Harendra Kumar d2d0e16d53 Add a ghc wrapper to invoke ghc on individual files
With all the extensions used in streamly, optimization options and
ddump-simpl options.

This is useful for compiling standalone files, when inspecting core for
perf issues.  I wish cabal could invoke ghc with environment from the
cabal file. Can it?
2021-02-15 15:41:05 +05:30

46 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File

ghc -Wall \
-Wcompat \
-Wunrecognised-warning-flags \
-Widentities \
-Wincomplete-record-updates \
-Wincomplete-uni-patterns \
-Wredundant-constraints \
-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances \
-Rghc-timing \
-XBangPatterns \
-XConstraintKinds \
-XDeriveDataTypeable \
-XDeriveGeneric \
-XDeriveTraversable \
-XExistentialQuantification \
-XFlexibleContexts \
-XFlexibleInstances \
-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving \
-XInstanceSigs \
-XKindSignatures \
-XLambdaCase \
-XMagicHash \
-XMultiParamTypeClasses \
-XPatternSynonyms \
-XRankNTypes \
-XRecordWildCards \
-XScopedTypeVariables \
-XTupleSections \
-XTypeFamilies \
-XViewPatterns \
-XNoMonoLocalBinds \
-XTypeApplications \
-XQuantifiedConstraints \
-O2 \
-fdicts-strict \
-fspec-constr-recursive=16 \
-fmax-worker-args=16 \
-fplugin Fusion.Plugin \
-ddump-to-file \
-ddump-simpl \