2019-11-06 19:19:46 +05:30

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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

-- Fast, streaming and parallel word counting (wc) program.
-- 1) On utf8 inputs the serial version is around 3x faster than MacOS wc
-- 2) It can run parallely on multiple cores providing further speedup
-- 3) Parallel version works efficiently on stdin/streaming input as well
-- 4) Parallel version handles utf8 input correctly (including multi-byte space
-- chars) and gives the same output as the serial version on all inputs.
-- 5) There may be differences in word/char counts when there are invalid utf8
-- byte sequences present in the input because of different styles of error
-- handling.
-- Build with the following options:
-- streamly optimization plugin is required for best performance
-- ghc -O2 -fplugin Plugin -fspec-constr-recursive=10 -fmax-worker-args=16
-- For concurrent version add: -threaded -with-rtsopts "-N"
-- Comparing with "wc -mwl" command:
-- 1) To enable UTF8 with wc: export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=$LANG
-- 2) To test whether it is acutally using utf8, copy and paste this string
-- "U+1680U+2000 U+2001U+2002" and run "wc -mwl" on this. Without proper UTF8
-- handling word count would be 1, with proper UTF8 handling word count would
-- be 4. Note that the spaces in this string are not regular space chars they
-- are different unicode space chars.
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import GHC.Conc (numCapabilities)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (Handle, openFile, IOMode(..))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Unicode.Stream
(DecodeState, DecodeError(..), CodePoint, decodeUtf8Either,
import qualified Streamly as S
import qualified Streamly.Data.Unicode.Stream as S
import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as FH
import qualified Streamly.Memory.Array as A
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as V
-- Parallel char, line and word counting
-- We process individual chunks in the stream independently and parallely and
-- the combine the chunks to combine what they have counted.
-- Char counting
-- To count chars each block needs the following:
-- -- | header | char counts | trailer |
-- header and trailer are incomplete utf8 byte sequences that may be combined
-- with the previous or the next block to complete them later.
-- The trailer may have one or more bytes in a valid utf8 sequence and is
-- expecting more bytes to complete the sequence. The header stores any
-- possible continuation from the previous block. It contains a maximum of 3
-- bytes which all must be non-starter bytes.
-- When two blocks are combined, the trailer of the first block is combined
-- with the header of the next block and then utf8 decoded. The combined
-- header+trailer may yield:
-- * Nothing - when there is no trailer and header
-- * All errors - when there is no trailer in the previous block, and there is
-- a header in the next block. In this case there is no starting char which
-- means all header bytes are errors.
-- * It can yield at most one valid character followed by 0, 1 or 2 errors.
-- We count an incomplete utf8 sequence of 2 or more bytes starting with a
-- valid starter byte as a single codepoint. Bytes not following a valid
-- starter byte are treated as individual codepoints for counting.
-- Word counting
-- For word counting we need the following in each block:
-- -- | header | startsWithSpace | word counts | endsWithSpace | trailer |
-- The word counts in individual blocks are performed assuming that the
-- previous char before the block is a space.
-- When combining two blocks, after combining the trailer of previous blocks
-- with the header of the next we determine if the resulting char is a space or
-- not.
-- 1) If there is no new char joining the two blocks then we use endsWithSpace
-- of the previous block and startsWithSpace of the next block to determine if
-- the word counts are to be adjusted. If the previous block ends with
-- non-space and the next block starts with non-space we need to decrement the
-- word count by one if it is non-zero in the next block.
-- 2) If the new joining char is a space then we combine it with
-- startsWithSpace and endsWithSpace to determine the
-- startsWithSpace/endsWithSpace of the combined block and adjust the word
-- counts appropriately.
-- Line counting
-- Line counting is performed by counting "\n" in the stream. No new "\n" can
-- result from patching the trailer and header as it is always a single byte.
-- Counting state
-- We use a mutable vector for the counting state. A fold using an immutable
-- structure for such a large state does not perform well. However, mutability
-- is confined to just the accumulator.
-- XXX we need convenient mutable records (like C structs) to handle things
-- like this. It may be possible to achieve the same performance with an
-- immutable accumulator, but that will require more research. Since we are
-- always discarding the previous state, we can perhaps make use of that memory
-- using safe in-place modifications, without having to allocate new memory.
-- XXX we can also count the number of decoding errors separately
data Field =
-- The number of "\n" characters found in the block.
-- Number of full words found in the block, words are counted on a
-- transition from space char to a non-space char. We always assume the
-- char before the first starter char in a block is a space. If this is
-- found to be incorrect when joining two blocks then we fix the counts
-- accordingly.
| WordCount
-- The number of successfully decoded characters plus the number of
-- decoding failures in the block. Each byte or sequence of bytes on which
-- decoding fails is also counted as one char. The header and trailer bytes
-- are not accounted in this, they are accounted only when we join two
-- blocks.
| CharCount
-- whether the last counted char in this block was a space char
| WasSpace
-- whether the first successfully decoded char in this block is a space. A
-- decoding failure, after the trailing bytes from the previous block are
-- accounted, is also considered as space.
| FirstIsSpace
-- If no starter byte is found in the first three bytes in the block then
-- store those bytes to possibly combine them with the trailing incomplete
-- byte sequence in the previous block. We mark it done when either we have
-- stored three bytes or we have found a starter byte.
-- XXX This is ugly to manipulate, we can implement a statically max sized
-- mutable ring structure within this record.
| HeaderDone
| HeaderWordCount
| HeaderWord1
| HeaderWord2
| HeaderWord3
-- If a byte sequence at the end of the block is not complete then store
-- the current state of the utf8 decoder to continue it later using the
-- incomplete leading byte sequence in the next block.
| TrailerPresent
| TrailerState
| TrailerCodePoint
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)
-- Default/initial state of the block
readField :: V.IOVector Int -> Field -> IO Int
readField v fld = v (fromEnum fld)
writeField :: V.IOVector Int -> Field -> Int -> IO ()
writeField v fld val = V.write v (fromEnum fld) val
modifyField :: V.IOVector Int -> Field -> (Int -> Int) -> IO ()
modifyField v fld f = V.modify v f (fromEnum fld)
newCounts :: IO (V.IOVector Int)
newCounts = do
counts <- (fromEnum (maxBound :: Field) + 1)
writeField counts LineCount 0
writeField counts WordCount 0
writeField counts CharCount 0
writeField counts WasSpace 1
writeField counts FirstIsSpace 0
writeField counts HeaderDone 0
writeField counts HeaderWordCount 0
writeField counts TrailerPresent 0
return counts
-- Counting chars
accountChar :: V.IOVector Int -> Bool -> IO ()
accountChar counts isSp = do
c <- readField counts CharCount
let space = if isSp then 1 else 0
when (c == 0) $ writeField counts FirstIsSpace space
writeField counts CharCount (c + 1)
writeField counts WasSpace space
-- Manipulating the header bytes
addToHeader :: V.IOVector Int -> Int -> IO Bool
addToHeader counts cp = do
cnt <- readField counts HeaderWordCount
case cnt of
0 -> do
writeField counts HeaderWord1 cp
writeField counts HeaderWordCount 1
return True
1 -> do
writeField counts HeaderWord2 cp
writeField counts HeaderWordCount 2
return True
2 -> do
writeField counts HeaderWord3 cp
writeField counts HeaderWordCount 3
writeField counts HeaderDone 1
return True
_ -> return False
resetHeaderOnNewChar :: V.IOVector Int -> IO ()
resetHeaderOnNewChar counts = do
hdone <- readField counts HeaderDone
when (hdone == 0) $ writeField counts HeaderDone 1
-- Manipulating the trailer
setTrailer :: V.IOVector Int -> DecodeState -> CodePoint -> IO ()
setTrailer counts st cp = do
writeField counts TrailerState (fromIntegral st)
writeField counts TrailerCodePoint cp
writeField counts TrailerPresent 1
resetTrailerOnNewChar :: V.IOVector Int -> IO ()
resetTrailerOnNewChar counts = do
trailer <- readField counts TrailerPresent
when (trailer /= 0) $ do
writeField counts TrailerPresent 0
accountChar counts True
-- Counting the stream
{-# INLINE countChar #-}
countChar :: V.IOVector Int -> Either DecodeError Char -> IO ()
countChar counts inp =
case inp of
Right ch -> do
resetHeaderOnNewChar counts
-- account the last stored error as whitespace and clear it
resetTrailerOnNewChar counts
when (ch == '\n') $ modifyField counts LineCount (+ 1)
if isSpace ch
then accountChar counts True
else do
wasSpace <- readField counts WasSpace
when (wasSpace /= 0) $ modifyField counts WordCount (+ 1)
accountChar counts False
Left (DecodeError st cp) -> do
hdone <- readField counts HeaderDone
if hdone == 0
then do
if st == 0
then do
-- We got a non-starter in initial decoder state, there may
-- be something that comes before this to complete it.
r <- addToHeader counts cp
when (not r) $ error "countChar: Bug addToHeader failed"
else do
-- We got an error in a non-initial decoder state, it may
-- be an input underflow error, keep it as incomplete in
-- the trailer.
writeField counts HeaderDone 1
setTrailer counts st cp
else do
resetTrailerOnNewChar counts
if st == 0
then accountChar counts True
else setTrailer counts st cp
printCounts :: V.IOVector Int -> IO ()
printCounts v = do
l <- readField v LineCount
w <- readField v WordCount
c <- readField v CharCount
putStrLn $ show l ++ " " ++ show w ++ " " ++ show c
-- Serial counting using parallel version of countChar
_wc_mwl_parserial :: Handle -> IO (V.IOVector Int)
_wc_mwl_parserial src = do
counts <- newCounts
S.mapM_ (countChar counts)
$ decodeUtf8Either
$ S.unfold src
return counts
-- Serial word counting with UTF-8 handling
data Counts = Counts !Int !Int !Int !Bool deriving Show
{-# INLINE countCharSerial #-}
countCharSerial :: Counts -> Char -> Counts
countCharSerial (Counts l w c wasSpace) ch =
let l1 = if (ch == '\n') then l + 1 else l
(w1, wasSpace1) =
if (isSpace ch)
then (w, True)
else (if wasSpace then w + 1 else w, False)
in (Counts l1 w1 (c + 1) wasSpace1)
-- Note: This counts invalid byte sequences are non-space chars
_wc_mwl_serial :: Handle -> IO ()
_wc_mwl_serial src = print =<< (
S.foldl' countCharSerial (Counts 0 0 0 True)
$ S.decodeUtf8Lax
$ S.unfold src)
-- Parallel counting
-- XXX we need a better data structure to store the header bytes to make these
-- routines simpler.
-- combine trailing bytes in preceding block with leading bytes in the next
-- block and decode them into a codepoint
reconstructChar :: Int
-> V.IOVector Int
-> V.IOVector Int
-> IO (S.SerialT IO (Either DecodeError Char))
reconstructChar hdrCnt v1 v2 = do
when (hdrCnt > 3 || hdrCnt < 0) $ error "reconstructChar: hdrCnt > 3"
stream1 <-
if (hdrCnt > 2)
then do
x <- readField v2 HeaderWord3
return $ (fromIntegral x :: Word8) `S.cons` S.nil
else return S.nil
stream2 <-
if (hdrCnt > 1)
then do
x <- readField v2 HeaderWord2
return $ fromIntegral x `S.cons` stream1
else return stream1
stream3 <-
if (hdrCnt > 0)
then do
x <- readField v2 HeaderWord1
return $ fromIntegral x `S.cons` stream2
else return stream2
state <- readField v1 TrailerState
cp <- readField v1 TrailerCodePoint
return $ resumeDecodeUtf8Either (fromIntegral state) cp stream3
getHdrChar :: V.IOVector Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
getHdrChar v = do
hdrCnt <- readField v HeaderWordCount
case hdrCnt of
0 -> return Nothing
1 -> do
writeField v HeaderWordCount 0
fmap Just $ readField v HeaderWord1
2 -> do
x1 <- readField v HeaderWord1
x2 <- readField v HeaderWord2
writeField v HeaderWord1 x2
writeField v HeaderWordCount 1
return $ Just x1
3 -> do
x1 <- readField v HeaderWord1
x2 <- readField v HeaderWord2
x3 <- readField v HeaderWord3
writeField v HeaderWord1 x2
writeField v HeaderWord2 x3
writeField v HeaderWordCount 2
return $ Just x1
_ -> error "getHdrChar: Bug, hdrCnt not in range 0-3"
-- If the header of the first block is not done then combine the header
-- with the header of the next block.
combineHeaders :: V.IOVector Int -> V.IOVector Int -> IO ()
combineHeaders v1 v2 = do
hdone1 <- readField v1 HeaderDone
if hdone1 == 0
then do
res <- getHdrChar v2
case res of
Nothing -> return ()
Just x -> do
r <- addToHeader v1 x
when (not r) $ error "combineHeaders: Bug, addToHeader failed"
else return ()
-- We combine the contents of the second vector into the first vector, mutating
-- the first vector and returning it.
-- XXX This is a quick hack and can be refactored to reduce the size
-- and understandability considerably.
addCounts :: V.IOVector Int -> V.IOVector Int -> IO (V.IOVector Int)
addCounts v1 v2 = do
hdone1 <- readField v1 HeaderDone
hdone2 <- readField v2 HeaderDone
hdrCnt2_0 <- readField v2 HeaderWordCount
if hdone1 == 0 && (hdrCnt2_0 /= 0 || hdone2 /= 0)
then do
combineHeaders v1 v2
if hdone2 == 0
then return v1
else do
writeField v1 HeaderDone 1
addCounts v1 v2
else do
trailerPresent2 <- readField v2 TrailerPresent
trailerState2 <- readField v2 TrailerState
trailerCodePoint2 <- readField v2 TrailerCodePoint
if hdone1 == 0
then error "addCounts: Bug, trying to add completely empty second block"
else do
l1 <- readField v1 LineCount
w1 <- readField v1 WordCount
c1 <- readField v1 CharCount
wasSpace1 <- readField v1 WasSpace
l2 <- readField v2 LineCount
w2 <- readField v2 WordCount
c2 <- readField v2 CharCount
wasSpace2 <- readField v2 WasSpace
firstIsSpace2 <- readField v2 FirstIsSpace
hdrCnt2 <- readField v2 HeaderWordCount
trailer1 <- readField v1 TrailerPresent
if trailer1 == 0 -- no trailer in the first block
then do
-- header2, if any, complete or incomplete, is just invalid
-- bytes, count them as whitespace
let firstIsSpace2' = firstIsSpace2 /= 0 || hdrCnt2 /= 0
w <-
if w2 /= 0 && wasSpace1 == 0 && not firstIsSpace2'
then return $ w1 + w2 - 1
else return $ w1 + w2
writeField v1 LineCount (l1 + l2)
writeField v1 WordCount w
writeField v1 CharCount (c1 + c2 + hdrCnt2)
when (c1 == 0) $ do
if c2 == 0 && hdrCnt2 /= 0
then writeField v1 FirstIsSpace 1
else writeField v1 FirstIsSpace firstIsSpace2
if c2 == 0 && hdrCnt2 /= 0
then writeField v1 WasSpace 1
else writeField v1 WasSpace wasSpace2
writeField v1 TrailerPresent trailerPresent2
writeField v1 TrailerState trailerState2
writeField v1 TrailerCodePoint trailerCodePoint2
return v1
else do
if hdrCnt2 == 0
then do
when (hdone2 /= 0) $ do -- empty and Done header
-- count trailer as whitespace, its counted as one char
-- Note: hdrCnt2 == 0 means either header is not done
-- or c2 /= 0
writeField v1 LineCount (l1 + l2)
writeField v1 WordCount (w1 + w2)
writeField v1 CharCount (c1 + c2 + 1)
when (c1 == 0) $ writeField v1 FirstIsSpace 1
if (c2 == 0)
then writeField v1 WasSpace 1
else writeField v1 WasSpace wasSpace2
writeField v1 TrailerPresent trailerPresent2
writeField v1 TrailerState trailerState2
writeField v1 TrailerCodePoint trailerCodePoint2
-- If header of the next block is not done we continue the
-- trailer from the previous block instead of treating it
-- as whitespace
return v1
else do
-- join the trailing part of the first block with the
-- header of the next
decoded <- reconstructChar hdrCnt2 v1 v2
res <- S.uncons decoded
case res of
Nothing -> error "addCounts: Bug. empty reconstructed char"
Just (h, t) -> do
tlength <- S.length t
case h of
Right ch -> do
-- If we have an error case after this
-- char then that would be treated
-- as whitespace
let lcount = l1 + l2
lcount1 = if (ch == '\n') then lcount + 1 else lcount
wcount = w1 + w2
firstSpace = isSpace ch
wasSpace = firstSpace || tlength /= 0
wcount1 =
if wasSpace
then wcount
else if w2 == 0 || firstIsSpace2 /= 0
then wcount
else wcount - 1
writeField v1 LineCount lcount1
writeField v1 WordCount wcount1
writeField v1 CharCount (c1 + c2 + 1 + tlength)
when (c1 == 0) $
writeField v1 FirstIsSpace
(if firstSpace then 1 else 0)
if c2 == 0
then do
if wasSpace
then writeField v1 WasSpace 1
else writeField v1 WasSpace 0
else writeField v1 WasSpace wasSpace2
writeField v1 TrailerPresent trailerPresent2
writeField v1 TrailerState trailerState2
writeField v1 TrailerCodePoint trailerCodePoint2
return v1
Left (DecodeError st cp) -> do
-- if header was incomplete it may result
-- in partially decoded char to be written
-- as trailer. Check if the last error is
-- an incomplete decode.
r <- S.last t
let (st', cp') =
case r of
Nothing -> (st, cp)
Just lst -> case lst of
Right _ -> error "addCounts: Bug"
Left (DecodeError st1 cp1) -> (st1, cp1)
if hdone2 == 0 && st' /= 12
then do
-- all elements before the last one must be errors
writeField v1 CharCount (c1 + tlength)
when (c1 == 0) $
writeField v1 FirstIsSpace 1
writeField v1 WasSpace 1
writeField v1 TrailerState (fromIntegral st')
writeField v1 TrailerCodePoint cp'
else do
-- all elements must be errors
-- treat them as whitespace
writeField v1 LineCount (l1 + l2)
writeField v1 WordCount (w1 + w2)
writeField v1 CharCount (c1 + c2 + tlength + 1)
when (c1 == 0) $
writeField v1 FirstIsSpace 1
if c2 == 0
then writeField v1 WasSpace 1
else writeField v1 WasSpace wasSpace2
writeField v1 TrailerPresent trailerPresent2
writeField v1 TrailerState trailerState2
writeField v1 TrailerCodePoint trailerCodePoint2
return v1
-- Individual array processing is an isolated loop, fusing it with the bigger
-- loop may be counter productive.
{-# NOINLINE countArray #-}
countArray :: A.Array Word8 -> IO (V.IOVector Int)
countArray src = do
counts <- newCounts
S.mapM_ (countChar counts)
$ decodeUtf8Either
$ S.unfold src
return counts
{-# INLINE wc_mwl_parallel #-}
wc_mwl_parallel :: Handle -> Int -> IO (V.IOVector Int)
wc_mwl_parallel src n = do
counts <- newCounts
S.foldlM' addCounts counts
$ S.aheadly
$ S.maxThreads numCapabilities
$ S.mapM (countArray)
$ S.unfold FH.readChunksWithBufferOf (n, src)
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
name <- fmap head getArgs
src <- openFile name ReadMode
-- _wc_mwl_serial src -- Unix wc -l program
-- printCounts =<< _wc_mwl_parserial src -- Unix wc -l program
-- Using different sizes of chunks (1,2,3,4,5,10,128,256) is a good testing
-- mechanism for parallel counting code.
args <- getArgs
let chunkSize = read $ args !! 1
let chunkSize = 32 * 1024
printCounts =<< wc_mwl_parallel src chunkSize -- Unix wc -l program