2024-07-05 11:21:08 +05:30

237 lines
7.2 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
module Streamly.Test.Unicode.Stream (main) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
import Test.QuickCheck
( Property
, forAll
, Gen
, listOf
, arbitraryASCIIChar
, arbitraryUnicodeChar
, arbitrary
, expectFailure
, vectorOf
, choose
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (run, monadicIO, assert, PropertyM)
import Streamly.Data.Stream (Stream)
import qualified Streamly.Data.Array as A
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Stream as AS
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Unicode.Stream as SS
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream as IUS
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Array as IUA
import qualified Test.Hspec as H
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
-- Coverage build takes too long with default number of tests
maxTestCount :: Int
maxTestCount = 100
maxTestCount = 10
assertEq :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> PropertyM IO ()
assertEq a b = do
when (a /= b) $ run $ do
putStrLn $ "A: " ++ show a
putStrLn $ "B: " ++ show b
assert (a == b)
-- Use quickcheck-unicode instead?
genUnicode :: Gen String
genUnicode = listOf arbitraryUnicodeChar
genWord8List :: Gen [Word8]
genWord8List = listOf arbitrary
genListOfW8List :: Gen [[Word8]]
genListOfW8List = listOf (listOf arbitrary)
propDecodeEncodeId' :: Property
propDecodeEncodeId' =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
let wrds = SS.encodeUtf8' $ Stream.fromList list
chrs <- run $ Stream.toList $ SS.decodeUtf8' wrds
assert (chrs == list)
:: (Stream IO Char -> Stream IO Word16)
-> (Stream IO Word16 -> Stream IO Char)
-> Property
propDecodeEncodeUtf16Id encoder decoder =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
let wrds = encoder $ Stream.fromList list
chrs <- run $ Stream.toList $ decoder wrds
assertEq chrs list
propMkEvenW8Chunks :: Property
propMkEvenW8Chunks =
forAll genListOfW8List $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
list1 <-
run $ Stream.toList
$ fmap A.toList
$ IUS.mkEvenW8Chunks
$ fmap A.fromList $ Stream.fromList list
let concatedList = concat list
concatedList1 = concat list1
assert (and (map (even . length) list1))
if (odd (length concatedList))
then assertEq concatedList1 (init concatedList)
else assertEq concatedList1 concatedList
-- XXX need to use invalid characters
propDecodeEncodeId :: Property
propDecodeEncodeId =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
let wrds = SS.encodeUtf8 $ Stream.fromList list
chrs <- Stream.toList $ SS.decodeUtf8 wrds
assertEq chrs list
propDecodeEncodeIdArrays :: Property
propDecodeEncodeIdArrays =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
let wrds = Stream.chunksOf 8 $ SS.encodeUtf8' $ Stream.fromList list
chrs <- Stream.toList $ IUS.decodeUtf8Chunks wrds
assertEq chrs list
unicodeTestData :: [Char]
unicodeTestData = "z\72150\83468;L$Wz| ?_i/J ."
latin1TestData :: [Char]
latin1TestData = "z\214\f;L$Wz| ?_i/J ."
propASCIIToLatin1 :: Property
propASCIIToLatin1 =
forAll (choose (1, 1000)) $ \len ->
forAll (vectorOf len arbitraryASCIIChar) $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
let wrds = SS.decodeLatin1
$ SS.encodeLatin1
$ Stream.fromList list
lst <- run $ Stream.toList wrds
assertEq list lst
propUnicodeToLatin1 :: Property
propUnicodeToLatin1 =
monadicIO $ do
let wrds =
$ SS.encodeLatin1
$ Stream.fromList unicodeTestData
lst <- run $ Stream.toList wrds
assertEq latin1TestData lst
propUnicodeToLatin1' :: Property
propUnicodeToLatin1' =
monadicIO $ do
let wrds =
$ SS.encodeLatin1'
$ Stream.fromList unicodeTestData
lst <- run $ Stream.toList wrds
assertEq latin1TestData lst
testLines :: Property
testLines =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
xs <- Stream.toList
$ fmap A.toList
$ IUA.lines
$ Stream.fromList list
assertEq xs (lines list)
testLinesArray :: Property
testLinesArray =
forAll genWord8List $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
xs <- Stream.toList
$ fmap A.toList
$ AS.splitOnSuffix 10
$ Stream.fromPure (A.fromList list)
assertEq xs (map (map (fromIntegral . ord))
(lines (map (chr . fromIntegral) list)))
testWords :: Property
testWords =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
xs <- Stream.toList
$ A.toList
$ IUA.words
$ Stream.fromList list
assertEq xs (words list)
testUnlines :: Property
testUnlines =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
xs <- Stream.toList
$ IUA.unlines
$ IUA.lines
$ Stream.fromList list
assertEq xs (unlines (lines list))
testUnwords :: Property
testUnwords =
forAll genUnicode $ \list ->
monadicIO $ do
xs <- run
$ Stream.toList
$ IUA.unwords
$ IUA.words
$ Stream.fromList list
assertEq xs (unwords (words list))
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Unicode.Stream"
main :: IO ()
main = H.hspec
$ H.parallel
$ modifyMaxSuccess (const 1000)
$ H.describe moduleName $ do
H.describe "UTF8 - Encoding / Decoding" $ do
prop "decodeUtf8' . encodeUtf8' == id" propDecodeEncodeId'
prop "decodeUtf8 . encodeUtf8' == id" propDecodeEncodeId
prop "decodeUtf8Arrays . encodeUtf8' == id"
prop "Streamly.Data.String.lines == Prelude.lines" testLines
prop "Arrays Streamly.Data.String.lines == Prelude.lines"
prop "Streamly.Data.String.words == Prelude.words" testWords
"Streamly.Data.String.unlines . Streamly.Data.String.lines == unlines . lines"
"Streamly.Data.String.unwords . Streamly.Data.String.words == unwords . words"
H.describe "UTF16 - Encoding / Decoding" $ do
prop "decodeUtf16le' . encodeUtf16le' == id"
(propDecodeEncodeUtf16Id IUS.encodeUtf16le' IUS.decodeUtf16le')
prop "decodeUtf16le . encodeUtf16le == id"
(propDecodeEncodeUtf16Id IUS.encodeUtf16le' IUS.decodeUtf16le)
prop "mkEvenW8Chunks" propMkEvenW8Chunks
H.describe "Latin1 - Encoding / Decoding" $ do
prop "ASCII to Latin1" propASCIIToLatin1
prop "Unicode to Latin1" propUnicodeToLatin1
prop "Unicode to Latin1'" $ expectFailure propUnicodeToLatin1'