Move "cycle" docs to unfoldMany/concatMap sections

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Harendra Kumar 2024-01-26 18:17:12 +05:30
parent 92950689f6
commit f1ae6209cd
2 changed files with 31 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -106,14 +106,6 @@ module Streamly.Data.Stream
-- ** Iteration
-- | Generate a monadic stream from a seed value or values.
-- Non-empty pure streams can be cycled using repeat and unfold:
-- >>> cycle = Stream.unfoldMany Unfold.fromList . Stream.repeat
-- Non-empty StreamK can be cycled using append:
-- >>> cycle xs = let ys = xs `StreamK.append` ys in ys
, iterate
, iterateM
, repeat
@ -499,37 +491,39 @@ module Streamly.Data.Stream
-- , CrossStream (..)
-- * Unfold Each
-- Idioms and equivalents of Data.List APIs:
-- >>> cycle = Stream.unfoldMany Unfold.fromList . Stream.repeat
-- >>> unlines = Stream.interposeSuffix '\n'
-- >>> unwords = Stream.interpose ' '
-- >>> unlines = Stream.intercalateSuffix Unfold.fromList "\n"
-- >>> unwords = Stream.intercalate Unfold.fromList " "
, unfoldMany
, intercalate
, intercalateSuffix
-- * Stream of streams
-- | Stream operations like map and filter represent loop processing in
-- | Stream operations like map and filter represent loops in
-- imperative programming terms. Similarly, the imperative concept of
-- nested loops are represented by streams of streams. The 'concatMap'
-- operation represents nested looping.
-- A 'concatMap' operation loops over the input stream and then for each
-- element of the input stream generates another stream and then loops over
-- that inner stream as well producing effects and generating a single
-- output stream.
-- A 'concatMap' operation loops over the input stream (outer loop),
-- generating a stream from each element of the stream. Then it loops over
-- each element of the generated streams (inner loop), collecting them in a
-- single output stream.
-- One dimension loops are just a special case of nested loops. For
-- example, 'concatMap' can degenerate to a simple map operation:
-- example map and filter can be expressed using concatMap:
-- >>> map f m = Stream.concatMap (\x -> Stream.fromPure (f x)) m
-- Similarly, 'concatMap' can perform filtering by mapping an element to a
-- 'nil' stream:
-- >>> filter p m = Stream.concatMap (\x -> if p x then Stream.fromPure x else Stream.nil) m
-- >>> map f = Stream.concatMap (Stream.fromPure . f)
-- >>> filter p = Stream.concatMap (\x -> if p x then Stream.fromPure x else Stream.nil)
-- Idioms and equivalents of Data.List APIs:
-- >>> concat = Stream.concatMap id
-- >>> unlines = Stream.interposeSuffix '\n'
-- >>> unlines = Stream.intercalateSuffix Unfold.fromList "\n"
-- >>> unwords = Stream.interpose ' '
-- >>> unwords = Stream.intercalate Unfold.fromList " "
-- >>> cycle = Stream.concatMap Stream.fromList . Stream.repeat
, concatEffect
, concatMap

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@ -264,17 +264,19 @@ infixr 5 `cons`
-- faster than consM because there is no bind.
-- | A right associative prepend operation to add a pure value at the head of
-- an existing stream::
-- an existing stream:
-- >>> s = 1 `StreamK.cons` 2 `StreamK.cons` 3 `StreamK.cons` StreamK.nil
-- >>> Stream.fold Fold.toList (StreamK.toStream s)
-- [1,2,3]
-- It can be used efficiently with 'Prelude.foldr':
-- Unlike "Streamly.Data.Stream" cons StreamK cons can be used
-- recursively:
-- >>> repeat x = let xs = StreamK.cons x xs in xs
-- >>> fromFoldable = Prelude.foldr StreamK.cons StreamK.nil
-- Same as the following but more efficient:
-- cons is same as the following but more efficient:
-- >>> cons x xs = return x `StreamK.consM` xs
@ -885,6 +887,11 @@ null m =
infixr 6 `append`
-- | Unlike "Streamly.Data.Stream" append StreamK append can be used
-- recursively:
-- >>> cycle xs = let ys = xs `StreamK.append` ys in ys
{-# INLINE append #-}
append :: StreamK m a -> StreamK m a -> StreamK m a
-- XXX This doubles the time of toNullAp benchmark, may not be fusing properly
@ -1768,10 +1775,12 @@ unfoldrM = unfoldrMWith consM
-- | Generate an infinite stream by repeating a pure value.
-- >>> repeat x = let xs = StreamK.cons x xs in xs
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE repeat #-}
repeat :: a -> StreamK m a
repeat a = let x = cons a x in x
repeat x = let xs = cons x xs in xs
-- | Like 'repeatM' but takes a stream 'cons' operation to combine the actions
-- in a stream specific manner. A serial cons would repeat the values serially