2022-10-13 00:32:45 +05:30

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-- |
-- Module : Streamly
-- Copyright : (c) 2017 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Streamly is a general purpose programming framework using cocnurrent data
-- flow programming paradigm. It can be considered as a generalization of
-- Haskell lists to monadic streaming with concurrent composition capability.
-- The serial stream type in streamly @SerialT m a@ is like the list type @[a]@
-- parameterized by the monad @m@. For example, @SerialT IO a@ is a moral
-- equivalent of @[a]@ in the IO monad. Streams are constructed very much like
-- lists, except that they use 'nil' and 'cons' instead of '[]' and ':'.
-- @
-- > import "Streamly"
-- > import "Streamly.Prelude" (cons, consM)
-- > import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- >
-- > S.toList $ 1 \`cons` 2 \`cons` 3 \`cons` nil
-- [1,2,3]
-- @
-- Unlike lists, streams can be constructed from monadic effects:
-- @
-- > S.'toList' $ 'getLine' \`consM` 'getLine' \`consM` S.'nil'
-- hello
-- world
-- ["hello","world"]
-- @
-- Streams are processed just like lists, with list like combinators, except
-- that they are monadic and work in a streaming fashion. Here is a simple
-- console echo program example:
-- @
-- > S.drain $ S.repeatM getLine & S.mapM putStrLn
-- @
-- @SerialT Identity a@ is a moral equivalent of pure lists. Streamly utilizes
-- fusion for high performance, therefore, we can represent and process strings
-- as streams of 'Char', encode and decode the streams to/from UTF8 and
-- serialize them to @Array Word8@ obviating the need for special purpose
-- libraries like @bytestring@ and @text@.
-- For more details
-- please see the "Streamly.Tutorial" module and the examples directory in this
-- package.
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
#include "inline.hs"
module Streamly {-# DEPRECATED "Please use \"Streamly.Prelude\" instead." #-}
-- -- * Concepts Overview
-- -- ** Streams
-- -- $streams
-- -- ** Folds
-- -- $folds
-- -- ** Arrays
-- -- $arrays
-- * Module Overview
-- $streamtypes
-- * Type Synonyms
-- * Stream transformers
-- | A stream represents a sequence of pure or effectful actions. The
-- `cons` and `consM` operations and the corresponding operators '.:' and
-- '|:' can be used to join pure values or effectful actions in a sequence.
-- The effects in the stream can be executed in many different ways
-- depending on the type of stream. In other words, the behavior of 'consM'
-- depends on the type of the stream.
-- There are three high level categories of streams, /spatially ordered/
-- streams, /speculative/ streams and /time ordered/ streams. Spatially
-- ordered streams, 'SerialT' and 'WSerialT', execute the effects in serial
-- order i.e. one at a time and present the outputs of those effects to the
-- consumer in the same order. Speculative streams, 'AheadT', may execute
-- many effects concurrently but present the outputs to the consumer in the
-- specified spatial order. Time ordered streams, 'AsyncT', 'WAsyncT' and
-- 'ParallelT', may execute many effects concurrently and present the
-- outputs of those effects to the consumer in time order i.e. as soon as
-- the output is generated.
-- We described above how the effects in a sequence are executed for
-- different types of streams. The behvavior of the 'Semigroup' and 'Monad'
-- instances follow the behavior of 'consM'. Stream generation operations
-- like 'repeatM' also execute the effects differently for different
-- streams, providing a concurrent generation capability when used with
-- stream types that execute effects concurrently. Similarly, effectful
-- transformation operations like 'mapM' also execute the transforming
-- effects differently for different types of streams.
-- ** Serial Streams
-- $serial
, SerialT
, WSerialT
-- ** Speculative Streams
-- $ahead
, AheadT
-- ** Asynchronous Streams
-- $async
, AsyncT
, WAsyncT
, ParallelT
-- ** Zipping Streams
-- $zipping
, ZipSerialM
, ZipAsyncM
-- * Parallel Function Application
-- $application
, (IP.|$)
, (IP.|&)
, (IP.|$.)
, (IP.|&.)
, mkAsync
-- * Merging Streams
-- $sum
, serial
, wSerial
, ahead
, async
, wAsync
, parallel
-- * Concurrency Control
-- $concurrency
, maxThreads
, maxBuffer
-- * Rate Limiting
, Rate (..)
, rate
, avgRate
, minRate
, maxRate
, constRate
-- * Stream Type Adapters
-- $adapters
, IsStream ()
, serially
, wSerially
, asyncly
, aheadly
, wAsyncly
, parallely
, zipSerially
, zipAsyncly
, adapt
-- * IO Streams
, Serial
, WSerial
, Ahead
, Async
, WAsync
, Parallel
, ZipSerial
, ZipAsync
-- ** Folding Containers of Streams
-- | These are variants of standard 'Foldable' fold functions that use a
-- polymorphic stream sum operation (e.g. 'async' or 'wSerial') to fold a
-- finite container of streams. Note that these are just special cases of
-- the more general 'concatMapWith' operation.
, foldWith
, foldMapWith
, forEachWith
-- * Re-exports
, Semigroup (..)
-- * Deprecated
, runStream
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Control.Concurrent (MonadAsync)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.SVar (Rate(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Ahead
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Async
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Combinators
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Expand
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Type
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as P
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as IP
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream.Transform as Transform
-- XXX provide good succinct examples of pipelining, merging, splitting etc.
-- below.
-- $streams
-- A program is expressed as a network of streams and folds. A stream is a
-- source or generator of data elements and a fold is a consumer of data elements that
-- reduces multiple input elements to a single value.
-- In the following example, a 'Word8' stream is generated by using
-- '' on a file handle, then the
-- 'Streamly.Prelude.splitBySuffix' transformation splits the stream on
-- newlines (ascii value 10); it uses the 'Streamly.Data.Fold.drain' fold to reduce
-- the resulting lines to unit values (@()@), 'Streamly.Prelude.length' fold
-- then counts the unit elements in the resulting stream which gives us the
-- number of lines in the file:
-- > S.length $ S.splitOnSuffix FL.drain 10 $ fh
-- The following example folds the lines to arrays of 'Word8' using the
-- 'Streamly.Data.Array.Foreign.writeF' fold and then wraps the lines in square
-- brackets before writing them to standard output using
-- 'Streamly.FileSystem.Handle.write':
-- > wrapLine ln = S.fromList "[" <> ln <> S.fromList "]\n"
-- > readLines = S.splitOnSuffix A.writeF 10
-- > FH.write stdout $ S.concatMap wrapLine $ readLines fh1
-- One stream can be appended after another:
-- > FH.write stdout $ S.concatMap wrapLine $ readLines fh1 <> readLines fh2
-- The following example reads two files concurrently, merges the lines from
-- the two streams and writes the resulting stream to another file:
-- > FH.write stdout $ S.concatMap wrapLine $ readLines fh1 `parallel` readLines fh2
-- There are many ways to generate, merge, zip, transform and fold data
-- streams. Many transformations can be chained in a stream pipeline. See
-- "Streamly.Prelude" module for combinators to manipulate streams.
-- $folds
-- The way stream types in this module like 'SerialT' represent data sources,
-- the same way the 'Fold' type from "Streamly.Data.Fold" represents data sinks or
-- reducers of streams. Reducers can be combined to consume a stream source in
-- many ways. The simplest is to reduce a stream source using a fold e.g.:
-- > S.fold FL.length $ S.enumerateTo 100
-- Folds are consumers of streams and can be used to split a stream into
-- multiple independent flows. Grouping transforms a stream by applying a fold
-- on segments of a stream, distributing applies multiple folds in parallel on
-- the same stream and combines them, partitioning sends different elements of
-- a stream to different folds, unzipping divides the elements of a stream into
-- parts and sends them through different folds. Parsers are nothing but a
-- particular type of folds. Transformations can be applied contravariantly on
-- the input of a fold.
-- @
-- |---transform----Fold m a b--------|
-- ---stream m a-->transform-->| |---f b c ...
-- |---transform----Fold m a c--------|
-- | |
-- ...
-- @
-- $arrays
-- Streamly arrays (See "Streamly.Data.Array.Foreign") complement streams to provide an
-- efficient computing paradigm. Streams are suitable for immutable
-- transformations of /potentially infinite/ data using /sequential access/ and
-- pipelined transformations whereas arrays are suitable for in-place
-- transformations of /necessarily finite/ data using /random access/. Streams
-- are synonymous with /sequential pipelined processing/ whereas arrays are
-- synonymous with /efficient buffering and random access/.
-- In general, a data processing pipeline reads data from some IO device, does
-- some processing on it and finally writes the output to another IO device.
-- Streams provide the overall framework of sequential processing pipeline in
-- which arrays are used as buffering elements in the middle. In addition to
-- buffering in the middle, arrays can also be used at the boundaries of the
-- pipeline to efficiently interface with external storage systems like memory,
-- files and network. If streams are the pipes in a water pipeline network
-- then arrays are like the storage tanks in the middle. On the input side,
-- think of arrays as buckets to fetch water to feed the pipeline and on the
-- output side buckets to remove the processed water.
-- 'ByteString' data type from the 'bytestring' package and the 'Text' data
-- type from the 'text' package are special cases of arrays. 'ByteString' is
-- like @Array Word8@ and 'Text' is like @utf16@ encoded @Array Word8@.
-- Streamly arrays can be transformed as efficiently as @bytestring@ or @text@
-- by using stream operations on them.
-- Streams and arrays are equally important in computing. They are computing
-- duals of each other.
-- $streamtypes
-- The basic stream type is 'Serial', it represents a sequence of IO actions,
-- and is a 'Monad'. The type 'SerialT' is a monad transformer that can
-- represent a sequence of actions in an arbitrary monad. The type 'Serial' is
-- in fact a synonym for @SerialT IO@. There are a few more types similar to
-- 'SerialT', all of them represent a stream and differ only in the
-- 'Semigroup', 'Applicative' and 'Monad' compositions of the stream. 'Serial'
-- and 'WSerial' types compose serially whereas 'Async' and 'WAsync'
-- types compose concurrently. All these types can be freely inter-converted
-- using type combinators without any cost. You can freely switch to any type
-- of composition at any point in the program. When no type annotation or
-- explicit stream type combinators are used, the default stream type is
-- inferred as 'Serial'.
-- This module exports stream types, instances and combinators for:
-- * converting between different stream types
-- * appending and concurrently merging streams
-- * Concurrency control
-- * Concurrent function application
-- * Stream rate control
-- This module is designed to be imported unqualified:
-- @
-- import Streamly
-- @
-- See the "Streamly.Prelude" module for APIs for construction,
-- generation, elimination and transformation of streams.
-- Eliminating a stream
-- | Same as "Streamly.Prelude.runStream".
{-# DEPRECATED runStream "Please use Streamly.Prelude.drain instead." #-}
runStream :: Monad m => SerialT m a -> m ()
runStream = P.drain
-- | Same as "Streamly.Prelude.foldWith".
{-# DEPRECATED foldWith "Please use Streamly.Prelude.foldWith instead." #-}
{-# INLINABLE foldWith #-}
foldWith :: (IsStream t, Foldable f)
=> (t m a -> t m a -> t m a) -> f (t m a) -> t m a
foldWith = P.foldWith
-- | Same as "Streamly.Prelude.foldMapWith".
{-# DEPRECATED foldMapWith "Please use Streamly.Prelude.foldMapWith instead." #-}
{-# INLINABLE foldMapWith #-}
foldMapWith :: (IsStream t, Foldable f)
=> (t m b -> t m b -> t m b) -> (a -> t m b) -> f a -> t m b
foldMapWith = P.foldMapWith
-- | Same as "Streamly.Prelude.forEachWith".
{-# DEPRECATED forEachWith "Please use Streamly.Prelude.forEachWith instead." #-}
{-# INLINABLE forEachWith #-}
forEachWith :: (IsStream t, Foldable f)
=> (t m b -> t m b -> t m b) -> f a -> (a -> t m b) -> t m b
forEachWith = P.forEachWith
-- XXX Deprecate it in 0.8.0
-- | Make a stream asynchronous, triggers the computation and returns a stream
-- in the underlying monad representing the output generated by the original
-- computation. The returned action is exhaustible and must be drained once. If
-- not drained fully we may have a thread blocked forever and once exhausted it
-- will always return 'empty'.
-- @since 0.2.0
{-# INLINABLE mkAsync #-}
mkAsync :: (IsStream t, MonadAsync m) => t m a -> m (t m a)
mkAsync = return . Transform.mkAsync
-- Documentation
-- $serial
-- When a stream consumer demands an element from a serial stream constructed
-- as @a \`consM` b \`consM` ... nil@, the action @a@ at the head of the stream
-- sequence is executed and the result is supplied to the consumer. When the
-- next element is demanded, the action @b@ is executed and its result is
-- supplied. Thus, the effects are performed and results are consumed strictly
-- in a serial order. Serial streams can be considered as /spatially ordered/
-- streams as the order of execution and consumption is the same as the spatial
-- order in which the actions are composed by the programmer.
-- Serial streams enforce the side effects as well as the results of the
-- actions to be in the same order in which the actions are added to the
-- stream. Therefore, the semigroup operation for serial streams is not
-- commutative:
-- @
-- a <> b is not the same as b <> a
-- @
-- There are two serial stream types 'SerialT' and 'WSerialT'. The stream
-- evaluation of both the variants works in the same way as described above,
-- they differ only in the 'Semigroup' and 'Monad' implementaitons.
-- $ahead
-- When a stream consumer demands an element from a speculative stream
-- constructed as @a \`consM` b \`consM` ... nil@, the action @a@ at the head
-- of the stream is executed and the output of the action is supplied to the
-- consumer. However, in addition to the action at the head multiple actions
-- following it may also be executed concurrently and the results buffered.
-- When the next element is demanded it may be served from the buffer and we
-- may execute the next action in the sequence to keep the buffer adequately
-- filled. Thus, the actions are executed concurrently but results consumed in
-- serial order just like serial streams. `consM` can be used to fold an
-- infinite lazy container of effects, as the number of concurrent executions
-- is limited.
-- Similar to 'consM', the monadic stream generation (e.g. replicateM) and
-- transformation operations (e.g. mapM) on speculative streams can execute
-- multiple effects concurrently in a speculative manner.
-- How many effects can be executed concurrently and how many results can be
-- buffered are controlled by 'maxThreads' and 'maxBuffer' combinators
-- respectively. The actual number of concurrent threads is adjusted according
-- to the rate at which the consumer is consuming the stream. It may even
-- execute actions serially in a single thread if that is enough to match the
-- consumer's speed.
-- Speculative streams enforce ordering of the results of actions in the stream
-- but the side effects are only partially ordered. Therefore, the semigroup
-- operation for speculative streams is not commutative from the pure outputs
-- perspective but commutative from side effects perspective.
-- $async
-- /Scheduling and execution:/ In an asynchronous stream @a \`consM` b \`consM`
-- c ...@, the actions @a@, @b@, and @c@ are executed concurrently with the
-- consumer of the stream. The actions are /scheduled/ for execution in the
-- same order as they are specified in the stream. Multiple scheduled actions
-- may be /executed/ concurrently in parallel threads of execution. The
-- actions may be executed out of order and they may complete at arbitrary
-- times. Therefore, the /effects/ of the actions may be observed out of
-- order.
-- /Buffering:/ The /results/ from multiple threads of execution are queued in
-- a buffer as soon as they become available. The consumer of the stream is
-- served from this buffer. Therefore, the consumer may observe the results to
-- be out of order. In other words, an asynchronous stream is an unordered
-- stream i.e. order does not matter.
-- /Concurrency control:/ Threads are suspended if the `maxBuffer` limit is
-- reached, and resumed when the consumer makes space in the buffer. The
-- maximum number of concurrent threads depends on `maxThreads`. Number of
-- threads is increased or decreased based on the speed of the consumer.
-- /Generation operations:/ Concurrent stream generation operations e.g.
-- 'Streamly.Prelude.replicateM' when used in async style schedule and execute
-- the stream generating actions in the manner described above. The generation
-- actions run concurrently, effects and results of the actions as observed by
-- the consumer of the stream may be out of order.
-- /Transformation operations:/ Concurrent stream transformation operations
-- e.g. 'Streamly.Prelude.mapM', when used in async style, schedule and
-- execute transformation actions in the manner described above. Transformation
-- actions run concurrently, effects and results of the actions may be
-- observed by the consumer out of order.
-- /Variants:/ There are two asynchronous stream types 'AsyncT' and 'WAsyncT'.
-- They are identical with respect to single stream evaluation behavior. Their
-- behaviors differ in how they combine multiple streams using 'Semigroup' or
-- 'Monad' composition. Since the order of elements does not matter in
-- asynchronous streams the 'Semigroup' operation is effectively commutative.
-- $zipping
-- 'ZipSerialM' and 'ZipAsyncM', provide 'Applicative' instances for zipping the
-- corresponding elements of two streams together. Note that these types are
-- not monads.
-- $application
-- Stream processing functions can be composed in a chain using function
-- application with or without the '$' operator, or with reverse function
-- application operator '&'. Streamly provides concurrent versions of these
-- operators applying stream processing functions such that each stage of the
-- stream can run in parallel. The operators start with a @|@; we can read '|$'
-- as "@parallel dollar@" to remember that @|@ comes before '$'.
-- Imports for the code snippets below:
-- @
-- import Streamly
-- import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
-- import Control.Concurrent
-- @
-- $sum
-- The 'Semigroup' operation '<>' of each stream type combines two streams in a
-- type specific manner. This section provides polymorphic versions of '<>'
-- which can be used to combine two streams in a predetermined way irrespective
-- of the type.
-- XXX An alternative design choice would be to let a control parameter affect
-- the nearest SVar only and then it gets cleared. The benefit of the current
-- choice is that it is simply just like global configuration, just like state
-- behaves, so should be easy to comprehend. But it has the downside of leaking
-- to undesired actions, that is we can forget to reset it.
-- $concurrency
-- These combinators can be used at any point in a stream composition to set
-- parameters to control the concurrency of the /argument stream/. A control
-- parameter set at any point remains effective for any concurrent combinators
-- used in the argument stream until it is reset by using the combinator again.
-- These control parameters have no effect on non-concurrent combinators in the
-- stream, or on non-concurrent streams.
-- /Pitfall:/ Remember that 'maxBuffer' in the following example applies to
-- 'mapM' and any other combinators that may follow it, and it does not apply
-- to the combinators before it:
-- @
-- ...
-- $ maxBuffer 10
-- $ S.mapM ...
-- ...
-- @
-- If we use '&' instead of '$' the situation will reverse, in the following
-- example, 'maxBuffer' does not apply to 'mapM', it applies to combinators
-- that come before it, because those are the arguments to 'maxBuffer':
-- @
-- ...
-- & maxBuffer 10
-- & S.mapM ...
-- ...
-- @
-- $adapters
-- You may want to use different stream composition styles at different points
-- in your program. Stream types can be freely converted or adapted from one
-- type to another. The 'IsStream' type class facilitates type conversion of
-- one stream type to another. It is not used directly, instead the type
-- combinators provided below are used for conversions.
-- To adapt from one monomorphic type (e.g. 'AsyncT') to another monomorphic
-- type (e.g. 'SerialT') use the 'adapt' combinator. To give a polymorphic code
-- a specific interpretation or to adapt a specific type to a polymorphic type
-- use the type specific combinators e.g. 'fromAsync' or 'fromWSerial'. You
-- cannot adapt polymorphic code to polymorphic code, as the compiler would not know
-- which specific type you are converting from or to. If you see a an
-- @ambiguous type variable@ error then most likely you are using 'adapt'
-- unnecessarily on polymorphic code.
-- | Same as 'Streamly.Prelude.concatFoldableWith'
-- @since 0.1.0
{-# DEPRECATED foldWith "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.concatFoldableWith' instead." #-}
{-# INLINEABLE foldWith #-}
foldWith :: (IsStream t, Foldable f) => (t m a -> t m a -> t m a) -> f (t m a) -> t m a
foldWith = P.concatFoldableWith
-- | Same as 'Streamly.Prelude.concatMapFoldableWith'
-- @since 0.1.0
{-# DEPRECATED foldMapWith "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.concatMapFoldableWith' instead." #-}
{-# INLINEABLE foldMapWith #-}
foldMapWith :: (IsStream t, Foldable f) => (t m b -> t m b -> t m b) -> (a -> t m b) -> f a -> t m b
foldMapWith = P.concatMapFoldableWith
-- | Same as 'Streamly.Prelude.concatForFoldableWith'
-- @since 0.1.0
{-# DEPRECATED forEachWith "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.concatForFoldableWith' instead." #-}
{-# INLINEABLE forEachWith #-}
forEachWith :: (IsStream t, Foldable f) => (t m b -> t m b -> t m b) -> f a -> (a -> t m b) -> t m b
forEachWith = P.concatForFoldableWith
{-# DEPRECATED serially "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromSerial' instead." #-}
serially :: IsStream t => SerialT m a -> t m a
serially = fromSerial
{-# DEPRECATED wSerially "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromWSerial' instead." #-}
wSerially :: IsStream t => WSerialT m a -> t m a
wSerially = fromWSerial
{-# DEPRECATED asyncly "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromAsync' instead." #-}
asyncly :: IsStream t => AsyncT m a -> t m a
asyncly = fromAsync
{-# DEPRECATED aheadly "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromAhead' instead." #-}
aheadly :: IsStream t => AheadT m a -> t m a
aheadly = fromAhead
{-# DEPRECATED wAsyncly "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromWAsync' instead." #-}
wAsyncly :: IsStream t => WAsyncT m a -> t m a
wAsyncly = fromWAsync
{-# DEPRECATED parallely "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromParallel' instead." #-}
parallely :: IsStream t => ParallelT m a -> t m a
parallely = fromParallel
{-# DEPRECATED zipSerially "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromZipSerial' instead." #-}
zipSerially :: IsStream t => ZipSerialM m a -> t m a
zipSerially = fromZipSerial
{-# DEPRECATED zipAsyncly "Please use 'Streamly.Prelude.fromZipAsync' instead." #-}
zipAsyncly :: IsStream t => ZipAsyncM m a -> t m a
zipAsyncly = fromZipAsync