Harendra Kumar 1949eb90af Concurrent concatMap, foldr/build fusion, benchmarks
* Implement a stream flavor specific (concurrent/wSerial etc.) concatMap
  (concatMapBy). Now concatMap has the same capabilities that the monad bind of
  different streams has. In fact the monad bind is implemented using concatMap

* Use foldr/build fusion for concatMap (currently disabled) and for map/fmap
  and mapM (enabled)

* Add benchmarks for bind/concatMap performance
2019-05-27 23:29:21 +05:30

97 lines
4.2 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 Harendra Kumar
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import qualified NestedOps as Ops
import Streamly
import Gauge
benchIO :: (NFData b) => String -> (Int -> IO b) -> Benchmark
benchIO name f = bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= f
_benchId :: (NFData b) => String -> (Int -> Identity b) -> Benchmark
_benchId name f = bench name $ nf (\g -> runIdentity (g 1)) f
main :: IO ()
main =
-- TBD Study scaling with 10, 100, 1000 loop iterations
[ bgroup "serially"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp serially
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull serially
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 serially
, benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList serially
-- , benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome serially
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut serially
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn serially
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome serially
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome serially
, bgroup "wSerially"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp wSerially
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull wSerially
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 wSerially
, benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList wSerially
-- , benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome wSerially
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut wSerially
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn wSerially
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome wSerially
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome wSerially
, bgroup "aheadly"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp aheadly
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull aheadly
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 aheadly
, benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList aheadly
-- , benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome aheadly
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut aheadly
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn aheadly
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome aheadly
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome aheadly
, bgroup "asyncly"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp asyncly
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull asyncly
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 asyncly
, benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList asyncly
-- , benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome asyncly
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut asyncly
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn asyncly
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome asyncly
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome asyncly
, bgroup "wAsyncly"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp wAsyncly
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull wAsyncly
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 wAsyncly
, benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList wAsyncly
-- , benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome wAsyncly
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut wAsyncly
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn wAsyncly
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome wAsyncly
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome wAsyncly
, bgroup "parallely"
[ benchIO "toNullAp" $ Ops.toNullAp parallely
, benchIO "toNull" $ Ops.toNull parallely
, benchIO "toNull3" $ Ops.toNull3 parallely
, benchIO "toList" $ Ops.toList parallely
--, benchIO "toListSome" $ Ops.toListSome parallely
, benchIO "filterAllOut" $ Ops.filterAllOut parallely
, benchIO "filterAllIn" $ Ops.filterAllIn parallely
, benchIO "filterSome" $ Ops.filterSome parallely
, benchIO "breakAfterSome" $ Ops.breakAfterSome parallely