2021-06-08 23:54:04 +05:30

111 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad (when, replicateM)
import Streamly.Prelude
( IsStream, SerialT, serial, async, fromAsync, ahead, fromAhead, wAsync
, fromWAsync, parallel, fromParallel
import Gauge
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
-- Append
-- | Run @tcount@ number of actions concurrently using the given concurrency
-- style. Each thread produces a single output after a delay of @d@
-- microseconds.
{-# INLINE append #-}
append :: IsStream t
=> Int -> Int -> Int -> (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int) -> IO ()
append buflen tcount d t =
let work = (\i -> when (d /= 0) (threadDelay d) >> return i)
in S.drain
$ t
$ S.maxBuffer buflen
$ S.maxThreads (-1)
$ S.fromFoldableM $ fmap work [1..tcount]
-- | Run @threads@ concurrently, each producing streams of @elems@ elements
-- with a delay of @d@ microseconds between successive elements, and merge
-- their outputs in a single output stream. The individual streams are produced
-- serially but merged using the provided concurrency style.
{-# INLINE concated #-}
:: Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> (forall a. SerialT IO a -> SerialT IO a -> SerialT IO a)
-> IO ()
concated buflen threads d elems t =
let work = \i -> S.replicateM i (when (d /= 0) (threadDelay d) >> return i)
in S.drain
$ S.adapt
$ S.maxThreads (-1)
$ S.maxBuffer buflen
$ S.concatMapWith t work
$ S.replicate threads elems
appendGroup :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Benchmark]
appendGroup buflen threads usec =
[ -- bench "serial" $ nfIO $ append buflen threads delay fromSerial
bench "ahead" $ nfIO $ append buflen threads usec fromAhead
, bench "async" $ nfIO $ append buflen threads usec fromAsync
, bench "wAsync" $ nfIO $ append buflen threads usec fromWAsync
, bench "parallel" $ nfIO $ append buflen threads usec fromParallel
concatGroup :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Benchmark]
concatGroup buflen threads usec n =
[ bench "serial" $ nfIO $ concated buflen threads usec n serial
, bench "ahead" $ nfIO $ concated buflen threads usec n ahead
, bench "async" $ nfIO $ concated buflen threads usec n async
, bench "wAsync" $ nfIO $ concated buflen threads usec n wAsync
, bench "parallel" $ nfIO $ concated buflen threads usec n parallel
main :: IO ()
main =
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_gauge
defaultMainWith (defaultConfig
{ timeLimit = Just 0
, minSamples = Just 1
, minDuration = 0
, includeFirstIter = True
, quickMode = True
[ -- bgroup "append/buf-1-threads-10k-0sec" (appendGroup 1 10000 0)
-- , bgroup "append/buf-100-threads-100k-0sec" (appendGroup 100 100000 0)
bgroup "stream1x10k/buf10k-threads10k-5sec" (appendGroup 10000 10000 5000000)
-- bgroup "concat/buf-1-threads-100k-count-1" (concatGroup 1 100000 0 1)
-- bgroup "concat/buf-1-threads-1-count-10m" (concatGroup 1 1 0 10000000)
, bgroup "streams100x500k/buf100-threads100" (concatGroup 100 100 0 500000)
, bench "forkIO/threads10k-5sec" $
let delay = threadDelay 5000000
count = 10000 :: Int
list = [1..count]
work i = delay >> return i
in nfIO $ do
ref <- newEmptyMVar
mapM_ (\i -> forkIO $ work i >>=
\j -> putMVar ref j) list
replicateM 10000 (takeMVar ref)