Harendra Kumar f5c55df294 separate "parallel" style benchmarks
As they are not "streaming" and take much longer compared to other concurrent
2020-01-18 03:06:08 +05:30

142 lines
6.3 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) 2018 Harendra Kumar
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
-- import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Common (parseCLIOpts)
import Streamly
import Gauge
import qualified Streamly.Benchmark.Prelude as Ops
-- We need a monadic bind here to make sure that the function f does not get
-- completely optimized out by the compiler in some cases.
-- | Takes a fold method, and uses it with a default source.
{-# INLINE benchIO #-}
benchIO :: (IsStream t, NFData b) => Int -> String -> (t IO Int -> IO b) -> Benchmark
benchIO value name f = bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= f . Ops.source value
-- | Takes a source, and uses it with a default drain/fold method.
{-# INLINE benchSrcIO #-}
:: (t IO Int -> SerialT IO Int)
-> String
-> (Int -> t IO Int)
-> Benchmark
benchSrcIO t name f
= bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= Ops.toNull t . f
{-# INLINE benchMonadicSrcIO #-}
benchMonadicSrcIO :: String -> (Int -> IO ()) -> Benchmark
benchMonadicSrcIO name f = bench name $ nfIO $ randomRIO (1,1) >>= f
_benchId :: NFData b => String -> (Ops.Stream m Int -> Identity b) -> Benchmark
_benchId name f = bench name $ nf (runIdentity . f) (Ops.source 10)
defaultStreamSize :: Int
defaultStreamSize = 100000
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- XXX Fix indentation
(value, cfg, benches) <- parseCLIOpts defaultStreamSize
let value2 = round $ sqrt $ (fromIntegral value :: Double)
value2 `seq` value `seq` runMode (mode cfg) cfg benches
[ bgroup "asyncly"
[ benchSrcIO asyncly "unfoldr" (Ops.sourceUnfoldr value)
, benchSrcIO asyncly "unfoldrM" (Ops.sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchSrcIO asyncly "fromFoldable" (Ops.sourceFromFoldable value)
, benchSrcIO asyncly "fromFoldableM" (Ops.sourceFromFoldableM value)
, benchSrcIO asyncly "foldMapWith" (Ops.sourceFoldMapWith value)
, benchSrcIO asyncly "foldMapWithM" (Ops.sourceFoldMapWithM value)
, benchSrcIO asyncly "foldMapM" (Ops.sourceFoldMapM value)
, benchIO value "map" $' asyncly 1
, benchIO value "fmap" $ Ops.fmap' asyncly 1
, benchIO value "mapM" $ Ops.mapM asyncly 1
, benchSrcIO asyncly "unfoldrM maxThreads 1"
(maxThreads 1 . Ops.sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchSrcIO asyncly "unfoldrM maxBuffer 1 (x/10 ops)"
(maxBuffer 1 . Ops.sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 10))
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (2,x/2)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith async 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (sqrt x,sqrt x)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith async value2 value2)
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (sqrt x * 2,sqrt x / 2)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith async (value2 * 2) (value2 `div` 2))
, bgroup "wAsyncly"
[ benchSrcIO wAsyncly "unfoldr" (Ops.sourceUnfoldr value)
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "unfoldrM" (Ops.sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "fromFoldable" (Ops.sourceFromFoldable value)
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "fromFoldableM" (Ops.sourceFromFoldableM value)
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "foldMapWith" (Ops.sourceFoldMapWith value)
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "foldMapWithM" (Ops.sourceFoldMapWithM value)
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "foldMapM" (Ops.sourceFoldMapM value)
, benchIO value "map" $' wAsyncly 1
, benchIO value "fmap" $ Ops.fmap' wAsyncly 1
, benchIO value "mapM" $ Ops.mapM wAsyncly 1
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "unfoldrM maxThreads 1"
(maxThreads 1 . Ops.sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchSrcIO wAsyncly "unfoldrM maxBuffer 1 (x/10 ops)"
(maxBuffer 1 . Ops.sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 10))
-- When we merge streams using wAsync the size of the queue increases
-- slowly because of the binary composition adding just one more item
-- to the work queue only after every scheduling pass through the
-- work queue.
-- We should see the memory consumption increasing slowly if these
-- benchmarks are left to run on infinite number of streams of infinite
-- sizes.
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (2,x/2)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith wAsync 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (sqrt x,sqrt x)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith wAsync value2 value2)
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (sqrt x * 2,sqrt x / 2)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith wAsync (value2 * 2) (value2 `div` 2))
-- unfoldr and fromFoldable are always serial and therefore the same for
-- all stream types.
, bgroup "aheadly"
[ benchSrcIO aheadly "unfoldr" (Ops.sourceUnfoldr value)
, benchSrcIO aheadly "unfoldrM" (Ops.sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchSrcIO aheadly "fromFoldableM" (Ops.sourceFromFoldableM value)
, benchSrcIO aheadly "foldMapWith" (Ops.sourceFoldMapWith value)
, benchSrcIO aheadly "foldMapWithM" (Ops.sourceFoldMapWithM value)
, benchSrcIO aheadly "foldMapM" (Ops.sourceFoldMapM value)
, benchIO value "map" $' aheadly 1
, benchIO value "fmap" $ Ops.fmap' aheadly 1
, benchIO value "mapM" $ Ops.mapM aheadly 1
, benchSrcIO aheadly "unfoldrM maxThreads 1"
(maxThreads 1 . Ops.sourceUnfoldrM value)
, benchSrcIO aheadly "unfoldrM maxBuffer 1 (x/10 ops)"
(maxBuffer 1 . Ops.sourceUnfoldrMN (value `div` 10))
, benchSrcIO aheadly "fromFoldable" (Ops.sourceFromFoldable value)
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (2,x/2)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith ahead 2 (value `div` 2))
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (sqrt x,sqrt x)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith ahead value2 value2)
, benchMonadicSrcIO "concatMapWith (sqrt x * 2,sqrt x / 2)"
(Ops.concatStreamsWith ahead (value2 * 2) (value2 `div` 2))
, bgroup "zip"
[ benchIO value "zip" Ops.zipAsync
, benchIO value "zipM" Ops.zipAsyncM
, benchIO value "zipAp" Ops.zipAsyncAp
, benchIO value "fmap zipAsyncly" $ Ops.fmap' zipAsyncly 1
-- Parallel stages in a pipeline
, benchIO value "parAppMap" Ops.parAppMap
, benchIO value "parAppSum" Ops.parAppSum