2017-08-24 02:16:02 +05:30

80 lines
3.0 KiB

import Control.Applicative ((<|>), empty)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, myThreadId)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.Random (randomIO)
import System.IO (stdout, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(LineBuffering))
import Asyncly
main = do
liftIO $ hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
runAsyncly $ do
x <- loopTail (0 :: Int)
liftIO $ print x
runAsyncly $ do
x <- loopHead (0 :: Int)
liftIO $ print x
runAsyncly $ do
x <- loopTailA (0 :: Int)
liftIO $ print x
runAsyncly $ do
x <- loopHeadA (0 :: Int)
liftIO $ print x
-- Serial (single-threaded) stream generator loops
-- In a <> composition the action on the left is executed and only after it
-- finished then the action on the right is executed. In other words the
-- actions are run serially.
-- Generates a value and then loops. Can be used to generate an infinite
-- stream. Interleaves the generator and the consumer.
loopTail :: Int -> AsynclyT IO Int
loopTail x = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopTail..."
return x <> (if x < 3 then loopTail (x + 1) else empty)
-- Loops and then generates a value. The consumer can run only after the
-- loop has finished. An infinite generator will not let the consumer run
-- at all.
loopHead :: Int -> AsynclyT IO Int
loopHead x = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopHead..."
(if x < 3 then loopHead (x + 1) else empty) <> return x
-- Concurrent (multi-threaded) adaptive demand-based stream generator loops
-- In a <|> composition the action on the left is executed first. However,
-- if it is not fast enough to generate results at the consumer's speed
-- then the action on the right is also spawned concurrently. In other
-- words, both actions may run concurrently based on the need.
loopTailA :: Int -> AsynclyT IO Int
loopTailA x = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopTailA..."
return x <|> (if x < 3 then loopTailA (x + 1) else empty)
loopHeadA :: Int -> AsynclyT IO Int
loopHeadA x = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "LoopHeadA..."
(if x < 3 then loopHeadA (x + 1) else empty) <|> return x
-- Parallel (fairly scheduled, multi-threaded) stream generator loops
-- In a <||> composition both actions are run concurrently in a fair
-- manner, no one action is preferred over another. Both actions are
-- spawned right away in their own independent threads. In other words, the
-- actions will run concurrently.