
350 lines
14 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) 2019 Harendra Kumar
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import System.IO (openFile, IOMode(..), Handle, hClose)
import System.Process.Typed (shell, runProcess_)
import Data.IORef
import Gauge
import qualified Streamly.Benchmark.FileIO.Stream as BFS
import qualified Streamly.Benchmark.FileIO.Array as BFA
-- Input and output file handles
data Handles = Handles Handle Handle
scratchDir :: String
scratchDir = "benchmark/scratch/"
outfile :: String
outfile = scratchDir ++ "out.txt"
blockSize, blockCount :: Int
blockSize = 32768
blockCount = 3200
fileSize :: Int
fileSize = blockSize * blockCount
-- This is a 500MB text file for text processing benchmarks. We cannot
-- have it in the repo, therefore we use it locally with DEVBUILD
-- conditional (enabled by "dev" cabal flag). Some tests that depend on
-- this file are available only in DEVBUILD mode.
infile :: String
infile = "benchmark/text-processing/gutenberg-500.txt"
infile :: String
infile = scratchDir ++ "in-100MB.txt"
main :: IO ()
main = do
#ifndef DEVBUILD
-- XXX will this work on windows/msys?
let cmd = "mkdir -p " ++ scratchDir
++ "; test -e " ++ infile
++ " || { echo \"creating input file " ++ infile
++ "\" && dd if=/dev/random of=" ++ infile
++ " bs=" ++ show blockSize
++ " count=" ++ show blockCount
++ ";}"
runProcess_ (shell cmd)
inHandle <- openFile infile ReadMode
outHandle <- openFile outfile WriteMode
href <- newIORef $ Handles inHandle outHandle
devNull <- openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode
[ bgroup "readArray"
[ mkBench "last" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.last inh
-- Note: this cannot be fairly compared with GNU wc -c or wc -m as
-- wc uses lseek to just determine the file size rather than reading
-- and counting characters.
, mkBench "length (bytecount)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.countBytes inh
, mkBench "linecount" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.countLines inh
, mkBench "wordcount" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.countWords inh
, mkBench "sum" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.sumBytes inh
, mkBench "cat" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracket" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.catBracket devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracketIO" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.catBracketIO devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracketStream" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.catBracketStream devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracketStreamIO" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.catBracketStreamIO devNull inh
, mkBench "catOnException" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.catOnException devNull inh
, mkBench "read-utf8" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFA.decodeUtf8Lenient inh
, bgroup "readStream"
[ mkBench "last" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.last inh
, mkBench "length (bytecount)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.countBytes inh
, mkBench "linecount" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.countLines inh
, mkBench "linecountU" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.countLinesU inh
, mkBench "wordcount" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.countWords inh
, mkBench "sum" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.sumBytes inh
, mkBench "cat" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href devNull inh
, mkBench "catStream" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catStreamWrite devNull inh
, mkBench "catOnException" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catOnException devNull inh
, mkBench "catOnExceptionStream" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catOnExceptionStream devNull inh
, mkBench "catHandle" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catHandle devNull inh
, mkBench "catHandleStream" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catHandleStream devNull inh
, mkBench "catFinally" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catFinally devNull inh
, mkBench "catFinallyIO" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catFinallyIO devNull inh
, mkBench "catFinallyStream" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catFinallyStream devNull inh
, mkBench "catFinallyStreamIO" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catFinallyStreamIO devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracketStream" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catBracketStream devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracketStreamIO" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catBracketStreamIO devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracket" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catBracket devNull inh
, mkBench "catBracketIO" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.catBracketIO devNull inh
, mkBench "read-word8" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.readWord8 inh
, mkBench "read-latin1" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.decodeLatin1 inh
, mkBench "read-utf8" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.decodeUtf8Lax inh
, bgroup "copyArray"
[ mkBench "copy" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFA.copy inh outh
-- This takes a little longer therefore put under the dev conditional
, bgroup "copyStream"
[ mkBench "fromToHandle" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.copy inh outh
-- This needs an ascii file, as decode just errors out.
, bgroup "decode-encode"
[ mkBench "latin1" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.copyCodecChar8 inh outh
, mkBench "utf8-arrays" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFA.copyCodecUtf8Lenient inh outh
, mkBench "utf8" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.copyCodecUtf8Lenient inh outh
, bgroup "grouping-chunks"
[ mkBench "sumChunksOf (single chunk)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.chunksOfSum fileSize inh
, mkBench "sumChunksOf 1" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.chunksOfSum 1 inh
, mkBench "sumChunksOf (single chunk) (parseMany)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.parseManyChunksOfSum fileSize inh
, mkBench "sumChunksOf 1 (parseMany)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.parseManyChunksOfSum 1 inh
, mkBench "arraysOf 1" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.chunksOf 1 inh
, mkBench "arraysOf 10" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.chunksOf 10 inh
, mkBench "arraysOf 1000" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.chunksOf 1000 inh
, bgroup "group-ungroup-stream"
[ mkBench "lines-unlines-[Char]" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.linesUnlinesCopy inh outh
, mkBench "lines-unlines-Word8Array" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.linesUnlinesArrayWord8Copy inh outh
, mkBench "lines-unlines-CharArray" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.linesUnlinesArrayCharCopy inh outh
, mkBench "words-unwords-[Word8]" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.wordsUnwordsCopyWord8 inh outh
, mkBench "words-unwords-[Char]" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.wordsUnwordsCopy inh outh
, mkBench "words-unwords-CharArray" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFS.wordsUnwordsCharArrayCopy inh outh
, bgroup "group-ungroup-array-stream"
[ mkBench "lines-unlines-Word8Array" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFA.linesUnlinesCopy inh outh
, mkBench "words-unwords-Word8Array" href $ do
Handles inh outh <- readIORef href
BFA.wordsUnwordsCopy inh outh
, bgroup "splitting"
[ bgroup "predicate"
[ mkBench "splitOn \\n (line count)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOn inh
, mkBench "splitOnSuffix \\n (line count)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSuffix inh
, mkBench "splitOn \\n (line count) (parseMany)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.parseManySepBy inh
, mkBench "wordsBy isSpace (word count)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.wordsBy inh
, bgroup "empty-pattern"
[ mkBench "splitOnSeq \"\"" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSuffixSeq \"\"" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSuffixSeq "" inh
, bgroup "short-pattern"
[ mkBench "splitOnSeq \\n (line count)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "\n" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSuffixSeq \\n (line count)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSuffixSeq "\n" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeq a" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "a" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeq \\r\\n" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "\r\n" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSuffixSeq \\r\\n)" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSuffixSeq "\r\n" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeq aa" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "aa" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeq aaaa" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "aaaa" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeq abcdefgh" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "abcdefgh" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeqUtf8 abcdefgh" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeqUtf8 "abcdefgh" inh
, bgroup "long-pattern"
[ mkBench "splitOnSeq abcdefghi" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "abcdefghi" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeq catcatcatcatcat" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "catcatcatcatcat" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeq" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeq "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSuffixSeq" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSuffixSeq "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" inh
, mkBench "splitOnSeqUtf8" href $ do
Handles inh _ <- readIORef href
BFS.splitOnSeqUtf8 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" inh
mkBench :: NFData b => String -> IORef Handles -> IO b -> Benchmark
mkBench name ref action =
bench name $ perRunEnv (do
(Handles inh outh) <- readIORef ref
hClose inh
hClose outh
inHandle <- openFile infile ReadMode
outHandle <- openFile outfile WriteMode
writeIORef ref (Handles inHandle outHandle)
(\_ -> action)