2017-08-28 02:09:08 +05:30

207 lines
9.5 KiB

module Main (main) where
import Asyncly
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), empty)
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, threadDelay)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.List (nub, sort)
import Test.Hspec
default (Int)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
it "simple runAsyncly" $
runAsyncly (return 0) `shouldReturn` ()
it "simple runAsyncly with IO" $
runAsyncly (liftIO $ putStrLn "hello") `shouldReturn` ()
it "Captures a return value using toList" $
toList (return 0) `shouldReturn` ([0] :: [Int])
it "Monoid composition" $
toList (return 0 <> return 1) `shouldReturn` ([0, 1] :: [Int])
it "Monoid composition - each" $
((toList $ each [1..100]) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([1..100] :: [Int])
it "simple runAsyncly and 'then' with IO" $
runAsyncly (liftIO (putStrLn "hello") >> liftIO (putStrLn "world")) `shouldReturn` ()
it "Then and toList" $
toList (return 1 >> return 2) `shouldReturn` ([2] :: [Int])
it "Bind and toList" $
toList (do x <- return 1; y <- return 2; return (x + y)) `shouldReturn` ([3] :: [Int])
it "Alternative - empty" $
(toList empty) `shouldReturn` ([] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition - empty <|> empty" $
(toList (empty <|> empty)) `shouldReturn` ([] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition - empty at the beginning" $
(toList $ (empty <|> return 1)) `shouldReturn` ([1] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition - empty at the end" $
(toList $ (return 1 <|> empty)) `shouldReturn` ([1] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition" $
((toList $ (return 0 <|> return 1)) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([0, 1] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition - empty in the middle" $
((toList $ (return 0 <|> empty <|> return 1)) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([0, 1] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition - left associated" $
((toList $ (((return 0 <|> return 1) <|> return 2) <|> return 3)) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([0, 1, 2, 3] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition - right associated" $
((toList $ (return 0 <|> (return 1 <|> (return 2 <|> return 3)))) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([0, 1, 2, 3] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition (right fold) with bind" $
(toList (for [1..10 :: Int] $ \x -> return x >>= return . id) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([1..10] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition (left fold) with bind" $
let forL xs f = foldl (<|>) empty $ map f xs
in (toList (forL [1..10 :: Int] $ \x -> return x >>= return . id) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([1..10] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition - hierarchical" $
((toList $ (((return 0 <|> return 1) <|> (return 2 <|> return 3))
<|> ((return 4 <|> return 5) <|> (return 6 <|> return 7)))
) >>= return . sort) `shouldReturn` ([0..7] :: [Int])
it "loopHead" $
toList (loopHead (0 :: Int)) `shouldReturn` ([3, 2..0] :: [Int])
it "loopHeadA" $
(toList (loopHeadA (0 :: Int)) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([0..3] :: [Int])
it "loopTail" $
toList (loopTail (0 :: Int)) `shouldReturn` ([0..3] :: [Int])
it "loopTailA" $
(toList (loopTailA (0 :: Int)) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([0..3] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition of async and sync tasks" $
((wait (threads 0 ((async (return 0) <|> return 1)))) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([0,1] :: [Int])
it "Alternative composition of async tasks" $
(wait (async (return 0) <|> async (return 1)) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([0,1] :: [Int])
it "Nested async tasks with Alternative" $
(wait (async (async $ return 0 <|> return 1) <|> return 1) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([0,1,1] :: [Int])
it "General example" $
(wait generalExample >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([8,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,13] :: [Int])
it "General example synchronous" $
(wait (threads 0 generalExample) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([8,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,13] :: [Int])
it "Alternative forks threads - 1" $
((wait $ (liftIO myThreadId) <|> (liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((2, 2) :: (Int, Int))
it "Alternative forks threads - 2" $
((wait $
(liftIO myThreadId)
<|> (liftIO myThreadId)
<|> (liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((3, 3) :: (Int, Int))
it "Alternative does not fork when using threads 0" $
((wait $ threads 0 $ (liftIO myThreadId) <|> (liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((2, 1) :: (Int, Int))
it "async primitive forces a fork at the end of Alternative\
\ (undesired but that's how the implementation behaves)" $
((wait $ threads 0 $ (liftIO myThreadId) <|> async (liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((2, 2) :: (Int, Int))
it "async primitive forces a fork at the beginning" $
((wait $ threads 0 $ async (liftIO myThreadId) <|> (liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((2, 2) :: (Int, Int))
it "async primitive forces a fork in the middle" $
((wait $ threads 0 $
(liftIO myThreadId)
<|> async (liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO myThreadId)
<|> (liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((3, 2) :: (Int, Int))
it "async primitive forces a fork - 3" $
((wait $ threads 0 $
(liftIO myThreadId)
<|> async (liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO myThreadId)
<|> async (liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((3, 3) :: (Int, Int))
it "async primitive forces a fork - 4" $
((wait $ threads 0 $
async (liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO myThreadId)
<|> async (liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO myThreadId)
<|> async (liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> liftIO myThreadId))
>>= (\x -> print x >> return x)
>>= return . \x -> (length x, length (nub x)))
`shouldReturn` ((3, 3) :: (Int, Int))
-- Both 0 and 1 must be printed on console
it "*>> works as expected" $
(wait $ (async (liftIO (putStrLn "0") >> return 0)
<|> (liftIO (putStrLn "1") >> return 1))
*>> (liftIO (putStrLn "2") >> return 2))
`shouldReturn` ([2] :: [Int])
-- Both 0 and 1 must be printed on console
it ">>* works as expected" $
(wait $ (return 2
>>* (async (liftIO (putStrLn "0") >> return 0)
<|> (liftIO (putStrLn "1") >> return 1))
>>* return 2
`shouldReturn` ([2] :: [Int])
-- 2 and 3 should be printed once and only once
it ">>| works as expected" $
((wait $ ((async (liftIO (putStrLn "0") >> return 0)
<|> (liftIO (putStrLn "1") >> return 1))
>>| (async (liftIO (putStrLn "2") >> return 2)
<|> (liftIO (putStrLn "3") >> return 3))
) >>= return . sort)
`shouldReturn` ([0, 1] :: [Int])
loopHead x = do
-- this print line is important for the test (causes a bind)
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopHead..."
(if x < 3 then loopHead (x + 1) else empty) <> return x
loopHeadA x = do
-- this print line is important for the test (causes a bind)
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopHeadA..."
(if x < 3 then loopHeadA (x + 1) else empty) <|> return x
loopTailA x = do
-- this print line is important for the test (causes a bind)
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopTailA..."
return x <|> (if x < 3 then loopTailA (x + 1) else empty)
loopTail x = do
-- this print line is important for the test (causes a bind)
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopTail..."
return x <> (if x < 3 then loopTail (x + 1) else empty)
generalExample :: AsyncT IO Int
generalExample = do
liftIO $ return ()
liftIO $ putStr ""
x <- return 1
y <- return 2
z <- do
x1 <- async (return 1) <|> async (return 2)
liftIO $ return ()
liftIO $ putStr ""
y1 <- (return 1) <|> async (return 2)
z1 <- do
x11 <- async (return 1) <|> (return 2)
y11 <- async (return 1) <|> async (return 2)
z11 <- async (return 1) <|> (return 2)
liftIO $ return ()
liftIO $ putStr ""
return (x11 + y11 + z11)
return (x1 + y1 + z1)
return (x + y + z)