rename queue variables

This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2017-08-28 07:03:38 +05:30
parent e2b2acd6b5
commit f9f6c96d7a

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@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ data ChildEvent a =
data Context m a =
Context { childChannel :: TBQueue (ChildEvent a)
, pendingWork :: TBQueue (AsyncT m a)
Context { outputQueue :: TBQueue (ChildEvent a)
, workQueue :: TBQueue (AsyncT m a)
, runningThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
, doneThreads :: IORef (Set ThreadId)
@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ push ctx = run (Just ctx) (dequeueLoop ctx)
send msg = atomically $ writeTBQueue (childChannel ctx) msg
send msg = atomically $ writeTBQueue (outputQueue ctx) msg
stop = do
workQEmpty <- liftIO $ atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue (pendingWork ctx)
workQEmpty <- liftIO $ atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue (workQueue ctx)
if (not workQEmpty) then push ctx
else liftIO $ myThreadId >>= \tid -> send (ChildStop tid Nothing)
yield a _ Nothing = liftIO $ myThreadId >>= \tid -> send (ChildDone tid a)
@ -250,16 +250,16 @@ pullWorker ctx = AsyncT $ \pctx stp yld -> do
done <- f ctx tid
if done then finish else cont
res <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTBQueue (childChannel ctx)
res <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTBQueue (outputQueue ctx)
case res of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ threadDelay 4
let workQ = pendingWork ctx
outQ = childChannel ctx
let workQ = workQueue ctx
outQ = outputQueue ctx
workQEmpty <- liftIO $ atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue workQ
outQEmpty <- liftIO $ atomically $ isEmptyTBQueue outQ
when (not workQEmpty && outQEmpty) $ pushWorker ctx
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ peekTBQueue (childChannel ctx)
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ peekTBQueue (outputQueue ctx)
Just ev ->
case ev of
@ -289,8 +289,7 @@ handleChildException pchan e = do
{-# INLINE pushWorker #-}
pushWorker :: MonadAsync m => Context m a -> m ()
pushWorker ctx = do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx) (handleChildException chan)
tid <- doFork (push ctx) (handleChildException (outputQueue ctx))
liftIO $ modifyIORef (runningThreads ctx) $ (\s -> S.insert tid s)
-- | Split the original computation in a pull-push pair. The original
@ -305,14 +304,14 @@ pullFork m1 m2 = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
newContext = do
channel <- atomically $ newTBQueue 32
work <- atomically $ newTBQueue 32
outQ <- atomically $ newTBQueue 32
workQ <- atomically $ newTBQueue 32
running <- newIORef S.empty
done <- newIORef S.empty
return $ Context { childChannel = channel
return $ Context { outputQueue = outQ
, runningThreads = running
, doneThreads = done
, pendingWork = work
, workQueue = workQ
-- Concurrency rate control. Our objective is to create more threads on
@ -349,9 +348,9 @@ pullFork m1 m2 = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
{-# INLINE forkWorker #-}
forkWorker :: MonadAsync m => Context m a -> m ()
forkWorker ctx = do
let chan = childChannel ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx) (handleChildException chan)
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTBQueue chan (ChildCreate tid)
let q = outputQueue ctx
tid <- doFork (push ctx) (handleChildException q)
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTBQueue q (ChildCreate tid)
{-# INLINE queueWork #-}
queueWork :: MonadAsync m => Context m a -> AsyncT m a -> m ()
@ -363,14 +362,14 @@ queueWork ctx m = do
-- TBD If we run out of threads we can also evaluate the action completely
-- right here, disallowing any further child workers and turning the
-- parallel composition into interleaved serial composition.
workQFull <- liftIO $ atomically $ isFullTBQueue (pendingWork ctx)
workQFull <- liftIO $ atomically $ isFullTBQueue (workQueue ctx)
when (workQFull) $ forkWorker ctx
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTBQueue (pendingWork ctx) m
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTBQueue (workQueue ctx) m
{-# INLINE dequeueLoop #-}
dequeueLoop :: MonadAsync m => Context m a -> AsyncT m a
dequeueLoop ctx = AsyncT $ \_ stp yld -> do
work <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTBQueue (pendingWork ctx)
work <- liftIO $ atomically $ tryReadTBQueue (workQueue ctx)
case work of
Nothing -> stp
Just m -> do