Harendra Kumar 5073377ba9 Add modular stream stats counting
* pollCounts to poll the element count in another thread
* delayPost to introduce a delay in polling
* rollingMap to compute diff of successive elements

These combinators can be used to compute and report the element
processing rate in a stream.
2019-12-31 00:22:41 +05:30

1016 lines
31 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Benchmark.Prelude
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 Harendra Kumar
-- License : MIT
-- Maintainer :
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin Test.Inspection.Plugin #-}
module Streamly.Benchmark.Prelude where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, get, put)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, modifyIORef')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Prelude
(Monad, Int, (+), ($), (.), return, fmap, even, (>), (<=), (==), (>=),
subtract, undefined, Maybe(..), odd, Bool, not, (>>=), mapM_, curry,
maxBound, div, IO, compare, Double, fromIntegral, Integer, (<$>),
(<*>), flip, (**), (/))
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified GHC.Exts as GHC
import Test.Inspection
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamD as D
import qualified Streamly as S hiding (runStream)
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Prelude as Internal
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Fold as FL
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as UF
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Pipe as Pipe
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.Parallel as Par
value, maxValue, value2 :: Int
-- To detect memory leak issues we need larger streams
value = 10000000
#elif defined(LINEAR_ASYNC)
value = 10000
value = 100000
maxValue = value + 1
value2 = P.round (P.fromIntegral value**(1/2::P.Double)) -- double nested loop
type Stream m a = S.SerialT m a
-- Stream generation
-- enumerate
{-# INLINE sourceIntFromTo #-}
sourceIntFromTo :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
sourceIntFromTo n = S.enumerateFromTo n (n + value)
{-# INLINE sourceIntFromThenTo #-}
sourceIntFromThenTo :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
sourceIntFromThenTo n = S.enumerateFromThenTo n (n + 1) (n + value)
{-# INLINE sourceFracFromTo #-}
sourceFracFromTo :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Double
sourceFracFromTo n =
S.enumerateFromTo (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral (n + value))
{-# INLINE sourceFracFromThenTo #-}
sourceFracFromThenTo :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Double
sourceFracFromThenTo n = S.enumerateFromThenTo (fromIntegral n)
(fromIntegral n + 1.0001) (fromIntegral (n + value))
{-# INLINE sourceIntegerFromStep #-}
sourceIntegerFromStep :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Integer
sourceIntegerFromStep n =
S.take value $ S.enumerateFromThen (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral n + 1)
-- unfoldr
{-# INLINE sourceUnfoldr #-}
sourceUnfoldr :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
sourceUnfoldr n = S.unfoldr step n
step cnt =
if cnt > n + value
then Nothing
else Just (cnt, cnt + 1)
{-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrN #-}
sourceUnfoldrN :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> Int -> t m Int
sourceUnfoldrN upto start = S.unfoldr step start
step cnt =
if cnt > start + upto
then Nothing
else Just (cnt, cnt + 1)
{-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrM #-}
sourceUnfoldrM :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m) => Int -> t m Int
sourceUnfoldrM n = S.unfoldrM step n
step cnt =
if cnt > n + value
then return Nothing
else return (Just (cnt, cnt + 1))
{-# INLINE source #-}
source :: (S.MonadAsync m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
source n = sourceUnfoldrM n
{-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrMN #-}
sourceUnfoldrMN :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m) => Int -> Int -> t m Int
sourceUnfoldrMN upto start = S.unfoldrM step start
step cnt =
if cnt > start + upto
then return Nothing
else return (Just (cnt, cnt + 1))
{-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrMAction #-}
sourceUnfoldrMAction :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m) => Int -> t m (m Int)
sourceUnfoldrMAction n = S.serially $ S.unfoldrM step n
step cnt =
if cnt > n + value
then return Nothing
else return (Just (return cnt, cnt + 1))
-- fromIndices
{-# INLINE sourceFromIndices #-}
sourceFromIndices :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
sourceFromIndices n = S.take value $ S.fromIndices (+ n)
{-# INLINE sourceFromIndicesM #-}
sourceFromIndicesM :: (S.MonadAsync m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
sourceFromIndicesM n = S.take value $ S.fromIndicesM (Prelude.fmap return (+ n))
-- fromList
{-# INLINE sourceFromList #-}
sourceFromList :: (Monad m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
sourceFromList n = S.fromList [n..n+value]
{-# INLINE sourceFromListM #-}
sourceFromListM :: (S.MonadAsync m, S.IsStream t) => Int -> t m Int
sourceFromListM n = S.fromListM (Prelude.fmap return [n..n+value])
{-# INLINE sourceIsList #-}
sourceIsList :: Int -> S.SerialT Identity Int
sourceIsList n = GHC.fromList [n..n+value]
{-# INLINE sourceIsString #-}
sourceIsString :: Int -> S.SerialT Identity P.Char
sourceIsString n = GHC.fromString (P.replicate (n + value) 'a')
-- fromFoldable
{-# INLINE sourceFromFoldable #-}
sourceFromFoldable :: S.IsStream t => Int -> t m Int
sourceFromFoldable n = S.fromFoldable [n..n+value]
{-# INLINE sourceFromFoldableM #-}
sourceFromFoldableM :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m) => Int -> t m Int
sourceFromFoldableM n = S.fromFoldableM (Prelude.fmap return [n..n+value])
-- Elimination
{-# INLINE runStream #-}
runStream :: Monad m => Stream m a -> m ()
runStream = S.drain
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m [Int]
{-# INLINE head #-}
{-# INLINE last #-}
{-# INLINE maximum #-}
{-# INLINE minimum #-}
{-# INLINE find #-}
{-# INLINE findIndex #-}
{-# INLINE elemIndex #-}
{-# INLINE foldl1'Reduce #-}
head, last, minimum, maximum, find, findIndex, elemIndex, foldl1'Reduce
:: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m (Maybe Int)
{-# INLINE minimumBy #-}
{-# INLINE maximumBy #-}
minimumBy, maximumBy :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m (Maybe Int)
{-# INLINE foldl'Reduce #-}
{-# INLINE foldl'ReduceMap #-}
{-# INLINE foldlM'Reduce #-}
{-# INLINE foldrMReduce #-}
{-# INLINE length #-}
{-# INLINE sum #-}
{-# INLINE product #-}
foldl'Reduce, foldl'ReduceMap, foldlM'Reduce, foldrMReduce, length, sum, product
:: Monad m
=> Stream m Int -> m Int
{-# INLINE foldl'Build #-}
{-# INLINE foldlM'Build #-}
{-# INLINE foldrMBuild #-}
foldrMBuild, foldl'Build, foldlM'Build
:: Monad m
=> Stream m Int -> m [Int]
{-# INLINE all #-}
{-# INLINE any #-}
{-# INLINE and #-}
{-# INLINE or #-}
{-# INLINE null #-}
{-# INLINE elem #-}
{-# INLINE notElem #-}
null, elem, notElem, all, any, and, or :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m Bool
{-# INLINE toNull #-}
toNull :: Monad m => (t m a -> S.SerialT m a) -> t m a -> m ()
toNull t = runStream . t
{-# INLINE uncons #-}
uncons :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m ()
uncons s = do
r <- S.uncons s
case r of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (_, t) -> uncons t
{-# INLINE init #-}
init :: Monad m => Stream m a -> m ()
init s = S.init s >>= Prelude.mapM_ S.drain
{-# INLINE tail #-}
tail :: Monad m => Stream m a -> m ()
tail s = S.tail s >>= Prelude.mapM_ tail
{-# INLINE nullHeadTail #-}
nullHeadTail :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m ()
nullHeadTail s = do
r <- S.null s
when (not r) $ do
_ <- S.head s
S.tail s >>= Prelude.mapM_ nullHeadTail
{-# INLINE mapM_ #-}
mapM_ :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m ()
mapM_ = S.mapM_ (\_ -> return ())
toList = S.toList
{-# INLINE toListRev #-}
toListRev :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m [Int]
toListRev = Internal.toListRev
foldrMBuild = S.foldrM (\x xs -> xs >>= return . (x :)) (return [])
foldl'Build = S.foldl' (flip (:)) []
foldlM'Build = S.foldlM' (\xs x -> return $ x : xs) []
foldrMReduce = S.foldrM (\x xs -> xs >>= return . (x +)) (return 0)
foldl'Reduce = S.foldl' (+) 0
foldl'ReduceMap = P.fmap (+1) . S.foldl' (+) 0
foldl1'Reduce = S.foldl1' (+)
foldlM'Reduce = S.foldlM' (\xs a -> return $ a + xs) 0
last = S.last
null = S.null
head = S.head
elem = S.elem maxValue
notElem = S.notElem maxValue
length = S.length
all = S.all (<= maxValue)
any = S.any (> maxValue)
and = S.and . (<= maxValue)
or = S.or . (> maxValue)
find = S.find (== maxValue)
findIndex = S.findIndex (== maxValue)
elemIndex = S.elemIndex maxValue
maximum = S.maximum
minimum = S.minimum
sum = S.sum
product = S.product
minimumBy = S.minimumBy compare
maximumBy = S.maximumBy compare
-- Transformation
{-# INLINE transform #-}
transform :: Monad m => Stream m a -> m ()
transform = runStream
{-# INLINE composeN #-}
:: MonadIO m
=> Int -> (Stream m Int -> Stream m Int) -> Stream m Int -> m ()
composeN n f =
case n of
1 -> transform . f
2 -> transform . f . f
3 -> transform . f . f . f
4 -> transform . f . f . f . f
_ -> undefined
-- polymorphic stream version of composeN
{-# INLINE composeN' #-}
:: (S.IsStream t, Monad m)
=> Int -> (t m Int -> Stream m Int) -> t m Int -> m ()
composeN' n f =
case n of
1 -> transform . f
2 -> transform . f . S.adapt . f
3 -> transform . f . S.adapt . f . S.adapt . f
4 -> transform . f . S.adapt . f . S.adapt . f . S.adapt . f
_ -> undefined
{-# INLINE scan #-}
{-# INLINE scanl1' #-}
{-# INLINE map #-}
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
{-# INLINE mapMaybe #-}
{-# INLINE filterEven #-}
{-# INLINE filterAllOut #-}
{-# INLINE filterAllIn #-}
{-# INLINE takeOne #-}
{-# INLINE takeAll #-}
{-# INLINE takeWhileTrue #-}
{-# INLINE takeWhileMTrue #-}
{-# INLINE dropOne #-}
{-# INLINE dropAll #-}
{-# INLINE dropWhileTrue #-}
{-# INLINE dropWhileMTrue #-}
{-# INLINE dropWhileFalse #-}
{-# INLINE findIndices #-}
{-# INLINE elemIndices #-}
{-# INLINE insertBy #-}
{-# INLINE deleteBy #-}
{-# INLINE reverse #-}
{-# INLINE reverse' #-}
{-# INLINE foldrS #-}
{-# INLINE foldrSMap #-}
{-# INLINE foldrT #-}
{-# INLINE foldrTMap #-}
scan, scanl1', map, fmap, mapMaybe, filterEven, filterAllOut,
filterAllIn, takeOne, takeAll, takeWhileTrue, takeWhileMTrue, dropOne,
dropAll, dropWhileTrue, dropWhileMTrue, dropWhileFalse,
findIndices, elemIndices, insertBy, deleteBy, reverse, reverse',
foldrS, foldrSMap, foldrT, foldrTMap
:: MonadIO m
=> Int -> Stream m Int -> m ()
{-# INLINE mapMaybeM #-}
{-# INLINE intersperse #-}
mapMaybeM, intersperse :: S.MonadAsync m => Int -> Stream m Int -> m ()
{-# INLINE mapM #-}
{-# INLINE map' #-}
{-# INLINE fmap' #-}
mapM, map' :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m)
=> (t m Int -> S.SerialT m Int) -> Int -> t m Int -> m ()
fmap' :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m, P.Functor (t m))
=> (t m Int -> S.SerialT m Int) -> Int -> t m Int -> m ()
{-# INLINE sequence #-}
sequence :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m)
=> (t m Int -> S.SerialT m Int) -> t m (m Int) -> m ()
scan n = composeN n $ S.scanl' (+) 0
scanl1' n = composeN n $ S.scanl1' (+)
fmap n = composeN n $ Prelude.fmap (+1)
fmap' t n = composeN' n $ t . Prelude.fmap (+1)
map n = composeN n $ (+1)
map' t n = composeN' n $ t . (+1)
mapM t n = composeN' n $ t . S.mapM return
{-# INLINE tap #-}
tap :: MonadIO m => Int -> Stream m Int -> m ()
tap n = composeN n $ S.tap FL.sum
{-# INLINE tapRate #-}
tapRate :: Int -> Stream IO Int -> IO ()
tapRate n str = do
cref <- newIORef 0
composeN n (Internal.tapRate 1 (\c -> modifyIORef' cref (c +))) str
{-# INLINE pollCounts #-}
pollCounts :: Int -> Stream IO Int -> IO ()
pollCounts n str = do
composeN n (Internal.pollCounts f FL.drain) str
where f = Internal.rollingMap (P.-) . Internal.delayPost 1
{-# INLINE tapAsyncS #-}
tapAsyncS :: S.MonadAsync m => Int -> Stream m Int -> m ()
tapAsyncS n = composeN n $ Par.tapAsync S.sum
{-# INLINE tapAsync #-}
tapAsync :: S.MonadAsync m => Int -> Stream m Int -> m ()
tapAsync n = composeN n $ Internal.tapAsync FL.sum
mapMaybe n = composeN n $ S.mapMaybe
(\x -> if Prelude.odd x then Nothing else Just x)
mapMaybeM n = composeN n $ S.mapMaybeM
(\x -> if Prelude.odd x then return Nothing else return $ Just x)
sequence t = transform . t . S.sequence
filterEven n = composeN n $ S.filter even
filterAllOut n = composeN n $ S.filter (> maxValue)
filterAllIn n = composeN n $ S.filter (<= maxValue)
takeOne n = composeN n $ S.take 1
takeAll n = composeN n $ S.take maxValue
takeWhileTrue n = composeN n $ S.takeWhile (<= maxValue)
takeWhileMTrue n = composeN n $ S.takeWhileM (return . (<= maxValue))
dropOne n = composeN n $ S.drop 1
dropAll n = composeN n $ S.drop maxValue
dropWhileTrue n = composeN n $ S.dropWhile (<= maxValue)
dropWhileMTrue n = composeN n $ S.dropWhileM (return . (<= maxValue))
dropWhileFalse n = composeN n $ S.dropWhile (> maxValue)
findIndices n = composeN n $ S.findIndices (== maxValue)
elemIndices n = composeN n $ S.elemIndices maxValue
intersperse n = composeN n $ S.intersperse maxValue
insertBy n = composeN n $ S.insertBy compare maxValue
deleteBy n = composeN n $ S.deleteBy (>=) maxValue
reverse n = composeN n $ S.reverse
reverse' n = composeN n $ Internal.reverse'
foldrS n = composeN n $ Internal.foldrS S.cons S.nil
foldrSMap n = composeN n $ Internal.foldrS (\x xs -> x + 1 `S.cons` xs) S.nil
foldrT n = composeN n $ Internal.foldrT S.cons S.nil
foldrTMap n = composeN n $ Internal.foldrT (\x xs -> x + 1 `S.cons` xs) S.nil
-- Pipes
{-# INLINE transformMapM #-}
{-# INLINE transformComposeMapM #-}
{-# INLINE transformTeeMapM #-}
{-# INLINE transformZipMapM #-}
transformMapM, transformComposeMapM, transformTeeMapM,
transformZipMapM :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m)
=> (t m Int -> S.SerialT m Int) -> Int -> t m Int -> m ()
transformMapM t n = composeN' n $ t . Internal.transform (Pipe.mapM return)
transformComposeMapM t n = composeN' n $ t . Internal.transform
(Pipe.mapM (\x -> return (x + 1))
`Pipe.compose` Pipe.mapM (\x -> return (x + 2)))
transformTeeMapM t n = composeN' n $ t . Internal.transform
(Pipe.mapM (\x -> return (x + 1))
`Pipe.tee` Pipe.mapM (\x -> return (x + 2)))
transformZipMapM t n = composeN' n $ t . Internal.transform
(Pipe.zipWith (+) (Pipe.mapM (\x -> return (x + 1)))
(Pipe.mapM (\x -> return (x + 2))))
-- Mixed Transformation
{-# INLINE scanMap #-}
{-# INLINE dropMap #-}
{-# INLINE dropScan #-}
{-# INLINE takeDrop #-}
{-# INLINE takeScan #-}
{-# INLINE takeMap #-}
{-# INLINE filterDrop #-}
{-# INLINE filterTake #-}
{-# INLINE filterScan #-}
{-# INLINE filterScanl1 #-}
{-# INLINE filterMap #-}
scanMap, dropMap, dropScan, takeDrop, takeScan, takeMap, filterDrop,
filterTake, filterScan, filterScanl1, filterMap
:: MonadIO m => Int -> Stream m Int -> m ()
scanMap n = composeN n $ (subtract 1) . S.scanl' (+) 0
dropMap n = composeN n $ (subtract 1) . S.drop 1
dropScan n = composeN n $ S.scanl' (+) 0 . S.drop 1
takeDrop n = composeN n $ S.drop 1 . S.take maxValue
takeScan n = composeN n $ S.scanl' (+) 0 . S.take maxValue
takeMap n = composeN n $ (subtract 1) . S.take maxValue
filterDrop n = composeN n $ S.drop 1 . S.filter (<= maxValue)
filterTake n = composeN n $ S.take maxValue . S.filter (<= maxValue)
filterScan n = composeN n $ S.scanl' (+) 0 . S.filter (<= maxBound)
filterScanl1 n = composeN n $ S.scanl1' (+) . S.filter (<= maxBound)
filterMap n = composeN n $ (subtract 1) . S.filter (<= maxValue)
-- Scan and fold
data Pair a b = Pair !a !b deriving (Generic, NFData)
{-# INLINE sumProductFold #-}
sumProductFold :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m (Int, Int)
sumProductFold = S.foldl' (\(s,p) x -> (s + x, p P.* x)) (0,1)
{-# INLINE sumProductScan #-}
sumProductScan :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m (Pair Int Int)
sumProductScan = S.foldl' (\(Pair _ p) (s0,x) -> Pair s0 (p P.* x)) (Pair 0 1)
. S.scanl' (\(s,_) x -> (s + x,x)) (0,0)
-- Iteration
iterStreamLen, maxIters :: Int
iterStreamLen = 10
maxIters = 10000
{-# INLINE iterateSource #-}
:: S.MonadAsync m
=> (Stream m Int -> Stream m Int) -> Int -> Int -> Stream m Int
iterateSource g i n = f i (sourceUnfoldrMN iterStreamLen n)
f (0 :: Int) m = g m
f x m = g (f (x P.- 1) m)
{-# INLINE iterateMapM #-}
{-# INLINE iterateScan #-}
{-# INLINE iterateScanl1 #-}
{-# INLINE iterateFilterEven #-}
{-# INLINE iterateTakeAll #-}
{-# INLINE iterateDropOne #-}
{-# INLINE iterateDropWhileFalse #-}
{-# INLINE iterateDropWhileTrue #-}
iterateMapM, iterateScan, iterateScanl1, iterateFilterEven, iterateTakeAll,
iterateDropOne, iterateDropWhileFalse, iterateDropWhileTrue
:: S.MonadAsync m
=> Int -> Stream m Int
-- this is quadratic
iterateScan = iterateSource (S.scanl' (+) 0) (maxIters `div` 10)
-- so is this
iterateScanl1 = iterateSource (S.scanl1' (+)) (maxIters `div` 10)
iterateMapM = iterateSource (S.mapM return) maxIters
iterateFilterEven = iterateSource (S.filter even) maxIters
iterateTakeAll = iterateSource (S.take maxValue) maxIters
iterateDropOne = iterateSource (S.drop 1) maxIters
iterateDropWhileFalse = iterateSource (S.dropWhile (> maxValue)) maxIters
iterateDropWhileTrue = iterateSource (S.dropWhile (<= maxValue)) maxIters
-- Combining streams
-- Appending
{-# INLINE serial2 #-}
serial2 :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
serial2 count n =
S.drain $ S.serial
(sourceUnfoldrMN count n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 1))
{-# INLINE serial4 #-}
serial4 :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
serial4 count n =
S.drain $ S.serial
((S.serial (sourceUnfoldrMN count n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 1))))
((S.serial (sourceUnfoldrMN count (n+2))
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 3))))
{-# INLINE append2 #-}
append2 :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
append2 count n =
S.drain $ Internal.append
(sourceUnfoldrMN count n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 1))
{-# INLINE append4 #-}
append4 :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
append4 count n =
S.drain $ Internal.append
((Internal.append (sourceUnfoldrMN count n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 1))))
((Internal.append (sourceUnfoldrMN count (n+2))
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 3))))
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'append2
inspect $ 'append2 `hasNoType` ''D.AppendState
-- Interleaving
{-# INLINE wSerial2 #-}
wSerial2 :: Int -> IO ()
wSerial2 n = S.drain $ S.wSerial
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 2) n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 2) (n + 1))
{-# INLINE interleave2 #-}
interleave2 :: Int -> IO ()
interleave2 n = S.drain $ Internal.interleave
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 2) n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 2) (n + 1))
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'interleave2
inspect $ 'interleave2 `hasNoType` ''D.InterleaveState
{-# INLINE roundRobin2 #-}
roundRobin2 :: Int -> IO ()
roundRobin2 n = S.drain $ Internal.roundrobin
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 2) n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 2) (n + 1))
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'roundRobin2
inspect $ 'roundRobin2 `hasNoType` ''D.InterleaveState
-- Merging
{-# INLINE mergeBy #-}
mergeBy :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
mergeBy count n =
S.drain $ S.mergeBy
(sourceUnfoldrMN count n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 1))
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'mergeBy
inspect $ 'mergeBy `hasNoType` ''D.Step
-- Zipping
{-# INLINE zip #-}
zip :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
zip count n =
S.drain $ S.zipWith (,)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 1))
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'zip
inspect $ 'zip `hasNoType` ''D.Step
{-# INLINE zipM #-}
zipM :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
zipM count n =
S.drain $ S.zipWithM (curry return)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN count (n + 1))
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'zipM
inspect $ 'zipM `hasNoType` ''D.Step
{-# INLINE zipAsync #-}
{-# INLINE zipAsyncM #-}
{-# INLINE zipAsyncAp #-}
zipAsync, zipAsyncAp, zipAsyncM :: S.MonadAsync m => Stream m Int -> m ()
zipAsync src = do
r <- S.tail src
let src1 = fromJust r
transform (S.zipAsyncWith (,) src src1)
zipAsyncM src = do
r <- S.tail src
let src1 = fromJust r
transform (S.zipAsyncWithM (curry return) src src1)
zipAsyncAp src = do
r <- S.tail src
let src1 = fromJust r
transform (S.zipAsyncly $ (,) <$> S.serially src
<*> S.serially src1)
-- Multi-stream folds
{-# INLINE isPrefixOf #-}
{-# INLINE isSubsequenceOf #-}
isPrefixOf, isSubsequenceOf :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m Bool
isPrefixOf src = S.isPrefixOf src src
isSubsequenceOf src = S.isSubsequenceOf src src
{-# INLINE stripPrefix #-}
stripPrefix :: Monad m => Stream m Int -> m ()
stripPrefix src = do
_ <- S.stripPrefix src src
return ()
{-# INLINE eqBy' #-}
eqBy' :: (Monad m, P.Eq a) => Stream m a -> m P.Bool
eqBy' src = S.eqBy (==) src src
{-# INLINE eqBy #-}
eqBy :: Int -> IO Bool
eqBy n = eqBy' (source n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'eqBy
inspect $ 'eqBy `hasNoType` ''D.Step
{-# INLINE eqByPure #-}
eqByPure :: Int -> Identity Bool
eqByPure n = eqBy' (sourceUnfoldr n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'eqByPure
inspect $ 'eqByPure `hasNoType` ''D.Step
{-# INLINE cmpBy' #-}
cmpBy' :: (Monad m, P.Ord a) => Stream m a -> m P.Ordering
cmpBy' src = S.cmpBy src src
{-# INLINE cmpBy #-}
cmpBy :: Int -> IO P.Ordering
cmpBy n = cmpBy' (source n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'cmpBy
inspect $ 'cmpBy `hasNoType` ''D.Step
{-# INLINE cmpByPure #-}
cmpByPure :: Int -> Identity P.Ordering
cmpByPure n = cmpBy' (sourceUnfoldr n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'cmpByPure
inspect $ 'cmpByPure `hasNoType` ''D.Step
-- Streams of streams
-- Special cases of concatMap
{-# INLINE sourceFoldMapWith #-}
sourceFoldMapWith :: (S.IsStream t, S.Semigroup (t m Int))
=> Int -> t m Int
sourceFoldMapWith n = S.foldMapWith (S.<>) S.yield [n..n+value]
{-# INLINE sourceFoldMapWithM #-}
sourceFoldMapWithM :: (S.IsStream t, Monad m, S.Semigroup (t m Int))
=> Int -> t m Int
sourceFoldMapWithM n = S.foldMapWith (S.<>) (S.yieldM . return) [n..n+value]
{-# INLINE sourceFoldMapM #-}
sourceFoldMapM :: (S.IsStream t, Monad m, P.Monoid (t m Int))
=> Int -> t m Int
sourceFoldMapM n = F.foldMap (S.yieldM . return) [n..n+value]
{-# INLINE sourceConcatMapId #-}
sourceConcatMapId :: (S.IsStream t, Monad m)
=> Int -> t m Int
sourceConcatMapId n =
S.concatMap $ S.fromFoldable $ (S.yieldM . return) [n..n+value]
-- concatMap unfoldrM/unfoldrM
{-# INLINE concatMap #-}
concatMap :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatMap outer inner n =
S.drain $ S.concatMap
(\_ -> sourceUnfoldrMN inner n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN outer n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatMap
-- concatMap unfoldr/unfoldr
{-# INLINE concatMapPure #-}
concatMapPure :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatMapPure outer inner n =
S.drain $ S.concatMap
(\_ -> sourceUnfoldrN inner n)
(sourceUnfoldrN outer n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatMapPure
-- concatMap replicate/unfoldrM
{-# INLINE concatMapRepl4xN #-}
concatMapRepl4xN :: Int -> IO ()
concatMapRepl4xN n = S.drain $ S.concatMap (S.replicate 4)
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 4) n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatMapRepl4xN
-- concatMapWith
{-# INLINE concatStreamsWith #-}
:: (forall c. S.SerialT IO c -> S.SerialT IO c -> S.SerialT IO c)
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> IO ()
concatStreamsWith op outer inner n =
S.drain $ S.concatMapWith op
(\_ -> sourceUnfoldrMN inner n)
(sourceUnfoldrMN outer n)
{-# INLINE concatMapWithSerial #-}
concatMapWithSerial :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatMapWithSerial = concatStreamsWith S.serial
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatMapWithSerial
{-# INLINE concatMapWithAppend #-}
concatMapWithAppend :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatMapWithAppend = concatStreamsWith Internal.append
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatMapWithAppend
{-# INLINE concatMapWithWSerial #-}
concatMapWithWSerial :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
concatMapWithWSerial = concatStreamsWith S.wSerial
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatMapWithWSerial
-- concatUnfold
-- concatUnfold replicate/unfoldrM
{-# INLINE concatUnfoldRepl4xN #-}
concatUnfoldRepl4xN :: Int -> IO ()
concatUnfoldRepl4xN n =
S.drain $ S.concatUnfold
(UF.replicateM 4)
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 4) n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatUnfoldRepl4xN
inspect $ 'concatUnfoldRepl4xN `hasNoType` ''D.ConcatMapUState
{-# INLINE concatUnfoldInterleaveRepl4xN #-}
concatUnfoldInterleaveRepl4xN :: Int -> IO ()
concatUnfoldInterleaveRepl4xN n =
S.drain $ Internal.concatUnfoldInterleave
(UF.replicateM 4)
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 4) n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatUnfoldInterleaveRepl4xN
-- inspect $ 'concatUnfoldInterleaveRepl4xN `hasNoType` ''D.ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState
{-# INLINE concatUnfoldRoundrobinRepl4xN #-}
concatUnfoldRoundrobinRepl4xN :: Int -> IO ()
concatUnfoldRoundrobinRepl4xN n =
S.drain $ Internal.concatUnfoldRoundrobin
(UF.replicateM 4)
(sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 4) n)
inspect $ hasNoTypeClasses 'concatUnfoldRoundrobinRepl4xN
-- inspect $ 'concatUnfoldRoundrobinRepl4xN `hasNoType` ''D.ConcatUnfoldInterleaveState
-- Monad transformation (hoisting etc.)
{-# INLINE sourceUnfoldrState #-}
sourceUnfoldrState :: (S.IsStream t, S.MonadAsync m)
=> Int -> t (StateT Int m) Int
sourceUnfoldrState n = S.unfoldrM step n
step cnt =
if cnt > n + value
then return Nothing
else do
s <- get
put (s + 1)
return (Just (s, cnt + 1))
{-# INLINE evalStateT #-}
evalStateT :: S.MonadAsync m => Int -> Stream m Int
evalStateT n = Internal.evalStateT 0 (sourceUnfoldrState n)
{-# INLINE withState #-}
withState :: S.MonadAsync m => Int -> Stream m Int
withState n =
Internal.evalStateT (0 :: Int) (Internal.liftInner (sourceUnfoldrM n))
-- Concurrent application/fold
{-# INLINE parAppMap #-}
parAppMap :: S.MonadAsync m => Stream m Int -> m ()
parAppMap src = S.drain $ (+1) S.|$ src
{-# INLINE parAppSum #-}
parAppSum :: S.MonadAsync m => Stream m Int -> m ()
parAppSum src = (S.sum S.|$. src) >>= \x -> P.seq x (return ())
-- Type class instances
{-# INLINE eqInstance #-}
eqInstance :: Stream Identity Int -> Bool
eqInstance src = src == src
{-# INLINE eqInstanceNotEq #-}
eqInstanceNotEq :: Stream Identity Int -> Bool
eqInstanceNotEq src = src P./= src
{-# INLINE ordInstance #-}
ordInstance :: Stream Identity Int -> Bool
ordInstance src = src P.< src
{-# INLINE ordInstanceMin #-}
ordInstanceMin :: Stream Identity Int -> Stream Identity Int
ordInstanceMin src = P.min src src
{-# INLINE showInstance #-}
showInstance :: Stream Identity Int -> P.String
showInstance src = src
{-# INLINE showInstanceList #-}
showInstanceList :: [Int] -> P.String
showInstanceList src = src
{-# INLINE readInstance #-}
readInstance :: P.String -> Stream Identity Int
readInstance str =
let r = P.reads str
in case r of
[(x,"")] -> x
_ -> P.error "readInstance: no parse"
{-# INLINE readInstanceList #-}
readInstanceList :: P.String -> [Int]
readInstanceList str =
let r = P.reads str
in case r of
[(x,"")] -> x
_ -> P.error "readInstance: no parse"
-- Pure (Identity) streams
{-# INLINE pureFoldl' #-}
pureFoldl' :: Stream Identity Int -> Int
pureFoldl' = runIdentity . S.foldl' (+) 0
{-# INLINE foldableFoldl' #-}
foldableFoldl' :: Stream Identity Int -> Int
foldableFoldl' = F.foldl' (+) 0
{-# INLINE foldableSum #-}
foldableSum :: Stream Identity Int -> Int
foldableSum = P.sum
{-# INLINE traversableMapM #-}
traversableMapM :: Stream Identity Int -> IO (Stream Identity Int)
traversableMapM = P.mapM return