Ranjeet Kumar Ranjan b68baf3c51 Add support for benchmarking with tasty-bench
tasty-bench has fewer dependencies and is agile to keep up with new GHC
versions. This change is especially motivated by support for GHC 9.0.1.
gauge depends on foundation/basement which lagging much behind and seem
to be unmaintained.
2021-06-08 23:54:04 +05:30

240 lines
8.2 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Streamly.Prelude
( SerialT, fromParallel, parallel, fromSerial, maxBuffer, maxThreads)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Parallel as Par
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.IsStream as Internal
import Streamly.Benchmark.Common
import Streamly.Benchmark.Prelude
import Gauge
moduleName :: String
moduleName = "Prelude.Parallel"
-- Merging
{-# INLINE mergeAsyncByM #-}
mergeAsyncByM :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m) => Int -> Int -> t m Int
mergeAsyncByM count n =
(\a b -> return (a `compare` b))
(sourceUnfoldrM count n)
(sourceUnfoldrM count (n + 1))
{-# INLINE mergeAsyncBy #-}
mergeAsyncBy :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m) => Int -> Int -> t m Int
mergeAsyncBy count n =
(sourceUnfoldrM count n)
(sourceUnfoldrM count (n + 1))
-- Application/fold
{-# INLINE parAppMap #-}
parAppMap :: S.MonadAsync m => SerialT m Int -> m ()
parAppMap src = S.drain $ (+1) S.|$ src
{-# INLINE parAppSum #-}
parAppSum :: S.MonadAsync m => SerialT m Int -> m ()
parAppSum src = (S.sum S.|$. src) >>= \x -> seq x (return ())
{-# INLINE (|&) #-}
(|&) :: S.MonadAsync m => SerialT m Int -> m ()
(|&) src = src S.|& (+ 1) & S.drain
{-# INLINE (|&.) #-}
(|&.) :: S.MonadAsync m => SerialT m Int -> m ()
(|&.) src = (src S.|&. S.sum) >>= \x -> seq x (return ())
-- Tapping
{-# INLINE tapAsyncS #-}
tapAsyncS :: S.MonadAsync m => Int -> SerialT m Int -> m ()
tapAsyncS n = composeN n $ Par.tapAsync S.sum
{-# INLINE tapAsync #-}
tapAsync :: S.MonadAsync m => Int -> SerialT m Int -> m ()
tapAsync n = composeN n $ Internal.tapAsync FL.sum
o_1_space_merge_app_tap :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_merge_app_tap value =
[ bgroup "merge-app-tap"
[ benchIOSrc fromSerial "mergeAsyncBy (2,x/2)"
(mergeAsyncBy (value `div` 2))
, benchIOSrc fromSerial "mergeAsyncByM (2,x/2)"
(mergeAsyncByM (value `div` 2))
-- Parallel stages in a pipeline
, benchIOSink value "parAppMap" parAppMap
, benchIOSink value "parAppSum" parAppSum
, benchIOSink value "(|&)" (|&)
, benchIOSink value "(|&.)" (|&.)
, benchIOSink value "tapAsync" (tapAsync 1)
, benchIOSink value "tapAsyncS" (tapAsyncS 1)
-- Generation
o_n_heap_generation :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_generation value =
[ bgroup
[ benchIOSrc fromParallel "unfoldr" (sourceUnfoldr value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "unfoldrM" (sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "fromFoldable" (sourceFromFoldable value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "fromFoldableM" (sourceFromFoldableM value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "unfoldrM maxThreads 1"
(maxThreads 1 . sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "unfoldrM maxBuffer 1 (x/10 ops)"
(maxBuffer 1 . sourceUnfoldrM (value `div` 10))
-- Mapping
o_n_heap_mapping :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_mapping value =
[ bgroup "mapping"
[ benchIOSink value "map" $ mapN fromParallel 1
, benchIOSink value "fmap" $ fmapN fromParallel 1
, benchIOSink value "mapM" $ mapM fromParallel 1 . fromSerial
-- Joining
{-# INLINE parallel2 #-}
parallel2 :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
parallel2 count n =
S.drain $
(sourceUnfoldrM count n) `parallel` (sourceUnfoldrM count (n + 1))
o_1_space_joining :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_1_space_joining value =
[ bgroup "joining"
[ benchIOSrc1 "parallel (2 of n/2)" (parallel2 (value `div` 2))
-- Concat
o_n_heap_concatFoldable :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_concatFoldable value =
[ bgroup
[ benchIOSrc fromParallel "foldMapWith (<>) (List)"
(sourceFoldMapWith value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "foldMapWith (<>) (Stream)"
(sourceFoldMapWithStream value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "foldMapWithM (<>) (List)"
(sourceFoldMapWithM value)
, benchIOSrc fromSerial "S.concatFoldableWith (<>) (List)"
(concatFoldableWith value)
, benchIOSrc fromSerial "S.concatForFoldableWith (<>) (List)"
(concatForFoldableWith value)
, benchIOSrc fromParallel "foldMapM (List)" (sourceFoldMapM value)
o_n_heap_concat :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_concat value =
value2 `seq`
[ bgroup "concat"
-- This is for comparison with foldMapWith
[ benchIOSrc fromSerial "concatMapWithId (n of 1) (fromFoldable)"
(S.concatMapWith parallel id . sourceConcatMapId value)
, benchIO "concatMapWith (n of 1)"
(concatStreamsWith parallel value 1)
, benchIO "concatMapWith (sqrt x of sqrt x)"
(concatStreamsWith parallel value2 value2)
, benchIO "concatMapWith (1 of n)"
(concatStreamsWith parallel 1 value)
value2 = round $ sqrt (fromIntegral value :: Double)
-- Monadic outer product
o_n_heap_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_heap_outerProduct value =
[ bgroup "monad-outer-product"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ toNullAp value fromParallel
, benchIO "toNull" $ toNullM value fromParallel
, benchIO "toNull3" $ toNullM3 value fromParallel
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ filterAllOutM value fromParallel
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ filterAllInM value fromParallel
, benchIO "filterSome" $ filterSome value fromParallel
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ breakAfterSome value fromParallel
o_n_space_outerProduct :: Int -> [Benchmark]
o_n_space_outerProduct value =
[ bgroup "monad-outer-product"
[ benchIO "toList" $ toListM value fromParallel
-- XXX disabled due to a bug for now
-- , benchIO "toListSome" $ toListSome value fromParallel
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = runWithCLIOpts defaultStreamSize allBenchmarks
allBenchmarks value =
[ bgroup (o_1_space_prefix moduleName) $ concat
[ o_1_space_merge_app_tap value
, o_1_space_joining value
, bgroup (o_n_heap_prefix moduleName) $ concat
[ o_n_heap_generation value
, o_n_heap_mapping value
, o_n_heap_concatFoldable value
, o_n_heap_concat value
, o_n_heap_outerProduct value
, bgroup (o_n_space_prefix moduleName) (o_n_space_outerProduct value)