
304 lines
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package handlers
import (
// ServiceSetConfig provides configuration options for a ServiceSet
type ServiceSetConfig struct {
EnableServiceList bool
EnableTileJSON bool
EnablePreview bool
EnableArcGIS bool
BasemapStyleURL string
BasemapTilesURL string
ReturnMissingImageTile404 bool
RootURL *url.URL
ErrorWriter io.Writer
// ServiceSet is a group of tilesets plus configuration options.
// It provides access to all tilesets from a root URL.
type ServiceSet struct {
tilesets map[string]*Tileset
enableServiceList bool
enableTileJSON bool
enablePreview bool
enableArcGIS bool
basemapStyleURL string
basemapTilesURL string
returnMissingImageTile404 bool
rootURL *url.URL
errorWriter io.Writer
// New returns a new ServiceSet.
// If no ServiceSetConfig is provided, the service is initialized with default
// values of ServiceSetConfig.
func New(cfg *ServiceSetConfig) (*ServiceSet, error) {
if cfg == nil {
cfg = &ServiceSetConfig{}
s := &ServiceSet{
tilesets: make(map[string]*Tileset),
enableServiceList: cfg.EnableServiceList,
enableTileJSON: cfg.EnableTileJSON,
enablePreview: cfg.EnablePreview,
enableArcGIS: cfg.EnableArcGIS,
basemapStyleURL: cfg.BasemapStyleURL,
basemapTilesURL: cfg.BasemapTilesURL,
returnMissingImageTile404: cfg.ReturnMissingImageTile404,
rootURL: cfg.RootURL,
errorWriter: cfg.ErrorWriter,
return s, nil
// AddTileset adds a single tileset identified by idGenerator using the filename.
// If a service already exists with that ID, an error is returned.
func (s *ServiceSet) AddTileset(filename, id string) error {
if _, ok := s.tilesets[id]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Tileset already exists for ID: %q", id)
path := s.rootURL.Path + "/" + id
ts, err := newTileset(s, filename, id, path)
if err != nil {
return err
s.tilesets[id] = ts
return nil
// UpdateTileset reloads the Tileset identified by id, if it already exists.
// Otherwise, this returns an error.
// Any errors encountered updating the Tileset are returned.
func (s *ServiceSet) UpdateTileset(id string) error {
ts, ok := s.tilesets[id]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Tileset does not exist with ID: %q", id)
err := ts.reload()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RemoveTileset removes the Tileset and closes the associated mbtiles file
// identified by id, if it already exists.
// If it does not exist, this returns without error.
// Any errors encountered removing the Tileset are returned.
func (s *ServiceSet) RemoveTileset(id string) error {
ts, ok := s.tilesets[id]
if !ok {
return nil
err := ts.delete()
if err != nil {
return err
// remove from tilesets and router
delete(s.tilesets, id)
return nil
// LockTileset sets a write mutex on the tileset to block reads while this
// tileset is being updated.
// This is ignored if the tileset does not exist.
func (s *ServiceSet) LockTileset(id string) {
ts, ok := s.tilesets[id]
if !ok || ts == nil {
ts.locked = true
// UnlockTileset removes the write mutex on the tileset.
// This is ignored if the tileset does not exist.
func (s *ServiceSet) UnlockTileset(id string) {
ts, ok := s.tilesets[id]
if !ok || ts == nil {
ts.locked = false
// HasTileset returns true if the tileset identified by id exists within this
// ServiceSet.
func (s *ServiceSet) HasTileset(id string) bool {
if _, ok := s.tilesets[id]; ok {
return true
return false
// Size returns the number of tilesets in this ServiceSet
func (s *ServiceSet) Size() int {
return len(s.tilesets)
// ServiceInfo provides basic information about the service.
type ServiceInfo struct {
ImageType string `json:"imageType"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Name string `json:"name"`
// logError writes to the configured ServiceSet.errorWriter if available
// or the standard logger otherwise.
func (s *ServiceSet) logError(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if s.errorWriter != nil {
s.errorWriter.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)))
} else {
log.Printf(format, args...)
// serviceListHandler is an http.HandlerFunc that provides a listing of all
// published services in this ServiceSet
func (s *ServiceSet) serviceListHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
rootURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", scheme(r), getRequestHost(r), r.URL)
services := []ServiceInfo{}
// sort ids alpabetically
var ids []string
for id := range s.tilesets {
ids = append(ids, id)
for _, id := range ids {
ts := s.tilesets[id]
services = append(services, ServiceInfo{
ImageType: ts.tileFormatString(),
URL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", rootURL, id),
Name: ts.name,
bytes, err := json.Marshal(services)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError)
s.logError("Error marshalling service list JSON for %v: %v", r.URL.Path, err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
_, err = w.Write(bytes)
if err != nil {
s.logError("Error writing service list content: %v", err)
// tilesetHandler is an http.HandlerFunc that handles a given tileset
// and associated subpaths
func (s *ServiceSet) tilesetHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := s.IDFromURLPath((r.URL.Path))
if id == "" {
http.Error(w, "404 page not found", http.StatusNotFound)
s.tilesets[id].router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// IDFromURLPath extracts a tileset ID from a URL Path.
// If no valid ID is found, a blank string is returned.
func (s *ServiceSet) IDFromURLPath(id string) string {
root := s.rootURL.Path + "/"
if strings.HasPrefix(id, root) {
id = strings.TrimPrefix(id, root)
// test exact match first
if _, ok := s.tilesets[id]; ok {
return id
// Split on /tiles/ and /map/ and trim /map
i := strings.LastIndex(id, "/tiles/")
if i != -1 {
id = id[:i]
} else if s.enablePreview {
id = strings.TrimSuffix(id, "/map")
i = strings.LastIndex(id, "/map/")
if i != -1 {
id = id[:i]
} else if s.enableArcGIS && strings.HasPrefix(id, ArcGISServicesRoot) {
id = strings.TrimPrefix(id, ArcGISServicesRoot)
// MapServer should be a reserved word, so should be OK to split on it
id = strings.Split(id, "/MapServer")[0]
} else {
// not on a subpath of service roots, so no id
return ""
// make sure tileset exists
if _, ok := s.tilesets[id]; ok {
return id
return ""
// Handler returns a http.Handler that serves the endpoints of the ServiceSet.
// The function ef is called with any occurring error if it is non-nil, so it
// can be used for e.g. logging with logging facilities of the caller.
func (s *ServiceSet) Handler() http.Handler {
m := http.NewServeMux()
root := s.rootURL.Path + "/"
// Route requests at the tileset or subpath to the corresponding tileset
m.HandleFunc(root, s.tilesetHandler)
if s.enableServiceList {
m.HandleFunc(s.rootURL.Path, s.serviceListHandler)
} else {
m.Handle(s.rootURL.Path, http.NotFoundHandler())
if s.enableArcGIS {
m.HandleFunc(ArcGISInfoRoot, s.arcgisInfoHandler)
m.HandleFunc(ArcGISServicesRoot, s.tilesetHandler)
} else {
m.Handle(ArcGISRoot, http.NotFoundHandler())
return m
// getRequestHost returns the value of the X-Forwarded-Host header if set, otherwise
// the request Host value
func getRequestHost(r *http.Request) string {
host := r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Host")
if host != "" {
return host
return r.Host