------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Investigate specific benchmarks more closely in isolation, possibly looking -- at GHC generated code for optimizing specific problematic cases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import qualified Streamly.Streams.StreamK as S import Gauge import System.Random maxValue :: Int maxValue = 100000 {-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrM #-} sourceUnfoldrM :: Monad m => S.Stream m Int sourceUnfoldrM = S.unfoldrM step 0 where step cnt = if cnt > maxValue then return Nothing else return (Just (cnt, cnt + 1)) {-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrMN #-} sourceUnfoldrMN :: Monad m => Int -> S.Stream m Int sourceUnfoldrMN n = S.unfoldrM step n where step cnt = if cnt > n then return Nothing else return (Just (cnt, cnt + 1)) {-# INLINE sourceUnfoldr #-} sourceUnfoldr :: Monad m => Int -> S.Stream m Int sourceUnfoldr n = S.unfoldr step n where step cnt = if cnt > n + maxValue then Nothing else Just (cnt, cnt + 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- take-drop composition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- takeAllDropOne :: Monad m => S.Stream m Int -> S.Stream m Int takeAllDropOne = S.drop 1 . S.take maxValue -- Requires -fspec-constr-recursive=5 for better fused code -- The number depends on how many times we compose it {-# INLINE takeDrop #-} takeDrop :: Monad m => S.Stream m Int -> m () takeDrop = S.runStream . takeAllDropOne . takeAllDropOne . takeAllDropOne . takeAllDropOne ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- dropWhileFalse composition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dropWhileFalse :: Monad m => S.Stream m Int -> S.Stream m Int dropWhileFalse = S.dropWhile (> maxValue) -- Requires -fspec-constr-recursive=5 for better fused code -- The number depends on how many times we compose it {-# INLINE dropWhileFalseX4 #-} dropWhileFalseX4 :: Monad m => S.Stream m Int -> m () dropWhileFalseX4 = S.runStream . dropWhileFalse . dropWhileFalse . dropWhileFalse . dropWhileFalse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- iteration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# INLINE iterateSource #-} iterateSource :: Monad m => (S.Stream m Int -> S.Stream m Int) -> Int -> Int -> S.Stream m Int iterateSource g i n = f i (sourceUnfoldrMN n) where f (0 :: Int) m = g m f x m = g (f (x - 1) m) -- Keep only the benchmark that is to be investiagted and comment out the rest. -- We keep all of them enabled by default for testing the build. main :: IO () main = do defaultMain [bench "unfoldr" $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= \n -> S.runStream (sourceUnfoldr n)] defaultMain [bench "take-drop" $ nfIO $ takeDrop sourceUnfoldrM] defaultMain [bench "dropWhileFalseX4" $ nfIO $ dropWhileFalseX4 sourceUnfoldrM] defaultMain [bench "iterate-mapM" $ nfIO $ S.runStream $ iterateSource (S.mapM return) 100000 10]