir1")
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRenameNestedDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRenameNestedDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
putStrLn ("Rename Nested Directory !!!!!!!!!!!!! on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> renameDirectory
(fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3")
(fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3Renamed")
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsCreateFileInRootDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsCreateFileInRootDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
let tpath = (fp </> "FileCreated.txt")
putStrLn ("create a File on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> writeFile tpath "Test Data"
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRemoveFileInRootDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRemoveFileInRootDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
let tpath = (fp </> "FileCreated.txt")
putStrLn ("Remove a File on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> removeFile tpath
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRenameFileInRootDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRenameFileInRootDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
let spath = (fp </> "FileCreated.txt")
tpath = (fp </> "FileRenamed.txt")
putStrLn ("Rename a File on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> renamePath spath tpath
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsCreateFileInNestedDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsCreateFileInNestedDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
let tpath = (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3" </> "FileCreated.txt")
putStrLn ("create a File on nested dir " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> writeFile tpath "Test Data"
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRemoveFileInNestedDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRemoveFileInNestedDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
let tpath = (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3" </> "FileCreated.txt")
putStrLn ("Remove a File on nested dir " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> threadDelay 200000 >> removeFile tpath
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
fsOpsRenameFileInNestedDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsRenameFileInNestedDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
let spath = (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3" </> "FileCreated.txt")
tpath = (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3" </> "FileRenamed.txt")
putStrLn ("Rename a File on nested dir " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
>> renamePath spath tpath
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
checker :: S.IsStream t =>
FilePath -> MVar () -> [String] -> t IO String
checker rootPath synch matchList =
S.yieldM (checkEvents rootPath synch matchList)
S.yieldM timeout
driverInit :: IO (MVar ())
driverInit = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
pre <- newEmptyMVar
return pre
-- Test Drivers
driverCreateSingleDir :: IO String
driverCreateSingleDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync singleDirCreateEvents)
S.yieldM -- ^ this message should follow checker
(fsOpsCreateSingleDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRemoveSingleDir :: IO String
driverRemoveSingleDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1Single")
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync singleDirRemoveEvents)
S.yieldM -- ^ this message should follow checker
(fsOpsRemoveSingleDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRenameSingleDir :: IO String
driverRenameSingleDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1Single")
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync singleDirRenameEvents)
S.yieldM -- ^ this message should follow checker
(fsOpsRenameSingleDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverCreateNestedDir :: IO String
driverCreateNestedDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync nestedDirCreateEvents)
(fsOpsCreateNestedDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRemoveNestedDir :: IO String
driverRemoveNestedDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3")
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync nestedDirRemoveEvents)
(fsOpsRemoveNestedDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRenameNestedDir :: IO String
driverRenameNestedDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3")
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync nestedDirRenameEvents)
(fsOpsRenameNestedDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverCreateFileInRootDir :: IO String
driverCreateFileInRootDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync createFileRootDirEvents)
(fsOpsCreateFileInRootDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRemoveFileInRootDir :: IO String
driverRemoveFileInRootDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
writeFile (fp </> "FileCreated.txt") "Test Data"
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync removeFileRootDirEvents)
(fsOpsRemoveFileInRootDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRenameFileInRootDir :: IO String
driverRenameFileInRootDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
writeFile (fp </> "FileCreated.txt") "Test Data"
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync renameFileRootDirEvents)
(fsOpsRenameFileInRootDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverCreateFileInNestedDir :: IO String
driverCreateFileInNestedDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3")
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync createFileNestedDirEvents)
(fsOpsCreateFileInNestedDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRemoveFileInNestedDir :: IO String
driverRemoveFileInNestedDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3")
>> writeFile (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3" </> "FileCreated.txt") "Test Data"
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync removeFileNestedDirEvents)
(fsOpsRemoveFileInNestedDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
driverRenameFileInNestedDir :: IO String
driverRenameFileInNestedDir = do
sync <- driverInit
withSystemTempDirectory fseventDir $ \fp -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3")
>> writeFile (fp </> "dir1" </> "dir2" </> "dir3" </> "FileCreated.txt") "Test Data"
res <- S.head
$ (checker fp sync renameFileNestedDirEvents)
(fsOpsRenameFileInNestedDir fp sync
>> threadDelay 10000000
>> return "fOps Done")
return $ fromJust res
-- Test Cases
testCreateSingleDir :: Expectation
testCreateSingleDir = driverCreateSingleDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRemoveSingleDir :: Expectation
testRemoveSingleDir = driverRemoveSingleDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRenameSingleDir :: Expectation
testRenameSingleDir = driverRenameSingleDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testCreateNestedDir :: Expectation
testCreateNestedDir = driverCreateNestedDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRemoveNestedDir :: Expectation
testRemoveNestedDir = driverRemoveNestedDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRenameNestedDir :: Expectation
testRenameNestedDir = driverRenameNestedDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testCreateFileInRootDir :: Expectation
testCreateFileInRootDir = driverCreateFileInRootDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRemoveFileInRootDir :: Expectation
testRemoveFileInRootDir = driverRemoveFileInRootDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRenameFileInRootDir :: Expectation
testRenameFileInRootDir = driverRenameFileInRootDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testCreateFileInNestedDir :: Expectation
testCreateFileInNestedDir = driverCreateFileInNestedDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRemoveFileInNestedDir :: Expectation
testRemoveFileInNestedDir = driverRemoveFileInNestedDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
testRenameFileInNestedDir :: Expectation
testRenameFileInNestedDir = driverRenameFileInNestedDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
-- Main
watchPaths :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event.Event
#if defined(CABAL_OS_LINUX)
watchPaths = Event.watchPaths
watchPaths = Event.watchTrees
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
paths <- mapM toUtf8 args
watchPaths (NonEmpty.fromList paths)
& Stream.mapM_ (putStrLn . Event.showEvent)
main = hspec $ do
prop "Create a single directory" testCreateSingleDir
prop "Remove a single directory" testRemoveSingleDir
prop "Rename a single directory" testRenameSingleDir
prop "Create a nested directory" testCreateNestedDir
prop "Remove a nested directory" testRemoveNestedDir
prop "Rename a nested directory" testRenameNestedDir
prop "Create a file in root Dir" testCreateFileInRootDir
prop "Remove a file in root Dir" testRemoveFileInRootDir
prop "Rename a file in root Dir" testRenameFileInRootDir
prop "Create a file in a nested Dir" testCreateFileInNestedDir
prop "Remove a file in a nested Dir" testRemoveFileInNestedDir
prop "Rename a file in a nested Dir" testRenameFileInNestedDir